The Roads Less Traveled (Mage the Awakening)

Started by Anon315, May 25, 2013, 11:57:35 PM

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The Roads Less Traveled
Mage: The Awakening

A game set in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA.

How will you find the secret of death, unless you seek it in the heart of life. In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond. Like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.

I'm looking for a few players, 4-6 total but I have 1 so 3-5 additional, to join in a game set in the Hampton Roads / Tidewater area of Virginia / North Carolina, USA. Why there you might ask? Because it's a location I'm familiar with, and is sizable enough to accommodate most character concepts. There are military bases, music venues, and pretty much anything you might like to create.

Basic info: We'll be starting as "experienced" characters, which will be basic characters +35xp. This is to signify that you have done a little something since your awakening and joining your various orders, but not so much as to be really seasoned mages. Character sheets are not required for applications, what I will want is this:

[b]Name:[/b] Who is you?
[b]Sex:[/b] What is you? Not how much you want.
[b]Concept:[/b] How do you think of yourself? How do others refer to you?
[b]Path:[/b] Pick one. Legacies can be considered, but no left-handed paths.
[b]Order:[/b] Pick one. Please. Apostates will be looked on with suspicion.
[b]Virtue/Vice:[/b] From the list in the book.

[b]Physical Description:[/b] What do you look like? What do we see? If we can't reasonably see it, allude, do not list. Leave some things for the imagination, it makes life exciting.

[b]Personality:[/b] How insane are you? Are you a nice person, a vindictive jerk? This will come into play because a group of loners does not make a good group. "Plays well with others" is not a requirement, but "can work toward a common goal" is.

[b]History:[/b] As much or as little as you'd like to share! At least tell me what happened between your awakening and the current time, what has advanced you within the eyes of your order, or however you choose to eventually spend that bonus xp. Exceptional histories, if chosen, might merit additional dots of backgrounds, or circumstantial bonuses.

[b]What I offer to and expect to get out of this game are:[/b] I'm looking for general posting rate, reliability, and what you want from this game. What can I provide to make this game more enjoyable for you? After all, if I only wanted my own enjoyment, I could take care of that. ;)


Well, this is too quite! 

I'm the one he already accepted, here's my character proposal.  I like him, but if someone wants to do a shared history, we could mod him, or I could even try someone else. 

Name: Mike Campbell
Sex:  Male
Concept: “I guess I’m a storyteller who has become his own hero.” 
Path:  Obrimos
Order:  Adamantine Arrow
Virtue/Vice:  Faith/Pride

Physical Description:  Mike is a mocha skinned man, passing tall, with curly hair that he wears in a shoulder length pony tail and a neatly shaped beard.  He favors jeans or khakis, button down shirts—sometimes dressy, others rayon with a sexy anime character on them—and often a leather vest.  He usually wears a trenchcoat over this. 

Personality:  Mike’s a cheerful guy with a youthful sense of humor.  Beneath this, he is deeply spiritual and only partially aware of exactly how dangerous he has become. 

History:  Mike grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, where everyone and his raven has a writing project.  Gamer, anime and cartoon fan, and all around creative person, he shared ideas with his friends and they wound up writing a small mecha comedy with his friends.  After attending junior college, he got up the resources to go to an art school in New York. 

   After finding a promising critique group on line, he wrote and illustrated a series he called, “Righteous Heathen Latrel.”  This featured a mix of super powered martial arts and sci fi.  His protagonist Kevin Latrel—the heir to an ancient school of Kenjutsu who’s students feel a mandate to bring the vengeance of heaven upon the truly evil.  Having been rebels and vigilantes through out most of history, the school was small and bore a bad reputation.  Nonetheless, Kevin joined the star fleet when a reptilian species invaded the allied worlds.  He was captured in action and put in a gladiatorial arena.  After three years he escaped in a stolen long range fighter and crashed on the occupied planet of New Israel.  A slightly isolationist world of largely colonized by Caucasian orthodox jews, Kevin seemed doomed to not fit in, but—by local prophecy—he received a mandate from God to become their protector and lead the rebellion against the alien oppressors. 

