Mutants and Masterminds 2e - Exotic System Small Groups

Started by PhantomPistoleer, May 01, 2012, 07:55:46 PM

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Connie Marcone

   Maphia Don Jonathan  Marcone had two children.  His eldest  was Connie.  Compassionate, principled, intelligent, and beautiful, by college Connie wanted nothing to do with the family business.  Her father loved her as much as he was capable of loving anyone, and gave her his blessing to dissociate from the family (and the Family) and pursue academic interests. 
   Connie’s little brother Christopher wasn’t so keen on his sister dropping out of their lives, but he was ambitious and eager to inherit the family business. 
   Along with learning self-defense from the bodyguards, academics, and school sponsored philanthropy, Connie’s great love was ancient Egypt.  By 22 she’d completed a double major in comparative religion and archeology, both focused on Egypt.  By 24, she was working on her doctorate with advanced linguistic studies and assisting a prestigious scholar on Egyptian digs.   
   They explored  a new site on a remote stretch of trail between the capitol and the valley of the Kings—the tomb of an important scribe and his three concubines.  While Connie was translating a some hieroglyphs one night Super Man was slammed into the ground not far away by an equally overpowered opponent.  Tremors from this continuing rampage collapsed the tomb.  Connie was initially believed crushed, but the tremors had actually collapsed a portion of the floor before the roof. 
   Trapped in a secret chamber with no apparent air sources, Connie had nothing better to do than read the extensive copper tablets she’d fallen next too.  These proved to be an original coppy of the Book of Names, a book of magic written by Toth and entrusted to Bast. 
   The words seemed to be burning into her body, mind, and soul.  Three days later, she could barely keep conscious from the foul air,b ut she finished the book.  As it was fading from sight, she spoke words she’d found therein, creating a portal lined in heirogliphics, and stepped through it to her home. 
   The magic was a part of her now. 

A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Cold, I really like the character, but does he really have a +0 to ATK?
Always seeking 5E games.


Muse, I don't begrudge you for typing up a large character history, but I specifically asked for a five sentence blurb about what your character was.  I think the history in itself is good, but I don't know anything about what your character is in terms of power set.  Let's put the horse before the cart.
Always seeking 5E games.



Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Real Name: Matthew Dawn
Occupation: Experiment of the superman project/ Vigilante/ Fireman
Bases of Operations: Chicago

STR 34 [+20]; DEX 12 [+0]; CON 34 [+20]; INT 10 [+0]; WIS 12 [+0]; CHA 13 [+0];

Acrobatics [+2]; Climb [+12]; Concentration [+1]; Diplomacy (+1); Disguise 1 [+1]; Investigate 2 [+3]; Language: English; Notice 8 [+9]; Profession (Fireman) 4 [+5]; Search 8 [+8]; Sense Motives 1 [+1]; Stealth 1 [+1]; Swim 12 [+12] Investigate [+2] Medicine [+1]


Base: +8
Melee: +8;
Ranged: +8
Damage: +12 [Unarmed];
Defense: +8 +4
Initiative: +1 [+1 Dexterity];

Toughness: +12; Fortitude: +12; Reflex: +6; Willpower: +8;

Enhanced Constitution 20
Enhanced Strength 20
Flight 5: 250 mph
Immunity 9: life support
Impervious toughness: 12
Quickness 3: x5
Super-strength 6: max 179 tons

Base 30 ft/60 ft/120 ft
Leaping 5 ft/10 ft/ 20 ft
Flight 2200 ft (250 mphs)

Light 30 tons
Med 60 tons
Max 179 tons (448 tons)

Headquarters: Concealed, Living Space

Abilities 15pp + Skills 5pp + 86 powers + 32 Combat +12 Saves = 150 pp

History: A failed experiment to replicate superman by the government, Eminence is one of the only to have survived the encounters, a variety of local fireman, cops and soldiers signed up for the project (Not knowing what it was) and many suffered spikes in power before passing away Matthew survived the encounter but only just. However his selflessness and strength did attract superman and for a short time he was trained under the greatest hero on earth.

The government based organization is defunct and the men who died as well as Matthew were given formal apologies after "Eminence" and Superman targeted the facility and brought it to light.

Cold Heritage

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on May 05, 2012, 07:06:09 AM
Cold, I really like the character, but does he really have a +0 to ATK?

