Mass Effect AU/Alternate Timeline Game

Started by Cold Heritage, December 26, 2012, 09:14:09 PM

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Cold Heritage

I was inspired to make this after reading Miyr's thread, and thinking on different ideas. The ideas that she and others had there are very good, but I want something different.

Since this is Elliquiy, I'll get this out of the way first: this isn't a game intended to be a plotless sex romp. If there is sexual content, it should be something that derives from what goes on in the role-play between two characters. And as much I love Jack, and how you could call Mass Effect DAT ASS Effect when Miranda's on camera, I don't want someone strutting around wearing nothing at all or being gratuitously fan service-y. We don't need scale-itch aboard the ship. The game is probably going to be set in Light: Exotic Small Groups.

With that out of the way, what I had in mind was the story of the super force of space explorers, specially trained and sent by the Alliance to bring back Shepard, Defender of the Universe! an alternate universe/timeline that diverges after the events of Mass Effect 1. Commander Shepard took down Sovereign and his minions and the Battle of the Citadel was a hard fought victory that was won by the sacrifices of many, not the least of which includes various Alliance ships. Afterwards, Shepard and the Normandy are sent out to mop up Geth resistance that fled after Sovereign's defeat. However, instead of meeting up with the Collector ship, Shepard instead discovers human colonies going missing. Although it is initially written off as the work of pirates and slavers, Shepard investigates further, discovering evidence of indoctrinated forces being responsible. This information is sent back to the Council and Alliance command, with mixed reception. The Council is disinclined to believe Shepard's evidence proves the existence of the Reapers, and intends to go ahead with the assumption that Sovereign is a - hopefully - singular Geth construct. Some within the ranks of the Spectres - i.e. player characters - may believe this evidence, however, and wish to employ their broad mandate to investigate, offering to work hand in hand with the Alliance, who have chosen not only to believe Shepard's intelligence, but to send a team of highly trained specialists to back the Commander up. It might also be conceivable that the special forces of various Council Races want in on this, and are willing to go behind the back of their Councilor to trade intel in exchange for being privy to what the Alliance learns and getting their people aboard (say, a Salarian Special Tasks Group operative). However, while the preparations are being made, contact with the Normandy is lost, and finding out what happened becomes first priority for the joint Spectre/Alliance task force.

I am thinking, timeline-wise, to set the game in early 2184 CE, with Shepard disappearing late 2183. One can refer to a wonderful timeline of events at the Mass Effect Wiki to get a better time frame on what happened and when. It's not super important, but please do put a little thought into timing - if your character participated in some event, make sure their age matches up!

So, potential characters for this would be human Alliance personnel - combat troops, N-rated, are the most natural fit, but if one wished to play a scientist who knew how to handle a pistol and went in with the team to lend their expertise to investigate some alien artifact, that could probably work - and Council Spectres. It's conceivable that one could play a Spectre's 'employee' - a specialist whose expertise causes an NPC Spectre to retain their services and forward them to this venture, both for the player character to fulfill their position amongst the crew and liaise for the non-present NPC Spectre. So in this way we could have, say, a Quarian tech expert aboard the ship and taking part. That all said, I don't really expect anyone to act in a way that accurately reflects real-world military. Shepard seems to get fairly broad leeway in operating in the games, so we will too.

Unless anyone has any particularly strong feelings on the matter, this game would go forward with Commander Shepard being female, with the Sole Survivor and Spacer backgrounds. Her actions would generally have been Paragon. Other than any specific, personal influences players might wish Shepard to have on their characters, the role Shepard would play is as a macguffin to be sought out - Shepard 1) gets shit done, and 2) has that Prothean cipher, both of which make her Kind Of A Big Deal. 

