Over Drinks(Eve and Sherona)

Started by Sherona, May 12, 2008, 04:55:25 PM

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The bar was a typical bar, thanks to the new non-smoking laws in public areas the atmosphere was less smoky due to ciggerette smoke, but the music was still loud, and the patrons even louder. It was a typical friday night, atleast for Jerry. His boyish good looks might have made it seem that he should have any one he wanted on his arm, yet there he was sitting at the bar alone, nursing a beer.

His blonde hair was lanky, but well combed. His beard a bit scraggly, but was the peircing blue eyes that made most people take a double-take towards him. As cold as ice they were in color, but the laugh lines around his eyes gave him a softer look. His appearance was almost ageless, he could have been anywhere between twenty one, to fifty.

His clothing was typical, well worn jeans, with a t-shirt that stretched across his shoulders and arms alarmingly. Yet every glance that a woman, or even occasionally a man, would send him was steadfastly ignored. Instead his attention was on the Bartender, what someone in a less civilized time might have called, a Barmaid.


It wasn't hard by looking at her, It had already been a very long night. Sarah was your average girl. Not to tall and a little to skinny for her own good, still she was able to find jeans that where far to tight. Her hair was slightly frizzed, pulled back into ponytail that had to be repeatedly adjusted. The small leather bracer she had on her left wrist must be bothering her as she continues to adjust it and slide it further up her arm. Her tattoo slightly poked out the back of her jeans. It was rather difficult to figure out exactly what the tattoo seemed to be it wasn't exactly centered in the small of her back more above her hip.

'Christ I could use a cigarette.' she thought to herself as she poured the last drink.  With a weak smile and a nod she handed it to the gentleman who disappeared back to his table. She exhaled slowly, only an hour left to go before last call and for Sarah it was one hour to many.
"There are two ways to do this. The easy way and my way. Whats it gonna be?"


Jerry was slightly bemused that she paid no attention to him, though it must have been odd for someone to be here alone, paying all his attention to her. Of course, it might have been a little creepy as well, but Jerry had a reason that was most definitely not creepy. He just needed her attention.

Tossing back the last dregs of his beer, Jerry stands fluidly, and leans his larger body against the counter. "Sarah?" Her last name was difficult to pronounce for many but it rolled off his tongue as he waited for her to answer. Perhaps this was the wrong pub? No, the hair, the tattoo, this had to be the Sarah he was sent to find.


A second or so goes by as the name registers in her ears over the small cramped crowd. Slightly confused and she scans those sitting at the bar for any familiar faces. When she comes up empty handed she turns her attention to the other working bartender William. Will as he was called had been working the bar further down and saw Jerry lean over and with a quick nod of his head pointed him out before he went back to cleaning the glass in his hand.

Giving Jerry a once over before she set down her glass she headed down toward the other end of the bar. Taking her time as she was far from energetic. Normally she would lean forward to hear better but he was pressed pretty close so she just stood a little closer to the bar itself instead. She once gain runs her hand through her hair to get all the stray pieces away from her face, how annoying.

"Get you something?" she says with a slight confused look. She never had on any name tag and he certainly didn't look familiar. However she gets a lot of talkers and has seen her share of faces. Hard to remember them all, perhaps they had engaged in conversation before. Best to feel him out. Might be a larger tip in it.

"You're not around enough to have a usual yet." She jokes with a simple smile.
"There are two ways to do this. The easy way and my way. Whats it gonna be?"