Dragon Kin (Filled!)

Started by undisclosedtoyou, August 07, 2011, 09:51:43 PM

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Trapped in giant prisons carved into the rocks of the worlds highest mountains, in dark, and dank cells, where the sounds of chains echo around the cavernous rooms, giant fire breathing creatures, called Dragons, have resided for centuries.  Deemed too dangerous, too much of a threat to humanity, and unable to kill them, our ancestors, with the power to call them, known as Dragon Kin, took the extreme steps needed to confine them.

Those who's job it had once been to trap these winged devils, have turned into demonic specters of humanity.  Blind, and mute, their skeleton like bodies wrapped in dirtied white linen, and pitch black garb, haunt the mountain prisons, unable to die, while the dragons still live.  They are damned to an immortal life, guarding their prisoners zealously, keeping all who would get too close, away; they call each other, The Guardians of the Northern Pass.

It's been centuries since humanity have come into contact with dragons, and they have been all but forgotten, with the exception of small septs of people, who worship them as deities.  But a war has ignited, the darkness is sweeping across the land, enveloping once prosperous town's, and turning them into barren wastelands.  What's worse, is that the dark army is comprised of horrifically strong soldiers, who know nothing of mercy, and are intent on sterilizing the land of human beings.  On the brink of disaster, the worlds last strong hold, on the advice of their religious councilors, have sent out a group of 'special' humans, to traverse the dangerous and ancient roads up into the Northern Pass. 


It would start with a group of people, with 'special' abilities, reminiscent of those the Guardians once possessed, standing before the large iron doors that would lead them into the ancient prison.  One of the travelers, with the power to move object's, focus' on the door, after hours of concentration, the cavern they are in starts to rumble, rocks fall from the roof, and the travelers, afraid of a cave in, watch in awe, as the once sealed doors creak open.   Once the dirt around them has settled, and the walls stop shaking, a single Guardian is revealed, blocking their path; staring at them with it's lifeless eyes, while dirty white linen trails from it's body, brushing against the hard packed earth beneath.  Thinking they are about to die, they are surprised when it moves aside, and allows them entrance. 

Each traveler will find themselves bound to a dragon, an ancient connection that allows them to communicate, and even allow the fire breathing beast's to take on a humanoid shape, with the sacrificial act of feeding them blood.  From there, they'll race back, in time to actively fight back against the invading dark legion. 

I want to see how many people would be interested in a game like this, hell it could even begin when the travelers start off on their journey, not after, like I planned.  The game would comprise of four Dragon Kin, and four Dragons, let me know if you'd be interested here, or via PM.



This game is so going to follow the, if somethings convenient it's there, rule.  So pipes and wood burning heaters for hot running water, and toilette's for disposing human waste exist, although they are rather primitive, and not very advanced.  So while there are sewers, there will mostly be one per city, and maybe non at all for small towns in the country side.  Planes, cars, and buses don't exist, but bicycles, and horse drawn carriages do.  Guns do exist, thanks to gun powder being pretty wide known.  The material for the guns, would be made from a brass like metal, or otherwise known as the metal used in the creation of bells, bronze is also well used material for these guns as well.  Large war machines are also in existence.  All fire arms are famous for back firing, and are temperamental and very expensive.  Most people prefer swords, maces, etc to these fire arms.  Steam powered machines are available, but only for ships, and small, machines.


Details on each city will be inserted later.  Only one continent is known in this game, but there are two in reality.  The one's listed below are major cities, there are, of course smaller towns all over the land.  The further North you go, the less towns there are.  The closest one to the Norther pass, is called Dead End.

  • Illiria — Capital. In the exact middle of the continent.
  • Gunnimead — Specializes in mining for metal.  Northern town.
  • Frida — Specializes in the production of berries, and other seasonal fruits.  Southern town.
  • Honeycomb — Specializes in the production of honey. Eastern town
  • Vale — Specializes in the production of wine and beer. Southern town
  • Lance — Specializes in the production of fine silk.  Western town.  The last strong hold standing, and where the the human group were sent from.
  • Beach — Specializes in the fishing industry. Southern town
  • Row — Specializes in the forging of weapons.  Northern town.


