[Extreme](Pathfinder){High Level}World Destruction {LAUNCHED}

Started by Wintercat, May 30, 2011, 08:39:49 PM

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*Grins* I find that common sense and epic rarely coincide.

"Yes, thirty-two gods fought and died, but they were weak gods.  Gods who languished in their divine halls, who drank in their worship and bestowed petty blessings upon the world in order to remind us of their power.  But we, we who inhabit a dying world, who have been hammered by chaos and strife, our backs broken by our despair from the inevitable doom by the Lords of Enthropy, are strong.  We are strong because we have armored ourselves with chaos, strife and despair.  We have drunk suffering, feasted on conflict and it has made us strong.

We know of no gods, so we will replace them, and do what thirty-two gods could not."

'Course, whether or not that pans out is something left to be seen.  Cho'den might as well be a force rather than an actual being.  But in terms of epic, accomplishing what the gods couldn't would definitely be rather epic in scope.  Of course, alternatively, kicking Lords of Enthropy ass would also fit right in the epic.  Really, any plan considered insane by the normal populace to save/restore/rebirth the world would probably be a good one to pursue by such high level characters.  I just like musing about possible plans.
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I think I'm going to have to forfeit my application from this game.  Between my two jobs and the fact that I don't have a day off until Saturday, I don't think I have the time to make a high lvl character until at least then.


Well, considering that plotting and planning how he can murder all beings born of Entropy is something my character spends most of his time on, I'd say he's leaning towards the "Exterminate Entropy" flavor of Epic.

Of course, it's also just common sense not to get between two powers who nearly destroyed the world with their clash before being sealed away... There's not only Cho'Den to consider, but also the fact that Paladin-Sorcerer exhibits similar level of power, and while not intentional on his part, the mere spillover of 2x Pantheon killing power to the surrounding area might prove somewhat ...unhealthy.

Of course, the Lords of Entropy are probably just as dangerous, maybe not in such an over way, but are World-devouring beings, after all.

Anyway, let's make it a fun and interesting game!


In Sword, Truth.


Anymore room in this? Completely missed this over the past few days.
Turn on and off thread: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=69638.0

Give me toys and anime figures and I'll let you spank me as often as you want!

Discord: NicciKotor#8672

Tumblr page: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/freyathemagicalfoxy


I missed this as well. Though it looks full. You did inspire me to create a Holy Vindicator concept. If you are interest it even as an npc addition to your world, let me know.


The character roster is starting to look ready... So.

I would like the following people to submit their complete, finalized and fully tweaked-together characters during this weekend if possible, next week if they can.
* LtFox - Character Received
* Muse - Character Received
* Shihong - Character Received
* Wheresmycow - Character Received
* Callie Del Noire - Characted Received, Tweaking Left?
* Black Howling - Concept Received, Awaiting Finished Character
* Lady Lunarius - Concept Received, Awaiting Finished Character

That's a total of 7 players, 1 more than I originally planned to have, but lets just say I'm a glutton for good concepts. Also, this prevents us from suffering if 1 of the players decides to step down and quit at some point. Also, I found myself unable to really cast aside the characters I have seen given form for this.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


~Salutes~ Howling has the whip on my back since I work all weekend long (UGH) so I'll see if he'll whip me with this as well. More due to the fact that I need to have it done before tomorrow hits. So ~Cracks knuckles~ Catching up on some things and will start!

Callie Del Noire

Yeah, I have a little tweaking and some issues to discuss with you. Most of which deals with the access of spells and if I can get access to the spells from Ultimate Magic I talked about. I'll PM you today after I finish my lab and Midterm.


Woot!  *Happy dance* I'll get working on finishing the character ASAP.
Want to know more about me?
My Intro Thread
My ONs and OFFs


"When I was a little girl, grandmother would sing too me,

Let me remember the earthlight,
Let me remember the warm,
Show me again in my dreamsight,
The fire at the heart of the dawn. 

