A Tribute to Oscar Johanson

Started by Sabby, January 20, 2008, 07:16:59 AM

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Oscar Johanson is one of the greatest stick figure animators in history. He is best known for his epic, high quality series, The Castle. It hasn't been completed yet.

To commemorate Oscars amazing work over the years (even his earlier, less fantastic ones) this Tribute was put together, a gorey throw down between many of his characters, including Etrius, Boomer, Grenade Man and the hordes of brutal creatures from his Castle Series.

The first part isn't so good, and the last half half of part 2 is considerably better animated. Enjoy these.



Thank you Oscar. Your a legend.

Castle Series can be found here. https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=12028.0