Dragon Kin

The powers that take the most concentration, and time to use are: Clairvoyance, Precognition, Retrocognition, Telekinesis, and Healing hands.  But while they may take more time to use, they use less energy over all.    Empathy, Pyrokineses, Cryokineses, and Fulgurkinesis/Astrakineses, are less time consuming to use, and take less concentration, but they drain the character of energy at a far more increasing rate, than the others.  Some abilities are far more offensive, than they are defensive obviously; but all have the same potential usefulness in this game.

  • Clairvoyance — Seeing (and sometimes hearing, or using other senses, including ones that aren't part of the standard package) far-away places, localizing specific persons one concentrates on, usually involves a trance state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of details their 'vision' would reveal.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM
  • Precognition and/or Retrocognition — Seeing the future and/or past in prophetic visions, usually involves a trance state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of details their 'vision' would reveal.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM
  • Empathy — The talent of The Empath, the ability to sense another person's emotional state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of what they are allowed to 'feel' from another character.  Usually it'll be confined to general feelings, such as anger, sorrow, loneliness, nervousness, etc.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM and the other character in question.
  • Telekinesis — Moving physical objects by pure willpower.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Pyrokinesis — Setting things on fire.  Sometimes the fire itself can be controlled, changing size or even becoming a particular shape.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Cryokinesis — Freezing things.  Often combined with condensing water from the air to form ice in thick coatings or free-standing shapes.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Fulgurkinesis/Astrakinesis - The ability to create electrical discharges and lightning bolts.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Healing Hands — The ability to heal others.  This involves placing their hands on another person's injuries, quickly healing the victim's wounds.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.



All Dragons have these powers

  • Fire Breath — All Dragons have a special sack in their throats that create a flammable gas, that can than be ignited when they bite down and grind their back teeth.  Located in the very back, are rock like teeth that can produce sparks when ground together.
  • Fire Ball — Right before releasing their fire breath, they can choose to hold it, and than blast it off, creating a large projectile in the shape of a ball of fire.
  • Acid Blood — All Dragons have a highly acidic quality to their blood.  The blood is neutral to it's specifically linked Dragon Kin.
  • Wing Gust — Their wings are so powerful, that they can literally cause a gust of wind powerful enough to blow away opponents.
  • God's Cleansing Fire — They can produce a purifying flame, once in their entire lives, that when aimed at a weapon, or object, can give it supernatural abilities.  A sword that can cut through rock, a bow that can only shoot true, a dagger that can heal poisoning, etc, and so on.  This power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, you'll ask me via PM if you may use it, and I'll tell you what power is bestowed on the weapon.  the power may or may not be useful and/or powerful.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM
  • Fast Step — While in Humanoid form, they may move much faster than a normal human can.
  • Gold Sensing - All Dragons have an exceeding fondness for gold, and can smell it miles away.
  • Overall Sharp Senses - All dragons have sharp hearing, smell, sight, touch, and taste.  How sharp depends on the dragon.
  • Telepathy — The transference of thoughts or feelings between two or more subjects, usually between Dragon and the Kin they are linked to.  Most Dragons dislike speaking to others this way.  They cannot read minds.


They all have their specific 'types' that can be summarized by their scale color.  If you don't like the powers listed, you can pitch others at me, but they have to fit the dragons color, and be elemental in nature.  Credit for the names of some of these abilities goes completely to D&D!

