(Final Fantasy VIII) Balamb Garden: Relaunch Recruitment Open

Started by Fenrir, October 01, 2013, 06:25:49 PM

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Teo Torriatte

My girl is mostly done in my head... I just need to find some time to type everything out.


Quote from: Brazen Endeavors on October 05, 2013, 09:46:08 AM
Possible.  My character will be transferring from Galbadia.  PM me, neh?

My character is also going to be a Galbadia transfer. That was the question I PMed the GM about. Plus other things concerning him. :)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Quote from: kckolbe on October 05, 2013, 10:44:22 AM
You are definitely allowed to make your own GF.  I and several others have.

I think I might just stick to the Toneberry GF I have ideas for him. But thank you for answering my question.


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on October 05, 2013, 07:58:40 AM
If you're still accepting, I'd like to join this game. :) I will get up a profile soon and PM you a question.

I am still accepting people to join the game, I have received your PM and will be sending you a returning PM as soon as I'm able!  I took the night off last night and am currently bombarded with trying to catch up ;)

Quote from: Saruine on October 05, 2013, 10:42:46 AM
I humbly thank you for your reservation. I am working tirelessly on this character and her GF so that it does the idea justice. Though before I go to far with the GF I want to make sure that it is indeed allowed to make ones own GF I do not wish to step on your toes. If not I have a cannon GF that would be compatible with my concept. I am very excited about this game.

Quote from: Saruine on October 05, 2013, 12:36:29 PM
I think I might just stick to the Toneberry GF I have ideas for him. But thank you for answering my question.

As kckolbe has already said, yes we do allow people to have their own GFs: in fact, I tend to enjoy homemade GFs just because there tends to be so much creativity behind them.  I will warn you however, that unfortunately the Toneberry (or sometimes Toneberry King) GF has already been reserved by someone creating a character.  There are plenty of other cannon GFs to choose from orrrr I still wish someone would have a Moomba GF!  Because it's probably the most adorable things I've ever seen! But feel free to handle it how you wish: cannon or created GFs *nods*

Quote from: Luna on October 05, 2013, 10:52:13 AM
My girl is mostly done in my head... I just need to find some time to type everything out.

Feel free to take your time, it's honestly no rush at all.  It always seems more troublesome to put a character down in words than when you already have them built in your head- at least to me it seems that way.  I wish I had a magic wand where I could just go *poof* all my ideas- typed out.  Of course, I think most of us here would want that!

Wants and Won'ts --  (updated 02/20)  |  Ideas and Inventions (open!)
Current CreationsApologies and Absences  -- (updated 04/26)

Brazen Endeavors

Name:  Zenaeh Aelmore
Age: 17
Enrollment Age: 10
Gender: Female

Weapon: Kyoketsu-shoge Weapon Description: A double edged blade with another curved blade attached to the hilt.  From base it is attached to eighteen feet of chain, terminating at a large metal ring.  This weapon may be used at close range (slashing or thrusting stabs), or long range (to entangle, disarm, or trip an opponent; or to deal blunt damage), as well as practical applications (climbing).
Specialization: Black magic; agility/acrobatics.
Current Ranking: Candidate
Victory Motto:  “Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.” (Socrates)
Limit Break: In mortis exsanguine Limit Break Description:  Random elemental damage imbues her weapon (one element, chosen via dice roll), ring end of weapon lashing out to strike an enemy and entangle them.  Mighty heave brings them to her range to suffer four combination stabs/lacerations imbued with black magic.

Personality: Anti-social without being shy, Zenaeh merely prefers a few good books to the company of others.  Gaining her notice generally earns a look of disdain or, if she is especially distracted, one of chilling neutrality.  She is reserved, vocally, though her old classmates nicknamed her ‘Requiem’, given her penchant for reciting somber quotes.  Her fascination with the macabre was never a secret, manifesting in small and sometimes strange ways that raised eyebrows. 

In the field her weaknesses become a bit more obvious; she is slow to decide, lacking the defining qualities that make a true leader.  Once her path is chosen, however, she reacts swift and pragmatic with a lack of morals that is sometimes disconcerting. 

