It just isn't the holidays until...

Started by Serephino, November 16, 2012, 09:28:12 PM

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For me, it just doesn't feel like the holidays until I hear Gregorian chants on the radio.My family has a tradition of listening to them each Christmas though none of us are Christians let alone Catholics, anymore.


I wait until Black Friday and then jam out to Christmas music, singing as loud as I can. Then it's officially the holidays. But it can't be until after Thanksgiving!

Observing Trifles

Until I have a fridge full of leftovers from Thanksgiving. :3
|| the hunt ||

.you make my crooked heart do freaky little flips.


When I was younger, the holidays started when I opened the first day on my advent calender.

Beguile's Mistress


Quote from: BrilliantDays on November 22, 2012, 10:00:27 PM
Until I have a fridge full of leftovers from Thanksgiving. :3

Ah yes the food.It cannot possibly be the holidays without the food.