  • Red Dragon — Mastery over fire, and Burning vapor: The ability to breath a noxious gas, that can literally burn their target alive.  Has no affect on rock and metal.
  • Blue Dragon — Mastery over water, and Water Drench: The ability to gather moisture from their surroundings, and use it as a projectile, or to completely surround an enemy in water, drowning them.
  • Brown Dragon — Mastery over Earth, and Tremor:  The ability to produce large tremors through the earth.
  • White Dragon — Mastery over ice, and Freezing Touch: The ability to literally freeze anything they touch.
  • Yellow Dragon — Mastery over lightning, and Electrically-charged gas: The ability to produce electrically charged gas.
  • Black Dragon — Mastery over Smoke, and Smoke Breath: The ability to produce smoke that can blind an opponent to where you are.
  • Silver Dragon — Mastery over metallic materials, and Cone of corrosive gas: The ability to produce a noxious gas that's corrosive.
  • Purple — Mastery over Gems, and Crystal Points: The ability to create large crystals, and use them as projectiles.


You may use black, Purple, or Navy as colors for your application only.  If you choose to use a picture for your characters physical description, please place it in the position I've specified.  You may use both a written or picture description.  I reserve the right to ask for a character sheet to be tweaked to fit the game better, although I'm sure it won't come up too often.  All filled out character sheets must be submitted to me via PM, do not post them here.

Character Name

Species: (Dragon or Dragon Kin)
Age: (Humans can be aged 16+, they live regular life spans in the beginning of the game.  Dragons must be 1,000+ and 5,000-)
Abilitie(s): (See list's of available abilities for each species.  One ability for Dragon Kin.)
Sexual Orientation:
Flaw(s): (All characters must have one big flaw.  For Dragons, think of the opposite of their own element.)
Treasure: (Each character should have one personal item they treasure above all else.)
Weapon(s): (List all weapons they carry.  There's a maximum of three per character.)
Description: (If you have a written description, place it here.  If not, than just edit this part out.  Also, an average Dragon would be 150-200 ft from tail to tip of the nose.)
Personality: (Two good sized paragraphs or more.)
History: (Two good sized paragraphs or more.)

[center][font=andale mono][size=20pt]Character Name[/size][/font][/center]

[float=right][IMG padding=5]http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n520/undisclosed2you/Clip%20Art/NWT1113Fwid3D43826hei3D43226fmt3Djpeg26qlt3D75026op_sharpen3D026resMode3Dbicub26op_usm3D111.jpg[/img][/float]
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]


This is where information on characters that have been submitted for approval will be listed.  Under Dragons, the colors submitted will be shown.  Under human, the powers submitted will be shown.


  • Purple: Male
  • Brown: Male
  • Silver: Female
  • White: Male

Dragon Kin

  • Pyrokinesis: Female
  • Clairvoyance: Male
  • Telekinesis: Female
  • Astrakinesis: Female
  • Healing Hands: Male


"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I would be interested, especially if the relationship between the gifted human and the humanoid dragon became romantic. I would like to play a female dragon.
In fear, I ran this way and that, the tastes of blood and chocolate in my mouth.

My yes please and not so much. ;)
And if you'd ever like to know why I was away for awhile


Quote from: wolventears on August 07, 2011, 10:16:49 PM
I would be interested, especially if the relationship between the gifted human and the humanoid dragon became romantic. I would like to play a female dragon.

Oh yeah, I was definitely anticipating some human on dragon interactions, with a romantic tilt to it, although this isn't a necessity for the game.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Excellent. Then count me in. I hope this can get some more interest. Think it would be a really fun game.
In fear, I ran this way and that, the tastes of blood and chocolate in my mouth.

My yes please and not so much. ;)
And if you'd ever like to know why I was away for awhile


I agree with you, I really want this to be fun.  So we I need is a few more people to show interest, and than I'll really work on some more details for the plot, and plans for the game's progression.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Is this based upon a particular game or series? If not I would be interested in playing a dragon.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Quote from: Kokaine on August 08, 2011, 12:26:28 AM
Is this based upon a particular game or series? If not I would be interested in playing a dragon.

It's not based on any established canon, so you don't need to be familiar with anything.  Also, thank you for showing your interest! 
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


This is an interesting concept. I could be interested. So are the Dragon's are intelligent or do they become intelligent after receiving the blood of their bonded Human?

