All The Rage (Scotty's Requests, Overhauled and Improved)

Started by Scotty Rage, August 09, 2011, 07:19:25 PM

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Scotty Rage

Scotty's Request and Criteria Thread

Hello Elliquiy, and welcome to my new and improved request thread.  Many of you know me at this point, though there are those that don't, so I'm going to give you a quick introduction of myself.

I'm Scotty, or Scott if you prefer, and I'm a role-player.  I know.  Shocking isn't it?  I have man parts, and play male characters, because frankly I have no idea how to get into a female mentality.  Women confuse me enough in real life, so how could anyone possibly expect me to understand them enough to play one?  Yeah, don't ask.  It's not happening.  I'm straight, meaning I am attracted to women, no matter how hard it is to understand them.  Don't ask me to do a male on male role.  I actually consider myself heteroflexible, though, and am alright with the presence of another male as long as there is a female involved, and even light contact with said male, as long as nobody is trying to put anything in my mouth or up my ass.

A little more about me, I tend to play more dominant type roles, since submission is NOT in my genetic make-up.  So if you're looking for someone to play your groveling little boy toy, move on.  It's not that I can't play a subservient role, but expect one with lots of piss and vinegar (figuratively speaking) in his veins.  I fight back, and rather enjoy turning the tables on those who would try and assert themselves over me.  My characters will always have a bit of an attitude that somewhat mirrors my own, meaning they won't bow or submit to anyone willingly, are defiant and headstrong, and will take an opportunity to strike and cause a reversal of fortune if presented.

That being said, let's get to the heart of the matter, shall we?  I'm obviously opening my schedule for a few new writing partners, having had a few stories that have fallen into the 'dead' or 'inactive' category.  I've recently returned to actively role-playing after a bit of a break myself, though in general I kept in touch with folks to let them know I was doing so and would be returning.  It's common courtesy, and I expect the same of any potential partner.  I know I might come off as a bit harsh or demanding a few times in this thread, and I'll admit, I can be, but only because I want a quality writing partner, and I feel that I shouldn't have to settle for less than that, just as I would expect anyone to be.  Don't think this means that I have some sort of superiority complex, because I don't, and you'll find I'm quite social and friendly once I've gotten to know someone a bit.

So, now let's talk business.  I'll go through a list of what I expect from my writing partners, and then name off some of my kinks and pairings, and finally give a few story ideas I might be willing to try out with the right partner.  So have a seat, get comfortable, and read on.

Qualifying Criteria

This is what I expect from a writing partner, as I tend to give the same.  Basically I don't ask for more than I give, but I do ask that a partner give as much as I do, otherwise it's not going to work and you'll find me quickly losing interest and moving on.

  • Literacy - This is the single most important thing I can think of.  Without literacy, you have no story, or at least not one that anyone would want to read.  Now when I say this, I don't mean your spelling has to always be perfect, or even your grammar.  It does mean that you have to be able to put together a sentence that people can read and understand clearly, though.  It also means I do not tolerate laziness, such as using chatspeak, or lack of capitalization and punctuation.  If you're too lazy to give me complete words and to make use of the Shift key a few times, or to give me a period, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, etc. from time to time, then we won't work out, and you need not apply.

  • Dependability - This is probably the second most important attribute I look for in a partner.  While I am very capable of volleying several posts an hour back and forth with someone when I have the free time and my muse is in overdrive, I don't expect everyone to be able to do that.  I understand life happens, and sometimes we can only post once a day, or even once every few days.  That's fine.  But if I find myself waiting two weeks for a post and don't hear anything from you explaining why I'm waiting, whether it's simply writer's block or real life getting in the way, the chances are I'm going to move on.  That doesn't mean you can't recover the role-play with me, because I do understand that sometimes circumstances make it impossible to get in touch with people sometimes.  It's happened to me, and if it ever does, I'll do my best to inform you of the situation so you don't think I just abandoned you.  If you're bad about just dropping out of a role-play with no contact or explanation, though, then don't waste my time please.

  • Respect - This is another important thing to me.  I will respect what you like and dislike, and will never try to cross your boundaries or push the issue on something you don't want to do, and I expect the same.  Failure to respect my limits and trying to force me into something I don't like or want will get you dropped and ignored quickly.  Also, talking down to me, treating me inferior, and insulting me out of character will get the same result.  In character, it's fine, and I actually love exchanging witty banter in a story.  I even enjoy doing so out of character in a playful manner, as long as we're only joking.  If you insult me for real, and especially if you make it personal, you get dropped with no chance at redemption.  I'm an educated and intelligent man with a very sharp wit, not to mention a short fuse when the right buttons are pushed, and starting a verbal sparring match with me will likely result in some very hurt feelings on your part before you get dropped.

  • Courtesy - This goes back to the statements about informing me if you have to take a leave, or contacting me shortly after if something comes up too suddenly if at all possible.  I will offer the same if I can.  It's common courtesy.  The same goes for wanting to drop the role-play.  Rather than just disappearing without an explanation, just tell me if you're no longer into it.  I'm a grown man, and I'm not going to cry or pitch a fit.  I'll understand.  It happens to me sometimes.  You just stop feeling a story and no longer wish to pursue it, but simply vanishing without a trace is rude and earns you a bad reputation, because people will pass the word around if you do it too often.  Then, well, good luck finding many decent partners after you get that sort of rep.

  • Creativity - Some might associate this with literacy, but they couldn't be farther from the truth.  All the proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation in the world won't matter if you have no imagination.  What this means is I want a partner who can paint a vivid picture with words.  If I can't picture what you're writing in my head, then it's hard to give you a worthy because it limits my ability to picture my own actions and reactions.  This doesn't mean I want you to go Tolkien on me and spend ten paragraphs describing a blade of grass, but details are important, and dedicating a few lines in a paragraph to describe something will go a long way toward contributing to my imagination and my ability to picture what you're writing.  And this brings us to...

