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The Scene/Emo Style

Started by ForgottenDream, August 30, 2011, 06:41:28 PM

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Hey Guys,

I was wondering your opinions of the Scene or Emo style of dressing because in highschool I got bullied a whole ton for it.  Just to give off a little description of what that style is, it's the whole really tight skinny jeans (not the skater skinnies that all the skaters think they are amazing cause they wear skinny jeans >.>), band tees (usually hardcore or underground bands), plaid shirts, the whole straightened hair style being over the eyes or multi coloured, there are a lot of different hair styles and stuff i've tried quite a few and piercings other than ears (ears count if they are streched).  I was this way from grade 10 to where i am now and for some reason i wasn't accepted at all at my school.  I want to know if that's everywhere or i was just very unlucky with where i lived because i truthfully had no friends who stood up for me yet they were the same as me but kept it all on the inside, afraid to be themselves...  This is a topic that i have gone over in my head for so long and it frustrates me how people still aren't accepted for even a simple hairstyle!  The world is really screwed up so this is like a half vent post, half curiosity to see what the rest of the community thinks of this.  Input or discussion or even personal questions would be kinda cool :)



All's well for me, it's the skinny jeans that throw me off...especially if you're a guy.

I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Quote from: Braioch on August 30, 2011, 09:45:32 PM
All's well for me, it's the skinny jeans that throw me off...especially if you're a guy.

I wear em all the time and the only way it does stuff to you is if you get too tight around the waist.  There is crotch room in guys skinnies DON'T WORRY :P


I'm kinda with Brai... I never understood skinny jeans.  But, for me, I just generally don't like denim or tight things at all... so the idea of combining them is the opposite of comfort to me. *laughs*

But if that's what your comfortable with, wear it proudly.  I've seen some people really make the style work for them, honestly.
"Inciting Violence" (O/O) | "Random Acts of Violence" (Requests/Ideas) | Language of Violence (A Story I'm Working On)

And it all breaks down at the role reversal . Got the muse in my head she's universal . Spinnin' me round she's coming over me.
Domestic Violence (My OC's) | The Art of Violence (Stuff I Draw'd) | The Absense of Violence (A/A)

Cravings::  ANYTHING with Ballerinas! | Playing a cheating wife/girlfriend scenario. | Something that lets me play Jaime Lannister.


Quote from: Violence on August 30, 2011, 10:07:45 PM
I'm kinda with Brai... I never understood skinny jeans.  But, for me, I just generally don't like denim or tight things at all... so the idea of combining them is the opposite of comfort to me. *laughs*

But if that's what your comfortable with, wear it proudly.  I've seen some people really make the style work for them, honestly.
I really like the style personally and it's a huge expression thing for me especially when i am pretty well, not with the mainstream flow of society and i find it really expresses me... and the jeans make my legs look good ;D



I like Emo boys, I find them sexy. And the tight pants do accentuate the legs (and behind) of said boy. Which I'm all for when the boy has some good legs to show off ;)



Quote from: ForgottenDream on August 30, 2011, 10:09:06 PM
I really like the style personally and it's a huge expression thing for me especially when i am pretty well, not with the mainstream flow of society and i find it really expresses me... and the jeans make my legs look good ;D

Hey, if it makes you look good and makes you feel good and covers up all the areas society asks you to cover up... that's all clothes really need to do. *nods*

I was never really on the way outside of clothing but I had a few people pick on me for my choices in clothing around the time of High School.  Mostly it was shirts featuring comic book or manga characters... back before it was really standard, I guess.  My favorite instance was one time a guy kept nudging on of the "cool kids" and making fun of me, laughing about my shirt until the other guy was just like "So?  Maybe he likes the fucking X-Men..." with the world's most bewildered look on his face.  He legitimately could not understand why it mattered what was on my shirt.

So just be like "I like wearing my pants", and everybody else will be all, "He likes wearing pants, Dib..." ^.^
"Inciting Violence" (O/O) | "Random Acts of Violence" (Requests/Ideas) | Language of Violence (A Story I'm Working On)

And it all breaks down at the role reversal . Got the muse in my head she's universal . Spinnin' me round she's coming over me.
Domestic Violence (My OC's) | The Art of Violence (Stuff I Draw'd) | The Absense of Violence (A/A)

Cravings::  ANYTHING with Ballerinas! | Playing a cheating wife/girlfriend scenario. | Something that lets me play Jaime Lannister.