You mentioned powers for the player characters. What kind did you have in mind? Also, if you would, could you explain how powerful they are. Do the characters have to concentrate so much that it renders said powers as just there and not really useful persay or can the powers be more proactive and thus used in combat from to time?


Quote from: Xanatos on August 08, 2011, 12:53:16 AM
This is an interesting concept. I could be interested. So are the Dragon's are intelligent or do they become intelligent after receiving the blood of their bonded Human?

You mentioned powers for the player characters. What kind did you have in mind? Also, if you would, could you explain how powerful they are. Do the characters have to concentrate so much that it renders said powers as just there and not really useful persay or can the powers be more proactive and thus used in combat from to time?

The dragons mental state depends entirely on if they're bonded to a human or not.  Alone, they are quite intelligent, although without the connection to a human mind, their actions are heavily influenced by animal instinct, so they are far more volatile, and prone to aggressiveness.  When they have forged a mental link between themselves, and a Dragon Kin, the connection between their thoughts, and their actions are clearer, and they aren't as prone to attacking unprovoked, as they would have been before.  Actions aside, they would be considered far more intelligent than a standard human, considering they can be considered immortal beings.  Although I'm sure that years of imprisonment have colored their minds quite a bit.

When I say they're immortal, I don't mean it in the standard definition of the word.  Dragons can die, they are all hatched with an expiration date, that's set in stone.  But they cannot be killed until that time, and when they do, they leave nothing of their physical bodies behind.  So outside influences cannot kill them, which is why they were imprisoned in the first place. 

I should mention that the bond between Dragon and Kin, can be severed at any time, like any romantic/familial/or friendly relationship, but once it is severed, it's extremely hard for the connection to be reforged, considering the initial rampage the dragon is prone to making, right after.  When given the offering of blood for consumption, by the human, the dragon gains a humanoid body, but they can break it, and transform back into their initial form if needed.  But, they can only transform back into their humanoid body with another blood sacrifice, it's needed every single time, although the blood need not be fresh.  A blood sacrifice is needed for the creation of a bond also.

For humans, the available main powers to choose from will be:

  • Clairvoyance — Seeing (and sometimes hearing, or using other senses, including ones that aren't part of the standard package) far-away places, localizing specific persons one concentrates on, usually involves a trance state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of details their 'vision' would reveal.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM
  • Precognition and/or Retrocognition — Seeing the future and/or past in prophetic visions, usually involves a trance state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of details their 'vision' would reveal.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM
  • Empathy — The talent of The Empath, the ability to sense another person's emotional state.  The amount of control the player will have over this power will be regulated by a GM.  Usually, I'll send the player a PM of what they are allowed to 'feel' from another character.  Usually it'll be confined to general feelings, such as anger, sorrow, loneliness, nervousness, etc.  This power cannot be used without permission from a GM and the other character in question.
  • Telekinesis — Moving physical objects by pure willpower.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Pyrokinesis — Setting things on fire.  Sometimes the fire itself can be controlled, changing size or even becoming a particular shape.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Cryokinesis — Freezing things.  Often combined with condensing water from the air to form ice in thick coatings or free-standing shapes.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Fulgurkinesis/Astrakinesis - The ability to create electrical discharges and lightning bolts.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.
  • Healing Hands — The ability to heal others.  This involves placing their hands on another person's injuries, quickly healing the victim's wounds.  The use of this power takes a lot of energy, and cannot be used excessively, without visibly tiring the character.  Over use may lead directly to passing out.

The powers that take the most concentration, and time to use are: Clairvoyance, Precognition, Retrocognition, Telekinesis, and Healing hands.  But while they may take more time to use, they use less energy over all.    Empathy, Pyrokineses, Cryokineses, and Fulgurkinesis/Astrakineses, are less time consuming to use, and take less concentration, but they drain the character of energy at a far more increasing rate, than the others.  Some abilities are far more offensive, than they are defensive obviously; but all have the same potential usefulness in this game.