  • Quality - There are those who confuse quality with quantity, and think that giving me ten paragraphs of pure fluff is what quality writing is.  They're wrong, and all that does is bore me with a bunch of unnecessary wordplay.  Quality is directly related to your creativity, and honestly, I'd rather have a partner who can give me two paragraphs that paint a clear picture and progress the story rather than one who gives me ten that really do nothing at all for the story and are just filled with a bunch of unnecessary information.  Detail is good, but completely unneeded detail for the sake of taking up space to meet some stupid size requirement you set for yourself is just boring, and I lose interest after too much of that.  I like a role-play that flows, and you can't have that when every post is ten paragraphs of fluff.  It's tedious to read and tends to cause people to lose interest in favor of something that moves along better.  That's not to say I don't like quantity as well, because when someone can give me a decent amount of quality and quantity, then I tend to become very interested in the story.  On average I write between two and five paragraphs per post.  There are times when a lot is going on, and I get more, sometimes eight to ten paragraphs, though this is usually for an introduction post that gives a bit of back story.  I'm personally happy with a partner who can give me one good paragraph as long as it's creative and detailed.  I don't base my post length on that of my partner.  I write as much as needed to get my point across, no more, no less.  If you come to me demanding so many paragraphs for every post, then chances are I'll turn you down.  On the same note, don't give me one-liners either.  You obviously can't give a proper amount of detail in one sentence, so I do ask that a partner be willing to give me at least a paragraph, but I won't require more than that from anyone.
That pretty much covers my list of criteria I wish to be met for my writing partners.  The next few posts will be about the elements I like and dislike, my possible pairings, and a few story ideas I might be willing to give a try.  So if I haven't scared you away yet, keep reading.

Scotty Rage

So, you're still reading, huh?  Well, then I guess you haven't found anything I said before to be too intimidating.  Let's continue, then, shall we?  This section will get into the types of characters I like to play, as well as what I look for in a partner.  So, here we go...

My Characters and Those of My Partner

This will simply state the types of characters I enjoy playing as well as the types I like having opposite of me.  I could possibly be talked into playing as/with other types, but these are the primary archetypes that I like to work with.  If you have an idea of something you think I could pull off fairly well, or something you want to play that you think I'd like, by all means, present it to me and we'll see how it goes.  I also think it's fair to mention that I prefer playing characters who have actually gone through puberty, and have no desire to repeat that awkward phase, even in a role-play, and therefore my characters will always be at least seventeen years old.  I also have no attraction to girls who have not gone through puberty and matured, therefore do not present me with anyone under sixteen.  Of similar note, I don't much care for playing old characters either.  You might talk me into playing a forty-five year old guy, but that's about the limit.  I know a lot of people are into the whole May/December romance thing, but I really am not.  I prefer characters that can believably still have sex the way I like it, which is nice and rough.  On the same note, I don't really enjoy old women either.  The limit is about the same there.  I could totally handle a forty-five year old woman, and believe her to still be very attractive and young looking, but beyond that, unless you're a celebrity and getting regular Botox treatments, the chances are you're starting to look old, and I'm just not attracted to old people sex.  I can probably be flexible by a few years for both genders on this limit, but don't get your hopes up on me playing as or opposite of anyone older than middle forties to early fifties.

Characters I Like To Play

  • Aggressive Males - Yep.  That's right.  I always play aggressive, dominant males.  Alpha males, if you will.  This is simply my own nature reflected in those characters.  Even those that are in a role that can be considered 'subservient' such as slave or laborer will have the attitude and won't hesitate to turn the tables or take charge when the opportunity presents itself.  To quote a great song, "I will not bow, I will not break."

  • The Black Sheep - This is a favorite of mine, and once again follows my own attitude, and is somewhat tied directly to the previous listing.  I have never been a conformist, and don't follow the flock like all the other good little sheep.  Most of my characters are the same.  They tend to be strong-willed and independent, often at odds with authority figures on some level, or at least those who try to bend them to their will.  They do things their way, like I do, though that doesn't mean I will be disagreeable to everything you want or suggest.  If our goals are the same, and if your way coincides with mine, then you'll find me quite cooperative.  If not, then expect heads to butt quite often, though that can be a lot of fun to play out.  I do love a good power struggle.

  • Men of Honor - Another favorite of mine, though often confused with a shining knight coming to save the day who always does the right thing and is completely chivalrous.  This, however, is not always the case.  My characters almost always follow some code of ethics, though that doesn't mean it's not a somewhat twisted code.  Many of my characters can be quite dark and twisted, and while they would follow a code of conduct, it will reflect their personalities.  My characters can be anything from the proverbial knight in shining armor to the sociopath who follows a more twisted code.  Perhaps he's a good man who embodies the idea of chivalry, or perhaps he's a serial killer who will never allow an innocent to come to harm while punishing the 'guilty'.

  • Dark Characters - I quite enjoy playing a character who can be dark and twisted, especially given the chance to play a good villain.  My villains tend to be ruthless and psychotic, though brilliant as well.  I enjoy getting into the role of a 'bad guy' who uses mind games and perversions to corrupt a 'good girl'.  The scenario of the villain who kidnaps a heroine and torments her sexually and corrupts her until she submits, bringing her to his way of thinking is always fun.  Alternatively, the morally challenged anti-hero is also a fun role to get into.  A guy who is a hero, not because he chooses to be, but by circumstance, and is by no means a 'good guy'.  Think Riddick and similar types of characters.

My Partner's Characters

  • Fiery Women - I like females with attitude.  While submission is perfectly fine, I like to feel like I earned it rather than just have a partner lay down and take it.  I like for a woman to put up a bit of a fight for control, even to the bitter end.  I don't like doormats, and if you just lay down and let me walk on you, chances are I'll lose interest soon.  Show me some spirit and make me want to tame or break you.

