Dark Ages: Vampire. Interest?

Started by Jaded, August 09, 2013, 08:46:19 PM

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I'm curious how much interest there would be in a Dark Ages: Vampire game. 

I am leaning towards setting it in Riga, so it would probably be a bit more chaotic than one set in a more civilized region.  However I think the mix of local pagans, German crusaders, and so on could create some interesting plots.

As an initial starting plot, and a way to bring the characters together, I am thinking of focusing on Bishop Albert and his knights hunting Cainites for their blood.

Would anyone be interested?  And does anyone have suggestions or questions?


Bookmarked and I'll be keeping an eye on this.  Not 100% sure what I'd play though.
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Pumpkin Seeds

Jaded...why you got all the stuff I'm interested in playing?


My medieval history knowledge is very weak, but I did a little research and it looks like Riga would make a really cool setting for VtDA.  I really like the setting, and depending on how you want the game to flow and develop, I'd like to learn more.  Would there be a premise for the characters to be collaborating or interacting-- like a coterie, or some elder's manipulation?  Would it be a small group?  And what would the major themes be?
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Quote from: AndyZ on August 09, 2013, 08:56:59 PM
Bookmarked and I'll be keeping an eye on this.  Not 100% sure what I'd play though.

:-)  Let me know.  Most of the clans could probably fit without too much trouble (excluding maybe  the Assamite and Followers of Set).

Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on August 09, 2013, 09:56:19 PM
Jaded...why you got all the stuff I'm interested in playing?

Similar interests? ;)

Quote from: Ixy on August 10, 2013, 05:33:13 PM
My medieval history knowledge is very weak, but I did a little research and it looks like Riga would make a really cool setting for VtDA.  I really like the setting, and depending on how you want the game to flow and develop, I'd like to learn more.  Would there be a premise for the characters to be collaborating or interacting-- like a coterie, or some elder's manipulation?  Would it be a small group?  And what would the major themes be?

I'm not an expert on medieval history either, but it does seem like an interesting spot. :-)  The knights/germans are just moving in, the pagans are still around, it is on a historical (and future) trade route, etc.  In universe (based on Dark Ages: Europe) there are three major canon vampires about.  Lord Horst de Novara, a German Ventrue who has influence with the crusaders.  Vala, a Tzimisce holds sway in many of the non-Christian areas.  And Lacplesis the Bear-Slayer, a Gangrel, is fighting the crusaders in the wild.  Bishop Albert of Riga is a former Lasombra ghoul, who is the head of the Brethren of the Sword, a knightly order, and is using them to hunt Cainites for their blood.

My thought to bring the characters together is survival.  With the knights hunting vampires, and a conflict brewing, they are somewhat caught in the middle.  So they would probably be a coterie at least initially.  I'd prefer a smallish group, 4-8 would be my ideal. 

The themes would mainly be survival and conflict.  The conflict wouldn't necessarily be combat, but with the pagans and crusaders facing off, a number of influential vampires, and probably a bit of a power void in the local cainite society, the characters would have to decide how to deal with it all. 


Wow-- that's an awesome answer.  Thanks very much for all the additional info!  I'm interested in applying, and will start fiddling around with character ideas to see what might work.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Mmmm Dark ages vampire clearly the best time to play vampire.   Tzimisce or Lasombra... oh the choices.


Count me as interested, though I'd like to see what other people are interested in playing/doing before I toss in a character- I don't want to play the odd Kindred out or force the game into the mold I want if others have strong desires in a certain direction.


I'm interested but at this moment can't commit to a new game. I'll be keeping an eye on this one tho.
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Quote from: AlexStone on August 11, 2013, 05:43:38 AM
Count me as interested, though I'd like to see what other people are interested in playing/doing before I toss in a character- I don't want to play the odd Kindred out or force the game into the mold I want if others have strong desires in a certain direction.
I would love to make some connections with the other characters as well.  Right now it's just in the 'idea' phase, and I'm considering playing a female warrior/matriarch type, the character embraced as a Varangian from near the trade routes connecting 'dark' Europe to Constantinople, etc. in the late 10th century.  Much a free-spirit, paganistic type, my concept's probably very unrealistic or rare for the time period, sure, but... it's fantasy, right?  I've got room in my background for allies, rivals, a sire, lovers-- kind of imagine her having, at some point in her undead history--allies, 'war-buddies', lovers or manipulators from the Brujah, the Setites, the Gangrel, etc.  I ave a crazy idea about a Tzimisce involvement as well.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Quote from: Toggle on August 10, 2013, 10:25:02 PM
Mmmm Dark ages vampire clearly the best time to play vampire.   Tzimisce or Lasombra... oh the choices.

Either could work. :-)

Quote from: AlexStone on August 11, 2013, 05:43:38 AM
Count me as interested, though I'd like to see what other people are interested in playing/doing before I toss in a character- I don't want to play the odd Kindred out or force the game into the mold I want if others have strong desires in a certain direction.

Okay.  Let me know. :-)  If Ixy is going a Pagan, and Toggle a Lasombra or Tzimisce, a common 'thread' could be opposition to Lord Horst de Novara.  Not a requirement though.

Quote from: Imogen on August 11, 2013, 05:44:52 AM
I'm interested but at this moment can't commit to a new game. I'll be keeping an eye on this one tho.

