Living Dead Girl (Seeking 2-4)

Started by DomShark, January 15, 2012, 02:38:12 AM

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It was graduation night, and Kevin Bleeker was on top of the world. For most of highschool, he'd been a punching bag for the jocks and preppies and upperclassmen who wrote him off as a "Goth", "Emo" or all around "Freak". But that had all changed last summer, when Stephanie XXX dyed streaks of red into her hair and pierced her lip. Suddenly, the most popular girl in school was "alternative", even signing up for A.P. Literature, a class she shared with Kevin.

Stephanie needed help with the assigned summer reading list, so she started seeing Kevin more and more often. When the two of them began their senior year, they were already a couple and were inseparable all year long. Stephanie even became Prom Queen, despite the black fingernails and necktie.

Now, both Kevin and Steph were planning on attending U.C. Berkley; Kevin on a literary scholarship and Stephanie on her parents' high credit rating. But it was grad night that changed everything for both Kevin and Stephanie. She made a mistake when she willingly jumped into the front seat of Sean Conner's' Father's BMW. For Sean had been drinking and wasn't in the mood to take "No" for an answer. Despite hitting the Semi-Truck head on, Sean only sustained minor injuries.

Kevin was the first on the scene, there before even the paramedics. Thankfully, he'd managed to pull his beloved Stephanie from the wreckage before the fire started. He smiled at her and kissed her as she held him in her arms. The Paramedics didn't seem to understand though, they swore she wasn't breathing despite her sweet words of love. They were taking her to the hospital, but she seemed so healthy just a moment ago.

After racing to the hospital, Kevin heard Stephanie calling his name, but by the time he reached her room they were covering her up with a sheet. But why? She was shouting for him, begging him not to let them throw her in a box. It was amazing how fast security got there, and how strong they were once they'd arrived.

Kevin was thrown out of the funeral, for trying to pry open the casket, swearing he could hear her calling from inside. Then also, Stephanie's parents through Kev out of the wake for suggesting loudly and insistently that they should go dig up her grave. The next day, when her grave was dug up and emptied, the police had one name at the top of their list for suspects.


The idea for this thread is a dark romance, with a vaguely necrophiliac overtone. I'm casting one female for the role of Stephanie (Last name left open so as not to influence race or faith), as well as a Principal (Gender Nonspecific) and Sheriff (Gender Nonspecific). In my whole vision, the Sheriff is a parent of Stephanie, so they would have special cause to get upset with her body being dug up and stolen. There's also the role of Sean, which I will probably play myself unless someone really wows me with a profile.

I'm looking for good, detailed writers with a taste for the dark. I'll be fairly picky with that role, though all are welcome to apply. Stephanie's Problems throughout will include Flesh-Rot, Rigormortis, Foul Odor, flies/maggots, worms and general inability to heal. I'll post a profile for Kevin soon.
I've been in a rut lately, but I'm working on catching up. Sorry for any delay.