Backstory:  The chain of events that led to Zenaeh’s admittance to Galbadia Garden started well before her birth, thirty years previous when her own grandfather was a prime political figure in the region.  His support of the Sorceress – and Galbadia Garden’s active participation in her attempts to gain control – meant that he fell well and hard in his aspirations when war was resolved.

With his son already at the beginning of his own political campaigns, there was pressure from all sides to rebuild the family name and, more importantly, reconstruct the powerbase for so long attached to it.  Yet the Aelmore’s were an old family, with fortune enough to bide their time until opportunity struck.

With five siblings born in near as many years, Zenaeh and her generation represented prime pickings to garner favor.  Her brothers were spared for their genetic and cultural ability to retain the family name.  Her eldest sister had already captured the eye of an older boy as part of another affluent household, and her younger sister was the true babe of the family.  By process of elimination almost solely, it was decided that the Aelmores would send their middle daughter to Galbadia Gardens, sealing their support of this new structure. 

At the tender age of ten, Zenaeh was given up to a lifetime of studies and training.  At first, her apprehensions of being wrested from home meant slow beginnings.  She made few close friends in those early years, was given easily to tears, and sometimes begged for the life she once knew.  It took many ‘grown up’ talks from her visiting parents to realize there was no coercing them, and that she would not leave.  Somewhere in these visits she realized they did not particularly want her, with so little talent shown to further their careers.  Whether she failed in this endeavor or not was of no concern to them – only that she was enrolled.

This depressing thought was only the beginning of a spiral that invited a preoccupation with more deplorable and constant thoughts.  Special leave granted to the girl during a family ‘vacation’ (re: photo-op) to beachside resort was ruined when she wandered from the safety net erected from her family’s sake to see the hovel where locals survived beyond gilded walls.  It had sent her home in tears, wondering why she was born never to want when others suffered to eke out another day of life.  The world she grew up in was making less sense every day, and its absence began to look all the more like an unattainable delight.

The next year saw her mother ill and incurable.  Special leave was granted to Zenaeh to spend her weekends at home while illness took its toll.  She was comforted by the acts of caring for her mother, and rewarded with less than lucid times where the woman expressed regret, sorrow, and sometimes even love to her emotionally starved daughter.  Zen was surprised every time that her haughty and mostly aloof mother degenerated into patterns of uncontrolled speech, revealing aspects of herself kept so far under wraps for all of her life.  When the time came for her to pass, Zenaeh lingered hours afterwards, stroking her brow and murmuring, “She was so beautiful in her suffering, and like an angel when she died”.

This marked a turning point in her life, where she made no further attempts to join her family and took to her studies with surprising gusto.  Here was the perfect outlet for her loss, where time was divided by reading, learning magics, and trying her hand at other vocations and skills.  Her limber physique was well suited to gymnastics, and her agility made her chosen weapon one hell of a match.  She shunned other students and their attempts to remain her friends save one or two special instances, instead concentrating on the next goal, and the next.  Passing from Cadet to Candidate was no fanfare, to her, but she was pushed to find her GF in short time to compete with the other Gardens and their methods.  GFs proved to be a mess, a weakness of her own, with constant clashing and low compatibility.  Only a chance encounter on one of her few missions (see below) resulted in the securing of one she felt even minimal connection to.

Seven months later, the Headmaster of Galbadia Garden informed her, with some regret, that there was little more Zenaeh could hope to accomplish without moving to Balamb Garden.  Better resources awaited her; she needed only go to take advantage of them.  With apathetic shrug, Zenaeh acquiesced, and left forthrightly to pack her things.

Appearance: Average qualities were made abnormal only by her eccentrics.  Standing 5’7”, the young woman generally hides beneath flaring coat of dark gray lined at edges by lighter gray and black.  Glimpses of pallid flesh peek from cuffs, or in times when heat or discomfort drive her to divest buttons and flash more of lithely athletic figure.  Brilliant blue of eyes flare amidst controlled visage, framed by spiked tenebrous bangs streaked with shades of cerulean.  Her hobby of gymnastics has kept her limber; an asset the few times she’s been coaxed into closer combat range.
Zenaeh Aelmore