   "I dreamed of the old sun long before I knew what it was.  A great fire that rose beyond the edge of the world, warming and lighting all but scorching nothing.  I swore to serve that light a thousand times, that I would work to make it come back to us. 
   "Father wanted me to work a different fire.  He taught me to bring fire from the black stones that would turn iron bars into steel, steel into plowshares. 
   "I played at swords with the boys.  When they went to the militia captain to learn the spear, I went with them.  My strength came from a blacksmith’s hammer, not a kitchen knife, and none of the boys could match me, so the militia teacher taught me in spite of what my father said. 
When the orcs came in force, our spears and bows weren’t enough.  I did what my father wouldn’t. 
   "It wasn’t so hard, beating plowshares into swords.  I quenched them in my tears, though, because I knew that—though we’d been cold and hungry in our village—we’d known peace ‘til now. 
   "We would never have it again."

Name:      Hanali Dawnfire
Class:      Paladin: Warrior of the Holy Light
Age:      26
Height      5’9”
Weight      181
Skin      A healthy tan in a world where the sun has no strength left. 
Hair      Fiery Red
Eyes:      Wide blue. 

The red haired girl had passed twenty five now but no pox or scar marred her looks.  Indeed, while most girls her age were pale from the feeble sun and strained from bearing their husband too many children too fast, Hanali was not only ripe and healthy as a maid of sixteen, her skin bore an appealing coppery shade that few had seen on a maid in over a century. 

I traveled with the shieldmaiden Hanali once.  She forged me this sword with steel and magic, gave it power with her courage and quenched it in her tears for the suffering of the world.  She has the widest azure eyes, like sapphires they are, always on the verge of tearing up for suffering of those she couldn’t help.  She loved to sing about the sun of old, how it set the sky aflame—warming all but burning none.  I looked at her lips, and at her eyes, and though I’d never seen either of the things I was comparing, I knew the truth in my next words.  ‘Then it must by like your smile.’  Hanali cried then,  and her smile was as beautiful as I had ever imagined.
--Andomir the Scribe

Strength   16   +3   18   +4
Dexterity   10   +0   12   +1
Stamina   16   +3   18   +4
Intelligence   16   +3
Wisdom   10   +0
Charisma   18   +4   24   +7

Hit Points   212

Armor Class   37   (Armor +14, Shield +7,  Dexterity +1, Deflection +5)

Saving Throws
Fort   9  +4 +7   =d20+20
Refl   5  +1 +7   =d20+13
Will   9  +0 +7 +1   =d20+17

Base Attack:  +15 +10 +5
CMB   +19
CMD   30

Fist of a Fallen Star (+2 Flaming, Construct Bane Warhammer)
--TAB       +21 +16 +11       
--Damage   d8+6+d6Flame
--Critical   20X3

+2 Lance
--TAB      +21
--Damage   d8+6
--Critical   20X3

+1 Longbow
TAB   +17 +12 +7
Damage   d8+5
Critical      20X3
Range      110’
Amo      60

Masterwork Dagger

Class Abilities: 
Aura of Good L 15
Detect Evil (Sp):  At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
Smite Evil 4/day.  Hanali invokes the Fire at the Heart of the Dawn to aid her in battle against evil.  As a swift action, she chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, she adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.
The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains her uses of this ability.
Divine Grace

Lay On Hands: 17/Day 
--Cures 7d6 damage and removes the following conditions: fatigued, diseased, poisoned, and blinded. 

Channel Positive Energy (As Cleric Level 15, DC 17+Cha) uses Lay On Hands. 

Call Mount at Level 3 (Cellestial Heavy Horse with Spell Resistence 26, as Druid Animal Compaion.) 

