The Jean Grey School For Higher Learning ~ 2037

Started by Primarch, June 14, 2013, 01:38:44 PM

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Maybe you could join the new brother hood or something later, Ive always like the femme fatale characters.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Quote from: Batman4560 on June 14, 2013, 10:02:49 PM
Maybe you could join the new brother hood or something later, Ive always like the femme fatale characters.

Love a woman with a little backbone. ;)


I'm not against a Brotherhood faction down the road, but I'd much rather wait until the school is populated and posting regular.


Well I went ahead and bookmarked this threat. I've got two other role plays I'm doing, but am totally interested in doing this, it will be lots of fun. :-)


I hope this picks up, do you have any restrictions on powers?
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Is there a point where nobody cares

Ember Star

Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 14, 2013, 10:28:23 PM
Oh Primarch I had another question.
Strife!!!! *tackles* You and Snickerz both here! This makes me very happy!
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


Quote from: Ember Star on June 14, 2013, 10:40:56 PM
Strife!!!! *tackles* You and Snickerz both here! This makes me very happy!
Do I know Strife?  ???


Is there a point where nobody cares

Ember Star

Quote from: Snickerz on June 14, 2013, 10:44:55 PM
Do I know Strife?  ???
IDK. You might. He was on Moba too.
Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 14, 2013, 10:45:43 PM
Hugs- Hello, Ember. How are you?
Feeling better in general. Which is good. Yay! Though chaos still surrounds me.
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


Quote from: Ember Star on June 14, 2013, 10:49:03 PM
IDK. You might. He was on Moba too. Feeling better in general. Which is good. Yay! Though chaos still surrounds me.

That's why I asked, because I remember there was a strife on moba... I don't think we spoke much though, I would have just seen him on walls of people I knew or what not... May have read any novels he had.... Sorry Strife, not nice to talk about you like you're not right here, just trying to search my memory.


I'm glad Ember. And I don't think I know you snickerz. But I was Dragonknight7 on moba.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Anyone know what kind of powers they are going to have?
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 14, 2013, 10:55:39 PM
I'm glad Ember. And I don't think I know you snickerz. But I was Dragonknight7 on moba.

Name doesn't ring a bell my dear, but I suck with names.. I'm Madam_Meow.... Kitheriana_Katiousa... xXx_Madam_Meow_xXx


Quote from: Batman4560 on June 14, 2013, 10:57:12 PM
Anyone know what kind of powers they are going to have?

That would depend on what x-men you are, or are related to.


Don't think I knew you either lol. Well hi anyway.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 14, 2013, 11:11:45 PM
Don't think I knew you either lol. Well hi anyway.

Oh good, I don't feel so bad. haha. hello.


Is there a point where nobody cares


Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 14, 2013, 11:33:34 PM
No need to. I don't make a big impression.
Not true sir, your a good player and a considerate one as well.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Well thank you for the compliments. I do appreciate it. You're quite the writer yourself.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Status: Stepping away for a while.


Is there a point where nobody cares


Primarch, how many characters are you limiting this to?


I think your in because your avatar is clearly Xmen based.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Quote from: Batman4560 on June 14, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
I hope this picks up, do you have any restrictions on powers?

Well you can ask it here or PM me.

Quote from: Batman4560 on June 14, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
I hope this picks up, do you have any restrictions on powers?

I don't want to start with, bar things like reality warping and time travel I suppose. But if people put me in the situation I'll start restricting things.
Quote from: AribethAmkiir on June 15, 2013, 12:25:40 AM
Primarch, how many characters are you limiting this to?

Not limiting it just yet.