My Best Buddy (F for M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, September 19, 2012, 07:17:25 AM

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Sampais Wrath

A stormy night was not something most looked forward to and this night was nothing different. Two young people were caught out in the rain walking home from a late class at the local college when it happened. The were the best of friends but a driver not only drunk at the wheel skid on a turn an hit one of the people walking. The man was only minority injured but the female was hurt much worse. Despite frantic calls to the ambulance she was not able to be saved. Just moments before the ambulance arrive. She couldn't. Deaths and loosing blood fast. The young woman died in his arms before paramedics could attempt to help her but was that the end of her story? I think not.

Looking for someone to play the boy in this. Pm me if interested.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
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on question is this a ghost story does she come back?
to be a women for a day oh what a day that would be