Corona of the old sun: 
At 4th level, Hanali learns to use the power of her faith to bolster her defenses and aid her allies. This class feature replaces her spells class feature. She does not gain any spells or spellcasting abilities, does not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.
At 4th level, she gains one additional use of her lay on hands ability per day. She gains one additional use of lay on hands per day for every four levels she attains beyond 4th. She can spend a use of her lay on hands ability to call upon the power of her faith as a standard action. This causes a nimbus of light to emanate from her in a 30-foot radius. All allies in this area (including the Hanali) receive a +1 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear as long as they remain in the area of light. This power lasts for 1 minute.
At 8th level, the nimbus of light heals the Hanali and her allies, curing of them of 1d4 points of ability damage, as per the spell lesser restoration. A creature can only be healed in this way once per day.
At 12th level, the nimbus of light is treated as daylight for the purposes of affecting creatures with sensitivity to light. In addition, the nimbus grants allies in the area resistance 10 to one type of energy, selected by Hanali when this power is activated.
Shining Light (Su)  DC 24
At 14th level, Hanali can unleash a 30-foot burst of pure, white light as a standard action. evil creatures within this burst take 1d6 points of damage for every two paladin levels and are blinded for 1 round. Evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead are blinded for 1d4 rounds on a failed save. A Reflex save halves this damage and negates the blindness. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warrior of the holy light’s level + the warrior of the holy light’s Charisma modifier. good creatures within this burst are healed 1d6 points of damage per two paladin levels and receive a +2 sacred bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round. A warrior of the holy light can use this ability once per day at 14th level plus one additional time per day at 17th and 20th levels. This ability replaces aura of faith.
Master Craftsman
Power Attack
----Great Cleave
--Improved Sunder
Mounted Combat
--Ride By Attack
--Spirited Charge
Extra Mercy: Remove Curse

Armor Expert: -1 Armor Check Penalty
Indominatable Faith: +1 Will Save

Craft: Armor      15   +3   +3         =d20+21
Craft: Metal Tools   9   +3   +3         =d20+10
Craft: Weapons   15   +3   +3   +2      =d20+23
Diplomacy      10   +3   +7         =d20+20
Handle Animal   7   +3   +7         =d20+17
Heal         15   +3   +0   +0   +2   =d20+20
K. Religion      7   +3   +3         =d20+13
Linguistics      2   +0   +3         =d20+5
Perform: Sing      3   +0   +7         =d20+10
Ride         15   +3   +1      -3   =d20+16
Sense Motive      7   +3   +0         =d20+10

+5 Deflection Bonus to AC
Negates any force spell or spell-like ability targeted at the wearer. Doing so gives the ring a number of charges equal to the spell level of the incoming force effect. The ring can hold a maximum of nine charges. If an incoming force attack would charge the ring beyond this limit, the ring does not negate the attack or gain charges, and the attack affects the wearer normally. On command, the wearer can use the ring's charges to cast magic missile, unleashing one missile (1d4+1 force damage) per charge but no more than five missiles per round.

DC 15: This ring is made of a metal similar to silver, yet it refuses to bend and break, it might be mithril at first guess but its strength surpasses even that. Perhaps its just the enchantment, but some people swear the protective quality of this ring is just an aura it projects around itself and whoever it carries, reserving most of its strength inside. 

DC 20: The ring has old runes engraved in its inside, and the long gemstone upon it glows radiant as it absorbs more and more power. This power seems to awaken only when its exposed to spells of particular nature, of force. 

In the past, long long before the coming of Cho'den, there was a grand duchy that fought to protect the lives of the people within it, and to stabilize an already shaken land. The son of the Duke was given this ring when he was of age, on a journey to find the Legendary Hero. On this journey, he perished, slain by the hand of the Wizard Blackstaff, and this ring was lost to the ages. It surfaced again a long time later to be worn by the Crown Prince Willhelm the Pure, a knight in service of a powerful order of nobles. He fought to unite many lands under the same banner, to bring stability to the entire region, until his Lords were revealed to be evil, and alongside a Paladin he fought this threat he had unwittingly been serving before. In time, he passed away, and left the ring to travel
down a lineage of lesser heroes, small time monarchs, and always vanishing for a few years now and then to return in times of need. Eventually, it resurfaced with the coming of Cho'den, in the hands of Baron Highstorm. He lead a charge against the minions of Cho'den, felling countless undead beings with his own might, until a wicked spell became his doom, turning his very flesh to stone. In his stone finger, the ring remained for ages, until a great battle annihilated not only the statue of the Baron but the ground beneath it, throwing the ring away, and forgotten. In time, it was found once more, and taken up by a woman that believed it a trinket of good luck. In time, it made its ways to worthy hands once more.