  • Experience - I'm just going to start this by saying, I am not a fan of virgins, especially the naive ones that know absolutely nothing about sex.  Even a virgin at eighteen knows something these days, and isn't completely ignorant to what it means to be aroused or to want someone sexually.  I hate the whole cliche' innocent virgin without a clue angle, and find that it's far, far overused here.  I'm looking for partners that like to go against that mold and aren't afraid to play a woman instead of a girl, someone who is aware of her sexuality and experienced with it, who knows what's going on and what she wants.  I hate playing 'teacher' to someone who wants to play 'ignorant' and will probably lose interest quickly if thrust into that role.  Being a 'good girl' doesn't mean virgin.  It just means straight-laced, generally follows the rules, etc.  You can be a complete sexual deviant and still be a 'good girl'.  If you think it means you have to present me with some chick who has never even so much as looked at porn, then we most likely won't be compatible and you should probably look for another partner.

  • Aggressive Women - I like a woman who isn't afraid to go after what she wants, and doesn't care what people think about it.  So many females seem to want to play the 'innocent' and be pursued and seduced.  Sometimes a guy likes to feel as if he doesn't have to do all the work, and enjoys being seduced as well.  Where is it written that I always have to chase after you?  Why can't you pursue me sometimes?  It's fun to go against what seems to be the normal scenario around here, and have the girl chase after me for a change.  Note, though, that seduction does not mean domination, though it could very well mean pushing the right buttons to awaken my dominant side.  It's extremely fun to have a woman gradually breaking down my resistance in pursuit of her desires only to find out she might have gotten more than she bargained for, and there was a reason for the resistance in the first place.

  • Curvy Women - Okay, so this is about physical attributes, but I consider it important, because there are certain types of women I'm attracted to physically.  I like women who look like women, with curved hips, ass, and breasts.  I am not a fan of the head on a stick type build, and those anorexic abominations that pass for 'supermodels' these days disgust me.  Give me an hourglass figure.  Give me breasts I can grab and squeeze.  Give me hips I can hold onto for leverage.  Do not bring me some skinny chick that looks like I might break her in half, or instead of having sex, I'll give her a cheeseburger and tell her to come back when she looks healthy enough for me.
Alright, so if you're still reading, you've survived two sections.  Impressive.  The next post will be dealing with my likes and dislikes as far as story elements and kinks go, so if you still have the strength and are somehow still interested, then by all means, continue...

Scotty Rage

Okay, so after making it through the first two sections, here you are.  You're either very determined or actually like what I've had to say to this point.  Either way, good to know you're still with me.  Let's see how much longer you'll be sticking with it...

Role-Play Elements and Settings

As you may have guessed by the title, this section will be dealing with the elements I enjoy in a story as well as the settings and genres I like to play in.  It is by no means a comprehensive list, and I am always open to ideas and suggestions if you feel you have something to add to this, and not all are requirements.  Some, though, are quite essential and I will not exclude them.

Role-Play Essentials and Bonuses

These are simply elements that are either a must, or are at least a huge bonus for my role-plays.

  • Plot - This is a requirement in any story I am a part of, and I won't compromise.  Even if the story is extremely sexually oriented, it must have a plot of some sort.  I want there to be a story in there somewhere, even if it's scattered in-between a lot of sex.  There has to be something that ties events together and gives me a reason for all that's happening.  I usually prefer a good balance of story and smut in my role-plays.  I love a good, hot romp as much as anyone else, but what are we doing when we're not having sex?  What's happening around us?  That is where plot comes into play.  It is essential, and I won't do a story without it.

  • Dynamics - I also greatly enjoy a dynamic story that is constantly evolving.  While we might determine the general plot when we initially discuss the role-play, I don't want every action and detail planned from start to finish.  If we do that, then there's no element of surprise and the characters can never truly evolve and come to life.  I like a bit of unpredictability.  I like not knowing what my partner may do next, and I like to keep my partner guessing about me.  I enjoy surprising my partners, and being surprised by introducing something new from time to time to spice things up.  If you want a linear story that you have every detail of mapped out for already, then I'm probably not your guy.  If you want a dynamic story with characters who constantly evolve and elements that keep you thinking and guessing, then let's talk.

  • Multiple Characters - While it's not a requirement, it's a plus to have someone capable of playing multiple roles when needed.  I'm not necessarily talking about having you do something like maintain two or more characters throughout the story, but being able to write in the occasional NPC is a huge plus.  I don't mind taking on that burden on my own, but honestly, I prefer someone who is more understanding of females to write for female characters, and I prefer to write for male characters.  I am, however, adept at also maintaining more than one key character for a story, as well as dozens of recurring NPCs if needed.  A partner who can do the same, or even a fraction of that, would be quite impressive.

  • Action - Be it sexual, violent, or adventurous, I always enjoy action.  I love to keep a story moving, and to always have something happening, even if just in the background.  I don't much care for idle time in my stories, and prefer to skip ahead now and then if it's getting into something like sitting and watching TV or sleeping, because let's face it, there isn't really much of interest to write about in those situations.  Describing a normal day at work is hardly gripping, and is likely to have me yawning after a couple of posts, so let's keep things active and skip the boring parts, shall we?  I count conversations as action, since they are contributing to the story and moving it along, and so they are obviously important and should be had quite often.

  • OOC Friendship - I love making friends with my partners.  In my opinion it helps so much with the chemistry for the role-play, and so out of character chat, discussion, and banter is not only okay by me, but I fully encourage it.  I don't need to know the personal details about you, such as where you live, or anything like that, but I do like getting to know a partner as a person and not just as another character I play with.  I just feel that when you become comfortable with someone and make friends, the story tends to flow better because you have a better understanding of the person you're writing with.  Like I said, it creates chemistry, and I do love great chemistry in a role-play, so by all means, talk to me.

Settings and Genres

These are the different settings and genres I enjoy for a good story, many of which are compatible with others and can be mixed and matched quite easily (Such as Action/Adventure can be applied to all of the other settings).

  • Modern/Realistic - Like many people, I enjoy a modern/realistic setting, something I could see as a possibility for a normal person, or an extraordinary person, given the story, in the real world.  No science fiction, no magic, no supernatural creatures, just realistic people and situations, though they can be abnormal or extraordinary.  Spies, soldiers, cops, criminals, normal people who find themselves mixed up in unusual (but still realistic) situations all appeal to me on some level.