I read somewhere that the crew complement of the Normandy was 28 plus Shepard and his team, so it seemed like it would be good to go with a Normandy-class vessel to keep things nice and tight-knit. The close proximity would allow for ample opportunity for interaction scenes. It would probably also aid in explaining why there would be a window of time for Shepard to be operating alone if the Alliance believed and was willing to support the Commander: they had another stealth frigate under construction in docks, and even accelerating its construction after the loss of contact with Shepard means there would be time for the trail to get a bit cold and for bad things to befall the Commander - all of it nice fodder for plot. It could also help to explain why a Spectre's aide is on the ship - the Spectre personally went to recon ahead, leaving the associate behind to pass intel back to. We could also say the ship was integrating new systems and design changes based on the data of the Battle of the Citadel, allowing for an explanation for non-Alliance technically-oriented characters (and maybe a plot point as a modified system performs in an unpredictable manner, stranding the ship in hostile territory or something). A tentative name for the vessel would be the SSV Passchendaele.

I don't really want to be a super-stickler to keeping everyone adherent to the classes from the games, but I think that those should in general be the guide. If you want to play someone with a lot of biotic or tech powers, stick to having, say, two different guns if you're wanting to play someone closer to an Adept, and let someone who wants to just shoot things be the person carrying around one of every weapon class, you know? You've got space magic powers, you don't also need to have everyone gun under the sun. That said, if you want your Adept, say, to use Sniper Rifles and SMGs instead of heavy pistols and SMGs, that's okay. I'm also down with, say, someone wanting two guns of the same type - whether you want to go dualies on pistols or just have two weapons of same class for different jobs. Or if you want your Tech user to have a power that only a squadmate gets or any enemy gets, we could talk about it. We can be flexible in this game. I'm okay with people using guns from all three games in the main. I don't think anyone ought really to be running around with Geth or ferrofluid weaponry at this point, and heavy weapons should probably be on a per-mission basis (so no, we can't all run around with a Cain). If you want a gun that's not developed until the ME3 era, we can assume you get a Super Prototype pre-production model, because as an N-rated soldier or Spectre/Spectre affiliate you get the best. Or maybe you could use a different 'model' with a different name but the same performance. Making up your own guns is a possibility, though it's not cool to make a gun that outclasses everything else. Also you can't use Prothy the Prothean's Prothean rifle. Sorry. I'm not sorry.

Here's a character skeleton. Feel free to add to it if you need/want.

Sexual Orientation:
Service Affiliation: That is, whether you are a member of the Systems Alliance Navy, a Council Spectre, the aide of a Spectre, or perhaps something else, should it apply.
Rank: Should it apply.

Class: Either straight from the games, or an approximation. You could go for the multiplayer classes if you like.
Powers: How you wreck things. Classes should provide a guide, but I'm open to some switching up. These should follow from the powers in the game. If the game counts something like a grenade or mine as a power, list it here.
Equipment Loadout: The tools you use to make people have a very bad day. This would cover the guns you carry (and any weapon mods you have on them), armour you wear (and any custom armour pieces you're wearing), and any other notable pieces of gear.
Skills: How do you pay the bills? Things your character's good at that may or may not have any profound effect on their job or role aboard the Passchendaele. Maybe you can knit? Bake cakes?

Appearance: An image or two (spoiler them if they're big or if you're using lots), a text description, or both! Do you have tattoos, piercings, cool scars?
History: Where did you come from? What cool stuff did you do in the past?
Personality: The specific, individual faults we will all come to hate you for. Or maybe why you're a pretty chill bro.

Theme Song: Optional. But maybe you have a tune in mind that says something about the character?

There are probably things that ought to get hashed out, but I've overlooked. Feel free to ask. Or maybe there's just things you want to know.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



"Hey," said Shadow. "Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are"
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
"Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow.
"Fuck you," said the raven.


Might be interested on this. I've got a lot going on, but I'm a huge ME fan. There's some heavy rain and wind outside right now and the power already went out once, so I might try working on a character now, but I can't make any promises if the power goes out. :<
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Here's my character xD I'm too much of a Mass Effect fan. Plus I already had a version of this character in mind. Let me know if anything needs changing. If she shouldn't be N7 I can bump her down to a lower N designation. Or if her rank is too high or too low considering her N7 distinction I can change that as well.