That's correct. His only means of offense is his perception range full action damage effect. And I promise not to use it outside of genuine combat.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Bloody Rose

I been wanting to post my character I have no idea how to make it though. If you find all players before somebody can help me then I can bow down from the rp.


Eminence, that looks great.  We will start your storyline tonight.

Callie, I really, really wish you had followed my instructions, which was to get my okay before constructing your character.  I am sorry, but I do not want to GM a heroic kobold.  I created the mandate so that I wouldn't feel obliged to accept characters because players spent a lot of time making them.  I am sorry.  Please feel free to run other character ideas by me before constructing them.

Bloody, I will make your character.  She will be a sorceress.  I might have to do it tomorrow.  For now, tell me what you want her to do.
Always seeking 5E games.


Cold, I think your character is interesting, but I am kind of concerned about I will have to do a rules audit on your attack mechanism.  Give me a little bit of time.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

Withdrawn..and herolab makes character creation easy.


Callie, that's cool.

Cold, I did the rules audit.  Your character is accepted.  I will have you in play by tonight, at midnight.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

I'm drawing a blank.. :D  Actually that isnt' true.. I want to do something like the woman in Newuniveral who was able to create things and look at machinery and link with it by will.


All right:

Witness, Eminence, both of you have been placed into precarious situations. 


World Building:

I guess I posted two hours before midnight.  Don't feel compelled to post immediately.  At any rate, I hope to catch you in tomorrow's posting cycle. 
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on May 05, 2012, 05:41:01 PM
I'm drawing a blank.. :D  Actually that isnt' true.. I want to do something like the woman in Newuniveral who was able to create things and look at machinery and link with it by will.

Newuniveral?  I don't know what that is.  Do you mean that you want to create someone like Forge from the X-men?
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

Bloody Rose

STR 8 [-1]; DEX 14 [+2]; CON 14 [+2]; INT 10 [+0]; WIS 16 [+3]; CHA 22 [+6];

Acrobatics 4 [+6]; Bluff 4 [+6/+14]; Concentration 8 [+10]; Diplomacy 4 [+10/+18]; Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4 [+2]; Notice 5 [+8]; Sense Motives 5 [+8/]; Stealth 2 [+4];

Attractive 2, Defensive Roll 5, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 2, Inspire 2

Bab: +2;
Grabble: +1;
Damage: -1 [Fist]; +10 [Mental Bolt];
BdB: +3 [+7 with Dodge Focus; +2 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +10 [+2 Dexterity; +8 Improved Initiative];

Telepathy 10 (Extra: Area, Sensory Link; Power Feat: Selective, Subtle; Comprehend 3 [Languages, Animals, Spirits])
Alternate Power:  Emotion Control 10 (Calm, Hope, Love)
Alternate Power:  Mind Blast 10
Alternate Power:  Illusion 10 (Power Feat: Selective)
Healing 10
Flight 4 (100mph)

Toughness: +7; [+2 Flat Footed]; Fortitude: +4; Reflex: +4; Willpower: +10;

Attributes 24pp + Skills 9pp + Combat 10 + Feats 17 + Powers 79pp + Saves 11 = 139pp

She is your typical collage girl, she is on psychology course. She just recently discovered her powers and is trying her best to just don't go crazy, she has not gone to school in the past few days afraid of what others might think. She has closed herself off from another people not really wanting to talk to anybody.


Ach.  Sorry, Phant, I was sleep deprived. 

Connie's is a sorceress. 

Um...  Would you like me to write a shorter version of the history? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


No, I got the gist of it.

Now that I know her powers, you may proceed.

Bloody, we can't see the picture.
Always seeking 5E games.

Bloody Rose


I'm thinking of playing a teenage hero who's recently discovered she's an alien with cosmic energy powers, able to blast things, survive in space, fly and heal. Among other things, she has to try and figure out where she came from and why she looks completely human, while maintaining good grades to keep her scholarship at U of Chicago. She'll probably have a drawback of needing 6 hours of exposure to starlight every night to use her powers for the next 24 hours. Lemme know if that's okay and whether I can get any points for the drawback.

I'm not familiar with the system or system games in general, is that alright?


