Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Yes, of course that would win my sympathy. People don't often jump out of a difficult situation in one single bold hop.

...told you some rather bad, lewd and lurid jokes?

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"


Far better than if you DIDN'T!

Fell asleep in the middle of scheduled 'us time'?
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

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and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


My pride might be a smidge annoyed, but I think I can forgive you this once.

...Ate the last donut?

Elysian Radiance

I suppose I'd deal. Better the donut than that cheesecake.

called out a character's name instead of yours during sexy time?
"We are beings of starlight; we were meant to thrive in the darkness."
"I am a raging sea trapped inside of a raindrop."

<a href=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=200656.0>Fantastic Dragons and Where to Find Them! (05/30/17)</a>
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I would understand...

Not allow you to please yourself until I was present for several days?
Current status: looking for play -> A/A


Sounds like a very intimate relationship! So in, as much as it appeals to part of my brain no :P

Would you like me if I... Kind of enjoyed arguing points that I know are not true, but, thinking creatively, could make a case for?~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



You'd be doing the exact same thing as me, so yes!

Would you like me if I... kept bringing up how annoyed I was that Daniel Craig was cast as Bond, and he was blonde? I mean, they could have died his hair or put something hairy on top of his head. Jeez! *goes on*


Sure but I'd probably drift into my own little world of happy thoughts every time you brought it up.

...hogged all the bed covers?



If you still liked me if I used YOU as a blanket, instead.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Absolutely. Anytime you want.

...grabbed you, flipped you upside down and rubbed your calves?

Elysian Radiance

I wouldn't complain. Would prefer my back, but I'll take what I can get!

...ate the last piece of cheesecake?
"We are beings of starlight; we were meant to thrive in the darkness."
"I am a raging sea trapped inside of a raindrop."

<a href=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=200656.0>Fantastic Dragons and Where to Find Them! (05/30/17)</a>
Get Laid or Get Slayed - A Guide to Make the Dragoness Roar!
Muse/Mood Status ~ I'm currently on hiatus from Elliquiy. Send me a PM if you need to be in contact; I'll get the email about it.
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Nope, wouldn't mind, is pretty filling stuff..~

Would you like me if I ... sent you silly poetry while you were at work?~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



I would love that, for it would make me smile - and work is a place that never makes me smile.

...if I put little love notes in the lunch I made for you ~<3


Of course, unless I wasn't sure who they were from and then I would get super paranoid of stalkers at work slipping notes into my lunch!

Would you like me if I ... just wanted to lean up against you, some days?~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



You may lean on me anytime you desire, pet...

...if I asked you to brush my hair? It's so soothing...


Of course~

Would you like me if I ... peeked at you a little too much! hee~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



*blinks* I can't imagine why you would want to, but it certainly wouldn't bother me at all ;)

...cooked way too much food to the point where we had to eat leftovers often?


Seems better that way~ So long as I'm not trying to over-eat to keep up!~

Would you like me if I ... thought too deeply on everything, from time to time?~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



that's fine...I do the same thing, actually...

...get quiet from time to time, lost in thought, sometimes for hours?


Is fine, as long as...

You didn't mind if I peered at closely, as if I could see through your skin and read the bubbling thoughts of which were drawing your attention away!~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



*laughs* not at all, though that would certainly break my reverie ;)

...if I continually spent all my extra money on books? (instead of buying you little trinkets & such)


I'm not a big fan of stuff! I don't even buy physical books!~ So, don't care too much about lacking of trinkets~

Would you like me if I ... tried to read aloud one of your books backwards?~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"


Elysian Radiance

Only if it was a book I already knew the ending to!

Would you like if I... preferred movies to books?
"We are beings of starlight; we were meant to thrive in the darkness."
"I am a raging sea trapped inside of a raindrop."

<a href=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=200656.0>Fantastic Dragons and Where to Find Them! (05/30/17)</a>
Get Laid or Get Slayed - A Guide to Make the Dragoness Roar!
Muse/Mood Status ~ I'm currently on hiatus from Elliquiy. Send me a PM if you need to be in contact; I'll get the email about it.
Current Posting Output ~ None.
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Beguile's Mistress

I think that would be fine if it suits you.

Would you like me if I made you a huge patch of chocolate peanut butter fudge?


I would marry you... if Trie was fine with that too.

Would you like me if I let you laze in bed all day and took care of the housework?
A rose by any other name... still has thorns you can prick someone with. - Me.