Name: Lich
Established Connection:  Soon after attaining Candidate status, her instructors almost eagerly pushed for Zenaeh to find and bond to a Guardian Force.  Those leant to her felt uncomfortable; poor choices for compatibility.  It wasn’t until seven months ago, on a field mission to subdue a renegade force, that Zenaeh and her team ‘relieved’ the leader of his Guardian.  The lich was too appealing to pass up, and so she took it for her own.  Compatibility is still low though, surprisingly, the numbers with this undead summon are far better than her previous attempts.  She strives to forge a true working relationship.
Element: Thunder
Description: Horridly leathery features cling to skeletal frame; a towering presence capped by crown of bones.  In some places skin sundered reveals worse than dried jerky appearance of flesh – twitching muscle, the white gleam of tendon, the working of innards never meant to see light of day.  Luck is with those that view him, in guise of plentiful if tattered robes stained the moldy green muck of stagnant ponds.  Overlaying cape is a faded remnant of what used to be a royal purple, providing one of the only clues about this Guardian Force’s true identity.  Suspended in eternal rot, none remember this GF beyond his current namesake of “Lich”.
Appearance |Lich|
Bonus:  +Evasion, +Magical Attack, +Magical Defense
Special Attack: Devastating Epitaph -  In a tumult of dirt the lich rises, releasing a chilling cackle.  It takes to the air with effortless and disturbing grace, ejecting bolts of lightning to crash among the enemy party.

Character Journal
This is where you can choose to 'record' events or extra facts about your character for other's benefit: either from the beginning or throughout the game
..I want you.  I have seen you and I already love you.  My muse begs to lie in your arms; just for a moment.  I need you..
...come play with me?...
(updated o/o - 7.16.12)


Name: Siegfried Eberhart
Age: 18
Enrollment Age: 7 (Galbadia)/ 18 (Balamb)
Gender: Male
Weapon: Stratocaster Weapon Description: It’s exactly what it sounds like a guitar with jutting ends and sharp edges. It can be used as a two-handed battle axe, but it’s primary use is to shred. The guitar is a masterpiece of Galbadian technology that acts as a junction system, allowing Siegfried to cast various spells without need of his voice. However, when the musician does sing, his voice is amplified for it acts as an amplifier as well, allowing him to cast stronger and devastating spells. The guitar has a mild, thunderbolt shape and its body can act as a shield against physical and magical attacks. It is unproven whether the magnitude of damage is caused by the weapon, its user, or both. Siegfried believes that it’s the power behind his voice that makes it so effective and that anyone with a mediocre sound wouldn’t be able to wield it at the same magnitude he can.
Specialization:  Gray Magic: Jammer – Siegfried’s guitar radiates electromagnetic energy when in use, which can interfere with other forms of EMR such as radio signals. He can use the sound of his guitar to jam signals and the internal communication of most machinery. His second specialization is offensive and defensive support. Using his gray magic, Siegfried can act as a support to physical and magic users, though the primary receivers of his support are mages due to their frailty.
Current Ranking: Candidate
Victory Motto: “Bringing down the house!”, “I think somebody choked.”, “YEEEEEAAAAAA~H!”, “Thank you and goodnight!”
Limit Break Epic Finish Limit Break Description Siegfried will strike a pose as colossal speakers rise out of the ground behind him. Once the speakers have risen into place, he’ll jump into the air and stroke his guitar with a mighty scream as the speakers release a concussive burst of sound energy that not only damages the opponent heavily but disorients it, placing it in a state of confusion for a full turn. Siegfried’s limit break is said to be capable of bringing down a building due to the volume of his voice.

Personality: Siegfried is proud of his voice and his musical gift. Criticism usually doesn’t faze him for his head is much too large to care about those who don’t have an appreciation for art. Siegfried loves singing and likes those who appreciate his talent. He has many fans back in Galbadia, who he will always do his best to try and please. Unfortunately, with his recent transfer to Balamb, he will be unable to satisfy their fix for his music, but he hopes to build a fan base in his new home.

The musician has always had his gift since he was a boy. He believes in the power of music and song, how it influences people, imbuing them with joy, fellowship, sadness, anger, and even fear. His dream was to be able to harness his talent as a weapon and with Galbadian technology, he was able to do so. His music has since been invaluable to many teams and has wooed the hearts of many beautiful ladies.

