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Anyone want to play?

Started by CheshireKitten, January 17, 2014, 03:54:52 PM

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Well I'm not approved yet, but that's perfectly fine considering I can still meet people and play fun plotlines. Anyone interested? I'm fine with coming up with something together of course. :)


Yah sure I'll play. I'm unapproved too :P


Anything you feel like playing in particular?


No, I'll do anything you want to. Have you read any of the recent series like Divergent or Heroes of Olympus?


I would be interested in kicking around a few plot ideas too while we wait to see what fate befalls our application.


I'm open to pretty much anything, even stuff I'm not too familiar with... there are always ways to make clueless characters in pretty much any genre. Makes learning as you go a lot easier.


Cool. Have you read any of those series? And I think the app takes at least 3 days... how long ago did you join?


I takes 72 hours to a week maybe more, from what I've read. I joined... Tuesday? Wednesday? I can't remember. I try not to watch the clock to closely or it won't boil.

...or was that water?

At any rate, I have read neither, but I can take a pretty good crack at guessing what Heroes of Olympus is about! What's Divergent?

Did you have any ideas, Kitten?


Quote from: Vill on January 17, 2014, 06:38:15 PM
I takes 72 hours to a week maybe more, from what I've read. I joined... Tuesday? Wednesday? I can't remember. I try not to watch the clock to closely or it won't boil.

...or was that water?

At any rate, I have read neither, but I can take a pretty good crack at guessing what Heroes of Olympus is about! What's Divergent?

Did you have any ideas, Kitten?
lol I do think it's water that boils, not clocks :P But who knows... Anyway Divergent by Veronica Roth is about a future society, you should look it up, it's really good


That sounds interesting. I do like me some future sci-fi and theoretical societies. I'll have to check it out...

....but, don't tell anyone -- I'm not a big fan of reading.

Say what!? I don't know what you're talking about. That's ludicrous. Who did you hear that from? Did Steve tell you that? What does he know about it?




Steve, who would you do that? lol I honestly don't know how I would live without reading, I love books :P Mostly fantasy and fiction though


I can get really into it when I do read. I think it's mostly because I read kind of slow. Not so much because it's difficult: I'm pretty proud of comprehension. I just can't force myself to speed read. I have to spend time on trying to pull every possible meaning or suggestion of context out of each sentence. Great in cases, painfully tedious in others.


I always speed read, even when I don't want to. Because I read so much, I read really fast lol. I timed myself once, it took me 30 seconds to read 1 page of a Harry Potter book :P


Nice. Should compete for the record. Not sure what it is though.

There's a post apocalyptic game that just started and I'm about to make my first post if either of you wanna check it out.

I kinda like the premise: 99% of the world's population spontaneously disappears. It's set in NY city... and think gnarly monsters are starting to show up to eradicate and claim what's left of Earth's life forms.

Wew. OOC thread IC thread.

I'm gonna take a second before proof reading again and submitting.


Wow those are very cool, I especially like the OOC thread


I just posted if you want to check it out. Reader feedback is always a plus.

You should post in the OOC thread if you're interested. Never hurts to make a character sheet even if it's just for fun.


No, it's too late now, they already started lol. What do OOC  and IC stand for?


OOC = Out Of Character
IC = In Character

One's for discussion and the other is for posting their writings. It's certainly not too late, I haven't even interject my character into the situation yet. I'm not even sure when I'm going to. I just did a write up of what happened to my character the night everyone disappeared.


Oh ok, thanks :) I'm going to post in the OOC one then


Go for it!

I think the posting rate is going to be a little bit on the slower side, so if you were still interested in starting a game I'm still down to toy with ideas. I have all this energy to write that needs immediate expenditure or I think I might experience writer's combustion -- the antithesis to writer's block.


Looool that's awesome :D writer's combustion... in the non-adult sandbox storytelling thing I posted this random essay I found, you can read it if you want. You could post a story or something there too so you don't combust :P


I will definitely give it a read. I may very well try working on a story, but I get so much more out of writing with others.

Don't feel bad if you don't hear back right away in the ooc thread. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't respond until tomorrow, like I said it's slower moving. But, the guy leading it did say he wanted to have about 4 to 6 players.

You should draft a character just to have it ready. Mine is posted a few above your post if you want an example of the format.


Ok I will make a character. And thx for reading it :)