Cluedo - Murder Mystery Suspense. Reopened, two new players needed please?

Started by Chrystal, April 08, 2012, 05:39:15 AM

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Hi all.

This is the third time I've tried to do this one. They do say "Third time lucky".

The Scenario

Wealthy heiress Rosemary Snider is a total bitch. She inherited Daddy's company and Daddy's money, and has, over the last few years, managed to expand both the business and her personal fortune. Usually at the expense of others.

She has few friends and lots of enemies. Even her own family hate her.

But being a socialite, Ms Snider cannot resist being seen in public. And so, during the skiing season, she spends a week at an exclusive ski-lodge in the Bavarian Alps. She makes no secret of her movements, but the press are kept out of this particular little enclave.

However, due to a particularly heavy fall of snow overnight, the lodge is cut off for several days.

And that morning, Ms Rosemary Snider is found, murdered!


I need people who want to be Agatha Christie. There is no limit on the number of players, but please note that if you make your character central to the plot and then drop out, he/she will also be murdered!

Every player character needs to have a motive for murder, which will not necessarily be revealed to the other players.

As GM, I will be playing the victim of this horrible crime.

I will also be selecting one player to be the murderer. The method of selection is known to myself only. As in a real life murder, only two people know the identity of the murderer and one of them isn't talking!

NOTE: If you have seen or read Agatha Christie's Evil Under The Sun, you will know that in that story the murder was committed by a husband and wife acting together. If you wish to set up a collaboration with another player so as to have an accomplice, this is permitted. Do be aware, though, that if your accomplice drops out, you will have to kill their character! I think that a single murderer will work better, personally.

The Plot:

Obviously, the idea is to solve the murder. I will be controlling a raft of NPCs who will be available for further murders, also for a variety of interactions including sexual ones if you wish.

There will be room for smut, as well as plenty of clues, some of which will be red herrings.

With the ski lodge cut off from the outside world, the police cannot get there until the road is cleared, and so the guests must live with the fact that there is a murderer in their midst. They must solve the crime and apprehend the perpetrator before the police get there.

There will be several hours of Game Time - probably two weeks of real time - before the murder occurs, during which players will have the opportunity to establish their motive for murder.


This is a list of suggestions for characters and possible motives. Please feel free to come up with your own.

Ditched girlfriend - angry at being treated like a whore
Fired business partner - bitter at loosing his/her job for no apparent reason
Ruined business rival - seriously pissed at the way Ms Snider destroyed him/her
Homophobic young man - feels Ms Snider should be his and gets really annoyed when she flirts with him and turns him down
Kid Brother - jealous of the fact that Rosemary inherited everything and he got nothing
Half-Sister - Daddy's little mistake, feels she should have a share in the fortune
Personal Assistant - Is fed up with being treated like dirt, possibly fancies Ms Snider
Chamber Maid at the lodge - Gets angry when Ms Snider tries to buy her sexual services
Former employee - Made scape-goat for some illegal activities that Snider Inc was involved in.

By no means an exhaustive list, please use imagination and come up with your own ideas, or build on the ideas above.

Character Sheet:


The reason why should be obvious. Please PM them to me.

[float=right][img height=300 padding=10]Please put the URL of a PHOTOGRAPH that you wish to use as your character here[/img][/float]
[b]Player Name:[/b] Your login ID

[b]Name:[/b] The name of the character
[b]Age:[/b] Age of character
[b]Gender:[/b] Male or female (I may allow a hermaphrodite if you can give me a VERY good reason).
[b]Orientation:[/b] Gay/straight

[b]Height:[/b] feet & Inches or centimetres
[b]weight:[/b] Stones, pounds or kilograms

[b]Personality:[/b] A little bit about how the character ticks

[b]Public history:[/b] This will be available to all the players to read. Do not put anything in here that you don't want the other characters to know about.

[b]Other Info:[/b] Anything else you think relevant.

[b][u]The three categories below will be edited out of the profile before it is posted.[/u][/b]

[b]Relationship:[/b] How do they know Ms Snider?
[b]Motive for murder:[/b] Please see below.
[b]Method of murder:[/b] Be creative, but remember the setting. If you do not wish to be the murderer put "None".

Player Name: Chrystal

Name: Rosemary Snider
Age: 31
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Gay

Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)

Personality: Rosemary Snider is a total bitch. She has inherited her family fortune as the oldest child in the family, and has ruthlessly built upon the foundations laid by her father, expanding the company into new fields through vicious hostile take-overs. She is not above using dirty tricks and has even resorted to blackmail on occasion.

Ms Snider has publicly declared herself to be gay at an early age, but that doesn't stop her from flirting with men, many of whom still live in hope of marrying her. Her personal relationships are rocky at best. She tends to use and discard girlfriends, seducing them to her bed and then getting bored with them after a few months.

All in all, Ms Snider is not a nice person, and many would say she deserves what is coming to her!

Public history: Rosemary Snider was born in 1981, the eldest daughter of Felix and Tabitha Snider. She grew up in England, went to Princess Helena College for Girls, then on to Oxford University. Her father was a very successful entrepreneur and her mother was a respected Member of Parliament. When Rosemary was eighteen she declared herself to be a lesbian, much to the disappointment of her mother. Her father was a bit more pragmatic about it, especially is this meant that the company would stay with the Snider name as long as it passed to Rosemary's brother.

Rosemary took over the company's reigns on her twenty fifth birthday, when her father retired aged 51 due to ill health. She had watched how Daddy ran things and knew for a fact she could do better. She set about a brutal stream-lining of the company, trimming off the less profitable sides and pouring investment into expanding the profitable arms of the business. She began a ruthless campaign of corporate take-overs, eliminating rivals or reducing their market share by dirty tricks. She used every trick in the book, legal and illegal, although no one could ever prove that she did anything that was not totally above board.

