A Place for Stories

Started by Dingo, May 02, 2008, 01:15:59 PM

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There should be a place for the stories that have definately ended.

Not ones that died off, but the ones that have an actual ending. This should encourage people to actually write with a definate ending in mind, which, in my humble opinion (or not so), is the way to actually write a story.



How should it be organized?
Or moved into the story sections?


I was going to suggest it could be titled "Completed Stories" and just be one section when I finally realized what Veks is asking. There could be several types of stories that are completed, from normal to exotic and consensual to non-consensual, to have a section for each would be a waste I think, but there should be a way to define each of them so that those perusing them are not surprised by something they do not wish to read.

How about something like this?  One section, titled as above and when a story completes people can PM me (I don't mind moderating the section) and I will move the story. As part of the title I can add what section it originated.

For instance...

[NC] Power, Wealth, and Beauty: Surrender (Dingo and Greenthorn)


Myself, I'd love to see them placed in the Literature section in the appropriate board for the content.

Yes, I admit it, I'd like to see that area beefed up a bit. *shrugs and smiles*


I love this idea actually :) It also happens that many of us who actually got a completed story, are generally fond of that story..and it will be nice to have it in a less crowded section then say NCSF if they want to read it again :)


Quote from: NightBird on May 02, 2008, 06:14:15 PM
Myself, I'd love to see them placed in the Literature section in the appropriate board for the content.

Yes, I admit it, I'd like to see that area beefed up a bit. *shrugs and smiles*

That is what I was suggesting >_>


*blushes and smiles*

I was trying to agree, but being far too hasty about it to be clear... My brain is about 3/4 still immersed in my historiographical essay on works discussing medical experimentation on black Americans and their methods of resistance, so I likely won't be at my best for another... oh, 72 hours or so.


That also works. I am willing to move them if people tell which ones they are.


The Original Cheap Drunk! Is a completed story :) It was in NCFS section :)



Wasn't literature for stuff written by one person?

I like the idea of one subboard (wherever it goes), with the topic including the game type.


Quote from: Xillen on May 03, 2008, 11:28:31 AM
Wasn't literature for stuff written by one person?

Nope, there are a few collabarative projects that didn't get very far.


So is it official then? Move the stories to the Literature section?


Unless there are any serious objections?

Completed role plays only.  I may create an abandoned section again, but that will have to come much later.