   The night after he got an offer of employment from Image comics,  Mike found himself looking in the mirror mounted on his closet and finding Kevin looking back at him.  After a moment, he stepped into his reflection and journeyed to the watchtowers. 

   Since then, he has apprenticed under an old Japanese man named Motoyoshi, earned a pre-Meiji katana, and joined the Adamantine Arrow.  He publishes his comic monthly through Image and makes a respectable living.  As part of his full membership in the Arrow, he has made an oath to defend religious diversity. 

What I offer to and expect to get out of this game are:  Hopefully I won’t be expected to post more than once every day or so!  I hope to have a good game and learn this system and setting better.
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


My first thought is to reuse Natch, but seems like we're already getting quite a few male characters on this.  Not that I have any issue with a game with minimal sexuality if that's what people want to go for.  I'll think on stuff.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on May 26, 2013, 12:34:12 PM
My first thought is to reuse Natch, but seems like we're already getting quite a few male characters on this.  Not that I have any issue with a game with minimal sexuality if that's what people want to go for.  I'll think on stuff.

So far, unless people deleted posts, we have one male character. And I'm open to most anything the group wants.

Marie Reynolds

Name: Alma Brown
Sex: Female
Concept: Well not to brag but I am the Amazing Alma after all
Path:  Thrysus
Order: Silver Ladder
Virtue/Vice: Faith/Lust

Physical Description: Alma has a Short bob hair cut that frames her face with her warm chestnut colored hair. Bright Hazel eyes, Has an athletic body with a healthy set of b cups and it is obvious she spends a great deal of time working out. Her nimbus tends to manifest as the feeling of just being on the cusp of being aroused but only to fade and left feeling teased.
Personality: Alma tends to be very pleasant to be around though sometimes her level of excitement can get on peoples nerves. Alma also tends to be a bit of an adrenaline junky. This is why she has a gone and made a living for herself as an escape artist. She also has a quirk of she does not prefer to use magic very often unless someone needs serious healing.

History: Alma was born between two awakened themselves one a successful business man and a Mastigos Silver Ladder name Jim Brown and Her Mother Janis Addler a  Acanthus Silver Ladder who the daughter took much after her as she was an Escape Artist as well. Though the Marriage between the two end in divorce and the father walked away giving up his custody of his daughter and promptly aside from a pay check wrote himself out. Also Janis Addler was given a Sleepwalker that new of True Magic and raised her alongside her gifted daughter as they worked together as a family Escape artist act. Also to give her daughter a trusted assistant that understood her uniqueness. Almas been known to be quite the peace maker in the consilium though her status in the Ladder might not get very high due to her initiative’s to integrate and accept the ways of the Free council as just as valid as the other orders.

The Awakening: I remember my awakening like it was yesterday, It was the day of my eleventh birthday after the guests left. To be honest I felt nervous all day long cause Mom told me that tonight began my lessons in escapology, When I saw my mom do the tricks it took my breath away but also left me afraid to that I might not be as good and get stuck and the first lesson was to learn to just understand the weight of your freedom rest solely in your hands. My first lesson was to be restrained in away that for me for my first time would cause so much anxiety and fear it sparked something to change in me that very night.

Alice and Mom set to work before I knew it I was trapped in a Canvas prison that made me give myself a hug and so much chains encased my body and then on top of that the rope came out binding me to a wooden kitchen chair and once Mom and Alice stepped back and took their seats on the couch and it sunk in quickly that I was really trapped I began to hyperventilate and thrash about out of control and between shallow breath I begged and begged to be let out. Mom just sat their  and "said you won't be let out till you conquer your anxiety and fear cause if you don't right now you will never make it as an escape artist"

Then at that moment it happened I felt engulfed by a white blue light my body tingling I could see the tower before me just pulsating with the energy of life and in the place with the tower I could see that I was free and with out much thought to it signed my name to the tower  and when I came back to my body I found myself free of the restraints all still done up the locks locked the knots still tied. I felt empowered but I also felt like I cheated Mom just hugged me and brought me to the couch explained to me what happened and that I was now awakened to a bigger world then I ever thought imaginable.

