Bartimaeus Trilogy Roleplay

Started by ReduxRed, February 25, 2014, 07:55:51 AM

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I find it an unappreciated book series to be honest, but for those who do know of it, let's roleplay!
To avoid spoilers I'd like to set it in the past, but I can't decide where. Japan would be interesting because it's never really mentioned. North America would also be cool because of their spirit beliefs and whatnot. Ireland would be fun as well, if it were set back in pagan times. Or because Egypt is actually developed on, we could start there, but away from the story stuff.

Anyone up for it? Ideas?


I'm definitely in! I don't particularly mind the setting so long as it's prior to the events of the actual story. Also is it all original characters or not? Wouldn't really want a Bartimaeus growing too fond of anyone pre-Ptolemy!


ALL ORIGINAL. Shall I make a profile sheet or you? ;p Shall we roleplay as both magician and spirit or as only one?


Great! Sure fire up a profile sheet so. May as well have one as magician and one as the demon, it will make it far more interesting  :P


True, but just means 'twould be more like the books than an original roleplay, we need a primary goal and also we need to choose the setting. You decide what time and- OH WAIT. K3Y, Let's do Edo era of Japan. C'mon, Ronan, Ninja, Samurai!! Also your bedamned gender restrictions ;p


Power Level (;p )


Name: (Alias)
First Summoning:

Add or subtract what you see fit. Choose one.


Ok I've a demon character drawn up. We're setting this in Ireland around the time of the Irish War of Independence. Anyone else interested in joining pm Red or myself. If you're unapproved feel free to post here.  ;D


IRA and Magic, what could possibly go wrong? Woo!



This series has long been one of my favourite little universe-concepts, and one which I've returned to read over and over again. If this is something which is still active, I'd love to know more, and to have the chance to join in in a demon role, though I'm happy to wait until approval comes in if necessary!

Much kudos on the direction you're taking it in, I look forward to seeing the world being re-seen through the lens of that particular conflict,



Oh! I love Barty! :D And I love Ireland! Its one of my all time favourite settings, what with the tie ins to legends and myths!

I know I'm unapproved, but I'm sure that won't be for too much longer. Hopefully!

Would I be able to join in either now, through the thread, or through the PM when/if I get accepted? I would love to play a djinni! Or would you prefer a magician or commoner?