I'm thinking of running for the House of Representatives at Age 25

Started by RubySlippers, August 05, 2008, 03:27:48 PM

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Its a few years off but I'm already planning to run for the House of Representatives in my area when I turn 25. Why? Well for the money I plan to run a simple campaign when I run with three basic things in my platform:

1. I promise to be utterly honest in I only want the job for the money and all the perks, thats why all others run and they come out of service with millions of dollars so I want my cut.

2. To send all the pork I can into my district that is my main job to put them first and I want them to be happy so they vote for me again.

3. To vote the way the majority want unless its a security sensitive bill so I will post all the bills up in a short form, the people can vote on-line after registering at my local brick & mortar office and whichever way the votes go I will vote that way. Democracy in action! (I will caveat that for twelve votes a year to trade for favors and power but be honest about that up front, so I get what I want money and power which I can trade to get more pork maybe so everyone wins again.)

I won't give my opponents anything to attack me on unless being too honest is a problem they might say I'm only in this for the money. I'll reply that so are you so why not be honest about it. And since I really don't care about the issues beyond making the majority in my district happy then what is the big deal?

I think it could be the most innovative approach ever tried in politics vote for me because I get what I want, I will send every dollar I can in pork to the district maybe in small requests in most cases but they will add up and I will vote the way the local people want most of the time. Everyone wins.

At least the campaign should be interesting to run and would be grass-roots so I might hit up a local office to get a name before hitting the big time, maybe the City Council?