Interest Check: Mind Games (Party Game, Hypno)

Started by Top Cat, February 23, 2013, 12:54:06 AM

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Top Cat

I wrote a story shortly before joining E...

Okay, that's not entirely true. I wrote 2/3 of a story before joining E, and I haven't yet finished it. However, I think it's an interesting idea to try to role-play. The essence of it is that there's an electronic party game device that plays rounds of fairly typical party games. And when a round is won, the winner gets to tell the losers something to do... and the device makes them do it. None of the players know that it's a mind-control device to start with, but as they see the other players doing things that they might not otherwise do... they can figure it out.

There's more to it than that, and if there's enough interest, I'll expand on the rules of the game. I'd like to get an entire RP going around it.

The story in question: Link to Ellliquy thread
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.