  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Another favorite of mine, I always love a good old outrageous tale of impossible things, or of possibilities we simply haven't realized yet.  This genre can fall under anything from a high fantasy low technology setting with dragons, elves, orcs, and similar creatures, to a high tech romp through a distant galaxy complete with laser weapons and alien threats.  Stories such as 'Lord of the Rings', 'Conan', and anything by R.A. Salvatore inspire my high fantasy and adventure cravings, while 'Star Wars', 'Firefly', 'Stargate', and 'Star Trek', all play a part in my science-fiction influences.

  • Supernatural/Monsters - That's right, the things that go bump in the night.  Whether playing those things that bump, or the humans that bump back, I love a good story involving monsters of various kinds, from vampires to werewolves, and even demons and angels.  Movies and shows such as 'Supernatural', 'Hellboy', 'Moonlight', 'Being Human', and many more, as well as the works of such authors as Anne Rice and Stephen King, and even games such as the World of Darkness (Old and New) all inspire my monster stories.  Note, though, that I do not play, or play with sparkly vampires and cuddly werewolves.  Vampires burst into flames in the sunlight, and werewolves are creatures of instinct with a very predatory nature, even if they can maintain human intelligence.

  • Action/Adventure - Let's face it.  Everyone loves a good adventure, especially when you toss in some sex appeal.  What girl didn't want to hook up with Indianna Jones or James Bond?  What guy hasn't fantasized about Lara Croft and similar heroines?  Globe-trotting, good old seat of your pants adventures are where it's at sometimes.  And it offers plenty of excuses for the adrenaline to get flowing to lead into a nice, hot interlude while we're not having to fight of flee for our lives.  Wouldn't you agree?  Bring on the baddies, and let's kick some ass and celebrate in bed afterward!

  • Historical/Realistic - I also enjoy a good story told in a historical sense.  This can be anything from ancient Egypt to the early to mid twentieth century (around the 1950's or so).  It can involve any element from ancient warriors on a holy quest, to vikings conquering and ravaging their rivals, to pirates pillaging and plundering unsuspecting merchant vessels.  As long as it's historic and at least attempts to be accurate about things, I'm game.

  • Superhuman/Superhero - I've always been a fan of this genre, and very much enjoy playing in settings that involve those who are more than human.  Perhaps it's a miracle of evolution, or the result of advanced science, or even just a normal person with extraordinary skills and gadgetry, I love the superhero genre, or super villain if you will.  It's fun to play extraordinary people with unique abilities and weaknesses, and I'm usually game for any story involving this element.  This is inspired by nearly every comic book ever published, as well as shows and movies such as Alphas, Heroes, Hancock, Tower Prep, and many others.
A word on Fandoms: While there are some fandoms I enjoy playing, I prefer doing so as original characters in the established setting and lore rather than playing canon characters.  I don't much care for ripping apart what someone else has worked hard to establish, and honestly prefer my own creations and stories anyway.  I like to create my own legends rather than play on those that someone else already put so much work into creating.

So, you made it to the end of this section, and you're still with me?  Nice!  You're really starting to impress me!  So let's see if you can get through the next section then...

Scotty Rage

So here we go.  You've managed to fight your way through those first three posts to get here.  Now we're getting into the real game, so let's see just how much longer you last...

The Likes, The Dislikes, and The Maybes

This particular section will deal with my turn-ons, my turn-offs, and the things I might do but likely haven't tried or haven't had enough experience with to really form an opinion.  Basically, it's an expanded explanation of my kinks lists found in my signature to give you a bit more in-depth reason why I like or dislike certain kinks as well as what specific elements of some I'm okay with.  So, read on...

The Likes

This is a quick list of a few kinks I enjoy as part of a story.  These are negotiable, and by no means does it mean that all of them have to be included in a role-play.  More than anything, it is simply a clarification of some of the ones listed in my F-List and Rabbit Hole, where they don't really let you specify with aspects of certain kinks you enjoy.  For the full listings, see the links in my signature.  Vaginal penetration is kind of a given, so I'm not listing it here...

  • Light BDSM - I enjoy some of the lighter aspects of BDSM such as ropes, handcuffs, or other types of bindings, a bit of master/slave play, or captor/captive, if you will, and light punishment such as spanking.  I also enjoy things such as knife and blood play to an extent, though will not do anything too damaging to anyone, nor will I allow anything too damaging to be done to me.

  • Rough Sex - Pounding my partner until she can barely walk, leaving marks such as bites, scratches, scrapes, cuts, and bruises, as well as being marked in a similar fashion, are all fun and very arousing to me.  Few things get me hotter than deep scratches on my back to let me know I hit the right spot.  I like it rough, and like it even more when my partner isn't afraid to get rough herself.  Bring it on!

  • Seduction - Whether seducing or being seduced, it's fun to play a little game of cat and mouse with my partner.  I enjoy the intricate dance of flirtation and teasing that is seduction, and am always happy to indulge.  Come, let's dance.

  • Non-Consensual - Let me first clarify, I do not approve of rape, and rapists such as those you hear about on the news should all be gathered and shot in my opinion.  I do, however, enjoy an element of force in a story, pseudo-rape.  Nothing is more of a turn on than being able to turn "Don't" and "Stop" into "Don't stop".  Turning "Please, no" into "Oh, yes" is a fun thing to do.  If you're looking for a guy to brutally rape your character and leave her feeling violated, then I'm probably not right for you.  If you're looking for one to change your mind through physical pleasure, then here I am.  This also includes elements such as blackmail and extortion, but I wanted to make my stance on rape and my limits about it clear with this.

