Temporarily restricting new memberships?

Started by Vekseid, May 08, 2008, 09:47:24 PM

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So, I've been getting this impression, but someone said it to me outright, so I figure I'll put this out here for people to consider.

The influx of new members was a bit on the young end, and given the increase in activity on the site, a bit of acclimation time may be desired. Help new members out, point them in the right directions, that sort of thing, so that they're comfortable here and learn a bit more of what this place is intended to be.

Basically, it would be like this - the introduction forum would remain open, but until we were ready again, people who aren't going to bother writing good paragraphs, and have a clear sense of good writing are going to be put on the wait list, until we're comfortable with opening things up again.

Hopefully this wouldn't be too long of a period (a month or two), but it will let things settle and a lot of things that are currently problems will likely filter out naturally.



I would see nothing wrong with standards being raised just a little bit, at least for now.


I totally concur. Age is not the sole measure of maturity, but I've been a little iffy about the trend in applicants lately. I just didn't want to seem un-neighborly to the new arrivals or come across as overly fussy, even though I do have tendencies that direction. *wry smile*


Have to agree with Night bird's post. Age is not a sole measure of maturity, but I too have been iffy...I just figured it was me being snarky again...:)


I have seen some newbies whose writing ability is questionable.

Of course, some leeway should be granted to those to whom English is a second language. 


With exceptions for people who don't speak English natively (or have other legitimate reasons for mistyping, like dyslexia, etc.), it wouldn't exactly break my heart to see such a policy.  Even for longer than a month or two, honestly.


Any use of leetspeak, outside the chat box, should be grounds for immediate banning by IP.   ;D


Agreed; we should let some of the dust settle.

While length of post should not be the sole contributor in my opinion, expressing their answers, thoughts and questions should, I think, be in a more thorough manner than some have of late. A level of maturity should be established, and one-line or evasive answers makes it difficult gauge.
You change all the lead sleeping in my head to gold. - Tunnels, Arcade Fire


Or in the very least, perhaps make it a wait of one entire week before they are approved?  I've been shocked to go to bed and come back the next day only to find a bunch of new members approved.  *blinks* And there have been two or three who I didn't think were really 18 either. 

If it's a requirement for an entire 7 day waiting period (or whatever length) and they continue to converse and answer questions...it may also help people get to know the newbies!!


At the risk of sounding like an elitist bitch, I would be happy to see the writing quality of applicants watched a bit more closely.  I know I'm an age snob, but there's a reason for it :P  It was much harder to be accepted as a member when I joined.  I'm not saying that was ideal, but it did assure a higher quality of writing from the members.
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I'm all for this.

Considering we ask for elaboration and tell people flat out that the eloquence of their answers determines membership, those who respond to each question with a single, short sentence immediately make me feel like they just don't care. It puts them on my personal watchlist and means that they really have to impress me elsewhere before I'll consider writing with them. Plus the influx of teenagers (18 and 19) makes me a tad uneasy. We are not a cyber site, and I worry that some of the newer stuff I've been seeing ... well, anyway, you get the point.

I'm glad, seeing the posts above, that it wasn't just me.


QuoteWe are not a cyber site, and I worry that some of the newer stuff I've been seeing ... well, anyway, you get the point.

Indeed, I have notice a trend where people who were posting introductions tended more to speak about wanting to "Chat Sexy" or even going os far as to state that they do not really write stories they are just "Horny and love sex"...


Well, for a while, I figured, people would get acclimated or driven out of the site, as needed, when they were being sub-par. That's sort-of worked, people can learn readily from others, become better writers and role players, and, in the end, Elliquiy is better for someone we gave the benefit of the doubt to. I personally know at least four such members, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I like that.

Of course, this only works when we aren't being overwhelmed. I'd certainly admit to having a bit of frustration myself >_>

I think we've passed the point where everybody can know everybody. It's kindof sad, but simply a human limit.

Ideally, I'd like Elliquiy to be a place where membership is bragable. Getting more well-known helps that, that's sort of the reason I'm setting up the blogs.

Anyway, once the Sirens cast their votes on this (assuming they agree), I'll put up the restriction notice, and additional rules for members who seek approval as needed.

The Great Triangle

I actually don't particularly like this proposal, as I feel it might scare away some of the shyer people.  The applications process was actually something that drew me to the site, so I understand the concept, but I think its better to err on the side of approving once they've proved their maturity.

I would like to see some kind of mentoring program to get new members into the swing of things.  Personally, I really enjoy PMing new members and directing them to some examples of good writing to get them into the swing of things and perhaps inviting them to a game.  Some kind of official support or bennies for experienced members helping new members would be very helpful in my opinion, as it took me several weeks to really get into some games, some of which died before I really go a hang of getting a game.

An automated PM or email sent to new members that explains what all of the adult roleplaying forums are would also be helpful, since it's an extremely frequently asked question.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Maybe make a kiddie pool sort of area? Only don't call it that, because a section on an adult site called the 'kiddie pool' is kinda of creepie. Maybe "Newbie wading area"... I don't mind getting to know people a bit and watch the interaction, but showing people around the site and whatnot... wouldbe nice if there was a trickle instead of a flood, y'know?

Or, alternatively, we could set up newbie helpers... I don't know if you want to do that.


perhaps volunteers who will answer PMs from newbies


I get that making the process more involved may scare away shy people, but the fact is that you can't please everyone.  I'll be the bitch who says I'd like a more stringent approval process in place.
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


While I'm for being a bit more stringent than has seemed to me to be the case lately, I'm also very much in favor of a mentoring connection. It would also say something about the maturity of the new member how that person behaved with the mentor.


Mentorship is an awesome idea... hmm....


My schedule is such that I'm mainly on in the evenings GMT-5, but I can usually check in off and on. I'd be happy to volunteer to help one new member at a time.

Also, to move one of my comments from the flirting thread debate, I think a more comprehensive FAQ/Guide about site layout, purpose of various threads, even something of the philosophy of the site would be a good idea, especially if it were emailed to all new members and reiterated to everyone on occasion. I'd also be happy to help with that project.


I can answer newbie PMs  ;D God knows I'm always all over the newbies!


Quote from: NightBird on May 08, 2008, 11:43:11 PM
Also, to move one of my comments from the flirting thread debate, I think a more comprehensive FAQ/Guide about site layout, purpose of various threads, even something of the philosophy of the site would be a good idea, especially if it were emailed to all new members and reiterated to everyone on occasion. I'd also be happy to help with that project.

Yeah, I tried to get one made before but no one wanted to help : (

Make a new thread for it, hopefully you're not the only one who wants to help with it : )

The Great Triangle

Quote from: Greenthorn on May 08, 2008, 11:44:16 PM
I can answer newbie PMs  ;D God knows I'm always all over the newbies!

Woot! Newbiephiliacs! 

*gives high five*

that sounded wrong...
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Quote from: Vekseid on May 08, 2008, 11:45:49 PM
Yeah, I tried to get one made before but no one wanted to help : (

Make a new thread for it, hopefully you're not the only one who wants to help with it : )

Not that I am a fountain of E knowledge or anything but I'd be more than happy to help in whatever way is needed...keeps me busy ;D

*GT gives GT a high five*


Mentoring combined with a slower admittance is likely a very good idea.

So instead of actually getting in people all in a flood, there's going to be Probationary Members, who are being mentored by someone more ... experienced.

When the mentor agrees (of course this has to be done reasonably) the probationary member becomes a full fledged member and can mentor him or herself (if that person wants)