I explained to her that I felt I cheated and I asked my mom to put me back in so I could be sure that I can overcome the fear and anxiety on my own She smiled after you have a snack and some water Mom said and take a rest for a bit cause you just went through a lot. That is how it all happened and I am who I am today I know it s weird that it wasn't all tragedy and scariness like others went through and I get laughed at a bit for it but its alright it was special and I am glad it happened that way.

What I offer to and expect to get out of this game are: With School and all not having a very fast post rate would be awesome. I would love to see a rather social game focused on the inner workings of a Consilium and a focus on them going through their normal lives as well as their Awakened lives. What I can bring to the game is a light hearted touch to a world beset with problems that the wod brings. Also have experience in this game as a member of the Camarilla fan club.


What can we expect theme wise out of this game?  :-)

Serious political intrigue? Spelunking? Sexy fun?

Also Muse, your character is an Obrimos in your sheet/ Do you mind making them Mastigos with different powers? I was thinking of going Obrimos FC Photographer.


  Oh, dear, thorn.  Did I say something misleading? 

  The path with forces and prime is VERY appropriate to him.  (Even though I might refer a different power set for a katana guy.) 

  I certainly don't care if you do a mage with similar powers.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Thorn14 on May 27, 2013, 12:20:50 AM
What can we expect theme wise out of this game?  :-)

Serious political intrigue? Spelunking? Sexy fun?

Also Muse, your character is an Obrimos in your sheet/ Do you mind making them Mastigos with different powers? I was thinking of going Obrimos FC Photographer.
Quote from: Muse on May 27, 2013, 01:11:54 AM
  I certainly don't care if you do a mage with similar powers.  :) 

There will be political tones, you can't have a Mage game without politics rearing its ugly head, I fear. There will be... exploration, less so spelunking. Sexy fun is up to the characters, I'm not one to drive that point home, but if several consenting adult mages want to have that variety of fun I'm not going to naysay it.

As to similar powers / Paths, with 4-6 I can certainly see some overlapping. I was once in a party with 3 Obrimos. One was Forces focused, a mechanic of sorts, he seconded matter. One was Prime focused, a real callback to the Celestial Chorus with some Spiritual leanings, and the third was a pyromaniac, Forces and Prime were his children and he loved them equally. So it's all in how you approach your particular part of the path. But yes Muse, your app says Mastigos, but your sheet was Obrimos last I looked. Mastigos are Mind / Somethin. Space? You could make a good mage of your concept that way too if you like.

Pumpkin Seeds

I am not so familiar with this new style of play, was more familiar with the previous.  I can try to get something pieced together though.  Might need a bit of help.  I do have the main Mage book though for nWoD and so will look over that.  Unfortunately I have a long work stretch coming up.


This is still only partially aspected in my head but figured I'd put down what I have so far.

Name: Orchid
Sex: Female
Concept: Haven't figured out how to put it in words yet.
Path: Moros
Order: Mysterium
Virtue/Vice: From the list in the book.  (Undecided)

Physical Description: What do you look like? What do we see? If we can't reasonably see it, allude, do not list. Leave some things for the imagination, it makes life exciting.  (Will look for a picture that fits my brain)

Personality: Somewhat goth aspected, weird and somewhat grim sense of humor, but hiding a pain within.

History: What's known about Orchid is that she was found Awake in the morgue, where another Moros helped her adjust to her new life and allowed her old life to be married in an unmarked grave.  There are rumors that the attempt was self-inflicted, though no one but her knows for sure.  She's abandoned everything about her old life and taken to the Awakened existence with a new sense of purpose.

