Science Fiction Role Play looking for lady to play alien or human

Started by RedFang, February 08, 2012, 11:08:01 AM

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I have a story idea in my head, and I would like to get a long standing one on one RP.  This RP should include 40-50% sex and the rest storyline.  Also I am not against detail, but I am also not a grammer nazi or do I like being paired with one.

The year is 2023 and the energy situation for the western countries is in a rocky transition from oil to alternative fuels, where gasoline is above $10.00 a gallon and citizens have been forced to change to biodiesels, and many alternate means of transportation.  Governments seeing this ahead of time started to alter their military infustructure to run off these renewable fuels leaving many of the super powers still in power.  However, the violence in third world countries and namely Africa over the massive loss in production has caused the UN to send peacekeepers on a scale not seen since WW2.

During this time of violence several hundred objects appear over earth, what at first appears like a doomsday even of totally invasion turns out to be thousands of refugees.  The objects are escape craft and as they crash and land onto earth across the planet they bring their story and request for aid.  Across the galaxy their three races banded together to form a empire that for the last 5,000 years has lived and advanced with only minor exchanges of violence.

Yet they are now under siege, a alien race (think Zerg, Tyranids, Aliens mixed together) has overrun many of their outlying worlds and their technology only barely keeps them back.  World after world goes dark as they eat their way across space.  The aliens reveal they have been watching Earth since the age of the dinosaurs, and the only reason they did not make contact is our violence and art of war was something they hadn't seen on any other planet.  The quarentined us from aid and advancement as they were confident it would only lead to more destruction.

They revealed that our races, although scattered throughout the galaxy, were all sown from a single race.  That humans were the race that shown a lustful appetitte for war and conquest.  That we were the universes greatest Warriors.  In exchange for their technology, we would raise a army, and army of volunteers, of humans, aliens, and halfbreeds.  That in only 20 earth years thousands of warships would be built, with weapons mankind had only dreamed of.  Those that joined would give their families eternal high status, and if they chose it, a claim to land on a new colony.  As the aliens demonstated on Mars, any planet can be tamed and transformed into earthlike with their technology.

This is where the RP comes in, now the idea is I play one of the human soldiers and you play one of the 3 races of aliens.  Breeding is highly encouraged as the halfbreeds of humans and any of the races make a race skilled in combat and one of the other races attributes.

I don't have names for the races or the zerg like aliens, but One race is feline like, strong, agile, and fast; natural leaders of the races and the second most warlike.  Another uses mind to move objects and can manifest weapons and alter the world if trained up properly.  The last race is rather smaller, but their love of technology and creating things makes them natural engineers and some other races see their power as a form of magic.

Now any details or backstory of these aliens can be discussed at length, and I only have a broad overview so if you enjoy the idea and wish to flush out your own history or alter details slightly, to include artwork then by all means post here or send me a PM.

Also, if you want to, you can include human type races, such as Vampires, Wearwolves, things of that nature.  They can pretend to be humans as they join the army.
Sometimes I read the post, type the posts and then forget what I was doing.