Ysariel, Mutants and Masterminds is an easy system to play but a bit hard to build.  If Phant wants you in his game I can help with the system, especialy if you contact me on YIM or Skype or something.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


The alien is fine, Ysariel.

I don't think that there will be any new players added to today's cycle.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Muse on May 06, 2012, 05:22:51 PM
Ysariel, Mutants and Masterminds is an easy system to play but a bit hard to build.  If Phant wants you in his game I can help with the system, especialy if you contact me on YIM or Skype or something.  :)

Thanks for the offer. I don't have Skype, though. Do you mind if I PM you? :)

I'll get working on the character sheet, Phantom!


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Scribe (PL 10, 150 PP) 
Real Name: Connie Marcone   Occupation: Professor of Egyptology
Base of Operations: Chicago

Strength   12 +1
Dexterity:   14 +2
Constitution   14 +2
Intelligence   18 +4
Wisdom   12 +1
Charisma   14 +2

Skills:     76
Acrobatics:        3 +2 +0   =d20+5
Bluff:           0 +2 +8   =d20+10
Concentration:     8 +2 +0   =d20+10
Craft: Jewelry:      1 +4 +0   =d20+8
Diplomacy      2 +2 +8   =d20+12
Drive         3 +2 +0   =d20+5
Escape Artist      3 +2 +0   =d20+5
Gather Information   3 +2 +0   =d20+5
Investigation      6 +4 +0   =d20+10
K. Arcane Lore   6 +4 +0   =d20+10
K. History      6 +4 +0   =d20+10
K.  Theology      6 +4 +0   =d20+10
Language      6      
Profession: Professor   7 +1 +0   =d20+8
Notice         4 +1      =d20+5
Perform: Dance   3 +2      =d20+5
Ride         3 +2      =d20+5
Search         6 +4      =d20+10

Arabic, Egyptian, (Ancient) Egyptian, English, Greek, Italian, Latin.   

--Attack Specialization: Batons
--Attack Specialization: Magic II
--Attractive II
--Benefit: Equipment VII
--Benefit: Wealth II
--Dodge Focus II
--Eidetic Memory
--Precise Shot
--Quick Change II

BAB: +4 (Baton +6, Magic +8)
Damage:    (Baton 18, Magic 27)
BDB:    +4 [AC 20, Flat Footed 14]
Initiative:  +10

Toughness: +10   Fortitude: +7    Reflex: +7   Willpower: +11 

Device IV: Sandals
--Super Speed II with Area Attack
--Evasion II
--Dodge Focus IV
--Super Movement III. Surefooted, Trackless, Water Walking

Device II:  Bracers of Defense
--Protection 8
--Immunity to Environmental Heat and cold

You cannot die! Well, technically you can die, but you always get better, eventually. You are immune to aging, disease, and poisons. If your condition becomes dead, you can make a recovery check (DC 10) in a week’s time, success means your condition becomes unconscious and disabled, from which you recover normally. Failure means you remain dead for another week. Then you get another recovery check, and so forth until you succeed on a check. This is Regeneration 1 effect assigned to Resurrection with the True Resurrection extra. To recover from death and injury faster, apply more ranks of Regeneration (see the Regeneration effect description for details).

Magic of the Book of Names XII: (20)
--Charm: This spell changes the subject’s attitude towards you, like the love effect of Emotion Control at your Magic power rank. Subjects become friendly toward you, their attitude improving to helpful if the Will save fails by 5 or more, and fanatical if it fails by 10 or more.
--Dazzle: The typical version of this spell releases a blinding beam or pattern of light as a Visual Dazzle effect at your Magic rank.
--Dispel Magic: This spell counters all magical effects within (Magic rank x 5 feet) of you, a Touch Range Burst Area Nullify Magic effect with.
--Glamour: You can fool the senses to create figments and phantasms: the Illusion effect at half your Magic rank, affecting all senses, with the Selective Attack and Phantasm modifiers (see Illusion for details). 
--Light of Truth: A beam of blazing light radiates from the magician’s outstretched hand, Nullifying any Concealment, Illusion, or Obscure effects it touches. This Nullify effect differs from normal Magic countering since it works on non-magical effects as well.
--Mystic Blast: A glowing bolt of magical force strikes as a ranged attack, inflicting damage equal to your Magic power rank.
• Mystic Binding: Bands of magical energy entrap the target of this spell, like a Snare effect at your Magic power rank. 
• Mystic Hand: Tendrils or a “hand” (or claw) of mystic force reaches out to move and manipulate objects like a Move Object effect at your Magic power rank.
• Mystic Passage: This spell teleports you across a distance, like a Teleport effect at your Magic rank.
--Scrying: You can see distant places as if actually present there, an ESP effect for all your senses, operating at half your Magic power rank (since full-sensory ESP costs twice as much as Magic). You can use mental effects via your scrying spell, but usually only if it and your other effect(s) are Dynamic, or the other effect(s) are acquired outside your Magic Array (see the Dynamic power feat for details).

