Lets play a game.

Started by Vengurd, March 25, 2013, 03:12:42 AM

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Hey there, whats up, hows it going, top of the morning, bunion rolls and blankets.

   Greetings and Salutations!

This is an interest check for now, if I can get at least two or three people interested this will turn into an ooc topic. That said, here is the idea a quick introduction to my idea.

I have recently been reading a number of different time travel series and want to try my hand at it with a few companions; We pick a place, any place and pick a town, either fictional or not, decide the population and what sort of technology as well as what year it is, then implant the town to another place at another time. My first thought is a town of thirty or fourty thousand with all the bonuses of modern day technology and putting it somewhere in Europe or Asia during the infancy of the Roman Empire.

That is all I have for the moment, I would really prefer having a few more ideas tossed in here to really flesh out the idea. I do know that I want the direction to be primarily militaristic with politics and science to be close seconds.