Hanali’s Fallen Star Haubrek (+5 Adamantine Hellknight Plate)
   Armor Bonus      +14
   Damage Reduction   3/-
   Armor Check Penalty   -4
   Maximum Dexterity   +1
   Hardness      20
   Hit Points      

+5 Large Mithral Shield
   Armor Bonus      +7
   Armor Check Penalty   0
   Hardness      15
   Hit Points      0

Boots of Speed
Belt of Physical Perfection +2
Gloves of Storing X2
Headband of Alluring Charisma +6

Efficient Quiver
Silversheen X4

Masterwork Backpack
Belt Pouches
Flint and Steel
1 Day’s Trail Rations
1 LBS Soap
Explorer’s Outfit

Masterwork Artisan’s Tools: Craft: Armorsmith, Metal Tools, Weaponsmith

Bodice Purse: 
Platinum   90

Platinum   5
Gold      3
Silver      5
Copper      9

   *   *   *

Name:  Kirk (A roan stallion barded in silver.) 
12 Hit Dice Celestial War Horse   

Strength   23
Dexterity   18
Constitution   19
Intelligence   2
Wisdom   12
Charisma   6

Hit Points   144

AC:   35   (Armor +8   Natural +14   Dexterity +4   Size -1)

Saving Throws: 
Fortitude   8 +4   =d20+12
Reflex      8 +2   =d20+10   Improved Evasion
Will      4 +1   =d20+5

Base Attack   +9
CMB   +17
CMD   31

Size:   Large
Speed   50

TAB      +14
Damage   d4+6
Critical      20X2

2 Hooves
TAB      +13 +13
Damage   d8+3
Critical      20X2

Improved Evasion
Low Light Vision
Share Spells

Improved Natural Armor
Improved Natural Attack: Hooves
Weapon Focus: Hooves

+4 Mithral Chain Shirt Barding
Horseshoes of a Zephyr

A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


List above altered to reflect current status of characters.

Once I get the fourth one ready, I'll make a thread for ready characters to be stored at, whatever has been posted in this thread can be carried over there.

I expect some significant NPCs may show up in it too in time.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


There, Brand is done and accounted for.

Bio: Every story starts somewhere.  Mine starts in small village no one has heard of, and probably never will.  I've never known my parents, but I was raised by many.  Our village was so poor, too poor to afford the luxuries of different families.  Everyone needed to work, and no one could afford sparing time each day for the children.  So instead, we were missed as one, one large family of mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters.  I was loved no more or less than the others, for all my lack of a mother and father to contribute.

As harsh winters gave way to merciless summers, bountiful springs too short in-between, I grew.  Taller, stronger, tougher than my peers, I started work earlier.  But we all worked in the end, and we all worked together because our dying world would allow nothing less.  We bore our lot in life without complaint, because they were breath wasted which could be spent on work.

It was when I reached adulthood that the dreams started.  Dreams of gold that were more precious than potatoes, of cutting people down like wheat and of women beautiful and naked and mine.  These dreams didn't leave me when I awoke, and I hungered.  I tried to contain my desires, tried to be dutiful as I had been taught, but it was so hard and I could tell no one.  It wasn't until I stood over the unconscious body of my brother, wailing like a madman for aid, that I learned why I hungered.  There was dragon's blood in me, just like my mother.  And even though it was only a small part, the human in me would stand no chance against it.  I would always hunger and there would never be enough.

So I left, a somber farewell because I was dead man.  But I still live, and I hope to find an end to the hunger.  Maybe fixing a dying world will do it.

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 219 lbs
Skin: Olive.
Hair: Black dreads that are really very small black dragon scales.  Think of Queen of Blade's hair if you need a visual reference.
Eyes: Gold, slightly canted.
Other notable features: Black scales grow along the back of his hand and forearms, across his chest and down to his belly, along his spine and the front of his legs.  More pronounced canines.  When he manifests his wings, they are black and can fold around him like bat wings.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Male Human Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4 (Favored, +1 skill point)/Dragon Disciple 10
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +8; Senses: Blindsense 60ft, Darkvision 60ft; Perception +20
AC 39, touch 20, flat-footed 34
HP 211 (1d6 + 4d10 + 10d12)
Fort +19, Ref +13, Will +15
Acid Resistance 10
Base Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 ft
+4 Ghost Touch Adamantine Greatsword +25/+20/+15 (2d6 +19/17-20/x2)
Melee Unarmed Strike +20/+15/+10 (1d3+9/20/x2)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8, 20 melee touch, 15 ranged touch):
Str 25 (29), Dex 14 (18), Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Attack +11; CMB +20; CMD 34
Feats: Arcane Armor Mastery, Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency (Heavy, Medium, Light), Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical: Greatsword, Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Profiency - All, Mobility, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency - All, Skill Focus - Perform: Sing, Spring Attack, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Whirlwind Attack, Wingover
Traits: Courageous, World Traveler (Sense Motive)
Skills: Diplomacy +15(+20), Fly +14(+19), Intimidate +15(+20), Knowledge: Arcana +5(+11), Perception +15(+20), Perform: Sing +15(+23), Sense Motive +15(+21)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven

Acid Claws & Acid Bite (5 rounds/day) (Su) - 2 Magic Claw attacks deal 1d6 damage + 1d6 Acid, Bite attack deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 Acid and adds 1-1/2 Strength modifier
Arcane Armor Mastery - Swift action: -20% arcane spell failure due to armor
Armor Training 1 (Ex) - Worn armor -1 check penalty; +1 max Dex, full speed in medium armor
Bind-Fight - Re-roll melee misses because of concealment, other benefits
Blindsense (60 feet) (Ex) - Sense things and creatures without seeing them
Bravery +1 (Ex) - +1 Will save vs Fear
Breath Weapon (2/day) (DC 17) (Su) - Breath weapon deals 11d6 Acid damage in 60 ft line
Combat Expertise +/-3 - Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack
Courageous - +2 save vs. fear
Draconic: Black Dragon (Acid) - +1 damage per die for [Acid] spells
Dragon Form (II) (2/day) (Sp) - Use Form of the Dragon II as a spell-like ability
Dragon Resistances (Ex) - Gain Acid resistance 10 and natural armor +5
Eschew Materials - Cast without materials, if material cost is <= 1 gp
Mobility - +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity
Spring Attack - Can move-attack-move when attacking with a melee weapon
Whirlwind Attack - Instead of making a full attack, attack all nearby opponents
Wingover - Can turn in place while flying
Wings (Su) - Fly 60 ft, average

0 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1 (7/day) - Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Shield, Unseen Servant
2 (7/day) - Knock, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, See Invisibility
3 (5/day) - Fly, Haste, Water Breathing
4 (3/day) - Fear, Greater Invisibility

+4 Ghost Touch Adamantine Greatsword
+5 Glamered Mithral Full Plate (Max DEX +4, Armor Check Penalty -2, Spell Failure 25%)
Goggles of Night
Cloak of Resistance +5
Belt of Physical Might, STR & DEX +4
Bracers of Deflection +5
Ring of Sustenance
Handy Haversack
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
2 Immovable Rods
15350 GP
Want to know more about me?
My Intro Thread
My ONs and OFFs


Alright now, we have ourselves 4 ready players, and 3 more to go. I'll try and see about setting up the threads, planning on OOC, Character Archive, and IC thread. If players decide to pursue some mini-matters on the side, I may put up mini-threads linking back to the main thread, but that will be seen.

In general though, I think I should note this for Callie at least. Ultimate Magic is available for use now that i've gotten my hands on it, though confirm with me please if you seek to take up more than the spells in it, since i've mainly focused on checking out those and a few of the Alchemist & Summoner 'options' lately.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.

Black Howling

Quote from: Wintercat on June 04, 2011, 03:00:58 PM
Alright now, we have ourselves 4 ready players, and 3 more to go. I'll try and see about setting up the threads, planning on OOC, Character Archive, and IC thread. If players decide to pursue some mini-matters on the side, I may put up mini-threads linking back to the main thread, but that will be seen.

In general though, I think I should note this for Callie at least. Ultimate Magic is available for use now that i've gotten my hands on it, though confirm with me please if you seek to take up more than the spells in it, since i've mainly focused on checking out those and a few of the Alchemist & Summoner 'options' lately.
Working on the character now. Sorry for slacking. You know what I'm gonna make, and I'll submit the full of it before Monday morning. I know I'm sucking bad, just had things get hectic with my appointments.

