Inkidu's Taboos [Mul] Semi-constantly updated!

Started by Inkidu, August 09, 2008, 10:27:38 AM

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Welcome to the one stop spot to find all of my current role playing urges. Feel free to browse and leave comments. Please PM me with any of my ideas that interest you or any idea of your own.

A little info about me. Stuff you might not find in my O's and O's (Because I've not updated it in God knows how long.)

I'm a switch. Not necessarily out of any curiosity but I just have my phases. I tend to lead toward the submissive.

I have no AIM or YIM that kind of kills the point of coming to E, doesn't it?

I'm a literate role player. I'm not a total nazi but I like my you to be spelled that way. This includes propositioning me for role plays. Make it look good and neat please.

If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


I now crossgender role play. See ons and offs for more detail.


I'm almost always up for anything in this genre. I really want to do this.

anthropomorph/human slave
Fallen angel/ human slave




Star Wars
Alien female/abducted male
Crash landed human on alien planet
Space prisoners


Mage/ enslaved demon
Two mages
Buteos (Winged humanoid)/ human male
Valkyrie/ human warrior
pirates (Arg!) Sea or sky!


Exchange student/ student (University)
Nurse/ patient
Police woman/ offender
Female boss/ employee.
Guy/ Bind girl.


Feel free to mix and match as necessary. Just post or pm. My limits are in my sig.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.



The Rich Girl: :TAKEN:

In an alternate reality not unlike this one men are a rarity and luxury item to be afforded by the upper crust of society. The outlets in which men can be purchased are varied. There are retailers that specialize in training the men to meat the needs of the buyer, and then there are those that specialize in more of a "free-range" type of slave. Highly illegal and lucrative. There are laws prohibiting untrained men into domestic areas. Otherwise society is just as advanced, maybe a little higher on the medical technology (No STDs or unwanted pregnancies) society for the middle-class and lower-class worker are pretty much the same. It's the social ideology of the upper-class. The idea of having men as pets and showpieces. Competitions, socials, shows. These are the entertainments the high-class woman seeks in this day and age.

So the story is about this rich girl who goes out with a check from mother to buy her first little pet. She would be around eighteen to twenty-three or so. It's negotiable. Where they live could be negotiable. City penthouse suit, Cuban Mansion, etc. It would prefer to play a "free-range" slave. In need of training, but I could play a neat little one as well. There would be day to day life, shows, socials that sort of thing, stuff I mentioned earlier. Feel free to talk it out with me.

Rating: [Bon-H] at the least to [NC-H] at the most. (Depends on whether or not my character is "free-range" or not.)
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


More Plots!

Universalis: (I have a craving for a high adventure sci-fi thing. :D) :TAKEN:

Earth became a unified in 2203, it didn't manage extra-solar flight until 2380. Spurred by huge population booms and a sense of fascination with space since the 1970s. Now humans from the third planet from the sun decided to branch out. Cartographer crews were sent out and humanity claimed the Horse-Head Nebula and Perseus arm of the Milky Way.

2400 and humanity made contact with the rest of the galaxy which had already set up some kind of tribunal or republic by human reckoning. Human explorers documented over two hundred species and nine hundred different languages or dialects. The hub of the Milky Way society seemed to be set around a place humans dub the Deuteronomy Belt. A area of space that was devoid of nearly anything, but a binary star system and five large contraptions later found to be ancient gravity generators that cleared everything out of the belt except for each race's embassy station. Needless to say, humanity began construction on it's own embassy soon after.

2553, with another jump in technology true faster-than light-travel is now possible for the humans. Which despite years of trying to acclimate to galactic society they are treated with cold disdain to  outright racism. Also despite what the Galactic Commonwealth says the galaxy remains almost completely lawless. Slavery and unsavory mercenary groups run rampart. Organized crime, and war is often rampart in the darkness.

(Now for the actual role play. Damn my need for a working universe! :D)

I want to play a human bounty hunter, or some character of some delightfully "Gray personality" who stumbles across some high priestess of an alien religion striving to find the center of all the universe. A slave market, slave ship, wins in a card game it can be discussed. Then they go off searching for it inadvertently, and to my character's disdain.

-I can come up with your alien race, but I'd prefer you do it. Try not to pick anything with blatant cat ears and or tails. I'm in a few of those kind of role plays.

-She is an alien and at first will be very... well bigotry or even racist to my character. She might even expect some kind of special treatment. (After all he might win her in a card game but she's a [insert alien race here] and is far beyond a human.

[Mul] Mostly [Van] but could have elements of [NC-E] as well. Open to discussion.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Mr. Sandman

I want to do something with a ghost.

So here it is.
A single mom (late thirties older forties, still very youthful and alive for her age.) and her teenage daughter (Sixteen or so.) move to an old mansion in a Louisiana bayou. Getting it for a steal. (Federal auction or the like.) and find it's in great shape, it had been restored but bankrupted the financier.

