Pitch this GM a game idea!

Started by Creeper, September 12, 2005, 02:49:32 AM

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Ever have a game idea, one that is so awsome, so fantastic that you're grinding your teeth to play it, but your GM doesn't want to run it, or you don't have the time to GM it yourself? Well, it's your lucky day! My ideas (if you can tell from the other thread) didn't really drum up the support needed to justify setting a game up (though BESM gave a good showing), but my fingers are still itchin' to GM something. ANYTHING.

So, how will this work? Simple. Just pitch your idea, and I'll tell you if I'm interested in running the game or not. If 5 other people post their interest in a paticular game, then I'll set it up and we'll all start playing.

There will be a few guidlines to match my paticular style. Take these into consideration while making your pitch.

- None of my games are the kind where the PC is just left in (Insert City/country/spacestation name here) and abandoned by the GM to do what they want. If you don't go looking for The Plot, the Plot will come looking for you. All the plots will be constructed indivdually matching the character's history and goals. If you want your plot to be following a paticular goal or theme, PM me or put it on your character sheet.

-The PC's arn't likely to meet up with each other. Posting will be in individual topics, primarily between GM and PC. I find that the game moves faster when there are just the two people involved. Exceptions can be made, of course. Just PM me about the Character you want to meet, and I'll arrange it.

-Any sex will also be plotted to the player's interests. My own interests will make apperances (tentacles, hermaphrodites, other weird stuff) but none of these will be inflicted on your characters unless you want them. Tickling, bondage, violence, whatever it is, I'll ensure your interests get in your story. The amount of Combat as well, will be plotted to your tastes.

-The setting is mutable. You can conqure the country, lift the Dreadful aeons-old curse, or burn the capital city down. It won't be easy, or done quickly, but it IS possible in my games.

-No entirely reality-based games, please. I play these games to get away from boring real life. Aliens, magic, werewolves, there's gotta be something exotic about it!

-You can pitch a game with a published system. If I posess the system and like it, I'll run it. If I don't, or hate it, I won't. Still need's 6 interested players, though.

So... get to it! I wanna hear your ideas! Wheather it's a setting you've worked on for years, or just a 1-liner! Tell me!
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Back when I lived in London (Ontario folks, not England), me and my friends had a good time playing X-Men Evolution or Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaigns.  We use Fusion system alot for most of our games but you don't have to here.


There's a lot of superhero games going on already, but if there's demand for it I could run another, but I don't have fusion. I'd probably use Mutants and Masterminds, or Aberrant by Whitewolf. Any call for Buffy or X-men?
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Stay away from White Wolf.  Having to roll more dice instead of having a target number is just too much of a hassle.


sounds interesting creeper.  Might i ask what your innitial game was?


Initial game that got the most support was a Comedy BESM game, a parody of Goverment agencys and multi-dimensional hijinks. The characters were over-exceptional humans or beings from other dimensions that got recruited/bribed/blackmailed/threatened into working for a broke Goverment agency who were tasked with cleaning up extra-dimensional messes.

Oh, and I heart White-wolf's systems. There's a sort of pure joy to hurling a ton of dice on a table.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


QuoteThere's a sort of pure joy to hurling a ton of dice on a table.

Lol, well as an occasional craps player, i can appreciate that ;)


Quote from: Cosmo_ac on September 12, 2005, 08:12:54 PM
Lol, well as an occasional craps player, i can appreciate that ;)

Appreciate by pitching an idea! A bunch of other people might find it appealing!
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Well, i just pitched an idea for my own game, so i'm not sure if i have any for you.  To be honest, i'm not much of an experienced gamer, though i do love RPG's and fantasy.  Maybe you should check out my game idea.  ;)


I did check it out. I like the setting, but I hate the system you use for it. No offence ment, of course.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


lol, none taken.  And the system showed in the link i posted was a first draft, so it was a bit rough. Basically, i wanted to create a game that was fairly basic.  I love AD&D setting, but it seems to get so techinical at times.  I just wanted something anybody could pick up relatively easy and play instead of having to learn 180 pages of rules.  hence the name "Battle Basic" :D

From what you've posted below though, you do sound like you might indeed be a fun GM to play for.  a good fantasy RPG i think you'd do well with.  If you do set up a game, i'd be willing to join perhaps.  You could go for a basic 3.5 game, at least i have the book for that, though not overly experienced with it.  Or, you could just do something simple. 


DnD is a bit too complicated for a Forum game. I've found that loose systems work best on pbp games.