It wasnt really the ''costume'' or ''clothing'' that emos or goths wore. It was more the culture that they had. I didnt make fun of them, but I didnt care for the angsty "oh the world is so hard to live in". It was tantamount to being a child or baby in my eyes. I do remember one time in highschool I got into an arguement with an emo over something stupid and I said, "Yeah, well at least Kurt Kobain had the balls to pull the fucking trigger! If your not, then put your helmet and mouthguard on like everyone else and suck it up. Life always sucked." I'll admit probably not the smartest thing to say, but I was a highschooler then.

About a week later he started dressing and acting normal, if that's possible in highschool. o.O


Quote from: Saerra on August 30, 2011, 10:15:30 PM

I like Emo boys, I find them sexy. And the tight pants do accentuate the legs (and behind) of said boy. Which I'm all for when the boy has some good legs to show off ;)


Just here to agree with that.
Although skinny jeans really don't work for everyone.
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Sparking angel, I couldn't see, your dark intentions, your feelings for me
Fallen Angel, tell me why? what is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels, I will lead them to your door

"Within Temptation - Angels"


I did everything in my power to avoid emo/scene kids, I think the worst was when the complained. I am a person that hates hearing complaints so I would tell people to shut the hell up.

My hate for emo/scene kids was replaced by hipsters even if they seem the same to me. If I hear "OMG, I remember when that wasn't main stream" ever again, it will be to soon.


That is the thing.
Emo kids are sexy as long as they don't start talking.
Then it's all over.

I can agree to the hate for hipsters though, and... *eyes Aiden's Signature*, I seem to have missed something.
On & Offs | Looking For... | Apologies & Absences | Tumblr
Sparking angel, I couldn't see, your dark intentions, your feelings for me
Fallen Angel, tell me why? what is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels, I will lead them to your door

"Within Temptation - Angels"


Quote from: Samael on September 04, 2011, 10:38:29 PM
That is the thing.
Emo kids are sexy as long as they don't start talking.
Then it's all over.

*nods in agreement*


I'm not a fan scene/emo style, the way I'm not that big of a fan of the way some goth kids dress. I like gothic style way more than emo/scene/hipsters, but I guess that's because it ties into my general love for Victorian Era and vampires as well as Gothic architecture. Anyways, when I went to high school, for the first two years, the school was ruled by the goths... I liked them... Despite the fact that they listened to Marylin Manson and some even thought they were really werewolves, or vampires, they were nice people in general... Then the emo kids took over in a flood of change and I for the most part I found them to be whiny and just bitchy... But personality aside, while I like skinny jeans... I like them on a girl who can fill them up nicely and not look like a stick. Some of the hairstyles I spotted on emo kids just make the fashion lover in me cringe something aweful and while I like piercings, there's something called 'too much'. The trend with the stretched lobes... I never understood. I find it far from attractive.

As for the whole underground bands thing and things that aren't 'mainstream' in general... I find that to be hypocritical and a way to inflate one's ego that one is 'better', or 'special' because they listen to music I haven't heard of... I find it hilarious, because how can something NOT be mainstream, when the whole emo/scene/hipster culture has BECOME mainstream....?

And the way you dress does not always express who you are. Your personality and ideals do. The way you dress is because you like a certain style. While that ties into your personality, it does not make you one way or another, though I noticed that a lot of people seem to think they have to behave a certain way when they dress into a certain clique. Most grow out of it though... Some don't...

Anyways, this isn't a dig towards you, ForgottenDream, since I obviously don't know you as a person, but this is an opinion based largely on my own experiences with emo kids and God, did I have an experience with them when I went to high school -.-

In summary, I don't condemn the people who dress a certain way (unless they're outright a friggin' slob), but I just don't like the look of emo/scene/whatever.