  • Taboo/Incest - Let's face it, we all love to get our hands on a piece of forbidden fruit.  I'm no different.  I enjoy a good taboo story with a pairing that just should not be.  All the old cliches' such as student/teacher, spouse/lover, and other such pairings are just plain fun and sexy.  My incest pairings are limited to siblings, cousins, and maybe a young aunt/uncle with a nephew/niece.  It would take some serious convincing to get me to do parent/offspring and under no circumstances will I ever do grandparent/grandchild pairings.  That, to me, is just gross and completely unappealing.  I'm okay with step-parent/step-child pairings, in general, since they just don't feel as weird to me as sleeping with one of the people who conceived you.  There might be exceptions to the parent/offspring rule in certain types of stories, primarily dealing with supernatural creatures who play by different rules than we do and don't really age.

  • Foreplay - Yes, please.  I love all the elements of foreplay, getting my partner so worked up she's ready to explode before finally giving her what she wants, and having her do the same to me.  It's always fun to have some sort of build up to intercourse, something to heat things up a bit so the sex is that much better.  This includes, though is not limited to, lots of kissing, teasing, biting, nibbling, licking, and generally anything to get the blood flowing.

  • Other Sexual Acts - This is, of course, the alternatives to simple intercourse, such as blowjobs, handjobs, titfucking, cunnilingus, etc.  Basically other things you can do to reach a climax that are not just normal intercourse, which I also love quite a bit.  Anal can also be placed in this category, and while I enjoy it, it isn't really a must for my stories.  If you enjoy it, though, I can accommodate and will gladly do so.

  • Different Positions - This is pretty self-explanatory.  Just doing it in the missionary position all the time is dull.  We like to change it up and try different things, see how it feels from different angles, and of course, try out surfaces other than a bed.  It's fun to get creative and have sex in as many different ways as the imagination will allow, so let's do it!  Show me just how deviously creative you can be!

  • Dirty Talking - Once again, yes please!  I love it when my partner talks dirty to me.  Sure, it's nice to hear "Make love to me" but it's absolutely a turn-on to have someone grab the back of your head, look at you with hungry eyes, and demand through clenched teeth, "Fuck me senseless."  Tell me how it feels.  Tell me how hot and wet you are.  Demand getting fucked harder.  Don't be afraid to just cut loose verbally with me.  This also includes playful degradation.  Some of my partners have enjoyed being completely dominated and called my "slut" or my "whore" in the heat of the moment, and admitting to being these things and more.  I have to admit, it turns me on when they do, so if that's your thing, I can do it, but it's not a requirement and if you prefer not to be talked to in that way, I'm just fine with that.

  • Sexy Clothing - Alas, I am also one of those men who find women in sexy and slutty clothing completely irresistible. Short skirt without panties?  Yes please!  Tight top with plenty of cleavage and no bra?  Absolutely!  A pair of do me heels?  You bet!  And of course, lingerie of almost all varieties is always welcome.  I totally enjoy sexual scenes that involve women remaining partially dressed in their sexy/slutty clothing as well.  Bring on the sexy outfits!

  • Exhibitionism/Voyeurism - I have to admit, this is actually a long time favorite of mine.  I love the idea of people seeing what they can get away with in a somewhat public or crowded area, or in situations where they could possibly get caught.  I also enjoy the idea of two (or more) people so overcome with desire they just don't care where they are or who's watching.  It's extremely alluring to think about, and I enjoy the aspect of someone witnessing such acts as well, possibly being coaxed into joining, or being inspired to start something up with a partner of his/her own.  Public sex?  Yes please!

The Dislikes

These are the things you're not going to talk me into, because I either just don't like them, find them disgusting, or they simply don't turn me on in any way.  I don't have many limits and boundaries, but there are a few, and I will not compromise my standards by allowing any of them in my role-play, and frankly shouldn't have to...

  • Anything That Belongs In A Toilet - Under no circumstances will I include scat, watersports, vomit, tampons, or anything else that goes in a toilet to be used in a sexual context in my stories.  Try it, and I'll drop the role-play, period.  It's disgusting, and how anyone can find being covered in human waste a turn-on is beyond me, and I personally think those people need professional help.

  • Death and Mutilation - Okay, so what's the point in killing your partner?  How is that even fun?  I'm all for doing it to an NPC, but killing a main character to get off kind of kills the story, doesn't it?  I also will not mutilate my partner, nor will I allow myself to be mutilated.  I'm sorry, but loss of limb or severe dis-figuration is not sexy to me.  It's disturbing that people find this a turn-on.  Don't ask me to chop off your body parts, don't ask me to peel off your skin, don't ask me to cook you, and damn sure don't ask to do these things to me, or you will be dropped.  Period.

  • Vore/Unbirthing - Do I really need to go into why this is not sexy?  I mean seriously, how in the blue hell is getting swallowed whole by something or shoved into something's uterus considered arousing?  Sick, sure.  Disgusting, you bet.  Arousing, not a fucking chance.  If that's your thing, hey, have fun with it.  Personally I'll stick to actually doing things that people would enjoy for real.

  • Egg-Laying - Yeah, so once again, not sure why I need to go into this, but if I don't, chances are someone will ask me to do it.  It's not appealing to me.  If you play a character of a species that lays eggs, sure, fine, go with it.  But used in a sexual context,  I find it kind of disgusting to think of it that way, and would prefer such things be done off-screen, so to speak, if you play an egg-laying race.

  • Lolli/Shotta - No, absolutely not!  I am not attracted to children, nor will I play them for someone's sick pedophile fantasy!  I will never play a prepubescent character under any circumstances, nor will I play opposite of one!  My character will always be at least seventeen, and I won't play opposite of a character under sixteen.  As with the rest of my dislikes, I will not bend on this rule, and actually prefer adults, eighteen and up for the ages.  By allowing sixteen and seventeen, I'm being extremely flexible already, so don't push for more.

  • Necrophilia - Seriously?  You want to have sex with a corpse?  Sorry, just not into it.  I won't have sex with dead things, nor will I play dead things for you to have sex with (Vampires being the one exception to this rule).  For one, a corpse doesn't do much, so you don't need me if that's your thing anyway.  For two, it's disgusting.  I will not be a band of zombies come to rape your character, or any other sort of rotting corpse, so don't ask.  Zombies don't have sex, they eat brains, and honestly I'm not a fan of the genre to begin with and have never understood the big attraction to it.  Don't ask.

