Power Rangers: Knights and the Legendary Weapons

Started by Darwishi, July 10, 2005, 01:48:45 PM

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Basically I was just thinking of a free-form game where there would be a 3-4 member power ranger team that are all girls (ages: 18-21).  And then there could be any array of villians and putty's (or whatever you wanna call them) and side characters  (boyfriends, girlfriends, regular friends...bullies) but those types of characters could be either male or female. 

Also, to make the rangers demorph normally they'd have to be too tired to fight any longer.  But sense this would be a sexual game, I figured making them orgasm in their suits three times should be the key to making them unmorph and go back to civilain form.  Also when captured they'd be sexually assaulted or seduced...whichever way you want to go with it.  Also, no zords (big ass machine things) because well, I never liked them.  So also no big ass monsters, just one's decently sized (two to three times a human's size at most). 

Anyway, I was just seeing if there would be any interest.


P.S. Oh yeah, and each player could play 3 characters, but no more than one ranger (since there are only a few).


I wouldn't mind playing a villain or two.


Well, you know I'll always play a villian for your games.


Well...now that we have villains, I need at least two more rangers to get the game started (the others can be discovered later on).  Oh yeah, these should be new characters and the rangers should pick which ones they want.  I'll be playing the leader of the group and there will be some plot devices, in case anyone is worried. ^^ 

Humble Scribe

Darwishi - I'd be happy to play a Ranger.
However, I confess I don't have a great deal of familiarity with the Mighty Merchandising Power Rangers (I watched a handful of episodes but if there was any underlying reason for what was going on - e.g. why or how they 'morphed' or what powers it gave them - it completely escaped me - I just remember thinking the pink one was really cute), so a quick primer or the URL of one would be appreciated.

Edit - just looked it up on Wikipedia. OK, I'm up to speed now. Do the colours matter at all?

The moving finger writes, and having writ,
Moves on:  nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Ons and Offs


Nope, just make sure they look cute.  I haven't decided if the lead ranger will be pink or turquoise/teal  so yeah.  But if you wanna go with pink I'll go with the turquoise.  Otherwise just pick a color, preferably something bright.

Anyway the largest database, if anyone has any questions, I can find is www.rangercentral.com

Humble Scribe

Pink is fine. Do you have a character sheet format in mind or shall I wing it?
The moving finger writes, and having writ,
Moves on:  nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Ons and Offs


*a particular H-game comes to mind*

Actually, there is a distinct prevalence of such theme in certain H-games... I could give reference links to those...


H-game? o.O  Oh I've got a sheet, heh, um let me root around for it.

Alright I've got it. ^^
Ranger (what color) or Villain or Side character:
Male or Female:
Physical health:
Sexual orientation:
Sense of Humor:
Inner rhythm:
Psychology (intro/extrovert, etc.):
Goals and Dreams:
Powers: (Both for rangers and villains.  Only with rangers it's more like where their powers come from)


Hentai games...

You'd be surprised at what those people in Japan think up of. At least the companies that make H-games...


Ahh, I was more referring to the Amercanized version of power rangers.  Haven't seen much of the japanese kind. ^^ 



Just one example of such an H-game, but with two protagonists (female of course).


I'm willing to play a power ranger.

I'm just nutty that way.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Hmm well that's three rangers and two villains.  That's enough to actually start the game if ya'll wanted.  But I'm inclined to see if any other interest in the game pops up.  What about you guys?


Either way's fine by me.  Of course, having many players runs a greater risk of the game being held up by someone, but it also makes things more...interesting.


Need a bad guy? I can help...



Well I guess the next step is to ask for permission to set it up somewhere. ^^ 

Humble Scribe

Quote from: Darwishi on July 12, 2005, 12:47:06 AM
Well I guess the next step is to ask for permission to set it up somewhere. ^^ 

NCEF, no doubt...!

One quick question before I submit a character sheet. Just me being dense again, but when you say:

"Powers: (Both for rangers and villains.  Only with rangers it's more like where their powers come from)"

What did you mean by that? Are you asking what kind of focus the rangers have for triggering the morph (power coin, sword, morphin' belt, or whatever) or are you after what class of powers they have (ninja etc)?? And did you have anything in mind for your leader, as a guideline?

The moving finger writes, and having writ,
Moves on:  nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Ons and Offs


~nod~ I'll post a bio as soon as I can.  But basically I meant like where does it come from.   Um, it could be elemental, animalistic, or culture based.. (Ninja, shogun, samurai, marine...etc.).  Point being is later on they'll probably get one ability that I'll name from said origin of power.


Alright the game is up in the NCEF forums for all that care. ^^  It hasn't started yet cause I'm tired, but I set up a few basic threads. ^^


Just a plug on this game, although I would like at least one more if not two more rangers for the game.  We have an aqua ranger and a pink ranger.  Also the theme, is actually the Knight Rangers, for anyone that might be still interested. =O)


I need two evil rangers (blue and red) for this game and any disposable villains (for those who want to create something for the girls to beat and then create another monster. ^^) 


Still looking for Power Rangers for my game.  I need one more good ranger, and one more evil ranger.  Also I can use monsters as well. ^^


I'm new to the forums but I'd be interested in playing a good ranger.  Someone who tangles with bad guys and has an unfortunate habit of losing and getting captured...  ;)


That's cool, just go to the NCEF forums and find the Power Rangers: Femme Force game.   Read the rules and setting and stuff and then just send me a profile.  Our current pink ranger is on  hiatus so you can't have aqua or pink as your ranger color, or black...or purple for that matter. ^^ Anyway she won't start off as a ranger, but rather be recruited, so she might have to kick some butt at first, if that's cool with you. ^^

Anywho, look forward to seeing the character sheet. Oh and don't every else forget that I still need an evil ranger, evil one can be either male or female. ^^