Now that I have a few ideas to toss around...

Started by Unnatural Selection, November 02, 2007, 03:34:32 PM

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Unnatural Selection

Hoping to find partners for a bit of fun.

Title:  A Spider In the Web
Me:  A female paladin - champion of the light
You:  The evil captors that are bent on breaking me and making me fall to a paragon of darkness
Story Codes:  Bondage, torture, non-consensual sex, imprisonment, psychological stress, moral and linguistic trickery, triumph of evil
Plot in 100 words or less:  Captured by the enemy, my character will not fall from grace, will attempt to escape, will resist every step of the way until cunning torturers find the keys that can open her mind and let them turn her around to their way of thinking.  What are they, how will they find them, what will happen in the end?  I dunno.

Me:  A dragon
You:  A female captive
Story Codes:  Up to you
Plot in 100 words or less:  So I've noticed that a number of people have either active stories or in their ONs/OFFs a taste for dragons.  Not having this fascination myself, I'd like to play a One-on-One and see what it's all about.

Title:  The New Darkness
Me:  Banished Dark Lord
You:  Hapless Innocent or Corrupt Acolyte
Plot in 100 words or less:  The Plot Artifact which contained the Dramatic Narrative was returned to the fire, 'whence it came, and the land started a new age.  Only there's always a loophole, and through accident, a shadow of my character's former evil power has returned, the success of his plans rests on your shoulders.  Alternately, you could seek to throw me down and replace me after learning at my hypothetical feet.

Title:  Hell's Tithe
You:  A slain grade-A evil type offered a chance at resurrection and freedom from hell.
Me:  The devil assigned as your "Parole Officer."
Plot:  After enjoying the hospitality of the inferno, you are offered a chance to return to life and the mortal world, in exchange for your personal service in serving the cause of evil.  Seducing innocent maidens (or righteous lads), burning, looting, pillaging, and all that fun stuff.

That should do for a start, I think.
Here you go

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.
--Carl Sagan


OOoohh.. number 2 please..

Rescue the Dragon in Distress from the Damsel.

(of course, i can also do a damsel in distress, but I like it a lot)

(I like the devil back in the world plot too, but it's up to you)

Far eyes

Number one seams interesting PM me if you want and we can go over the details
What a man says: "Through roleplaying, I want to explore the reality of the female experience and gain a better understanding of what it means to be a woman."

What he means: "I like lesbians".