Dungeon Dwellers

Started by DreadD, April 04, 2008, 06:59:50 AM

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I am intent on running the NCES game detailed in the following 'Games wanted' post:


The basic idea is that the 'players' are the inhabitants of a recently, ah, 'settled' dungeon.  Monsters of all sorts and varieties are welcome.  The intent is to use the Risus system (Quite simple, just to have a little die rolling from time to time) interactions will be with the other players, periodic adventuring parties and, while the dungeons below are mostly devoid of life, there are old spells and... Other sorts of trouble that away those willing to venture below.  Apt to be relatively light-hearted fun (I think...) with a mildly sexual bent.  You can, of course, rape the other people in the dungeon, but then we'll see how the dungeon as a whole chooses to deal with that.  Because of this all character must be of mature age for their race or species or whatever.  Similarly, all invaders will be as well.  No young children will accidentally wander in here.