• Power Loss: A common Power Loss drawback for Magic is the requirement to speak and gesture freely to cast spells; a character unable to do so cannot use Magic at all. In the case of Scribe, she must recite the spell in ancient Egyptian while tracing hieroglyphics in the air. 

Super Senses Detect Magic (By Touch)

(3) Modern Cellular Phone
(1)  Hand Cuffs
(4)  Collapsible Baton (Damage +2)
(9)  Sportscar with Alarm
(18)  Base: Stately Manor

Points:  Attributes 24, Combat 36, Feats 21,  Powers 50, Skills 19.

Code of Honor:  Having come from a criminal background has given her a somewhat exaggerated sense of right and wrong. 

Enemy:  When her brother comes to power in the Family, he’ll resent her for leaving the Family and want her back. 

Obligation:  She’s not a full time professor, but still needs the university job—more for her mental health than for the money. 

Secret:  True Identity.  She doesn’t wear a mask, but rather uses minor illusions to change her makeup when she enters her hero ID. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


I (re)submit Starbolt for your approval. ;D

Mechanically, the changes are she lost the impervious on her forcefield for more skills, defense and feats. The disintegration in her main array is now just a penetrating Blast (tradeoff +2 dmg/-2 atk on this attack only).

Conceptually, I made her a bit more agile and athletic. Sometime in the past week I realized a lot of the things I envisioned her doing, like dogfighting jet fighters, laying down covering fire and shooting guns out of people's hands were really the skills of a sportswoman rather than a scientist. ;D


Starbolt (PL 10; 150PP)
Real Name: Alison Brave Occupation: Space Alien


Starbolt's nineteen, 5'4, with lightning-blue eyes and waist-length blonde hair, and a hefty dose of teenage-girl moxie in her confident, wickedly mischievous smile. She's lean, fit but not muscular in the way a gymnast or dancer might be.

Her costume's a sleeveless, backless leotard with matching opera-length gloves and thigh-high boots with sensible heels. All of it is made out of some silvery, metallic material that gleams in the light. The outfit is highlighted in blue and gold - a horizontal blue stripe near the top of each boot and glove that brings to mind garter straps, and a golden four-pointed star emblazoned across her chest over an inverted blue triangle; the downward-facing point is longer than the other three. A silver domino mask hide just enough of her features to be considered a disguise, and her blonde mane is tied up in a high ponytail.


She was a bright girl on her way to study marine biology, well-liked and athletic but otherwise unexceptional; it was a soldier of vast and incomprehensible cosmic powers, routed and fleeing some terrible war waged among the stars. When their paths met in her last year of high school, Starbolt was born and Alison's life would never be the same again.

She came upon it while swimming: a smoking, silver-blue orb of light buried in the silt at the beach. The alien, severely hurt and snared by the Sun's gravity well, had crash-landed on Earth days earlier and was dying fast. In its final moments, its essence left its failing body and latched onto the the nearest lifeform - her - and both were merged forever. Alison doesn't remember much else of what happened that day, other than being carried into an ambulance by paramedics. What she does remember is waking up in the hospital the next morning and being able to see perfectly well without her glasses, the first sign that her close encounter of the third kind had made her more than human.

Over the next year, she discovered what it meant. It meant that she could do all sorts of cool things: fly (in space!), shoot lasers, create solid energy out of thin air. It meant that she got to see Earth as it was pictured in that NASA photo - the Blue Marble - with her own eyes. And between the remmant of the alien warrior's sense of duty, plus her own realization that it was a beautiful world that so many were fighting to save, it meant that she had to be a heroine.