Besides his career, Siegfried has quite the pleasant personality. He can be silly and is always on a naughty adventure because secretly, he’s a mild pervert—but he won’t admit it. When in combat, his personality takes a dramatic shift. He becomes pretty cocky and can hold his own in a fight as long as he has his precious guitar. He’s not just a rock star, he’s a mercenary and because he wields a guitar as a weapon, there are many who underestimate him. If Siegfried enters battle with his Stratocaster, you can expect to have the fight of your life.

In regards to the stereotypes that follow his garden’s name, he doesn’t let the ridicule get to him. Siegfried’s determination and self-confidence have yet to be shaken and have only been reinforced by his past history being a screw-up.

Backstory: Siegfried grew up in the peaceful town of Winhill. His father was a blacksmith and mother a dressmaker, although she worked at home to raise her son. His mother always sang to him while she worked, and her voice was like an angel. Naturally, Siegfried wanted to sing like his mother and would practice. When he was five, his voice was so pure that his parents had him help the family by singing at weddings, religious events, and even on the street. One day when he was seven, he was performing at the port when a strange man approached him. He had felt the influence behind Siegfried’s voice and he was the first to convince Siegfried and his parents that he had a special gift. After much persuasion, Siegfried was recruited into Galbadia Garden to undergo training as a mercenary.

Galbadia Garden was and is what Siegfried believes to be the toughest of all the gardens. It became such a strict academy post-Sorceress War with the media constantly slandering its name with suspicion and prejudice, despite its inability to produce SeeDs. Galbadian cadets had a name to redeem and so the expectations of the academy were ridiculously high. When Siegfried first started, he was such a special case that he was nearly disenrolled. Siegfried's mentor had been an instructor at Galbadia named Jorn [Y’orn] Kelby, and had been the one to recruit the boy that day back in Winhill. He had foresaw so much potential in the child that seeing the boy fail in the specialization course was frustrating. There wasn’t a single weapon that Siegfried excelled in. He couldn’t shoot, blunt weapons had been too heavy for him, and he didn’t have the focus for magic. His swordsmanship was pretty good, but anyone could swing a stick. The boy’s lack of interest in his weapons also played a factor in his inabilities. He just wouldn’t practice, and instead, wanted to sing and go home. With a lousy sword skill and Kelby’s defense against The Board, Siegfried acquired his first specialization as a Swordsman. He passed his written exam and was the only one in his class to move onto the rank of candidate without an acquired Guardian Force.

During his years as a candidate, Siegfried faced love and ridicule. He just absolutely sucked and everyone knew it. On his first basic mission, he was almost killed by a Cactaur. How he managed to find such an elusive creature, nobody knew, but its 1,000 needles attack left him prickly and barely alive.

After that failed mission, Kelby didn’t trust Siegfried on missions anymore. The kid was a liability, he decided, having finally given up on him. He was assigned to detail and helped keep the Garden clean daily. Having preferred not going on missions any way, Siegfried soon realized how dry his world had become. His old classmates didn’t speak to him and women found him to be a loser. Siegfried not enjoying the social stigma he had created for himself sought to change it the only way he knew how. After years of keeping his talent hidden, Siegfried in his spare time learned guitar and wrote music. When Head Master Jugra Hitori’s birthday came along, Siegfried just couldn’t resist. He staged a surprise appearance during the ceremony and blew the roof off the auditorium (not literally of course). No one had been expecting it, and the incident was forever branded in the students’ minds. It was the beginning of his fan base and led to his fated redemption (and inevitable punishment).

Instructor Kelby was embarrassed by Siegfried’s performance in front of the Head Master. He had been fighting to keep him in the Garden, and after his stunt, he faced consultations of Failure to Adapt to the discipline of the academy. However, Eberhart’s performance had peaked his curiosity. He recalled how he had performed on stage with his guitar, and no sooner did he have the engineers make him a battle axe in the shape of one. Instructor Kelby then gave Siegfried the guitar to use in training, and they had finally made some progress. As Kelby predicted, Siegfried had become more interested in the axe because it was shaped like a guitar, but it wasn’t long before he grew bored of it for it didn’t play like one. Instructor Kelby then had the engineers create a junction system that granted Siegfried the ability to draw magic with a weapon called the Stratocaster.

