For Your Eyes... And Other Organs... Only

Started by Foxy DeVille, April 26, 2011, 09:18:48 PM

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Foxy DeVille

Hi! I was wanting to play a character who is sort of a female James Bond. This would mean someone sexy who shags a lot and frequently gets tied up. Looking for someone to help me create her hopefully many adventures.


Hi, most definately an interesting concept. I was actually thinking about starting up a group game around a similar concept. What did you have in mind for characters and or villains?

Foxy DeVille

I haven't nailed down to much to keep thing flexible. But I was thinking there would be a Q-esque gadgeteer to make all kinds of interesting toys. The bad guys would be of the Bond supervillain variety but avoid Dr. Evil knockoffs. Sort of a fun homage without too much bad parody.

What was your concept?


Not too far off from your own, though I was planning on a larger group of people, but that really doesn't matter. I understand not wanting to deal with the annoying puns and schtick from austin powers (bleagh). So, more along the lines of the early bond, fighting against an evil empire, all S.P.E.C.T.R.E. like?

Foxy DeVille

Yeah, exactly. Well, except for the occasional pun. I was thinking my spy would be named Victoria Cross. But you got the idea for atmosphere. There was a comic book series about ten years called "Codename: Knockout" that was fun and sexy but there was still some seriousness to the plots when it was needed.


Of course, the difference being that where the movies and novels basically fade to black, we don't need to and we can use sex all the more often.

Foxy DeVille

Exactly! I wouldn't be adverse to a group either, if there are others who show an interest.


Awesome, just shoot me a private message with all of the details and I will get back to you in the morning, I have to get up early for my finals.


Tootin' my own horn.

Your O/O mention D&D.  Are you familiar with Mutants & Masterminds?

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: MasterMischief on April 27, 2011, 08:14:13 AM
Tootin' my own horn.

Your O/O mention D&D.  Are you familiar with Mutants & Masterminds?

Yep, I've played M&M quite a bit.


Will this actually end up becoming a group game?  That does seem pretty interesting.  I'd be curious about making an equivalent to Q.
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Foxy DeVille

Quote from: AndyZ on April 27, 2011, 11:07:47 AM
Will this actually end up becoming a group game?  That does seem pretty interesting.  I'd be curious about making an equivalent to Q.

That looks like a possibility judging from general interest. A Q type would be perfect.


I'll watch for the group posting to be put down, then ^_^

I already have a few ideas for inventions, like panties that vibrate in specific areas, cars which fold out into beds, and maybe injection serums which induce insatiable lust.
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