The Maybes

Okay, so there are things that I haven't tried, or haven't had enough experience with to really form an opinion, so I'm kind of neutral about them at this point.  I like to think of myself as open-minded, however, and am willing to at least give something a shot.  If I decide I don't like it, however, then please don't try to push it on me...

  • Heavy BDSM - While I have admitted to enjoying some of the lighter aspects of BDSM, I haven't really tried much with the heavier aspects of it.  I'm willing to give it a shot, though, if the right mood takes me or the right partner can convince me.  I might find I enjoy it, though so far I haven't really found myself attracted to the idea of hanging people up by their toes or using them as furniture and other such kinks that tend to be associated with this lifestyle, so we'll have to see.

  • Furries - I have nothing against them, I just haven't really played as one or with one very often, so I'm somewhat neutral about them.  I admit, I'm a bit curious about the appeal, though, and could probably be talked into it by the right partner.  I don't know how I feel about giving them sexual organs to match their animal types, since I don't really have much experience in that sort of thing, but hey, maybe.

  • Fluffy Romance - Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good love story as much as anyone, and romance does have its place in a lot of my stories.  I am not the fluffy, always cuddling and whispering sweet nothings kind of guy, though.  I don't dislike traditional romance, either.  I'm just sort of neutral about it and can incorporate it into a story easily enough, but in general I prefer twisted love stories and dark romance over traditional boy meets girl and they fall in love and get married dime store romance stuff.

  • Pregnancy, Birth, Lactation, Etc. - All of these are elements I've never really played out, and haven't really given much thought to.  In general, I guess they never really appealed to me, but I can't truly know without trying them out, so I might be willing to do so.  It would likely take a little convincing, but I won't say it would be impossible.

Alright, so you've survived this far.  Now we're on the home stretch.  Let's see how much longer you last in my little world...

Scotty Rage

So now here we are, getting toward the end of the road.  I'm quite impressed you're still with me, and quite happy that you've decided to see it through this far.  It's just a little further, so follow me, and we'll see if you're still here at the end...

Pairings and Plots

So this section, obviously, will deal with the pairings I enjoy, or might be willing to try, and a few possible plots I'd like to play out.  It's not a comprehensive list, and some might be added to or removed from it over the course of time.  It all depends on what I already have in the works, or what I crave at the moment.


The following list will give the pairings I'm open to.  The marks next to the pairings will indicate how I currently feel about them.  A (+) means I'm craving it, a (-) means I'm not really feeling it or already playing it with someone else, and a (*) means I have a plot in mind that will likely be listed below.  No (+) or (-) mark means even though I'm not quite craving it, it's always fun to play and I'm willing.  The role on the left is always mine, and the role on the right is that of my partner.


  • Male Bandmate/Female Bandmate (-) - Could be multiple characters in a band.
  • Surprised Husband/Blushing Bride (+) - You know, a drunken night in Vegas and a wedding chapel later...
  • Surprised Bride/Happy Husband - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Male Spy/Female Spy - A little Spy vs. Spy with a twist?
  • Male Soldier/Female Soldier (+) - Love (or lust) is a battlefield...
  • Male Crime Boss/Female Undercover Cop - Will he corrupt her or will she get him to flip?
  • Male Undercover Cop/Female Crime Boss - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Male CEO/Female PA - Mixing business with pleasure?
  • Male PA/Female CEO - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Frat Boy/Sorority Girl - This could also be a small group at a college party.  Truth or dare anyone?
  • Male Police Detective/Female Criminal Informant - It's possible she wants to give him more than just a tip...
  • Male Attorney/Female Attorney (+) - Rivals in court, lovers in private.  (Thank a recent episode of 'Suits' for this one.)

  • Male Space Pirate/Female Officer - A wild romp across the galaxy...
  • Female Space Pirate/Male Officer - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Lovable Rogue/Captive Princess or Queen (-*) - Will she succumb to his charms and turn on her tyrant father/husband?
  • Male Sith/Female Jedi or Padawan - Give in and embrace the Dark Side...  (Old Republic Era)
  • Male Jedi or Padawan/Female Sith - Will he succumb or will he turn her to the Light?  (Old Republic Era)
  • Male Klingon Warrior/Female Starfleet Officer - Lust among enemies?  (Kirk Era)
  • Fallen Knight/Seductive Sorceress - Will she help him regain his virtue, or pull him further into sin?
  • Rugged Barbarian/Female Knight (+) - Will she tame the savage, or will he bring out her wild side?
  • Dark Elf Raider/Female Captive (+) - Can she escape?  Will she want to when he's done?
  • Dark Elf Warrior/Dark Elf Priestess - What happens when he decides to show her who's really in charge?

  • Lone Hunter/Vampire Seductress - Perhaps she can find a way to change his point of view...
  • Vampire Seducer/Lone Huntress - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Werewolf Alpha/Prospective Mate - Little does she know she's been marked, and he's coming for her...
  • Human Sorcerer/Sultry Succubus - Perhaps he got in over his head by summoning her, or did he?
  • Evil Incubus/Human Sorceress - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Lone Hunter/Lone Huntress - Will they join forces for the hunt or compete for the kill?
  • Fallen Angel/Seductive Demoness - Will he regain his Grace or will she corrupt him eternally?
  • Seductive Demon/Fallen Angel - Same as above, just swap the roles.

  • Viking Raid Leader/Indian Chieftain's Mate - She might change her tune after she's had a real man...
  • Conquering Warlord/Conquered Princess or Queen - Will she want to remain loyal to her father/husband when he's done?
  • Rebellious Slave/Pharaoh's Consort (+) - Sure, the Pharaoh has power, but he can't compete with the slave's...assets.
  • Pirate Captain/Captive Lady - Taken by pirates while on her way to be married!  But maybe it's not so bad...
  • Indian Scout/Prairie Wife or Widow - Maybe she doesn't have any Indian in her, but she's about to...
  • Captive Celtic Warrior/British Lord's Wife (+) - Something about a man in a kilt that she just can't resist...
  • Knight-Templar/Saracen Captive - Even if they didn't get the Holy Land, he did bring one prize back from the Crusades...