With the Stratocaster, Siegfried excelled dramatically as a mercenary and became a desired member in several teams who knew of his skills. When Siegfried first entered the battlefield with only a guitar, he faced ridicule by many hot-shot candidates until they saw the power his weapon really held. With his frequent recruitment on missions, Siegfried gained experience and became one of the top ten candidates selected to transfer for SeeD training at Balamb Garden (and to get out of the Head Master’s hair).

Appearance: Siegfried is a handsome young man with platinum blonde hair and ash-grey eyes. He has a charming appeal to his face, his eyes friendly, cool, calm and collected and smiles full of mischief. When he first joined Balamb Garden, he had the habit of wearing his hair in a military fashion. Sideburns short and crisp, hair no longer than two-inches, face clean-shaven but he has since adapted to the lax rules of his new school, letting his mane grow out. Siegfried’s hair can grow to lengths that reach to the center of his back. Currently, its just a short, feathery, unkempt mess that he tends to fix with a simple hand motion through it. When he isn’t in uniform and performing, Siegfried’s ensemble changes. He’ll wear spiked bracelets and collars, eyebrow and ear piercings, leather vests, jeans, and boots, looking like an 80s rocker—and that’s only what he usually wears. His fashion can get pretty crazy.

Name: Cactaur
Established Connection: Well, the thing nearly killed him and he hates how it has since bound itself to him. The Cactaur is elusive and will appear at times just to scare the living hell out of Siegfried.
Element: N/A
Description: Green cactus with bent arms and legs. It has two circular eyes and an oblong mouth. The Cactaur is known for having a very high defense yet low vitality.
Bonus:  None
Special Attack: 1,000 Needles Special Attack Description Cactaur leaps into the air and by flailing its arms and legs rapidly scatters its deadly needles in all directions. The attack is unblockable and though it scatters 1,000 needles, it doesn't necessarily inflict 1,000 damage points (ie. can inflict some major damage).

Character Journal

Due to the nature of Siegfried's weapon, all of his magic is AOE toward allies and enemies. His ability to draw magic is affected by Silence spells, which will silence not only the musician but his instrument as well.
Grey/White - Primary

  • Slow
  • Sleep
  • Blind
  • Cure
  • Haste
  • Scan

Black Magic - Secondary

  • Fire
  • Blizzard
  • Thunder
Vocal + Instrumental

Grey/White - Primary

  • Stop
  • Silence
  • Berserk
  • Confuse
  • Break
  • Cura
  • Dispel
  • Float

Black Magic - Secondary

  • Drain
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Marie Reynolds

This is a work in progress would like to add some background ties with other students be they friendships or rivalries

Name: Dale Reed Jr.
Age:  19
Enrollment Age: 10 (whole time enrolled at Balamb)
Gender: Male
Theme Song
(Include, Youtube video Theme Song)

Weapon: Shield of Fate Weapon Description:  Bladed edge Triple Triad Cards and Buckler attached to a Leather gauntlet.
Specialization:  Weapon-smith,Armor-smith, Negotiation(Including Hostage Negotiation), Apothecary, Humanitarian Aide,Triage,First aid, Field Surgery,Logistics,Planning, White Magic,Thrown Weapons and Shield combat and General Medicine.
Current Ranking:  Candidate
Victory Motto:  Peace Through Strength
Limit Break Fate's Aegis Limit Break Description This Limit break starts with a shield bash to bring a single foe into the air and then the foe is hit with a rapid barrage of the bladed edge triple triad cards.

Personality:  Dale tends to be very Gregarious and a bit of a flirt, though when people are suffering or in need of help he becomes very sincere and clearly focused on lending aide to those in crisis also has been known for having a clear head in tough situations and a strong sense of responsibility which makes him a strong leader when called upon.

