CthulhuTECH: EVA and HPL s'mored in awesomesauce

Started by NotoriusBEN, January 08, 2012, 02:07:15 AM

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Quote from: NotoriusBEN on January 16, 2012, 11:34:30 PM
Reading the book, Law Enforcement is the dirty work/heavy lifting of CSI:Wherever. It's definitely got the Sherlock Holmes feel to it, and you'd be able to get samples back to the cruiser for better analysis (if what your looking for is sophisticated). I see Law Enforcement being useful in a military setting, especially with civilians, non-combatants, or even resistance fighters. Just saying there's more to it than just forensics.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexcellent.  I think my ship has just come in!  Now if only I can decide on what to drive, an Engel or a Mecha...


Why not Shadow?

Dark, I am actually a mecha pilot ;) It's easy to miss sight of it in the skill pile, but I pilot a Khopesh (heavy duty ranged mech), with enough of a  Marksman ability to back it up.  Will I rival your proficiency in a Mech dogfight?  No, quite simply I won't.  But, nonetheless, I have other strengths you won't possess, and that's the balance of the whole thing.

Mechanical advantage is all well and good, but in the end it means you're character only functions in very narrow environments.  When it comes to gunning bad things down with mechas, there's no one better to call.  However, you're going to be sitting on your hands in most any circumstance that involves not directly fighting something.

You're likewise entirely correct about pilots, who aren't trained to repair their vehicles because there is no opportunity to do so.  A damaged plane either returns to base or crashes.  A jet is incapable of making a landing on anything but highly specialized surfaces without destroying itself. There's no reason to ever train a pilot to repair a vehicle that will not survive the damage.  in the case of a mech, you have device that can, and in most cases will, survive significant amounts of punishment.  Tank crews are fully equip to manage, strip, and repair their vehicles from the ground up, because they will, in most circumstances, become damaged and need field repairs. Technicians aren't going to be able to repair a destroyed weapon or leg,but they can jury-rig it to work for at least a bit longer - possibly enough to salvage the equipment.

Para-psy's are tricky, total agreement :)  I can agree to disagree ^^


 @BEN- Dunno if you missed the question, but can I take some sort of Nightmare based drawback for 2pts? I figure that Ethnia has reoccurring nightmares about her engel being a bit... forceful.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Because it's been missed by Ben as well :P

Combat Relevant Skills:

     Dodge (Novice)
     Pilot (Student) (AMV-3 Khopesh)
     Stealth (Student)
     Demolitions  (Student)
     Medicine (Novice)
     Munitions (Student)
     Technician (Adept)
     Marksman (Adept)
     Observation (Student)
     Support Weapons (Student)


Call me Shadow
My A/A


Quote from: Aoife on January 16, 2012, 11:41:31 PM
Dark, I am actually a mecha pilot ;) It's easy to miss sight of it in the skill pile, but I pilot a Khopesh (heavy duty ranged mech), with enough of a  Marksman ability to back it up.

...Sorry. Totally missed that. Was looking at your profession! Forgive me? ;D


Also just saying it so its said. Not pointing fingers.

Keep it civil all. We all want to have a good time. Reread your posts a couple times and see if it comes off differently and all.

Thank you.

ok what else?
Oh! I told Reiji in a PM, but I'll share it here too.

Depending how far you guys are able to push into Migou territory, how well you do, or how badly. It will reflect your supply and requisitions. There's no set number, just the whim of the GM on this one. If you complete missions with all your mechs smashed up, its good in the short run, but just realize that going back for repairs could blunt your offensive push or weaken your defensive stand. For the most part, the Quartermaster and the NPC's will get your mech's in tip top shape. If you have repair skills, I'll make sure you get a chance to use them, and provide the NPCs a different solution. They work on this stuff so much its almost rote. Providing a fresh POV can help with repairs.

To help with shadow's Nightmare question, which book is that stuff in again? so busy flipping through 1st edition books with lackluster indexes...


OH! the amphibious mecha AMV khopesh (duh, still a sword name  ::) )

Im here looking for the friggin medic truck that's called an 'ay mee'
Ok i see it now aoife.

Ok, enough questions answered tonight. I gotta get your guy's stuff put together tonight and tomorrow.


 Vade Mecum has stuff on dreams and such, but no drawback for nightmares. Checking through Assets/Drawbacks for other books, I can't find anything either.

The closest that comes to it is Dream Barren, but that's no dreams at all.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Naturally :)  I have a lot of skills, so it's kind of natural it'd get lost somewhere :) I basically mashed together the skill requirements for an Arcano-technician and a Mech-Pilot in a particularly sloppy manner, and the lower Agility will come to bite me down the line for sure.

I really probably should take Armed Fighting, but it's tricky to know which skill to dial back a level.  I'm thinking Communications, but the ability to mess up enemy communications lines and jam transmissions from patrols we take out will be very useful.  Maybe computers?


I'll work with you on the nightmare drawback, shadow. I just dont have time at the moment.

Look at a bunch of other drawbacks that allow 1 or 2 points. they usually have a -1 or -2 penalty or require a challenging skill check. If others have ideas to toss out for this, I'd appreciate the help. We should have it cobbled together by tomorrow.