Name: Vanna Sirianni
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Service Affiliation: Systems Alliance Marines
Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Class: N7 Slayer (Vanguard)
Powers: Vanna is a powerful biotic who uses her powers to fuel barriers and propel herself across the battlefield. She isn't as skilled at throwing biotic fields as other biotics, instead focusing her abilities on her own body and her blade.

Equipment Loadout:
M-11 Wraith (Shotgun)
Monomolecular Blade (Essentially a Katana)
L2 Implant (Powerful, but she suffers migraines.)

Skills: Vanna is multi-lingual, speaking English, Italian, Cantonese and to a lesser degree, Mandarin. She has a knack for picking up new languages and has been making an effort to learn several alien languages, although she isn't yet fluent in any of them.

Appearance: Vanna is a thin woman, with decent curves for her frame. She doesn't exactly have a porn star body, but she's got nothing to be ashamed of considering the lack of fat on her body. She stands at about 5'6, and isn't entirely skin and bone, but is slightly underweight, giving her somewhat of a willowy frame. Her skin is also noticeably on the pale side, though not exaggerated enough to pass for a vampire. This clashes noticeably with her long bright golden hair, and even more with her glowing, obviously cybernetic yellow eyes.

When she's not in active combat, she tends not to wear her armor, instead preferring to wear something soft and comfortable, with a collection of silk and linen clothes. She also has her ears pierced, and usually wears simple studs, though she has more elaborate pieces for formal occasions. She also usually wears her hair loose in casual and formal situations, though she ties it back into a ponytail for anything related to combat, and to avoid getting it in her food when she eats.

History: Vanna was born to an interesting mix of cultures. Her father was an Italian businessman, her mother was an English journalist, and she was born in the city of Hong Kong. Her father was staying in Hong Kong to look over a new regional branch of his company, and her mother met him while pursuing a story. They fell in love, had a child and wound up staying in the country for most of her childhood. When she got older, she fell into the wrong crowds and wound up getting involved with the local triads. When her parents learned of this they moved away, first to Italy for a while, and then to England.

The fact that she was a biotic was apparent from a young age, though she never seemed too skilled with it until she tried using it on herself. She found that altering her own mass came far more naturally to her than altering the mass of other objects or people. She was given an old L2 implant and thus has had a lifelong problem with migraines. This made her good in combat, however, and when she was old enough, her parents began encouraging her to sign up for the Alliance. Eventually, she did, and after a while attained the honorable distinction of N7.

When or how she lost her eyes isn't a story she likes to talk about, or if they were even lost, or if the cybernetics was simply an augmentation.

Personality: On the surface, Vanna is a very relaxed individual, enjoying cigars and alcohol and something comfortable to relax on. She has a bit of an indulgent side, enjoying fine wines, caviar and other luxuries and often lamenting the lack of them in deep space service. She enjoys trying new alcoholic drinks all the time, and had to be talked down from trying ryncol on several occasions. She is also a big fan of finding and trying new cigars. What lies under the surface for her is difficult to say, no one's ever gotten close enough to find out.

Theme Song: killer queen by queen with lyrics
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Name: Meino Domaleous
Species: Turian
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Service Affiliation: Turian Heirarchy
Rank: Special Forces Operative, Spectre Candidate

Class: Turian Phantom (Infiltrator-based)
Powers: Tactical Cloak, Overload (Does Recon Mine go here?)
Equipment Loadout:
M-97 Viper sniper rifle
M-12 Locust submachine gun
Two Omni-blades, one on each forearm
(Does Recon Mine go here? Because he carries them too)

Kinetic barriers and pretty standard Turian armor in black and grey.

Skills: He plays a mean game of poker; more than one crewman has posited this is because he is cheating, but the accusations (so far) are unfounded. Also noted to have an incredible tolerance for liquor, even managing at one point to take a shot of ryncol and remain standing, if not steady on his feet.

Appearance (Image)

Appearance: Meino prefers black and grey armor, and uses a model of the Kuwashii Visor designed for Turian use on his right eye to assist with lining up long-distance shots. He has dark blue markings tattooed on his face, contrasting with his grey-green carapace, and has a large cluster of scar tissue on his chest where he took a nasty blast from a Blood Pack krogan's shotgun at point-blank range, and without the aid of his shields. He's not too bad himself on height, standing about two heads taller than the average human male. He claims it's easier to intimidate them this way.

