Started by RainbowLei, May 09, 2012, 08:12:05 AM

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I have just recently watched one of my all-time-favorite movies; Interview with a vampire. I haven't seen in in like 4 years, my recent ex hated the darker side of me >.>

I would live to do an rp based on Interview. of course the pairing would be out due to rules and such so I would love to opt for a generic non-sparkly vampire rp. Well i guess not to generic since I'm busting out my VtM stuff which I also love.

I would love to do a Toreador, Brujah (business), Ventrue/ human.

I would enjoy playing the human being turned. I love romance, and all the pg-13 stuff entailed.

I also Love Werewolf as well.

If you are into them i'm game. pitch it.


Hello there.  I found your post interesting.  Interview with the Vampire is indeed a good movie.  I like it as well ^_^
If you are interested, have you considered a forbidden love between a vampire and werewolf?  Just a curiosity.  If not I'm sure there is something we could plan out.

Hope to hear from you.  Thanks~


Something I forgot.  As of right now I'm still waiting to have my account approved.  I'll let you know when I'm approved so we can role-play.


If this takes off and somebody wants to run, absolutely count me in to play.
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