Yahoo, the Fox of Science Reporting

Started by Jude, March 10, 2011, 05:58:36 PM

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In the past few days I have seen the following articles advertised on Yahoo's front page that I use as my hub for browing:

Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters?  (
NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life  (

The second I couldn't find the original article I actually read from yahoo, but it was basically across-posting of that article.  It was probably taken down because Yahoo was embarrassed after P.Z. Myers weighed in on the fact that the so called peer reviewed journal that the study was published in is actually little more than a lightning rod for self-publishing cranks (apparently they didn't bother to go to the Journal's website - - yeah, that looks professional to me).  And the first article?  It's a prediction according to Astrologist that keeps all of the science that shows how idiotic his claims are to the latter half of the article.  This is little more than sensationalist tripe.

The bottom line is, do not trust anything Yahoo News publishes, refers to, or links in relation to science simply because it has their name strapped on it.  Yahoo News has zero scientific credibility.