History: Meino was born on Palaven, and, like all other Turians, went to boot camp at age 15. He was picked for the Armiger Legion for his exceptional marksmanship and stealth capabilities, and served with distinction, if not always appreciation for his officers, for eight years before being assigned to a special forces squad.

He was shuffled between squads for another eight years, mostly being passed around due to his issues with not always seeing eye-to-eye with his superiors, before finally being transferred to the infamous Blackwatch squad. He served on the squad for three, before Saren had his little "incident."

Looking for a new Spectre to replace him, the Council apparently decided that his record merited Spectre candidacy thanks to his dedication to the mission, and his apparent ability to function better with autonomy rather than in a command structure. He decided that joining the expedition would give him a chance to prove that he can do the job, and asked for leave from the Turian military to do so. Blackwatch had been less active since Saren's defeat, and he was allowed to join the crew of the SSV Passchendaele for the time being.

Personality: Laid-back, even by human standards, Meino is a master at helping others to blow off steam. While aboard serving aboard a human vessel means that he's considerably more restricted in how he can help, it doesn't mean he won't. In his time serving in the Heirarchy, he's taken his comrades out for drinks, wingmanned them with not only turians, but quarians, asari, humans, and even a salarian once, gotten them them hallucinogens that aren't strictly legal in Alliance space, had fistfights with them, and has taken a few of his female comrades to bed.

Meino has a bleak, dry sense of humor; when the opportunity arises, he will crack snarky jokes. He can't stand stick-up-the-ass, by-the-book people, which has sometimes put him at odds with his commanding officers. For him, as long as the mission succeeds, he's fine with whatever needs to be done.
"Hey," said Shadow. "Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are"
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
"Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow.
"Fuck you," said the raven.


Oh I think Vanna and Meino could get along swimmingly xD

I can see them being drinking buddies, and picking up chicks together. xD

She's also a fan of certain illicit substances that might not strictly fall within acceptable Alliance protocol. I mean, she has chronic migraines due to her L2 implant, it only makes sense she's taken to self-medication xD
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Oh, yes. I imagine they'll get along like a house on fire.  >:)

And yes, they're totally picking up chicks together sometime.
"Hey," said Shadow. "Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are"
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
"Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow.
"Fuck you," said the raven.


xD! I can't wait for this rp to start up now, this sounds like it'll be fun.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Totally interested in this! :D:D:D:D:D

Character sheet below (seriously, just down there!!!)

Name: Desmond Wright

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Service Affiliation: Systems Alliance Marines

Rank: Lieutenant Commander and ex-Spectre candidate

Class: N7 Soldier

Powers: Concussive Shot, HE Grenade

Equipment Loadout: Vindicator Battlerifle, Carnifex Hand Cannon, Eviscerator Shotgun

Skills: Desmond is a talented musician, having recieves regular lessons on playing Piano and Violin for much of his childhood, and he practices whenever he gets the chance. He's also a talented martial artist, taking part in Judo and Kickboxing classes for over a decade before he enlisted in the Alliance Navy.

Age: 28 Years

Height: 6'

Weight: 218 lbs.

Appearance: Desmond is six feet tall, with slightly pale skin. He has dark brown hair that is just short enough to not violate Alliance Military regulations. Desmond keeps himself clean shaven. He had deep blue eyes and a tattoo of a four leaf clover on his left shoulder. Desmond also has the scar of a bullet hole on his chest, just over his heart. It was millimeters short of being a fatal shot. He also has some slight burn scarring along his right hip, and another, jagged one from shrapnel, on his left thigh. Desmond has a rather large stature, weighing almost two hundred twenty pounds of mostly muscle. He's been called 'good-looking' quite a bit in the past.

*His armor is mostly dark green with a camo pattern.

