playing a harpy character

Started by Ringtail69, May 10, 2012, 11:15:37 PM

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i would love to play a character of mine named fraya azurefeathers, an exotic harpy character that lives in tropical jungles and is unaqware of the world outside of her flock's territory.

i do not have any set ideas besides someone running into ehr and convincing her (which will probably be easy) that there is more to the world and in exchange for letting them live they take her back to thei rland and show her the world beyond the jungle. if she leaves on good terms with who ever is taking her out she would become fascinated witht he musical world and would aim to try and become a famous music idol or virtuoso. if she leaves on bad terms (like captured as a slave or something) then she would only dream of freedom and then probably hopes of finding a way back to her home land.

im open to many different scenarios so if you got an idea just post it here or send me a pm and we can talk about it.

and here is a link to her page: