Sci-fi Drama, Small Group, Free-Form, Interest Check

Started by Cal1496, November 16, 2013, 11:32:17 AM

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Alright, I've had this idea for a while and I just want to see what ya'll think about it. Even if I do get a lot of interest this will take some time to put together because I'm actually thinking this one out. Shocking I know!

First things first, no aliens! Second, no light speed. Third, I'm not numbering every point I make.

The RP will take place within our solar system(kinda) some time in the future. Most likely somewhere around the 28th century. Now I'll let some time pass for the Trekkies to freak out...There we go. But that is the time I'm looking at just because I think it'll take that long or longer for the situation in this RP to happen. Hell, real odds are humans will be dead by then icon_wink.gif

That much time leaves a lot to consider. Cloning, artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, medical science, weapons, all that stuff. Most of this I've already sorted out and to give general idea they are conservative. Clones will most likely have equal rights. A.I. will be outlawed, and genetic manipulation will be common or rare depending on location within the solar system. Oh ya, terrarforming is big in the 28th century. So big that not everyone is under earth control any more. So big in fact that our solar system isn't even the only one with humans in it. This is the main point of the RP.  Many bodies in the solar system have been terrformed to earth norm so that people can live and breath freely.  Some simply have old style stations of them though, usually in the outer systems, too far from the sun.  Many of these are military installations.  Our solar system, the Sol system, isn't as far as we have gotten though.

Humans have traveled to the next closest star other than our sun and terraformed planets within its system to create deep space colonies. The star or rather group of stars is the Alpha Centauri, and the best thing about this group is no one actually knows if planets surround any of them so for the purpose of this RP it will be assumed there are.

The main Plot will be the journey of our crew going to the space station Way Point located in the area between our system the Sol system, and Alpha Centauri.  It was put there by the Terran Empire, the largest of the stately factions within the Sol System, and who we all work for.  The Terran Empire has control over Earth, Luna, Mars, Venus, Callisto, Rhea, Miranda, Pluto and Quaoar.

Mercury and Triton are there own independent states.

The Jupiter Federation is an alliance of Ganymede, Io and Europa.  Each planet elects a persons to represent them, but all resources are shared equally amoung the three colonies. 

The Republic of Saturn Moons is made up of Iapetus, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus and Titan Station.  Though represented by the President, who sits at the head of the Republic in Titam Station, each planet very much runs itself.  Long as the appropriate funds go to the Coalition, all is well.

The Oranos League includes the moons of the planet Uranus. Titania, Oberon, Umbriel and Ariel.  A very military minded area of space, these moons barely trade and are weary of all.  Including each other.

Alpha Centauri list come later once I get at least some interest.  I have a ton more detail, just want see if people would even want to try.