Caravanserai [Events]

Started by Flower, July 27, 2018, 07:04:47 PM

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Angel Elizabeth
Date | Time: 7 July 20

Five foot five inches tall walking staff wrapped in satiny white cloth, with halo attached to the top of the staff. Small feathered wings.
Location: Angels and Demons
Tagging: Sepia

The redhead nodded, though she would have been baffled at being called an extrovert for the first time in her painful life. "Yeah, I'm a photographer and artist. I know all kinds of weird words about tint and hue... Azure, burnt umber, carmine. celadon. cerise. cerulean. charcoal. chartreuse...ecru. fuchsia. Etcetera."

Noticing the dark look, she nodded. "One of those kinda vacations. Got it. Say no more.

I'm not sure if I could pull off the outfit, but it looks nice on you. I loved my dress in the store, but the more I look at it, I feel like I'm the angel of overdone wedding gowns.

I'm Elizabeth. Please don't shorten it. I'm.... Huh. How to explain... I guess my... Mentor, friend... Thought I.... Was stagnating in... Home, Savannah..  so she sent me out her to see... If anything changes." Sighing, she rubbed at her eyes. "Yeah. Turns out rich pretty boy there" she pointed to Apollo

"Is my childhood best friend..." Only friend.... "And it's pure coincidence he's here... And yesh. Just wandering around taking photos and stuff."


Name: Rafaela Camerino
Date | Time: July 7th, 9pm
Wearing: As shows in photo
Location: Sitting on a table
Tagging: Open, Apollo

What did she want? This was a question Rafaella had no answer to, so she did not give one. It was true that she did not know what she wanted. After all, she had always been living for the day, for the moment. An impulsive woman, who hardly ever let logic dictate her life. She had the resources needed to hire others to be sensible about the things that needed to be done after all. And she . . . she would only follow her passion. Her singing, the stage, the lights, the people.

So tonight was another night for Rafaella without a real goal or a prefered outsome. She would let the night unfold and reveal the hidden paths she could follow. And she would chose the one that would stir her being more.

"Of course I shall, but I am afraid that alcohol and smoke is not the right kind of preparation for a good performance. And I am not used to mistakes," she told Apollo, her pipe in her hand. She got up, took her purse and gloves and wrapped her arm around Apollo's arm. "Shall we go then?"


Name: Sepia Sunfury

Date | Time: July 7 | Just after 8 pm
Wearing: Angel Costume
Location: Angels and Demons Event
Tagging: Elizabeth, Mentioned: Apollo, Open

“A photographer?” Sepia is distracted and interested. “Could I see some of your photos?”

“I think your dress is gorgeous. I don’t think it’s overdone at all, well not for a party like this.” Sepia looks at it critically, wondering if it would fit her, “I mean, who wouldn’t want to wear something like that? I mean, the beading is just gorgeous, and the lacy way it lays over your shoulders?” Her eyes show a little covetousness. “I simply love it!”

She stores the information about Elizabeth having a mentor/friend in case they run out of things to talk about later. Apollo does catch her attention though and she gives him an appreciative appraisal when he isn't looking. Perhaps Elizabeth might introduce them at some point? Although the woman in what looked like a velvet maroon (Cerise? Scarlet? Carmine? Sepia? No, she didn’t know color names the way Elizabeth did) dress seemed to have all of his attention tonight.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Angel Elizabeth
Date | Time: 7 July 20

Five foot five inches tall walking staff wrapped in satiny white cloth, with halo attached to the top of the staff. Small feathered wings.
Location: Angels and Demons
Tagging: Sepia

Blushing slightly, Elizabeth dug her phone out of her small white purse. "See? Uh, yeah, ok. " She thumbed it on, tapping away at it for a minute. "Figures the one time I don't have my camera..." She muttered.

Finally finding the website, she handed it over. It was largely photographs of landscapes, stars, the desert around the hotel, and cool features of the hotel itself. She had several shots of a majestic Barbary  sheep,  shiloutted against the sunset. Most of the photographs were traditional landscapes, but she also had a taste for unusual angles, creative compositions, and interesting tricks with reflections.