In any case I suppose it would be easier to list the systems I do have. I've got DnD 3.5, Exalted (with most of the suppliments), Mage: The Ascension (with most of the suppliments), Demon: The Fallen, New WoD, Mage: the Awakening, Shadowrun 3rd edition, Unknown Armies, BESM 2nd edition, Mutants and Masterminds.

Oh! And a really battered copy of Changeling: The Dreaming.

Of course, I'm still very willing to play Freeform.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


I don't know if this would appeal much to anyone else but how about a game theme similar to the old PS1 Legend of the Dragoon?


I friend of mind showed me that game.  He was pretty far though it at the time so I didn't catch the entire drift, but it did look interesting.


Quote from: Hunter on September 13, 2005, 10:12:10 PM
I don't know if this would appeal much to anyone else but how about a game theme similar to the old PS1 Legend of the Dragoon?

You, Sir, are too beautiful for this world.

I loved that game. I remember playing that game for hours when I first got it. Scared my 21 year old elder brother out of bed by shouting 'GUST OF THE WIND DANCE FUCKERS!' at a paticular boss. I forget which one.

A theme similar, you say? How about a low-magic fantasy world, recovering from a cataclysm so devistating that it slaughtered the Gods.  But there was a problem; gods do not naturally possess a state called 'Death'. How do you slay the sun? How do you shatter the Moon?
The closest thing that they have is the destruction of their Minds. The energy and faith that truely makes up their forms filiters down into Orbs of power, and rained down into the world. Any mortal that finds them slowly gains control of the god's power.

Something like that. System would probably be freeform.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Tee hee.  Why not just go ahead and make the game on that particular theme and characters?  Maybe set a few years later?(dibs on Miranda!)


'Cause I forgot most of the story, and I lost my CDs

Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Too bad.  Count me as interested, though.  ^_^


Oh, my, where to begin! 

Well, since I mentioned it before, Seventh Sea, an excelent system, though you have to stretch it just a little bit before it lends itself to Hentai. 

Mage: The Ascenion, any edition, perhaps with slightly experienced starting charecters.  Not too experienced, maybe free Arete 4 and +10-40 EXP? 

I'd love to play my shinto temple girl/skater girl/martial artist/olympic gymnast/demon hunter Kumiko in a good game with plenty of action and a bit of sexy NC wierdness...  Or more than a bit.  :) 

Changeling: The Dreaming, with some extra EXP would be similiarly awesome. 

A Shape CHangers game for white wolf would be similiarly awesome.  Probably not Werewolf since they run in packs, but a story about a Corax could be fun, they interact with everyone.  What would be extra cool, though it would require a group of five (sentai) would be a Henokai game (set in Japan?) with five difrent shape changing girls out to battle the centepede and getting into really intresting sitations when they lost. 

I'd be intrested in just about any White Wolf game but Vampire.  Vampire's not totaly bad, but I've already got my vampire fix in a GURPS game.  Demon: The Fallen I haven't read, but nor have I forgiven them for replacing Changeling in the line up. 

Exalted rocks beyond all compare.  A high level Exalted game to move Yume into from a game that died would be nice.  BUt on the other hand, I've got a few Exalted venues right now, so other games would be preferable. 

Speaking of other games, one that looked intresting but I never got to play was Dead Lands, the Roll Playing Game of the Wierd, Wierd West.  That would be fun. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Don't have 7th sea, Werewolf, Deadlands, or Vampire (Don't like Vampire).

An Adept-level Mage would be fun, but I doubt you can get much support for it around here. Even less likely with Changeling, but if I get enough interest, I'll run both.

Exalted is, indeed, awsome to the extreme, but I too am in quite a few of those games, and waiting for Zulokitty to start her game.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Since you're doing mostly one on one, could the request be for World of Darkness, systems that the DM enjoys? 

So, someone could play a mage in one part of the world/city, someone else a changeling in another part, someone else a bastet or corax elsewhere? 

Or, fi I misread that and you do want us working together, or at last in the same city woards the same goal, could we be a band of diverse world of darkness being united by a Corax towards mutual goals? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I'm very much into Changeling, by the way. I'd be thrilled to play some- Though I warn you, I typically play Pooka.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Hmm... a multi-genre oWoD game... Yeah, that would most defenatly work. IF we can gather enough other players, of course.
Ons and Offs, yo: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4370.0

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


I have some WoD stuff lying around, but I have no idea of the relative edition of my Changeling stuff.

Which is a shame, since changelings are surprisingly powerful.