What I offer to and expect to get out of this game are: I'm usually good for posting every day and quite often on weekends.  That's most likely faster than most of the others.  I hope for a good story and a chance to explore some mystery.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Marie Reynolds

Hello Pumpkin What kind of help do you need with the character?

Pumpkin Seeds

Thinking a Moros monster hunter type.  Drawing some inspiration from Van Helsing for this one.


Monster Hunter would most likely be Adamantine Arrow.  I'll drop the Moros spot to let you have that.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Pumpkin Seeds

Why hun?  I doubt the pair of them would be delving into the same aspects of the Moros.


Well, I was thinking Death 3 Prime 2 Matter 1.  If you want to go Matter heavy, that can work ^_^
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Pumpkin Seeds

Name: Jennie
Sex: Female
Concept: Monster Hunter
Path: The Adamantine Arrow
Order: Moros
Virtue/Vice: Hope/Wrath

Physical Description: Dangerous is the first word that comes to mind.  The kind of girl that mothers hide from their sons and husbands while fathers pray their daughters don’t walk in those footsteps.  Pale of skin with predatory eyes she seems like a creature of the night.  Hair darker than twilight falls down to her shoulders while lips of painted blood curl back in a wicked smile that promises thrills no one else can provide.  Through and through she is the hunter and that sort of feeling is one that everyone around her can feel.

Personality: Most would consider her an angry woman, she would say determined.  Some might whisper behind her back about her methods being dishonorable and corrupt, but she would just call them effective and efficient.  At a young age she learned that what the world sees is not always what is there.  From their perceptions about her father’s sanity to the mysterious disappearances of hikers, she knows that the outside world is often wrong.  So her view point of others is often short and cynical.  Though at her core she does believe that people are genuinely good and that in their hearts people can rise above the shackles of this world.  Jennie holds her hope close, turning a sharp tongue to the world in the hopes she is proven wrong one day.

History: They called him Mad Martigan or sometimes just Mad Marty for short.  Nobody ever left off the mad part because when you talk to walls, people sort of think you are mad.  Me?  I called him Dad but that was more a term of endearment and wishing on my part than any actual inclination of his.  He feed me, clothed me and kept me safe at night.  That was more than my own parents did so he got the job of Dad.  Whether he appreciated the title or not I’ll never know.  Anyway, he was Mad Martigan and my Dad whether the world approved or not.  He wasn’t really mad though, at least not the way people think.  He really did see things in the walls and really did see shadows move in the night.  Far as I can tell the old man really was a Hunter and he really knew how to stir up some shit.

He taught me things as he moved from vacant house to vacant house.  I learned how to start a fire with rocks when only a girl and learned how to hop onto a moving train when little more than a teenager.  He taught me to throw a mean right cross and to shoot straight under pressure.  I learned how to watch people for signs of the supernatural and learned how to make protections against things that stalked the edge of our vision.  The old man set me on the path to be a Hunter like him, but Fate had other things in mind I suppose.  Remember how I said he could stir up some shit?  Yeah he stirred up a whole heap’n help’n one night with some vampires outside Memphis.  He didn’t see them coming and we were face down before anyone knew what was happening.

Blood suckers sure can kiss I have to give them that.  Felt good to just let go, to die.  Fangs were set in place and I was on my way out.  Such a great way to go, just a blissful way into peace and death.  Never felt anything like that before or since.  I can see where the appeal of dying to a vampire comes from but of course I wasn’t quite ready to give up on life just yet.  Fate also wasn’t done with me just yet and so as I lay dying, the world around me changed into something I can’t describe.  Time must have slowed between that infinite place of worlds because when I came to the damned blood sucker was still finishing the job.  Mad Martigan had stood up then and was ready for a fight.  I was ready to join him and the night came to light then as we let loose with our cannons.  Too bad the old man didn’t make the dawn, but he went down full of piss and vinegar.  He called me his daughter when he finally saw the sun rise, dying in my arms. 