Today, Starbolt has made a name for herself as a superhero. It's occasionally occured to her that she might want to find out how exactly what the thing that gave her powers is - but between blasting killer robots, fending off a pair of overprotective parents, and keeping her GPA up to keep her university scholarship, she's got too little time to worry.

In her free time, she still enjoys basketball, swimming and curling up in bed with a good book.

STR 12 [+1]; DEX 16 [+3]; CON 14 [+2]; INT 12 [+1]; WIS 14 [+2]; CHA 16 [+3]

SKILLS (15pp / 60 ranks)
Acrobatics 6 (9), Bluff 7 (10/14 [Attractive]), Concentration 8 (10), Diplomacy 7 (10/14 [Attractive]), Gather Information 6 (9), Notice 8 (10), Knowledge: Pop Culture 2 (3), Knowledge: Earth Sciences 4 (5), Knowledge: Life Sciences 4 (5), Sense Motive 5 (7), Swim 3 (4)

FEATS (22pp)
Attack Focus (Range) 4, Attack Specialization (Cosmic Energy Control) 1, All Out Attack, Attractive, Dodge Focus 8, Environmental Adaptation (zero gravity), Equipment 1, Improved Initiative 1, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Quick Change 1 (Flavor: Uses her Energy Construct power to materialize her costume), Teamwork 1

COMBAT (4pp)
Attack: +2 (Melee +2, Ranged +6, Cosmic Ray +10, Comet +8)
-- Unarmed +1
-- Cosmic Ray +10
-- Comet +12
-- Shooting Stars +10
Defense: +8 (Flat-Footed +0)
Grapple: +3
Initiative: +7

SAVES (14pp)
Toughness: +2/+12*; Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +9; Willpower: +6;
* With Force Field

POWERS (71pp)

"Starforce" - 40pp
ARRAY "Cosmic Ray" Cosmic Energy Control [10] (Extra: Autofire) (Feats: Accurate, Precise, Improved Range 2, Progression Range 2 (Increment 50ft, Max 5000ft))
-- AP "Comet" Blast [12] (Extra: Penetrating, 6 ranks only) (Feats: Homing 2, Improved Range 2, Progression Range 2 (Increment 50ft, Max 6000ft))
-- AP "Shooting Stars" Blast [10] (Extras: Area Burst, Selective Attack) (Flaw: Full Action)
-- AP "Healing Light" Healing [9] (Extras: Range, Standard Action)
-- AP "Energy Construct" Create Object [9] (Extras: Continuous Duration, Movable)

"Wings of Light" - 13pp
Flight [6] (500mph)
Space Travel [1] (1c)

"Corona" - 10pp
Force Field [10]

"Starborn" - 8pp
Immunity [6] (Own Powers, Environmental Vaccum / Radiation / Suffocation / Heat / Cold)
Super-Senses [2] (Feat: Extended [Normal Sight] 2)

Smartphone (as cellphone + camera + PDA, 3ep), Laptop, Commlink

Attributes 24 + Skills 15 + Feats 22 + Combat 4 + Saves 14 + Powers 71 = 150


Enemy: Starbolt was endowed with her powers from a dying member of a race of energy beings appointed to serve as interstellar guardians against some vast, star-spanning horror. Those enemies could make life very tough indeed for the young heroine if any of its minions showed up on Earth. Alternately, Starbolt's cosmic patrons may not be happy that a fragment of their power has fell into human hands, and may demand that she prove herself worthy of it.

Starbolt needs to keep her grades up to renew her university scholarship. This means cramming for exams and pulling all-nighters to finish assignments. She also needs to reassure her parents that she's doing well and not getting into any trouble, which can be awkward when she's dodging heat-seeking missiles - and they're likely to start asking questions if calls are not answered promptly!

Secret: Civilian identity. Alison's quite sure dad wouldn't be too pleased if a horde of aliens came to take the family hostage, and mom wouldn't much like the idea of her flying around in a swimsuit...

Power Loss: Starbolt's alien half needs high-energy cosmic rays to catalyze its energy conversion process. During the day, the sun's light interferes with this radiation, so she needs exposure to starlight to use her powers. The amount required is not a lot, but long periods of being underground, being locked indoors, persistent bad weather, or just lots of heavy fighting with little rest in-between might drain her powers.