  • Male Villain/Female Hero (-) - Perhaps she'll turn him to the side of good, or maybe he'll seduce her to his dark ways...
  • Male Hero/Female Villain - Same as above, just swap roles.
  • Male Hero/Female Hero - Who says that the life of a hero has to be a lonely one?
  • Male Villain/Female Villain - Evil is so much better when you have someone to share it with...

  • Male Student/Female Teacher - I've got it bad, so bad, I'm hot for teacher...
  • Male Teacher/Female Student - Same as above, just swap the roles.
  • Best Man/Blushing Bride - She wants to know just what makes him the 'best man'.
  • Nervous Groom/Maid of Honor - She knows just how to calm him down before the wedding...
  • Step-Brother/Step-Sister - Her mom just married the father of the guy she's been wanting...or vise versa...
  • Young Step-Father/Seductive Step-Daughter - She wants to know what her mom sees in her new 'Daddy'.
  • Hesitant Step-Son/Young Step-Mother (+) - Maybe she can convince him that having her around can be nice...
  • Brother/Sister (-) - What happens when they start seeing each other as a man and a woman instead of just siblings?
  • Twin Brother/Twin Sister (+) - Who knows how to please you more than the one who knows you best?
  • Male Cousin/Female Cousin - After many years apart, it's hard for each not to notice how nicely the other has grown...
  • Young Uncle/Grown Niece - She always had a crush on her uncle, and now she's old enough to do something about it...
  • Grown Nephew/Young Aunt - Same as above, just swap the roles.
Keep in mind, many of these pairings can be expanded into groups as well, whether as single players with multiple characters, or with an actual group of different players.


Below are a few plot ideas I've got cranking in my brain.  These are subject to change as they get taken up and replaced by new ones, so check back later if you don't find one you like now.  Of course, you're also quite welcome to approach me with any ideas you might have and run them by me.  I'm happy to listen, and you never know, I might just like what you have to offer...

A Queen's Ransom TAKEN
This plot uses the Lovable Rogue/Captive Princess or Queen pairing listed above.  The title is obviously negotiable if we go with a princess instead of a queen, as well as some of the other details.  The idea is, an outlaw in a fictional kingdom has been plaguing caravans and shipments along with his band of brigands.  As fortune would have it, he just happens to raid the Queen's transport while on her way to 'negotiate' with one of her husband's rivals in an attempt to change his alliances.  It's well known that her husband is a tyrant, and many believe he only sits on the throne because of treacherous acts.  He also uses his beautiful young Queen to gain favor with others by any means necessary, being somewhat older and not very interested in sex himself anymore.  After leaving the guards tied up and taking the Queen back to their encampment, the outlaws start working on a plan to ransom her back to her husband, but their handsome and charismatic young leader might have his sights set on a greater prize...the Queen herself.  And let's face it, it's been a while since she's had anything worthy of memory...

The Perfect Mate
This idea uses the Werewolf Alpha/Prospective Mate pairing mentioned above.  My original idea for it also includes a bit of a taboo touch, but this can be altered to suit my partner's preference.  A werewolf has fought his way to the top and earned his place as the Alpha of his pack.  He is, however, required to select a mate.  Being choosy, not just any girl will do, however.  He realizes the only way he will find one suitable for him will be looking within his bloodline, and so he starts to see one (or some) of the women in his family as possibilities.  They can either know about it, being a family 'gift', or they can be oblivious to it.  I'm open for discussion on that.  The prospective mate(s) will be human, though.  As for the women he looks at, it could be anything from cousins to sisters, as long as there's some sort of blood tie to him.  No virgins, please, as this RP will probably involve a bit of shape-shifting sex, and let's face it, that would kill a virgin.  I prefer women of experience who are unafraid of their sexuality anyway, as you've learned if you read the rest of my thread.  So perhaps he sets his sight on one, or starts trying to test the waters with multiple prospects.  We can work the details out.  This can even possibly be a small group story if multiple people take an interest and would like to play parts in it.  I will be playing the role of the Alpha, of course, as well as his pack, who might also end up being involved in more than just the background, so I don't expect anyone to play multiple roles and not be willing to do so myself.  If interested, you know the drill.

Taming The Spider Queen
This scenario actually takes a few of the pairings above and combines them, most notably the Drow Warrior/Drow Priestess and the Brother/Sister pairings.  It also expands them a bit, and I am even going to throw out my no parent/offspring rule for this one story, because it involves Drow (brownie points and special consideration to those who know of Drow and their society), who tend to see the world from a very different point of view than humans.  This would probably work best as a small group game of no more than five players (the male, up to three sisters, and the Matron Mother), but it can be a one on one if I find a partner who is skilled enough to play the four female roles adeptly, and will involve light BDSM, such as being bound and rough sex, a bit of blade play, and obviously some non-con.  The plot will be set in the Forgotten Realms world (extra points again for those familiar with it), and will center around the eldest son of a Drow house, the most feared warrior in the underground city, and the house weapons master.  However, he has grown tired of being seen as 'inferior' due to his gender in a female dominated society, so has decided to strike back, starting with his 'beloved' family.  Long has he endured the torments of his sisters, all priestesses of Lolth, The Spider Queen and goddess of the Drow, as well as his opinions never carrying any weight or being given consideration by his Matron Mother and ruler of the house.  Now he has decided to show them who should really be in charge, starting with his dear sisters.  Setting a plan into motion, he begins to systematically separate and dominate them one at a time.  Knowing he can't simply attack them openly, he instead uses subtle tactics, blackmail, and coercion to dominate them sexually, turning them into his servants rather then being theirs any longer.  After the many years of them using their 'assets' to tease him simply for their amusement, and then denying him and punishing him for his desires, he will make them realize just what they've been missing because of their little games.  As he continues to conquer his sisters until they become his willing sex slaves, he sets his sights on the ultimate conquest, the busty, voluptuous, and stunningly beautiful Matron Mother.  In the end, he will be the one truly running the house, and the rest of the city will be none the wiser...