If someone got caught doing something illegal for her company, she always had plausible deniability and in the end it was always one of her underlings who was hung out to dry for "exceeding her instructions" or "acting on his own".

Over the years, Rosemary Snider has made a lot of enemies.

Other Info: Pic base is Paris Hilton. I'm sure Ms Hilton is NOTHING like Ms Snider and no slur is intended. Rather, she is a very attractive heiress with the sort of appearance I'm looking for.


Just a quick note about motives. On the two previous times I've tried to get this going I've had some pretty limp ones. So, here is the litmus test: Ask yourself, "Would I kill someone over that?"

If your answer is "No", or "Probably not", then think again. If you wouldn't, your character wouldn't.

If your answer is, "Maybe", then go with it. If you might kill someone for that reason, then so might your character.

If your answer is "Yes", then you should possibly consider seeking professional help...  But in the mean time, you've got a great motive, so let's use it.

If interested, please post here, AND pm me with a character sheet.

Character thread.
OOC Thread.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I'm definitely interested. I'll send along my character sheet shortly.
I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


Yay. But please don't call me "shortly".... ;)

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


I am a fairy. My name is Nuff. Fair enough?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


I am... tentatively interested in this. Suffice it to say, when reading 'ski lodge' my first thought was, Ah, now it just needs to snow heavily and trap them there for a few days. And, after the mention of that snow, it was, Oh, Agatha Christie would be so proud.

...Though I must confess, I've read not nearly as many of her books as I'd like to. Library near here's got a distressingly poor selection, and the few books of hers they do have seem to be perpetually checked out.

So, yar. Interested, presuming I can come up with a reasonably good character for it.
Apoloies & Absences - Updated 11/16/2014 - Around and available? Hopefully?


Hi Solstice. That's cool.

You could always rent, buy or download the films of her various books? And of course Christie is not the only great crime writer, she's just the greatest. There will no-doubt be elements of whatever crime fiction we have all read and/or watched... But Agatha was my inspiration. Originally I was going to have one player be the detective, but having tried that twice, it rather doesn't work. Basically it makes the game into a battle between two players with everyone else there being little more than NPCs.

However, if ALL the players have to work together to solve the crime (all except the one that did it who has to try and conceal his/her identity), then everyone is involved.

I'm assuming you have seen the list of suggestions? Please feel free to take any of those and combine, tangle, modify them as you see fit. The half sister has been taken.


Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Do you want people to try to stick to their own gender on this one?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on April 08, 2012, 03:05:08 PM
Do you want people to try to stick to their own gender on this one?

I'm not especially bothered. If you want to play a woman, go right ahead. Like I said, I will even accept a ladyboy if given a good enough reason. (Actually, I can think of a great motive for murder for one!)

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Ah, should've confirmed earlier, but--

Set in the UK, da? Judging by mentions of England and Oxford University.
Apoloies & Absences - Updated 11/16/2014 - Around and available? Hopefully?


Skj lodge? In the UK? That would be stretching the borders of belief. For us a blizzard is one day of heavy snow that lies about 2" deep!

But being a socialite, Ms Snider cannot resist being seen in public. And so, during the skiing season, she spends a week at an exclusive ski-lodge in the Bavarian Alps. She makes no secret of her movements, but the press are kept out of this particular little enclave.

We are in Germany, near the Austrian border.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!



Cool, welcome, Summoner.

Hoping for some character sheets soon?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Quote from: Chrystal on April 08, 2012, 05:57:35 PM
Skj lodge? In the UK? That would be stretching the borders of belief. For us a blizzard is one day of heavy snow that lies about 2" deep!

We are in Germany, near the Austrian border.

Wow, utter reading comprehension fail on my part, there. -_-;

Thanks. Should have something done toniiiight.
Apoloies & Absences - Updated 11/16/2014 - Around and available? Hopefully?


Quote from: Chrystal on April 08, 2012, 06:17:39 PM
Cool, welcome, Summoner.

Hoping for some character sheets soon?

SEnt a PM with the character sheet to ya!  ;D




Apoloies & Absences - Updated 11/16/2014 - Around and available? Hopefully?


Wow, four character sheets waiting for me!

Just so people know, I have two younger brothers. This is purely down to timing and the fact that I have to sleep some time!

Summoner, yours was submitted first, so you get first dibs on the role.

HOWEVER.... As I'm sure everyone is aware, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Rosemary Snider could have two younger brothers. They are different enough that the interaction between them should be fun. I'm thinking that they dislike each other and generally try and avoid being in the same place at the same time.

So, Summoner and Tcost, please could you talk to each other about this (Please copy me in on PMs - just type my name into the "To:" box after the other person's name, and/or click "Reply To All") and decide what you want to do?

I have five characters so far (one awaiting technical issues for approval). I would like a few more before we start, so if anyone knows anyone who might be interested, please point them in here?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!



Good news.

Sorry folks, but if you don't keep the flow of posts going, the thread slips down and I'm not allowed to bump it unless it's been a month since the last post.

I'm seriously hoping that I haven't lost all of you within the last couple of weeks?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I DUNNO... I wonder how things are going with this thread?


I, for one, am still definitely around. ;D
I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


Haven't been here in years but I'm in need of a good distraction!


I'm still recruiting for this.

Any would-be murderers or budding sleuths out there who want in, have until 11:00am GMT (10:00am British Summer Time) on Sunday 22nd April to submit a character sheet for approval.

At that time I will make the final selection for the murderer and start the game, at which point recruitment will close, because, obviously, any new players will NOT be the murderer, which rather defeats the object.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!