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Anime/Manga fans c'mere please

Started by Seven, August 06, 2007, 05:16:11 AM

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Anyway, I want to do a Naruto Based RP.


Naruto. I watch/Read Naruto.

SHut up.

Anyway,I have two characters that I created that I want to play around with. Whether it be with a male or a female, whichever works for me, (I'm bi so yeah.)

I also have a couple of ideas.

A)My character is captured by whomever because of her bloodline limit. They want it for themselves (For those of you know who Orochimaru is, think of what he was doing, switching bodies)
2) OUr two characters are paired up for a mission. Naturally they don't get a long, but one thing leads to another and things get out of hand.

I'm open to suggests or other ideas obviously, but yeah.

And the two characters that I have to play with are:

Lunakiri Mara.
Tatsukari Devina

Both are different, but whatever. I'll pick on later on XD if someone wants to know more about one, feel free to ask. I have full bios of both (WEll, full of Mara and half of Dev XD)

Snagged already =P
Lynne's On/Off list =3

Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway
I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more,
I cannot die, I, the whore for this cold world


If you want more than one on one, you can check out the Naruto game going currently going here:

And if not, i'm sure one of us will jump on you and commence with the molesting  ;)


Wow, didn't actually expect any PM's/replies. And I got both! lol.

Hmm, I'll go check out that link =3 Thanks.
Lynne's On/Off list =3

Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway
I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more,
I cannot die, I, the whore for this cold world



That's because we all love you here.. and more games is good :)


As much as I'd love to play some of these with you, dear friend, I'm afraid my knowledge of Naruto is piecemeal at best. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Muse, don't feel bad.

I don't know that much either, been out of the loop of the series for a while, so I missed a good chuck of it that I gotta go read again XD Lol.
Lynne's On/Off list =3

Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway
I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more,
I cannot die, I, the whore for this cold world


you can get the episodes free online, well fan subs. I do that cause i can't stand reading black and white translated magna, i am too used to comic books which i read as a kid. I used to read the Venom comics (the spiderman villan)


So join the Naruto game already.   ;D