
The Perfect Wife[EX]
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M looking for F. The disapperance of 3 Holleywood Divas

Started by seeker619, October 15, 2011, 12:22:26 PM

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Three Hollywood actresses have disappeared.   Police have a fairly good idea as too which actress may be next.  Although the next probable suspect has bodyguards and police protection she refuses to have them invade on her space when she is dating or having some other personal encounters. 

The man behind the disappearances is a former director who had only produced some films which all lost money.(Or something else if you prefer) He has also been stalking her and his previous victims so he knows their habits and proclivities.  While he was still a director he was able to ascertain from actors who dated these woman what all three woman looked for in a man and what kind of sex she was into.(These are up for grabs).

He matches her physical attributes she desires but lack the wealth she looks for in men as she wants to date only her equals in this area.  Finally he decides to get a job at a up scale bar she frequents regularly.  He sparkles with personality and the looks she desires during conversation he tells her he inherited a fortune from his family.  When she politely asks what he is doing working as a waiter he tells her he does it to keep busy when he is not busy doing his philanthropic work.  Impressed she agrees to a date with him where he kidnaps her like the previous three.

Possible ways to go are up to you.  I had some idea that he is caught off guard when the other two break free and when he arrives back with his diva in tow from there date they capture him and control him as the controlled them until he finds some way of turning  the tables in a vengeance.  Maybe he gets some friends who are in on it with him to act in some kind of movie.  Really it can go anywhere.