It's a three level house with a basement recreation room and pool. The bedrooms are on the second floor with an attic and the works. Neither wants to look a gift horse in the mouth so they move in right away. There is a third tenant, the ghost. Not a violent ghost but he has... personal space issues.

They can't see him unless they're looking into a mirror with a silver backing (as opposed to the regular painted ones.) He can't speak to them unless he opens a book or cuts on the radio and they have to get the message.

The ghost can inter into there dreams and then they can see and hear him...

He can touch them whether they're awake or asleep however.

(Questions pm me please!)
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Grand Arbiter :TAKEN:

The Grand Arbiter of the Ulec Empire is old and dying and many of the senators want to usurp his son from the throne. In doing so they would rule the world. The Prince Arbiter is away finalizing the treaty with what was once the last free nation on the planet. The Moni-Kai the warrior race of a small cluster of islands in the south. It was futile though. The Ulec from the frozen north with their airships and cannons defeated any opposition. The sword no matter how sacred was no match for the lever-action rifle, it would seem. The Moni-Kai resent the occupation on general principle but they were able to retain their cultural freedom, and become a client state of the Ulecs.

With a cadre of airships the prince is occupying the capital of the Moni-Kai monarchy. Having led the offensive he has become infatuated with the king's daughter. She is to go with him to the Ulecs and marry him. To much disdain of his own people. The golden-yellow skin, almond eyes, and black and bleach blond hair are treated with bigotry and even racism. The princess's younger brother hates this and wants to cause a revolt but he needs time and allies...


(This is my first real sociopolitical role play so it's an experiment. So don't feel afraid to ask for the background if you want. I can give you all of it. In bits and pieces of course.)

Setting: Steampunkish a little more steam and castle a little less punk. More antebellum American Civil War Southern than Victorian but there's some of that; Tone down the skirts and frills and make them show a little more curve and you've got it. That's the Ulec part of it at least.

The Moni-Kai are mongoloid (If it wasn't obvious.) Think tribal Pre-China Japan and you've got that part of it. Though they live on a tropical archipelago so there hair gets bleached in streaks and their skin tans.

So the only two conditions to looks for the princess are mongoloid and muscular (She's a warrioress after all. Not overly muscular but a lot of tone would be ideal.) The rest of what she looks like is up to the taker.

To make up for that the princess's motivations are her own. She can hate being taken and try to escape. She can be excited about going to see the world. She could love him just as much. Whatever the taker wants. Full freedom.

I'm thinking [Van] or [Bon] at the most. Not really looking for non consensual. PM me please.

Her Right Hand

The Angel of Death has to pick out a new "Scythe" every few centuries, she's used an actual scythe but nothing is better than the best assassin in the world. And if that assassin is a man? All the better. She sends him out to sow death wherever it's needed. America, China, the Middle East? It doesn't matter she sends her beloved pet off to do what she needs done.
If her "Scythe" survives the extensive training and needs of the Angel then well he becomes her Right Hand.

She's very demanding.

Info: As the Angel of Death she looks like any woman at any time. The role play has her doing what she does. We can do the training or we can skip right to the missions.

[Van] to [NC-H]

Plato's Lie

In 2503 mankind shot out to every arm of the Milky Way. They became the sole being in the galaxy. Now there was nothing for it to do but strain under it's own weight. In 3452 the Earth United Authority gave way and the Alliance of Free Colonies was born. Now the EUA and AFC pitch the whole of the galaxy into heated war.

The EUA or the loyalists are a Platocracy a form of government derived from Plato's The Republic in short the elite elect the elite. The military also has returned to the old "gentleman's style". However, Plato's Republic showed another concept. One that would aid the EUA in this heated conflict. Clones. Mass produced, ideal soldiers to fill the ranks of the few arms that are still loyal to Earth.

Most clones are neurally programmed to think they're natural-born. They can stand next to one of their synthetic brethren and not tell the difference or wonder why they're the only natural born enlisted who mops decks and moves cargo.


However, there are agenda's in the EUA and people who need things done, off the record. Joint Chief Theodore D'Lenal is one of those people. Before his death, and passing this info off to his successor he had a special clone made. Erica Stowe, Master Sargent in the EUA marines. A black ops commando. She runs faster, is stronger, aims surer, is killing perfection. She's not like any other clone in look or skill.

Info: This story focuses on the black-ops of Erica and her "handler" a Lieutenant Commander, natural born man. Who's there to make sure she never figures out Plato's little white lie. However, she finds out romance ensues.

[UN] on the sexual content but there is pretty grim material otherwise.   

A Force of Nature

The desert nation of Serrias has the strangest army ever seen in the world. The women of the nation, a select few, can channel spirits of the elements and nature. Fire, water, earth, wind, metal, wood, light, and shadow. A unstoppable empire seeks to make Serrias it's own, and violate the sacred maiden's to exploit their tremendous power to enslave the world.