And that does it for my request thread.  If you've made it to the end, congratulations!  It's more than I expect of most people, since it is a bit long and detailed, and honestly might bore many folks.  Keep an eye out for plots to be added and removed as they're taken up and new ones come to mind.  And of course, if you feel like you want to try out a role-play with me, all you have to do is PM me or post your interest here.  As far as my preferences, I tend to like keeping to the forum threads since it organizes everything nice and neat and is easy to keep track of.  For private role-play if a partner wants to keep it out of threads, my preference is Gmail over PM for the same reasons I prefer forum threads, because honestly trying to keep up with a role-play over PM on here is a total pain in the ass.  I do IM from time to time, though I usually tend not to these days.  It is an option, though, but overall, forum thread and Gmail are the top choices for me.  My contact info for everything can be found in my profile for those who wish to get in touch off site.  Just make sure to give me a little message letting me know who you are and where you're contacting me from.  If you want my Gmail, send a PM to ask for it and I'll gladly give it to you.  I'm looking forward to negotiating a story with some of you, and hope at least someone found this thread to be somewhat entertaining or intriguing.  Enjoy your stories, everyone, and best wishes to all!


Scotty Rage

My Stories, Past and Present

This is simply a listing of the current role-plays I have going, since my return to Elliquiy, and those that I have had in the past.  Some of those listed in the dead list I would actually enjoy continuing should those partners wish to pick them up again.  As you can see, my return has been a bit slow, so there aren't many current works in progress.  You can also find many samples of my writing in the Adult Socializing section under several of the role-play oriented threads there, where it's a more open come as you are environment open to all who wish to join in the fun.

Current Solos

A Darkness in the Light (duchess85)
A Queen's Ransom (Kalypso)
The Taking of a Queen (Water Lilly)
Igniting The Flame (Wykyd)

Current Groups

Gamblin' in the Black (Firefly/Serenity Based Group)

Dead, On Hold, or Discontinued Solos

The Princess and the Warlords (drivingmissdaisy)
The Contractor (Amelia)
Not Just Another Student (Lady Aura)
Watch Me Burn (Faiith)
The Forbidden Pact (Sasha)

Dead, On Hold, or Discontinued Groups

The Demon Prince and His Wives (Supernatural/Demonic Group)
Unlikely Roommates (Modern/Realistic Group)
Strangers' Encounter ~ Truth or Dare (Nana & Dunnuck)

Scotty Rage

I just wanted to say "Thank You" to all of those I have received PMs from expressing interest in some of my ideas, and it has been an overwhelming response for the first day.  Much more than I expected, so I may be a little slow in getting around to replying to everyone.  If I haven't replied to you yet, please don't take that as rejection.  Between my current RPs and replying to the all the people who messaged me, it's just taking a bit of time, but I will eventually get a response out to everyone.

Thank you again for the interest that many more of you than I could have hoped for have shown, and of course, for others who might be interested, I'm always happy to hear from you.  I'm not really going with the first come, first served mentality here, but more with what pairings I have more interest in playing, so there may still be some openings when I am finished with all my replies.

Everyone have fun, and I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all the best of luck in finding writing partners you're happy with!


Scotty Rage

Slight edit to the plots and pairings to show the recently taken status of the Queen's Ransom plot and the Rogue/Queen pairing, though I might still be open to different perspectives of it, such as the Rogue/Princess aspect of the pairing.

Scotty Rage

Updated the Role-Play Essentials to include OOC friendship, something I rather enjoy and really helps make a story that much better.

Scotty Rage

Scotty Rage

Thanking everyone for the interest you've expressed again, and for those I haven't responded to yet, I ask for patience.  Thing are a bit busy right now, and I'm barely managing to keep up with current stories while fleshing out new ones and balancing normal life things, but I will get around to you.

Thanks again everyone, and as always, come to me if you spot something you like and want to give it a try.

Scotty Rage

Gotten replies out to most folks who have inquired about some of my pairings, and working on getting others out.  Thanks for your patience.  Been a bit sick today, so might still be a bit slow to reply to folks, but I'm still open to hearing about the pairings you like, and am very welcoming of any plot ideas you have to go along with them based on my little outlines for each one.

Thanks for the interest again, to everyone, and I hope you all are finding partners you enjoy, even if not me.  ^_^


Scotty Rage

I've been a little under the weather the last couple of days, and so have found it hard to do much writing and replying really.  I've managed a bit, but it's taking a lot out of me, so I apologize for even more delay in getting around to answering everyone more quickly.  I really am trying, though.  ^_^

Anyway, getting a little better, so hopefully can have everyone answered by this weekend.  Thank you all for the patience, and the well wishes from those who already knew I've been sick.

Wishing everyone a smile and lots of luck in their searches...


Scotty Rage

New plot added.  "The Perfect Mate" can be found at the bottom of the Plots section.

Scotty Rage

New pairings added, Dark Elf Warrior/Dark Elf Priestess, and Twin Brother/Twin Sister, as well as a new plot, "Taming The Spider Queen".  Check 'em out!

Scotty Rage

May be a little slow with getting some of the intros out for some of the RPs I have in the works, but please know that I am working on them. I can be a bit overly critical at times and will sometimes rewrite an intro multiple times before I'm satisfied with it, so be patient with me while I juggle that and try to keep my current stories updated (between here and Blue Moon).

Even with my dance card a bit full, I'm still always willing to listen to ideas and hear from folks, since there's no telling when someone might come to me with something that sparks my interest enough to take on that extra project.

Have a good one, folks, and thanks to everyone who has helped make me feel like my thread has been kinda popular here. ^_^

Scotty Rage

Updated the Likes list. Added Exhibitionism/Voyeurism. Honestly, I can't even believe I forgot to add this in the beginning. Bad Scotty!

Scotty Rage

Current Stories updated to add the newest, "Igniting The Flame" with Wykyd, for anyone seeking to get a further feel for my writing style.