*stares at Aiden's signature as well* Have we spoken before? Or is that 'PS' for some other kikideru? *head tilt*
"I do not spew profanities I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady"

My O/Os:


Quote from: kikideru on September 04, 2011, 11:10:16 PM
As for the whole underground bands thing and things that aren't 'mainstream' in general... I find that to be hypocritical and a way to inflate one's ego that one is 'better', or 'special' because they listen to music I haven't heard of... I find it hilarious, because how can something NOT be mainstream, when the whole emo/scene/hipster culture has BECOME mainstream....?

I'm glad someone said it, because this is what I wanted to express.

Once middle school kids start cleaving to a fad, it's not underground anymore!  Be unique for who you are instead of who you hang out with.
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A

Observing Trifles

Quote from: Samael on September 04, 2011, 10:38:29 PM
Emo kids are sexy as long as they don't start talking.
Then it's all over.


I knew there was a reason we got along so well. ;3
|| the hunt ||

when you take my hand,
i understand where you end,
and that's where i began.



I think emo/goth style is one thing and can accept it easily but emo/goth lifestyle or making a hobby out of being miserable is just beyond me.  Self pitying people in general (unless their circumstances are justifiably dire) annoy the hell out of me.  And emo/goth kids who haven't experienced hardship or emotional trauma just become drama queens by way of justifying their fad. 

So yeah, goth style on well adjusted people I can accept for what it is and support but tragedy as a lifestyle is such an ironically tragic waste of youth.  And don't even get me started on kids who pretend to be vampires.  That Rpatz and his gang want lynching if you ask me.


For those baffled by Aiden's signature, it is just a usage of a tag which puts the user name of those who are viewing it in there.  He's just being himself and confusing us all.  ~Smirks~


Hmmm, I figured it may have been something like that XD
"I do not spew profanities I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady"

My O/Os:


Quote from: kikideru on September 04, 2011, 11:10:16 PM

And the way you dress does not always express who you are. Your personality and ideals do. The way you dress is because you like a certain style. While that ties into your personality, it does not make you one way or another, though I noticed that a lot of people seem to think they have to behave a certain way when they dress into a certain clique. Most grow out of it though... Some don't...

Thank you for your honest opinion on all this kikideru it means truely a lot!  Yes MOST scene/emo kids were bitchy and whinny and stuff but we all are at one point.  Also the way we dress is just an expression of our style and personality does make us who we are so you do contradict about saying how ALL the scene/emo kids were whinny and bitchy cause i know MYSELF ihad a very rough life growing up but to a lot, they did not and they just whined about everything.  I fought for myself, my personality, my friends, my family, my grades, my job, my music, everything and tryed my hardest and most of the time it wasn't enough.
In high school, I don't know what your year was like or high school but here's mine; all you had was the way you dress/looked.  If one small thing was outa place you'd be judged instantly from it.  My high school was ALL preps, no one willing to be themselves.  Even the kids who liked anime were under their law.  I dressed scene because i decided to give a giant "FUCK YOU" to all them because i wanted to be whoever i was and i may still be searching but i'm trying out so many new things especially in university.

So ya everyone is different regardless of what style they are and don't judge untill you know the full story because there is a lotta shit that does go around in this world.  Sometimes all we need is someone to vent to or a hug here and there which is the truth.  There are small things most people don't take for granted that means the world to people like me



I fail to see where I said ANYthing about ALL the scene/emo kids being whiny/bitchy. Last I checked, my exact words were that I found them for the "most" part to be whiny. "Most" does not constitute "all". I also said, my opinion is based on my own experiences in my own high school and living in hickville, a lot of the kids in my school were unfortunately, highly impressionable and once they took on a fad, they really took it on, angst and all. I have met a few scene/emo kids who were decent people, but to me it was a very rare thing to find a kid who didn't constantly complain about how they hated their parents, etc, etc.

Also, I remember mentioning something about my post, not being a dig personally at you for being scene/emo, since I honestly don't know you as a person and for all I know, you could be a nice guy. So please don't put words in my mouth that I never said, because it only makes you sound defensive.
"I do not spew profanities I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady"

My O/Os:


Wow, time to settle down and cool off.