Looking for Clever and Conniving Female (M for F)

Started by Lrrr, March 17, 2014, 10:32:30 PM

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A wonderful writing partner and I had a lovely story going but alas, it fell prey to circumstances beyond our control and was put on the shelf.  My partner has graciously allowed me to post this request for a new partner although she was the original author of the story (thank you so much my dear).

I've let the story idea sit idle for a bit, but it refuses to release its hold on my imagination.  Given the tenacity with which it clings to my thoughts, it seems only fitting to give it another chance.  Either that, or have a lobotomy - and believe me, there are days when ...  Never mind.

It's easier for me to point you to the partial story we created than summarize the plot, but that would be the lazy way out.  And I'm kind of lazy.  So here is a link to the original story.

I'm not that lazy however, so I've also included a brief plot summary:

My character has wanted to be a high school teacher as long as he can remember.  Instead, he married his high school sweetheart right after graduation and they struggled for years to make ends meet after starting a family.  Despite the financial difficulties, they were happy together and saw their family grow to include four wonderful children.  Since their high school graduation, he took night classes off and on to obtain his teaching certification for high school history, but he was forty years old by the time he finally obtained it.

Meanwhile, a female high school senior (your character) has developed an obsession to seduce an older married teacher, and she's set her sights on my character.  She plans and executes a series of seemingly innocent activities designed to gradually compromise him.  Does she succeed?  If she does, what happens to the two of them?

I would love to find a creative writing partner who wants to play the scheming female student.  Of course you would be free to create your own version of the female character to fit the plot.  Out of respect for my original writing partner, I must insist that you not clone the original female character.  For a creative writer, that would not be your choice anyway, but I mention it here explicitly as it's an issue that is non-negotiable.

Please send me a PM if you are interested.  I have plenty of posts for you to evaluate my writing skills, and all the other necessary information you need should be in my profile, O/Os, etc.  I do hope to find a female writer interested in this story.  It was great fun to work on and write, and I am most enthusiastic to work out any plot or character changes that might better suit a new partner.

I should note that this story will require some creativity unless you already have experience seducing your high school teachers.  In that case, experience may substitute for creativity, but I would prefer the source of your inspiration remain with you.   ;)

Hope to hear from you soon!  Toodles.   :-)

If I've been online here on E but I haven't replied to your post or message, there are several possible reasons - none of which involve ignoring you.  Be patient - I'm worth it.
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