Backstory: Dale grew up in Fisherman's Horizon, His father a fisherman Dale Reed Sr. and his Mother Sarah Reed who owned the Lucky Porpoise Restaurant. They lived a simple and quiet life working and enjoying the time the would have as a family together. As most no one really worried about war or political strife everyone here just worked for their families and the community. Though things changed when a large tidal wave struck Fisherman's Horizon Many families lost loved ones, shops,boats, the community and its economy were in shambles and the recovery process was long and after the work was done as Dale lost everything even though the community rebuilt the Lucky Porpoise he left it to be managed by the community and provide a place for those who just moved in to get work as a server or as a fisherman to bring in fresh stock for the restaurant. His community helped him with one final thing for all the hard work he put in a ticket and some money to cover the expenses of joining Balamb garden in hopes to bring a new division and set of skills focusing on Humanitarian Aide and a proper reponse to such natural disasters so Seed could help in stabilizing families and economies again. As a cadet he was always seen helping were he could, if people were stuck on how to plan or prepare for a mission he was always seemed to have a knack for such things, also if teams had conflicts with its members he was always able to find a middle ground and help them work together. Though his essay was one that stood cause in stead of just speaking of hopes and dreams he went against the grain of either topic presented to him and provide a detailed structure and curriculum that could be used to bring Seed into the Humanitarian Aide and Diplomacy arena’s. Despite his deviation from the norm he received his Cadet status and went on missions, he proved useful in the field do to his methodology and ability to heal with magic and medical training after each mission he would send a report back to his team noting the aide the local populace needed when because of the mission and the fighting that occurred he would detail his plans to stay and provide medical services to the towns and the people and helping with restoration efforts and continue to send progress reports and suggestions to the Balamb leadership that would speed up the recovery of the town. Though most of the time it was solo work cause balamb did not possess the extra resources but were willing to give him the leave he need to help stabilize a town after a mission. When he was not doing this he formed a student organization that learned the skills necessary to aide in such humanitarian missions hoping his own hard work would pay off and show the Balamb Leadership what this could do for Balamb. He also proved valuable in ending hostage situations and through his keen negotiation skills have ended many Hostage situations with out violence and the hostages being retrieved successful and allowing the rest of the Cadets to neutralizer and apprehend the hostage takers. He has made many reports to become a seed but do to the nature that he proposes change and the birth of a new focus added to the others Balamb already posses he has come dangerously close now to reaching Twenty and not being commissioned as a Seed as some of the leadership are not comfortable with change and his detailed plans laid out even in slow methodical application and integration into seeds standards of operations

Name:  Carbuncle
Established Connection:  At the age of 15, Dale came across the hazing of a new student at the training the exits were blocked by other new students and a T-Rexaur attacked the group the young girl fainted due to fear the group abandoned her and he rushed in alone and subconsciously grabbed his bladed cards and it was of carbuncle when he threw the card to attack instead something else happened a GF appeared reacting to his desire to see the new student to safety and since this happened near the entrance and the summoning drew attention other students attacked the T-rexaur and through the desire to protect and care was how Carbuncle's and Dale's bond was forged
Element:  See chart below
Description: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/7/7b/Carbuncle.png
Bonus:  These bonuses *must be passive* See Chart Below
Special Attack: Name Special Attack Description See Chart below

Carbuncle is a Guardian Force obtained by drawing from the Iguions. If missed, it can still be drawn fromKrysta in Ultimecia Castle. In its summoning animation, Carbuncle appears from a hole in the ground, jumps up and casts Ruby Light on the party, granting them the Reflect status before returning into the hole. Because Carbuncle is not a damage-dealing GF it cannot be boosted and while it can learn SumMag+% abilities from items, they will have no effect.
Compatibility Chart
Summon Effect
Carbuncle +20, Siren -10, Every other GF -1.6

Compatibility Items
Dragon Skin +3.2, LuvLuvG +20.2

Casting Magic
Aura +1, Double +1, Haste +1, Holy +1, Protect +1, Reflect +1, Shell +1, Triple +1,Cure +0.2, Cura +0.2, Curaga +0.2, Esuna +0.2, Full-Life +0.2, Life +0.2, Regen+0.2, Berserk -0.2, Blind -0.2, Break -0.2, Death -0.2, Pain -0.2, Silence -0.2, Sleep-0.2, Slow -0.2, Stop -0.2, Zombie -0.2, Dispel -1.2

Abilities learned naturally by Carbuncle are listed below:
(Already learned)
 Vit Bonus
(Already learned)
(Already learned)
(Already learned)
(Already learned)
(Already learned)
 Recov Med-RF

Character Journal
This is where you can choose to 'record' events or extra facts about your character for other's benefit: either from the beginning or throughout the game