History: Desmond Wright was born to an Irish mother and a Scottish father in New York City on Earth.  At a young age, he loved music, favoring genres and songs that were well over a hundred years old. He learned to play the Piano and Violin well into his teenage years. Early in elementary school, Desmond was a victim of bullying, which prompted his parents to enroll him in martial arts classes, starting him out with Kickboxing and, a few years later, Judo as well. He enlisted in the Alliance Navy when he was twenty (20) years old, and after an admirable career, reached the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Shortly after his promotion, which took place only a couple of weeks after the Battle of the Citadel, Desmond was considered as a SPECTRE candidate. However, during his various 'testing' missions, he took part in what was an attemted, and impromptu resuce for a colony that was being raided by Batarian slavers. The mission was a failure, but it was Desmond's psychological state that caused his candidacy for Spectre status to be revoked. During the battle at the colony, Desmond hand found a child, and young girl, and tried to get her to safety. Unfortunately, she ran off to go back to her home, wanting to look for her parents, and set off a Batarian trap, being blown apart.

Desmond felt guilty for the girl's death, and began to exhibit signs of possible PTSD. With his psychological state in question, he was denied as a Spectre, and placed on leave by the Alliance. Recently though, Desmond has been brought back in to be part of the crew on the SSV Passchendaele.

Personality: An extremely emotional individual, Desmond still, at times, shows signs of possibly suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. He has been noted as a remarkably resilient man, able to tolerate, and at times ignore, a substantial amount of pain. Whether this is because of discipline, or because he simply doesn't care about his own safety, is still called into quetion once in a while. Desmond generally prefers to listen than to talk. While he isn't antisocial, he usually prefers to avoid conversation for the sake of conversation. Desmond looks at the world in shades of grey, but when he has decided that he thinks something is wrong, he will fight tooth and nail to put things right.

While he isn't a heavy drinker, Desmond does enjoy the occasional glass of port. When stressed, his preferred means of coping is to play music. While he is handsome in his own right, Desmond long ago grew out of any vanity that may have otherwise brought to him.

My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


I may need to back out of the game if I will be unable to find anyone with ::)
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Quote from: Braioch on December 27, 2012, 06:20:52 AM
I may need to back out of the game if I will be unable to find anyone with ::)

Aww... Well hopefully more people will come, I'm excited about this :>
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


I'm excited too, but there's little point if my poor guy is sitting around watching everyone else get laid ::)
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Quote from: Braioch on December 27, 2012, 08:47:09 PM
I'm excited too, but there's little point if my poor guy is sitting around watching everyone else get laid ::)

Well, so far my character is a lesbian in a ship full of men, so our characters can go drink their loneliness away together :U
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Hmmm... I think i'll be interested in giving this a go, but I won't be able to be very active over the next few days. I'll see if I can make up a character soon...

Cold Heritage

Yeah, with Christmas just behind us and New Year's around the corner, I don't really expect to get started very soon. It's not like you only have a window of an arbitrary amount of time from this post to apply or else you're out forever.

TheRaven: I think powers is as good a place as any for those mines. The game probably counts it as such, so it's good for me. Equipment was more for stuff like that visor you have on your guy - I wanted to leave it open for people to have armour customization or weapon mods and what have you as well. But no need to worry or anything.

Tentatively, everyone looks good.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Interested in playing an Asari, possibly a Spectre.

Few questions, CH.  Why Light Human Small Groups for a game that has aliens?  Wouldn't Light Exotic (does it exist?) fit better?

Also, giving the Alliance's feelings about aliens in the first two games, which is about when the timeline for this game is taking place, do we need justification for having non-humans on board an Alliance vessel?  In the games, Shepard's team was an oddity.


Quote from: AribethAmkiir on December 27, 2012, 10:51:23 PM
Interested in playing an Asari, possibly a Spectre.

Few questions, CH.  Why Light Human Small Groups for a game that has aliens?  Wouldn't Light Exotic (does it exist?) fit better?

Also, giving the Alliance's feelings about aliens in the first two games, which is about when the timeline for this game is taking place, do we need justification for having non-humans on board an Alliance vessel?  In the games, Shepard's team was an oddity.

