For the love of mouse!

Started by Braioch, November 22, 2012, 11:21:49 AM

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I'm having a rather small, if frustrating issue with my new computer, thought it was one I had with my sister's computer as well.

See it only happens when I'm typing, my mouse will suddenly click somewhere else on the page, making me unable to continue typing, or to make me start typing somewhere else. Now I have the mousepad turned off on here as I have a wireless mouse that I use, and yet the stupid thing keeps doing it. Matter of fact it just did it for that last sentence, and for this one!

Anyone wanna help me here?
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want




I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Might be a loose wiring then, prolly an idea to try another?


Loose wiring in my new computer or mouse?

I'll be pissed.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Would think its the mouse, got another you can try?


Are you certain the touchpad can't be to blame?

I have seen this a lot on small laptops myself and its usually the touchpad. To the point that I disconnected the touchpad on my netbook for a while to stop it happening.

Does it happen still if you are using an external keyboard?
All hail Eris! Kallisti! All Hail Discordia!

Member in good standing but poor sitting and terrible leaning of the Most Secret Order of the Stone Bonker of the Kakapo


I already deactivated the touchpad is the problem, so unless I didn't completely deactivate it, I dunno.

And I don't have an external keyboard to try it out.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



From the top of my head, other than loose wiring in the touchpad, it can be a virus - so run your anti-virus program, and also check the sensitivity of both the touchpad and the mouse - if they are put up to super fast, sensitive they might be going nuts. As a last resort you can try downloading the latest version of driver for your mouse and touchpad and see if that might fix the problem, or maybe even run a windows update - there might be some bug somewhere there that is driving you crazy. If none of this works - take it to have it checked out. Even if it's brand new it might have been transported badly or there might be something fucked up ever since it had been built. It really  can be anything, but first rule out the virus, the sensitivity and the updates.

Also you can try those things:

Also what's the computer?

Might wanna try to uninstall all your drivers - touchpad and mouse (should still work with only Windows's drivers) and see if it's still doing it.

And also start your computer in safe mode - is it doing it? If yes - might be faulty hardware, if not - some software bugs it up, so you will have to find which one (usually it's the drivers).