For now... Im working on the opening post and getting a few pics together.


 Usually, it's a Tenacity roll. I'd say... Challenging tenacity roll or take a -1 penalty to all Test rolls until she can get a good rest. Basically a refluffed Tired drawback with an added tenacity roll.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


My take on it, for whatever it's worth (Based on Mania (2) drawback)

Nightmare (2)

Your character is prone to horrible nightmares, either due to a traumatic past, bad luck, or darker things.  While these nightmares are not in the same category as a full blown psychiatric ailment, they are nonetheless disruptive to the character's everyday life. While they are shaking off their dreams, these characters tend be skittish, prone to outbursts, and generally ill-tempered. After sleeping for a period of more than an hour, the character must make a Challenging Tenacity Feat Test or suffer a -1 Test Penalty for 1-5 hours. If they character has suffered an insanity point in the past week, the Test becomes Hard and the character suffers a -2 Test Penalty for 1-5 hours as the nightmares intensify horrendously and the character learns to accommodate the new terrors into their everyday life.

EDIT: Beat me to it Shadow! :P


Questions! Was reading over other peoples characters to make sure im doing this right... was wondering though, how did you lot get some of your secondary attributes?

Aoife, how did you get 65 vit and 10 reflex?
The formula for vit, as i understand it is the avg of Str and Ten (rounding down), +5 (then x5 for your health, which, i assume, is supposed to be recorded separately), which in your case would have been 11 (55 health). And reflex is avg of Ag, Int and Per (rounded down) which in your case would be 6

And Shadow, your vit is 14, but I'm getting up to 12

So... basically what am i missing in my calculations? i dont want to gimp my character because im missing something! D:


Quote from: Darkling on January 17, 2012, 10:40:11 AM
And Shadow, your vit is 14, but I'm getting up to 12

Woops, you are correct. That's why I asked for someone to check my stats for me >.>
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Rounding is where I've made my errors :P  Big oops there!  Thanks for checking Dark, I'd been rounding up!

Adjusted Vitality is 55 indeed (5+8/2 =6 rounded down+5=11x5=55)

Adjusted Reflex is indeed 6. I made the BIG error of dividing by 2 as I'd been doing for other attributes, on top of rounding up :P


Call me Shadow
My A/A


Me either!

Okie Dokie. Heres Mine,
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
-Name/CallSign: Key Vankover/Winter
-Race: White (Sidoci)
-Profession: Engel Pilot
-Allegiance: The New Earth Government
-Place of Birth: Vancouver
-Sex: F
-Age: 18
-Distinguishing Features: Shes a White. Black nazzadi-style tattoos curl out from her back, around her arms and legs in a very loose spiral, and following the lines of her hips, rib cage, collar bone, and cheek bone, but only on her left side.
-Bio: Key was among the first Whites born, and like many xenomixes was raised in the newly forged Nazzadi traditions to avoid being ostracized by that side of her family. Unlike many Whites, she was never put up for adoption, whatever her abilities were, they never seemed to have manifested, and her parents (having resolved to make the best of a unideal situation) were able to appreciate the perks of a child who was so well grounded and hard to scare, eerie though she was. She grew as all children do and put up with her unique situation as well as all Whites do, when she was eight, her watchers were finally able to ascertain the nature of her ability, she was a Empath, but scored very low on ability tests, it would be unlikely that shed ever manifest higher abilities.

Growing up in Vancouver, one of the major military Archologies in western North America, she developed a strong sense of racial duty, and while she worked as a dancer in her teen years, signed up to a military academy as soon as she was able, flatly refusing all offers of training or employment for her parapsy abilities. There in she worked hard and distinguished herself from her peers, entered the mech pilot training program and was eventually selected by Engel Project scouts to bond with one of the newly issued Chashmal Engels.

=Primary Attributes And Skills
-Agility: 7
Agility Feat: Adept
Pilot: Adept; Chashmal (3)
Dodge: Adept (3)
Fighting: Focused Adept: Engel (3)

-Intelligence: 5
Intelligence Feat: Novice
Armorer: Student (1)
Education: Student (1)
Language: Novice; English, Nazzadi (free)
Literacy: Novice (free)
Munitions: Student (1)
Regional Knowledge: Novice; Vancouver and Environs  (free)

-Perception: 7
Perception Feat: Adept
Observation: Adept (3)
Marksman: Focused Adept: Engel (3)

-Presence: 5
Presence Feat: Novice
Performance: Novice; Dance (2)
Seduction: Student (1)

-Strength: 5
Strength Feat: Novice

-Tenacity: 8 (6+1race+1cheat)
Tenacity Feat: Expert
Survival: Novice (2)

=Secondary Attributes
-Actions:2 (7, 7)
-Movement: 6; 11mph - 27/6 ypt (7,5)
-Orgone: 11 (5, 8. +5)
-Reflex: 6 (7,5,7)
-Vitality: 11 (5,8. +5)
--Health: 55 (11x5)
11-0  Flesh             
11-0  Light              -  -1 Test Penalty
11-0  Moderate       -  -3 Test Penalty, 1/2 Move, Max 2 Actions, 1/2 Armor
11-0  Serious          -  -6 Test Penalty, Crawl Only, Max 1 Actions, No Armor, Sanity Check
11-0  Death's Door -  Unconscious and Possibly Dieing or in Coma