Thanks for your interest. :-)

Quote from: Ixy on August 11, 2013, 10:37:16 AM
I would love to make some connections with the other characters as well.  Right now it's just in the 'idea' phase, and I'm considering playing a female warrior/matriarch type, the character embraced as a Varangian from near the trade routes connecting 'dark' Europe to Constantinople, etc. in the late 10th century.  Much a free-spirit, paganistic type, my concept's probably very unrealistic or rare for the time period, sure, but... it's fantasy, right?  I've got room in my background for allies, rivals, a sire, lovers-- kind of imagine her having, at some point in her undead history--allies, 'war-buddies', lovers or manipulators from the Brujah, the Setites, the Gangrel, etc.  I ave a crazy idea about a Tzimisce involvement as well.

Sounds good/fine to me. :-)  I would assume Vampires would tend towards rarity in who they embrace. ;)


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I'm pretty interested in this. Do you mind putting up with someone who's never played Vampire before?


Quote from: AndyZ on August 17, 2013, 10:57:50 PM
What all is there so far?

Ixy is the only one to pitch a concept so far.

Quote from: Jr on August 18, 2013, 12:12:31 PM
I'm pretty interested in this. Do you mind putting up with someone who's never played Vampire before?

I'm fine with inexperienced players. :-)

Prince Truhan

I'm interested. I have only played the game in the modern age though (and with only the basic manual).

Should I check for differences or are the same things available? (with the exceptions you mentioned of course)



There's a decent number of system differences, though the setting is very much what you'd expect.
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Okay, I managed to obtain the books. Do we have enough people? Any general guidelines for character creation?

Prince Truhan

Quote from: AndyZ on August 20, 2013, 12:05:35 PM

There's a decent number of system differences, though the setting is very much what you'd expect.

Thank you.

Alright I got a hold of the book and contrary to my own expectations, I think I would make an errant Toreador that prides himself as a great swordsman


Quote from: Jr on August 20, 2013, 02:00:20 PM
Okay, I managed to obtain the books. Do we have enough people? Any general guidelines for character creation?

We have enough interest, assuming most people who are interested make a character.  No real guidelines, just make sure it fits the time period and region.  Standard rules otherwise. 

Quote from: Prince Truhan on August 20, 2013, 11:15:44 PM
Thank you.

Alright I got a hold of the book and contrary to my own expectations, I think I would make an errant Toreador that prides himself as a great swordsman

Sounds good. :-)


Okay if I decide to play a Nosferatu are you allowing all the fun merits they have like Disgusting and Projectile Vomit?

Seriously if I'm going to be a masked former pagan knight felled by Leprosy and embraced might as well go off the deep end and use all the clans strengths, including making a mortal knight disgusted fighting her.

Hell most of her allies might find her undesirable as well but would you dig around a Leper colonies waste pits for her?


What book are those from?  But in theory I'm fine with them. 


Nosferatu Clan Book

Things would be well making her revel in her freakiness in combat vomiting up some body parts and literally stuff from a waste pit could be pretty effective, not sure yet I'm mulling over ideas.


There were clan books in Dark Ages?  I need to look into this...
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There are some, most of the clan physical mutations from her clan were likely always there though after all a huge inhuman mouth with oversized fangs are not something modern. mwhahahaha

Here are 6 pts. of Merits I plan to take-

Long Fingers (1 pt. Merit) Your fingers are unnaturally long and spidery. You gain an extra die on any roll involving coordination or grappling.

Oversized Fangs (1 pt. Merit) You have enormous fangs, snaggly tusks resembling those of an elephant or walrus. They cannot be retracted, but they do an additional die of damage and add one die to your intimidation dice pool.

Projectile Vomiting (2 pt. Merit) This talent is like the Eat Food Merit, but twice as versatile. Food comes in; food goes out very, very fast. A vampire with this ability can ingest, and possibly even taste, food and drink. He cannot gain any nutritional benefit from this ordinarily digestible matter, but he can store it for later use. When this need arises, the Nosferatu can not only disgorge his stored supply of food, but also aim it with a degree of precision. For the record, projectile vomiting is the Sotryteller system usually requires a Stamina + athletics roll; the difficulty is 8, and a victim can attempt to dodtge this bolus of ejected victuals. Although this attack does not cause damage (save to ones pride), the type of food ejected may temporarily obscure a victim's vision, cause him to slip or merely force him to weep with shame at a Camarilla Toreador's grand ball. Pity the poor vomit-drenched Toreador....

Gaping Maw (2 pt. Merit) You've got a nasty gash where your mouth should be. It can smile, it can frown, and most importantly, it can grin two or three inches wider than any human mouth can. An ordinary vampire can suck up to three blood points in a t urn. You can drain up to four points a turn, provided you can latch your tooth-filled orifice around enough skin.

And some Flaws well she lives in filth and well kind of lost it a bit-

Anosmia (2 pt. Flaw) You have no sense of smell or taste. The vilest odors and flavors imaginable cannot affect you; in fact, you do not even recognize their presence. You cannot attempt a Perception roll that involves either of those senses. However, any supernatural attack involving horrific oders and tastes does not effect you. Granted, Nosferatu who have surrounded themselves with unseemly funk long enough become immune to just about any foul odor, but you simply do not recognize smells at all.

Necrophile (3 pt. Flaw) No, you don't have sex with the dead, but you certainly enjoy their company. You are obsessed with dead bodies, and "invite" them over to your domain. Your haven is distastefully decorated with severed and mutilated body parts of all kinds. You talk to your dead friends, dance with them, make art out of them, and entertain frequently. Some vampires of particularly refined temperament may need to overcome a Courage roll (diff 4) to enter a room where you've left your guests and their accouterments. Toreador go ape shit; Toreador antitribu applaud. For some reason, this Flaw is very popular among Leatherfaces.


I have no idea what kind of character I want to make. Any suggestions? Maybe an accessory character, like a smith for the sword guy?