Soon after that came Fruit Cake.  I call him that not cause he’s fruity, which he is but ya know to each their own, but cause he’s like Fruit Cake at Christmas time.  Nobody wants him around and regifts him soon as sees him.  Of course I got stuck with his fruity ass for a long while.  Can’t say Fate don’t have a sense of humor.  Now don’t get me wrong, Fruit Cake knew a lot about all sorts of things.  So he taught me well and by then I was ready to listen.  Somehow finding out death isn’t so far away makes those ears perk up like a hound dog on a scent.  Plus I had a bone to pick with a few people that wandered the dark corners of this world and was itching for a fight.  See’n as how I got these brand new weapons to use I figured Fruit Cake would show me how to pull the trigger.

Eventually we both got tired of each other.  I never liked him from the start and I’m guessing the feeling was mutual.  Seems my target practice was disturbing his study time.  Guess’n some of us are about the books and some of us are about gett’n things done.  So I walked out after I learned what I needed to learn.  Got myself good and clear of him before he decided that he was gonna get things done all over me.  I never said Fruit Cake wasn’t dangerous, just a Fruit Cake.  So I hopped a train and let the Fates have their way with me again.  Followed the tracks all the way up to Virginia.  Reckon they needed my help up there or else they’d have sent me somewhere else.  So I setup shop there.

What I offer to and expect to get out of this game are: I can be a little slow especially when works picks up.  I consider myself pretty reliable and am usually among the last to go from a game and one of the first to push for the game to pick back up.  As for what I offer, I'd like to think my writing and creativity are assets to a game I join.  Aside from that I am more than willing to learn and pretty adaptable to what the group requires.  I do put a good deal of research into my writing in the hopes of authenticity, but do make creative sacrifices for the sake of fun.


I like what I'm seeing so far, especially in the "people helping eachother out" aspect. You fearless ST has worked for the last 39 hours with only two meal breaks and 4 hours of sleep. He is exhausted and losing his tenuous grasp on sanity, and as this is not a Call of Cthulhu game, that's not a bonus. I will sleep and have more relevant replies to those already posting in several hours. Side note again: Two people can be the same path. This isn't like an Exalted or a D&D where we have roles. Your role is "I want to have a fun character", and a bonus is "I can work with a team, or at least alongside other people if I have to". This is the World of Darkness. It is a horror movie. You split the party, you say things like "I'll be right back", that is a challenge to your ST. The Dice Gods themselves help you if you are foolish enough to ask that dreaded question or its variants such as "What else could go wrong?"

World of Darkness. Bad things. Not world of fluffy cuddly bunnies. That having been said, it's not all horrible and depressing, it's just... gritty. Like if all the cops in NYC just suddenly stopped caring. Or given that we're in Hampton Roads (Which I encourage you to find a location within to call 'home', if you need help ask me), if all the cops stopped caring about sections of Newport News or Hampton. Like the bad parts of Gotham, maybe, if you're film inclined.

Again, sleeping now, replies later. Good work so far. Pumpkin if you need help and Marie isn't available, drop a line.


Hey, i just found this thread.  Love Awakening.  Used to LARP it. 

Im thinking Acanthus Free Council Researchy type?  Try to help round out that Blessed Cabal

Marie Reynolds

Yay a free council member now just need the crazy secret police religious zealots to show up and we have collected all the paths.


no we need a Mastigos for all the paths...

Pumpkin Seeds

Hey Andy, maybe we can have a shared history through "Fruit Cake."


Thinking on it.  Creativity's been kinda mean lately so I've been slow to do that aspect of stuff of late.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Marie Reynolds

Is there anything I could do to help Andy and break the creative block.


My recommendation, as always, is to read the book. Specifically the paths. They have some fun ideas in there. Once you have an inkling of an idea, see how that could fit into our setting. Once that happens, it's basically just expanding the idea with minutiae.