Callie Del Noire

Working on characters now.. I am just curious as to how many spells I can get per level/how to pay for the extras, ect. Spells get expensive for a wizard's spell book. :D Shame I can't get a staff of power/magi but they priced that out of any mages range unless it shows up as part of the game.


I seriously doubt anyone is going to get all uppity at you for things outside your control.  I know I would rather you take the time to make the character you really want, rather than rush ahead like we're on some insane time limit here.

Unless I'm mistaken Callie (and this may just be for 3.5e), I believe you get three+int modifier spells per level.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Shihong on June 04, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
I seriously doubt anyone is going to get all uppity at you for things outside your control.  I know I would rather you take the time to make the character you really want, rather than rush ahead like we're on some insane time limit here.

Unless I'm mistaken Callie (and this may just be for 3.5e), I believe you get three+int modifier spells per level.

3+ Int first level, 2 freebies/each level after.


Black Howling, I'm not running this on a military standard or anything, no worry on taking a little bit to work on it, I wasn't sure if this game would have any interest at all to begin with, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Turned out it had more interest than I'd guessed it would, and now I am just glad there's folks wanting to give it a try.

As for Callie's question on the spells per level, I think that its the standard amount in Pathfinder for spells gained per level, and as for extras, it eats up a bit of the budget for gear I imagine but they ought to help pay themselves back in a while.

Of course if I wanted to be a total bastard I'd remember a single spellbook has 100 pages, and spells take 1 page per spell level...

And then I recall I am only that bitchy to people I really, really dislike.

Aaaand we don't got any of those in here, heheh.

Besides, if it ever became a problem I've had folks run into mystic 'blessed books' before that contain roughly 1,000 pages but still weight that 3 lbs as a 100 pages book would. The benefits of a bit of magic, specialized in storing only 'similar' things, namely pages, afterall.

Ahem, anyway, looking forward to this and curious to see it in motion.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


Thought I'd mention that This site has (almost) everything you need for a pathfinder game and that This site has kick ass character sheets.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Wintercat on June 04, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
Black Howling, I'm not running this on a military standard or anything, no worry on taking a little bit to work on it, I wasn't sure if this game would have any interest at all to begin with, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Turned out it had more interest than I'd guessed it would, and now I am just glad there's folks wanting to give it a try.

As for Callie's question on the spells per level, I think that its the standard amount in Pathfinder for spells gained per level, and as for extras, it eats up a bit of the budget for gear I imagine but they ought to help pay themselves back in a while.

Of course if I wanted to be a total bastard I'd remember a single spellbook has 100 pages, and spells take 1 page per spell level...

And then I recall I am only that bitchy to people I really, really dislike.

Aaaand we don't got any of those in here, heheh.

Besides, if it ever became a problem I've had folks run into mystic 'blessed books' before that contain roughly 1,000 pages but still weight that 3 lbs as a 100 pages book would. The benefits of a bit of magic, specialized in storing only 'similar' things, namely pages, afterall.

Ahem, anyway, looking forward to this and curious to see it in motion.

Till you start hitting the 200 gp or higher per spell. Or something like 1.1k each for 6th level spells.. buying them as scrolls that my character scribed out. Ate up a tonne o' coin.



You don't have too buy them as scrolls, Callie! 

It's VASTLY cheaper to pay another caster to copy from their spell book! 

Look in the spellcasting chapter for the chart?  I'd give you a page number but  my core book is missing! 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Black Howling

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on June 04, 2011, 05:02:05 PM

Till you start hitting the 200 gp or higher per spell. Or something like 1.1k each for 6th level spells.. buying them as scrolls that my character scribed out. Ate up a tonne o' coin.
He's right, I had a player school me on this a while back. It's easy to pay other casters to let you copy from the book, and it's shortly after you hit the magic section. I'll see if I can't look up the page number for you, or link you to the OGC.


Page 219.  The fee is half the cost listed on the table on that page.
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Callie Del Noire

Spells are pretty much done anyway. I got a few bits of gear to buy and transfer over to the sheet but mostly I'm done.


Oh, question been meaning to ask: before game starts, are our characters going to meeting each other for the first time, will some of the characters have already met some, or do we all know of each other?
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