It should be noted that Dragons have powers also, and they all have their specific 'types' that can be summarized by their scale color.  They all can breath fire, but blue dragons can wield power over water, red=fire, brown=earth, white=ice, silver=metal, yellow=electricity. Ideally, there wont be two dragons of the same scale color, but that's not a requirement.

[EDIT]  I wanted to add that, once bonded, the lifespan of the Dragon Kin increases, so they can potentially live as long as their dragon, as long as they are connected, and barring outside influences.  Dragon kin can be killed by outside influences.  And once connected, the Dragon and Dragon kin, can speak telepathically to each other, even sending images of what they are seeing.  If the connection is severed, all benefits the Dragon kin have gained from the Dragon, will disappear.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I love this idea, I'd love to get in on this if it becomes an actual RP It' sounds pretty nicely balanced and everything. Me and my love of dragons are totally in!


DRAGON! OMG I'd love to play my silver dragon!  Do you have an age limit on the dragons? My silver I've always played as an Ancient Wyrm, and though I have no problem with younger, I'd like to not be a pup! Lol!


Same here! I've got several types, Blues, a black, and Threee silvers!


I am wanting to play either a blue or a red dragon.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Quote from: Karasu on August 08, 2011, 06:50:03 AM
I love this idea, I'd love to get in on this if it becomes an actual RP It' sounds pretty nicely balanced and everything. Me and my love of dragons are totally in!

Lol, well thank you for your interest!  I'm happy to see you're so enthusiastic about this game's possible opening :)

Quote from: bubby on August 08, 2011, 01:17:46 PM
DRAGON! OMG I'd love to play my silver dragon!  Do you have an age limit on the dragons? My silver I've always played as an Ancient Wyrm, and though I have no problem with younger, I'd like to not be a pup! Lol!

There aren't any younger dragons in this game, since they've been imprisoned for centuries, and that isn't conducive to propagating lol.  So all dragons wouldn't be below 1,000 years old, or over 5,000, since they usually die by than.

Although, I was thinking of having all dragons carry an egg inside of them, and only when they die, is the egg revealed.  Which is interesting, although not very important for this game lol.

Alrighty, so with all this interest, I'll put up an actual character sheet, and start working on details.  Keep in mind, there are only four dragon slots open, so if we get more players interested in taking a dragon character, than I'll be choosing, from the character sheets, who gets it, and who doesn't.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I really want to play a dragon but... I could be persuaded to play a dragon kin with Pyrokinesis. I have a character that I modified for another game but it appears she isn't going to get used so I could probably edit her a bit to fit this game.

However, I did notice that all of the dragons are female so far so she would have to be paired with someone who wouldn't mind a female rider (hopefully, someone who could handle at least some sexual tension though not necessarily anything more than that).
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


still sounds cool. I'll get my dragon male, He's a Silver named Cocanth ^^


Quote from: Kokaine on August 08, 2011, 05:40:20 PM
I really want to play a dragon but... I could be persuaded to play a dragon kin with Pyrokinesis. I have a character that I modified for another game but it appears she isn't going to get used so I could probably edit her a bit to fit this game.

However, I did notice that all of the dragons are female so far so she would have to be paired with someone who wouldn't mind a female rider (hopefully, someone who could handle at least some sexual tension though not necessarily anything more than that).

It's up to you, if you'd like to submit a character sheet for both, you may.  And I can see which one would fit the game better, but that's up to you :)  Either way, if you decide to play a Dragon kin with Pyrokinesis, that would actually work out really well with this game to.

I really want an even number of male to female dragons, that way there's a variety.  If worse comes to worse, than I'll create a male dragon to even out the odds.  But don't worry about the pairing up.  Once we have all the cast assembled, I can leave the choice of dragon to kin pairings up to you guys, or I can randomly assign them myself, of course I'd keep in mind the each characters preferences of course.

