Looking for Male to Roleplay Final Fantasy with.

Started by Kura, March 27, 2011, 03:46:44 PM

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I am looking for a male willing to play any male final fantasy character from the series.  I wish to remain my own character, or my custom.  I am open to protagonists and antagonists.

I am also open to ideas if you would like to incorporate some.


Anybody particular you have in mind?

To help out, I'll sum up my history with the series. I'm a bit partial to the old FFs myself - with VI being my favorite. IX and XII are the only post 6's ones where I really like the storytelling and characters. I absolutely hate X and XIII for gameplay reasons, but I have beaten X despite this fact. I didn't dislike X when it came out, but my opinions have changed as I've grown older. Oddly, my first FF was VIII which, though I find it to be one of the worst systems in the series, was obviously liked well enough to get me on board with the series.

As far as familiarity goes:
I - 3/4 of the way through, but N/A here really anyway.
II - Only played a little
III - Only played a little.
IV - Beaten
V - Beaten
VI - Beaten
VII - Beaten
VIII - Beaten
IX - Beaten
X - Beaten.
XI - Played for 2 weeks then quit in disgust with the mechanics. N/A here anyway.
XII - Played for a decent bit before my PS2 died. Would love to pick it up again, but never got a new one.
XIII - Played for a couple of hours before quitting in disgust with the gameplay.

The characters I DISlike from the series fall into 2 basic categories. You have ones like Vaan from XII and Tidus from X who are children that aren't particularly heroic. They seem to be protagonists only because young boy protagonists are the norm in anime/JRPGs. The others are ones like Cloud or Squall that, while they seemed new and cool when the games came out, really boil down to just being emotionally stunted, hollow, emo dudes. I get that "Leave me alone, I'm too mysterious and dark to care" is the fantasy guy for some ladies, but I don't find it makes for a compelling character.

On the other hand, I like a great many more of them. Balthier from XII is basically an example of my go-to RP archetype. Anybody who's well written, has a good arc, and is defined as an individual and interesting person I wholly dig.


Yeah, I really don't mind Cloud and Squall.  I guess I'm open to most characters.  I'm pretty good with almost all of them. 

Sephiroth ihs just awesome.  Nuff said.  I also really adore Kuja.  Kefka creeps me out but is still awesome.  Seymour is actually a favorite as well.  I also do like Zidane, Warrior of Light, etc.  I'm pretty sure I'd be good with all characters.  Vaan I don't actually know much about XD.


Kefka is definitely my favorite of the villains, specifically because he's creepy. Everyone in the series has these big megalomaniacal plans to conquer the universe. Kefka, he keeps it simple. He doesn't march through a town cutting people down and lighting buildings on fire - he just poisons the water source, sits back, and has a laugh. Single most callous and evil act in all the games. Sure, it's a relatively small scale - but it's the attitude with which it is done, the flippancy.

That being said, I actually assumed you DIDN'T mean any of the villains. I mean, how would one RP Sephiroth? Whine about how evil god mommy is dead? Seymour's kindofa creepy rapey dude. Hell, him forcing Yuna into a knowingly unwanted marriage was part of the plot.

Of the folks you mentioned, Zidane is certainly my personal fav.

Out of curiosity, what your personal character like?


Nope I love both Villains and heros.

Gahahaha yeah, Kefka is the most insane of them all.  I love his plots and what not, the clown thing is sorta creepy, but it doesn't me that much.

Nah, Sephiroth just screws with peoples' heads.

Yeah but Seymour is awesome.  Just saying I think he actually was pretty different in a good way.

Zidane is pretty epict though. XD

My character is very kind and caring, somewhat childish and can have her moments, but truly loving.  Sometimes naive.  She also has a reputation for acting like a ‘puppy’

I'll give you more information, it's just that I am busy at the moment.