I imagine this ship as being sort of a rarity as well. I mean, Shepard's missing, they're probably not gonna turn down help looking for her. And the other races would likely be willing to offer some help, considering Shepard, even after only the first game, was considered a hero for saving the Citadel.

Also, I totally support the idea of an Asari Spectre on board :o

Vanna has a thing for Asari (who in the galaxy doesn't?), and she'd probably think being a Spectre is hot xD
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Oh look, ask and ye shall receive..possibly xD
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Quote from: Finn MacKenna on December 27, 2012, 10:59:54 PM
I imagine this ship as being sort of a rarity as well. I mean, Shepard's missing, they're probably not gonna turn down help looking for her. And the other races would likely be willing to offer some help, considering Shepard, even after only the first game, was considered a hero for saving the Citadel.

Also, I totally support the idea of an Asari Spectre on board :o

Vanna has a thing for Asari (who in the galaxy doesn't?), and she'd probably think being a Spectre is hot xD

Many people have a thing for Asari :D (I do :P)

Besides, remember right at the beginning of Mass Effect, when Nihlus was on board of the Normandy. Its not unheard of for a Council Spectre of a different species to be on board of an Alliance vessel.

Maybe, just throwing it out there, Aribeth's Asari Spectre could be working with Meino, who is actually a Spectre candidate anyway? The Asari Spectre is there to watch him, like how Nihlus was supposed to watch Shepard. Just a thought.
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread

Cold Heritage

Quote from: AribethAmkiir on December 27, 2012, 10:51:23 PM
Few questions, CH.  Why Light Human Small Groups for a game that has aliens?  Wouldn't Light Exotic (does it exist?) fit better?

My eyes glazed over furries and just saw beasts and tentacles when I first looked, but seeing that it's also for furries then probably yeah.

Quote from: AribethAmkiir on December 27, 2012, 10:51:23 PM
Also, giving the Alliance's feelings about aliens in the first two games, which is about when the timeline for this game is taking place, do we need justification for having non-humans on board an Alliance vessel?  In the games, Shepard's team was an oddity.

You do need some justification, but it doesn't have to be particularly strong. For this game, things're at least warm enough that if, say, a Spectre's like "I don't care what the Council says, I believe Shepard and want in this op" the Alliance won't turn them away. They won't, you know, give them an all access pass to their classified docs and open every door for them, but they're willing to play ball, share Reaper-related intel, and would probably be glad to have someone around to flash Spectre status in someone's face and for the "this is a 'get away with anything I want' badge, fucko" benefits.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Anna Katrine

Im pretty interested so far. Got no Ideas for a character yet tough


Quote from: Countdown0 on December 28, 2012, 12:30:04 AM
Maybe, just throwing it out there, Aribeth's Asari Spectre could be working with Meino, who is actually a Spectre candidate anyway? The Asari Spectre is there to watch him, like how Nihlus was supposed to watch Shepard. Just a thought.

I like this idea.
"Hey," said Shadow. "Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are"
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
"Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow.
"Fuck you," said the raven.


Just throwing this out there, if anyone can't figure out what to do with their character and might be interested in linking their history with Vanna's I'm up for discussing it :o

I'm in such a Mass Effect kick right now, got the original for PS3, playing it for the first time in like... 3 years xD

I started on the 360, and beat 1 on there like... two or three times, but I stopped using my 360 so when 2 came out on the PS3 with an interactive comic I decided to snag that, played 2 and 3 on there. When 1 came out recently, I decided to jump on that and try playing the whole series, from start to finish, for the first time :>
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Name: Daimon Andreas
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Service Affiliation: Systems Alliance Navy
Rank: Special Forces Operative

Class: N7 Raider Sentinel (Closest Approximation I could get)
Powers: Barrier, Tech Shield, Overload, Warp, Throw, Lift Grenades
Equipment Loadout: 2 Pinnacle VII pistols
Prototype L5 Implant
Omni Blade for each arm
Savant VIII Omni Tool
Light Colussus VIII Armor
Skills: Highly trained and skilled in the matter of computer systems and various technologies, high hacking and sabotage abilities. Highly trained in stealth and subterfuge, utilizing hand to hand combat or melee combat with omni blades to take down small to moderate groups of enemies, or the use of the double pistols. Trained enough for emergency medical problems, don't expect anything grand or intricate though. (As a note, straight on large scale battles are not his forte, better served for going on his own around the battle to sabotage or weaken the foe in some way.)

