Zombie Apocalypse Interest Check (CLOSED)

Started by MementoMori, December 24, 2013, 11:12:55 AM

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Frank Reshman

Any word on how the OOC/IC threads are coming or when they'll be set up?  I'm from Wisconsin, so I'm shut in all day :P


Hi everyone,

My sincerest apologies for my absence. A hard diagnosis in RL for my family has limited my ability to post anything, and my ability to do so in the future will be restricted as well. Because of this I don't feel comfortable continuing with the creation of this thread. You all are more than welcome to move forward if you'd like and take the basis I've developed. I would even be willing to move the character sheets/info here to an OOC board for you. I just feel that I won't have the time to read/respond to a large group RP like this one. That being said, if any of you are interested in 1x1 stories I think that I'd be able to continue on/create something new in that fashion if any of you are interested. Again, I deeply apologize for getting all of your hopes up only to back out now.

Best of luck,
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.


Frank Reshman

I hope everything is alright for you!  I was super looking forward to this game, and none of the other games appeal to me so I would very much appreciate it if we could continue this premise, though I can't speak for everyone.


Thanks for the heads up MM. I hope everything works out.

Frank: I'd be up for still writing this if others are interested. I couldn't take on organizing it though.
"Are you crazy, is that your problem?" -Jack Burton


I would be willing to play, but have not the slightest clue as to how to be a GM, so I can't be of any help there. (I have very little group game experience, sorry)

A/a’s updated 10/2/16
All images in signature created by the truly talented and sweet Amelita