Drama Points: 10

Nightvision 3 (race)
Alluring 1 (race)
White 4
Latent Parapsychic 4 (white)
Erupted Parapsychic 2 (white)
Authority 3
Double Jointed 1
Muse: Dance 1

Misfit 4 (race)
Watched 3 (race)
Duty 3
Engel Synthesis Interface 1
Truly Honest 2
Foe 1

-Primary: Sensory
Empathy: Student (free)
can read strong, current emotions. But not cause. +1 Test or Contest Bonus when using social skills
-Secondary: Somatic
-Tertiary: Environmental and Manipulative

-Sentrytech Mk-V
+1/+1 G
-CS-44 Enforcer
15mm, Range: 12/25/45, Damage: +2, Shots/round: 2, Rounds: 15 caseless
-Engel Synthesis Interface (ESI) Implant

=Chashmal: Azazel
Control Response (Agility)  +2
Sensors (Perception)  +1
Frame  (Strength)  11 (+2 damage)
Multi-Task Systems (Actions)  0
Warning Systems (Reflex)  0
-Sensory Systems
Broadband Audio
Targeting (+2)
-Support Systems
Life Support
Ground Speed: 30 mph (74/18 ypt)
Air/Water Speed: 120 mph (296/72 ypt)
Acceleration Code:  C [2/2]
Jumping Distance:  30/15
Enhanced A-Pod Speed (Quadruple)
Integrity 30
Armor 4/4
Damage Control Systems 2/turn
Regeneration 1 die/turn
   (Total Recovery 2 + 1 die/turn)
-Weapons Systems
Chaff Dispenser (Large)
Charge Beam (Large)
Hyperedge Claws
   with Acid Drip (Large)
2 Linked Laser Cannons (Large)

3 = 1 Ten
6 = 6 Skillpoints

Additional notes: Ben, this one is updated from the one i sent you, theres a few differences. For Foe, I was imagining someone who resented her meteoric success during training, theres literally no end to the list of bigoted reasons he might have, and that doesnt even count the usual jealousy! perhaps a mech or fighter pilot, but I'll leave the specifics up to you, since its entirely possible that Key didnt even notice she had a rival. Have fun with it :D! I dont have support weapons because I have no rockets/missiles/bombs, and i dont have armed fighting because the Chashmals melee weapons are claws, which go under Fighting. Since everyone is diversifying their skills, I figured I'd try out the performance angle, will be neat to see if/how that gets worked into the game.

Now, any input is loved!


 She can be the backup dancer to Ethnia's singing!
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Im liking the characters, everyone. Im getting a lot of ideas from these, and I like the engel/pilot ratio. It's playing into my opening. (nothing sinister, just an explaination for combined mecha/engel ops besides the sake for doing so.

I have the ground work for the OP done, but work and all this snow in washington has killed my creativity. I should be done with my current site tomorrow and I'll get the reinvigoration I need.

@ShadowFox, lets use aiofe's definition of the nightmare. Cant wait to see yours and reiji's characters.


It's kind of a fun group from what I've seen so far.  Just as a note though, I'll be staying WELL clear of the Chashmal.  Anything that big is going to be taking any and all firepower, and I don't want to be too close :D

Silliness aside, we've got a bruiser, a range-support, and a mixed-combat unit, with two of the three being adapt both on land and sea.  This is on top of the varied skillsets, which is a boon in and of itself.  On the other hand, there's no way to be stealthy in the slightest.  The 'shortest' of us is 38' tall.  Plus, repairs are only going to be moderately effective, as the units are so large as to make field repairs kind of iffy.


Bruiser = Chashmal

Range Support = Cherub

Mix Combat = Hamshall

Plus whatever Stealth-type mech Muse is driving (either a Rapier or an Eclipse, since it's a mech and not an Engel), and Aoi's Khopesh...


Quote from: ReijiTabibito on January 19, 2012, 08:12:54 AM
Bruiser = Chashmal

Range Support = Cherub

Mix Combat = Hamshall

Plus whatever Stealth-type mech Muse is driving (either a Rapier or an Eclipse, since it's a mech and not an Engel), and Aoi's Khopesh...
And your go-fast mech, assuming you still plan to have one, we also dont have latooni's sheet for her cherub pilot, but theres still plenty of time.

Also shadow! Ethnia's going to have to work on that, karaoke totally doesnt count! Hehe


 Aww, it doesn't? Maybe I should swap a skill around and give her singing :P
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Quote from: ShadowFox89 on January 19, 2012, 09:06:29 AM
Aww, it doesn't? Maybe I should swap a skill around and give her singing :P
Oh I'm sure it does, atleased as a supporting skill, though one could probably make the case that singing from a script alone or with a few friends in a small room is radically different from singing your own songs to a real audience on a stage, in either case i was just kidding. Unless Ben has a devious plan, were probably the only ones youll ever end up singing for anyway. Dont change her on my account!