A young girl is about to get a very special spirit. One the world hasn't seen for over two thousand years. One that has slipped from the dusty annals of history. However, the aggressive empire wouldn't wait. They soon march through her town and raze it to the ground. Forcing the girl to try and control this terrific spirit of hers and save her race.

Info: Formulaic I know, but lets see if we can't run with it and flesh it out of formula. :D

Still the Serrians are a desrt people. They have thick lashes that act like dust guards and cut sun glare. They're typically black or blond haired. Can be both. They have dwellings half underground to keep cool. They were thing gauzy clothing and each city or town is built around an oasis.

I will be playing the spirit. He is a surprise. Can talk about the rating more as well as any anthropological needs. :)

Faerie Tricks

The young queen of the faeries, flighty things they are, is looking for a new interesting something. Bored to hell shes flutters out into the world of man to find something to do. Unfortunately, that's harder than it first appears. Most people don't bother to ponder on faeries and they certainly believe they exist. Well that won't do at all. She finally gets the attention of a human male probably a young one. Well she does what faeries like to do. Trick and riddle. They get into a little bet. If he wins she leaves him alone after getting a wish; if he loses she can work her faerie magic on him. She doesn't say this.. but that's a faerie.

Information: Shakespearean faeries. Little things maybe six inches high. He looses the game. She is a queen so she acts mature for a faerie... basically the idea is he becomes her new little toy to show off to the other faeries. She shrinks him with her magic obviously. Oh, and it's modern.

Green Eyes

In the year twenty one forty-five the world was reorganized under the banner of the World Order. Not much has changed country wise but the teachings of the World Order accept slavery and indentured servitude are common practice amongst the upper class. These slaves aren't often treated well despite how much is paid for them. They're considered commodities, and disposable.

Enter Green Eyes, a pretty slave around her late teens early twenties who ran away from her master, who was going to just abandon her on the street. She was hurt in escaping and found by a middle class guy and taken in. Unfortunately, she was muted. A common practice where the vocal cords are severed with laser surgery because good slaves are seen and never heard. The young man feels compelled to take care of her, but being a slave is all she knows so she often defaults to that behavior, but that wasn't all Green Eyes was trained to be. Slave fighting is a common, highly-illegal practice. So she would have been a fighter for her old master as well.

Info: The slave thinks she's now the young man's slave. This role play can work where I can play her old and new master. The new master in the here-and-now, old master in some flashback scenes or those could be alluded too if abuse isn't on the table. The only physical trait required of the slave is that she has green eyes. Some things can be changed up. Just drop me a PM.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Hey there!  I would love to do your rp, "Payment where Payment is Due".  It looks like fun.


Quote from: Inkidu on August 09, 2008, 10:31:34 AM
Divine Intervention: Samuel Paul Blackthorne, is the best detective in Palmonte City. He has lived through more raids and gang shootouts than any man should. Every time he gets shot, stabbed, or beaten. He never seems to meet his end no matter how many times he tempts the grim jaws of fate. Samuel seems to come out smelling like roses. Bullets graze instead of slice a jugular. When a gangbanger shanks him it always misses the organs.
What makes him so lucky in his ruthless pursuit to bring down the city's worst of the worst? Samuel Blackthorne has a guardian angel. She looks on from heaven or in disguise on earth. Secretly aiding him, even though it's against the Law of Heaven. She had grown fond of him over the years and blindly tries to keep him from getting hurt and keeping her secret from being found out in heaven.

Me: Samuel Blackthorne, Partner (Per: Female): Angel [Hetero] Van
I'd like to try this. Looks like fun.  ;)


Snow Blind and How Freudian both look like great fun.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Jul 6) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Ooo looks like someone has been influenced by Final Fantasy VIII???

I'm interested in your Top Student game if you need a partner.

Liquid Nitrogen

While I see someone else is interested in your Top Student plot, if you still need and/or would like someone to do that with, I am DEFINITELY interested in that one. It sounds a lot like something I've had floating around in my head for a couple of weeks...



(Arbitrary line separating old request posts from the new. For Ink's own benefit.)
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


The Rich Girl, Mistress/slave and Master/slave all piqued my interest.
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Updated some general things. Nothing special.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


No new ideas. I'm in a slump. More games please!
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Added "A Force of Nature" 1/28/09 (Has not managed to get the date screwed up on his checks and junk yet :D)
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.

Oreida Wesker

Oooo, Mister Sandman. Bring me a dream. 

-slowly forms a smile.-

Although, Force of Nature looks crispy too... Hmm. I do Mister Sandman with you, in that I'll at least get to play two females to entertain with. What do you say?
Hots and Nots

All my devotion betrayed, I'm no longer afriad.


Long time no talk Inkidu!  I was just glancing around the one on ones when I spotted your thread.  I gotta say, I would love to start up another rp with you, the last one was a lot of fun!  I love your "Force of Nature" idea and I would love to rp it with you!


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.