Yeah, I cheated a bit :P

Early 30's, around 6 feet tall, 180 lbs, lean but toned, hair frequently in mohawk style, always in non-natural colors. Currently a blue mohawk.

Scars: Small one diagonal across right eyebrow. Parallel trio down back, starting at left shoulder blade and ending halfway down. Burn scars, circular on left forearm, four in total.

Piercings: Snake bites, double industrial in left ear, tongue piercing.

Tattoos: Large ornate tribal style phoenix on right upper arm, same style but tiger on left, both extending fire and plant (respective from each) out partially onto chest.

History: He has no memory of what planet he originated on, knowing only that it was a small, human colony planet on the edges of protected space. The few memories he has before the slavers came were happy and warm, surrounded by family that loved him and others who were kind as well. The raid he has mostly forgotten, or claims to have in any case, filled only with screams, smoke and a horrid smell.

His time with the slavers, (approximated to be from 6 years old, until about 11 or 12 years old) however he claims to remember very well, but speaks even less of than the memories before that. Enslaved and mistreated by a rather cruel Batarian, he spent 6 years of his life in the servitude of the man who would make his life a living hell. (Side Note: He won't give up the Batarians name, possibility for revenge urges high) Other than that, he won't say much more, though the scars on his body are a telling sign, as well as his guarded nature. Nevertheless, he escaped, stowing on a cargo ship, to end up with his ship attacked by pirates and stranded with what remained of the crew, that being a Krogan and an Asari.

It would be another 3 years until they were found on that remote planet, in that time he took all of the knowledge they had to offer and absorbed it. Having spent his time constantly getting what he could while a slave as well, he found the information and knowledge complimentary. Returning to a once again unnamed planet, he continue his gathering of skills, training and knowledge until around the age of 18 (so he claims) with papers, (most likely forged, though very sophisticated fakes) he entered the Navy.

Highly intelligent, quick to learn and more than enough determination found him excelling, originally entered into the Sentinel ranks, until snatched up by special operatives. Given no real title, and all information on him is lost at this point behind REDACTED labels and classified folders, there are a few things gathered. It is known that he became extremely talented in electronic and biomedical sabotage, stealth, and close range combat, effectively gaining the 'raider' classification to soldiers whom worked with him. It's also known that his prestige is well earned, though his highly willful manner has earned him a negative cast from his superiors, this including his support of the now missing Commander Shepard.

Whether his aiding in finding her is supported by his superiors is yet to be known....

Personality: Despite his history, he's maintained a fairly upbeat attitude for most of his free life. Admittedly his is quite the smart ass, and prone to poking fun at others, malice has yet to be found in his jokes. His anger is slow to show, as he generally keeps his anger under check, whether through personal reasons or training, his anger rarely has been seen, though the few times it has has been unnerving to see, the normally upbeat man losing his cool is described by onlookers as such.

He is however, despite all of this, a very guarded person, though not necessarily obviously so. He comes off as a bit goofy, (which doesn't help people take him serious in the professional world) lighthearted, and optimistic, yet will skate around matters of his past that are not classified, but strictly refuses to talk about them. Those on file are either blank spots or self-admitted lies. When confronted, he will either bulk point blank, make up something else, swerve around the topic, or at final break, cease the conversation.

All in all he is regarded as a pleasant individual, intelligent, skilled and for the most part kind. His superiors would say skilled, talented, intelligent and far too willful and stubborn for his own good. His only known friends currently live off planet and are unknown to anyone else, though it is said they aren't human and he's very close to them, but they aren't talking. (Suspected that they are Krogan and Asari he spent time stranded with) He would say he is just him.

I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want