Quote from: Karasu on August 08, 2011, 05:55:07 PM
still sounds cool. I'll get my dragon male, He's a Silver named Cocanth ^^

And yay for male dragons :D

I'm working on the character template now, but expect a few paragraphs, to be posted here, that will go into some detail about the setting, what kind of tech is available, city names, and so on and so forth.  This is so creating backgrounds won't be so difficult for you guys, since this setting isn't based on any sort of canon material, you can peruse yourselves.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Alright, so the character sheet is up, more information on abilities are listed, and information on the setting and tech level has been established. 
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I would be more than willing to play a male dragon. My preference lies with either brown or white in terms of color.

As a side note, I also love the idea of each dragon having an egg inside them.

Am I understanding the dragons' shapeshifting ability correctly? A dragon has its basic form. When it is bonded with a human, that human can give it a blood offering, thus allowing it to take human form. It can break this form at any time, but in order to resume it, it needs another blood offering from the same human.

Is that correct?


Quote from: Phantasmatical on August 09, 2011, 02:48:08 AM
I would be more than willing to play a male dragon. My preference lies with either brown or white in terms of color.

As a side note, I also love the idea of each dragon having an egg inside them.

Am I understanding the dragons' shapeshifting ability correctly? A dragon has its basic form. When it is bonded with a human, that human can give it a blood offering, thus allowing it to take human form. It can break this form at any time, but in order to resume it, it needs another blood offering from the same human.

Is that correct?

Awesome!  Since we've gotten a lot of interest in Dragon Characters being created, I want everyone who wants to play one to submit a filled out character sheet to me via PM, so I may choose who get's the slots or not.  I may or may not allow more than four in this game, but we shall see. 

And yes, that's how the Dragons shape-shifting ability works.  And the blood of the Dragon Kin it's bonded to, is the only blood that will allow it to change shape.

Also, I like the idea of them carrying the eggs to, it's sort of an awesome way to propagate, but I shall be making my final choice on that when the game begins.

And now, we really need players to take up the Kin positions.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


*Whines as she was at work all night and only now sees she needs to submit a char sheet for picking!*

I'll work on one as soon as I wake up in the morning!


Quote from: bubby on August 09, 2011, 03:25:10 AM
*Whines as she was at work all night and only now sees she needs to submit a char sheet for picking!*

I'll work on one as soon as I wake up in the morning!

And damn, you've missed the deadline...joking lol.  I look forward to reading your app :)
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I'm just going to go ahead an submit a character sheet for a kin character. Should I still PM it to you?
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Quote from: Kokaine on August 09, 2011, 03:52:25 AM
I'm just going to go ahead an submit a character sheet for a kin character. Should I still PM it to you?

If you want to play a Kin character, that would be great!  And yes, please do submit it to me via PM, I'm looking forward to reading it.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: undisclosedtoyou on August 09, 2011, 03:36:36 AM
And damn, you've missed the deadline...joking lol.  I look forward to reading your app :)

At first I was like O_O, then I was like "sshheeww!"   ::)

I'll work on it today and try to have it up by tonight sometime. It's a bit more extensive then I'm used to, as I'm a complete freeform kinda gal, but I can handle it! I got stuff to do before work, so I'll do some in between chores, and I'll work on it at work as well. Hope I get picked after all this work lol!

I'm a little lost on the abilities part. For dragon are we supposed to pick one special one too? Or just stick to the basic abilities dragons have? And for weakness, can it be like a small spot upon their body that can be penetrated easily? You have 'opposite' of their element. I'm lost on what the opposite of 'metal' would be as a weakness. And what does 'Mastery' mean exactly? I apologize if this is a lot of question, but I have absolutely NO CLUE when it comes to D&D stats, or stats of ANY kind.

I've always just winged it with my Anishal. I've had her since 2000, so I have who and how she is in my mind. Like... she has a sword called Godsbane. Pretty spiffy sword. Could that be her 'treasure'?

This might be too extensive for me to be able to join...  :'(