Yeah, compliments were clearly embarrassing the redhead. She looked away, blushing, fidgeting her hands on the staff. "..... I really do like the shoulders, yeah." She laughed awkwardly. "I'm going to show up at home with all these fancy dresses and everyone will wonder what the hell I did over here."

Hesitant again, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Where did you say that you are from, Sepia?"


Name: Apollo King
Date | Time: July 7th, 8pm
Wearing: As shows in photo
Location: Table
Tagging: Open, Rafaela, (M) Sepia, Elizabeth

Apollo looked at the woman that seemed to not be at place here so much as in royal court.  What her role would be?  That was a good question, but he knew she would not be baulked by anything such as limits or boxes.  She was truly a woman that was out of her time, but she seemed to make up for it anyway.  He looked at her standing there like some dark night.  He should be more angelic but he didn’t feel or see nothing of the sort…not tonight.

She was a lovely woman and he would not let that go unnoticed or even unsavored tonight.

“Not used to them or don’t want any my lovely.  We are Tangoing…if we get all tangled up we just tango on.  Do you think I would fault you for making a mistake or enjoy you more?  It is pressure keeping up with a goddess.”  He winked he realized he was no deity truly despite the aspirations his parents held for him.  He too her arm and moved in the direction she wished to go in.  He nodded to Elizabeth and Sepia as he left once eye contact was made he smirked devilishly and continued.


Name: Rafaela Camerino
Date | Time: July 7th, 9pm
Wearing: As shows in photo
Location: Moving with Apollo towards the piano
Tagging: Apollo

Rafaela was never a person to lie to herself; why would she? She knew who she was, she knew what she wanted - at least most of times. She enjoyed Apollo's company and she enjoyed his flattering words and his flirtation. She was too old and experienced to blush and shy her eyes away like a little girl. Her blunt honesty was part of her charm; it would either make one like her, or hate her. She was who she was; no excuses.

So she smiled when Apollo kept calling a "goddess". Her late mentor's voice echoed in her mind, telling her "Rafaela, it is a folly to not take what you are being given. Modesty is for mediocrity." And hell, she had been no mediocre. She had been a queen. And once a queen, always a queen.

The stuff of the restaurant brought the piano in the middle of the grand room. Marvelous, she thought. It was a polished instrument, glowing white inside the dim candle light and among the flower decorations which were specially arranged in dark red and white for tonight's event. The antithesis between the piano's white glow and their dark attires' was striking.

Rafaela called a young waiter an asked for a tray to dispose off her cigarette. "I will no longer need that," she told Apollo as she put her pipe inside her clutch. "But I could use another glass of champagne. Bring us two glasses, caro mio, grazie," she gracefully asked the waiter who softly bowed and headed to complete the lady's task.

"They are very efficient," she said. "I wonder if there is an actual band, I'd love to listen to a live performance. But until then, I'd love to listen to your wonderful voice."
She softly extended a hand, suggesting that Apollo should take his place in front of the piano. The room was soon to be filled with music.


Name: Apollo King
Date | Time: July 7th, 8pm
Wearing: As shows in photo
Location: Table
Tagging: Open, Rafaela,

   Apollo looked at the woman that most would call old and he would call mature.   That didn’t mean this lovely vixen was anything short of lovely and beautiful still.  She seemed to have that part of her that was still trying to prove herself, he wasn’t sure for what?  She needed but say the word and they could disappear for hours where he would willingly show her how lovely he thought she was.   She seemed to think she had something to prove, maybe she did…but not to him.

He watched as she put the pipe away which allowed him to tolerate her smoking as it didn’t truly smell like smoke but something sweeter.  Nevertheless he still thought it was best that they enjoyed the evening without it.  She ordered champagne he smiled again at the striking woman. 

“That they are?  As much as they change and they have a waiting list I am told.  One could stay here forever if they were hiding out?” He quiried, he was he could only imagine what she was hiding from.   

“I am sure there might be one or others that played.”  He paused as he moved to sit down.

“What do you want Rafaela, you could have any man or woman here.  I may I serve you?”  He moved his fingers across the keys, she seemed like she was trying to seduce her and yet maybe he was doing the same?  The recollection of his thoughts made him blush.

He began to play as he looked at her drinking her in, a deep rumble to clear his throat before he began.   "Let me hold you tight..."  He met her eyes and sang to her both deep and heartfelt.