Down the Rabbit Hole (Needing Male Characters!)

Started by Caela, December 13, 2012, 11:01:28 PM

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So I have been watching a mini series that is a modern day revision of "Alice in Wonderland" and find myself wanting to play in, and twist, that magical world to my own whims. Many of the characters would be the same, but you can feel free to make them how you wish. I'm thinking of them more as rough outlines than ideas set in stone. This is just an interest check to see if anyone else would like to have a bit of fun warping a childhood favorite! :)


Characters I would like to see:

Alice: Caela

The Mad Hatter: Faustus

The March Hare: Featherfall

The White Rabbit vin26m

The Queen of Hearts: Chaznia

The Cheshire Cat: MzHyde

Diana/Devora: (The Tweedles) CurvyKitten

The Cards (any):
      The Red Ace: Ember Star
      The Joker: vin26m

Original Characters (perhaps even other humans who fell into Wonderland):
     Ripper: TheHangedMan

I do expect that this game could, depending on the players, be anything from light-hearted fun to darkly twisted. I haven't decided where I'll place it yet, some of that will depend on what players seem to want. If folks are looking for something dark, I'll drop it in the NC board to cover bases on anything players might agree to amongst themselves for their characters. As I said though, that's totally open for discussion. I am thinking that most of the characters will appear human (or mostly so anyway) so the titles above could just be that, Titles, or nicknames. If you really want your character to have a more animalistic appearance that is fine as well, just let me know so I can place us appropriately when we get started. Also, if for the animal character you wanted to have two forms, perhaps more human for "society/court" functions, and one more animalistic for "casual/home" settings, that is fine as well.

[b]Age:[/b] Actual age if another human OC, age they appear if one of the story characters.
[b]Species type:[/b] Human/hare/cat/card/etc.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Description or image
[b]Misc.:[/b] Anything you believe pertinent and not covered elsewhere.

Please use the above code for making a character sheet. I will admit to being a bit picky, so spots are not simply first come, first served. Please PM me CS's for approval before posting them here. Once approved I will add them to the above list and you can post them here. If there's enough interest to start the game I will make a thread just for the characters to make keeping track of them easier for everyone.

I like full paragraphs and at least a couple of them from other players to give everyone something to work off of. We won't all be clumped together all the time and sometimes (especially in more personal and quickly moving interactions) shorter posts work better  but I am not a fan of just one or two lines. I'm not a spelling/grammar nazi but attempts at appropriate spelling and punctuation do make posts easier for everyone to read and are appreciated!


My own character sheet so folks can see what I'm looking for! :D

Name: Alice "Ali" Jamerson

Age: 18
Species type: Human
Orientation: Straight, masochist
Ons: Foreplay, kissing, nails, teeth, cuddling, bondage, floggers/canes/paddles/etc, being controlled (during sex)
Offs: Bathroom play, mutilation, bestiality (actual animals, not anthros)

Personality: Ali is warm and caring, intelligent, enjoys laughing and having a good time. On the outside she seems like the quintessential "girl-next-door", typical teenager, thinking mostly about the now and what the next fun thing to do with her friends is. On the inside however, there is something darker, something that craves games of power and pain and that relishes in being on the recieving end of those games.

Background: Ali grew up with a single Mom who worked hard to make sure that her little girl had everything she needed and most of the things she wanted. In return, Ali was expected to pull decent grades and help out around the house. It was a trade off that Ali rarely resented. Being a teenager there were times she didn't like it  and she was constantly searching for a way out. She had no idea just where that way "out" would lead.


Thank you Faustus and MzHyde for your CS's! Both are approved! Feel free to post them and start throwing out world ideas or working out character relationshp. :D


Name:Catherine Grinnsby, The Cheshire Cat
Age: Appears to be in her late teens, or early twenties
Species type: Unknown, appears human
Orientation: Bisexual
Ons:Being dominant, teasing, multiple partners
Offs:Bathroom play, mutilation, bestiality (actual animals, not anthros)

Appearance: The Cheshire Cat is an instantly recognizable figure thanks to the knowing grin always settled upon her lips. A smirk, a smile, a grin, a laugh, all her calling cards. Sometimes it's all one sees of her. When she does appear, she's always wearing her bowler and carrying that umbrella of hers, no matter the weather. She often prefers to dress nicely; perhaps a lovely dress, or maybe even a stunning silk dress shirt and tie. She loves to look good while making an appearance. Clothing aside, she appears to be a young woman, perhaps eighteen or so, with a slender figure, black hair, and bright green eyes. Some rumors say that under her gloves her fingers do not end in nails, but sharp, cat-like claws. Others say that the umbrella she carries has a number of tricky tricks stored inside; explosives, blades, fire, rain. Now where would they get a silly idea like that?

Personality:The Cheshire Cat is a mystery stuffed inside a conundrum, which is then baked and then placed into a fortune cookie of riddles. She seems to come and go at will, owing allegeience to no one but herself. She is pure, personified crazy in a can. When she appears people don't know if she'll simply sit and have tea, or go on a rampant killing spree. Her mood seems to change with the wind. She can be sarcastic, seductive, slutty, domineering, or murderous. Catherine speaks with a thick English accent and she often does so in riddles. To anyone simply hearing her ramble, it might sound like she's just talking crazy, but those that pay attention may hear the truth they seek. Is she friend or is she foe? No one but the Cat knows.

Background:It's hard to pinpoint where Catherine came from (or where she's going, for that matter) and it seems like she just appeared one day without so much as a knock or a 'how do you do'. Save for her smile, she does not show up in pictures, mirrors, on video, or in reflections. No written information exists on her, for as soon as it is written, it becomes un-written. People can only pass speculation and rumor about, but who's to say she is not the author of some of those half-truths? They say she's simply a human with supernatural powers. They say she's a Goddess of cakes and pies. They say she's an ancient diety awoken from slumber. They also say she's a cat in human form, and that if you see a black cat with green eyes, it's her and she's watching you. She is the mother of numerous superstitions and endless possibilities. Where she is mystery, there is The Cheshire Cat. Where there are questions to be pondered, there is The Cheshire Cat. Where there are free tiny cakes and brownies, there is The Cheshire Cat. There are more questions about her than there are answers, and more than once, the simple pondering of these known unknowns has driven men to insanity.


Name: Quintessa Thomason – The Mad Hatter
Age: Appears to be in her twenties. Her real age is  uncertain.
Species type: Human
Appearance: This would be her outfit, with her base appearance being the girl displayed. Her hair, however, is curly and her freckles are much more prominent on her face.
Orientation: Seemingly heterosexual, though no one can ever be too sure with her. Enjoys playing submissive roles, but occasionally takes a more aggressive role.
Ons: Bondage, Biting, Rough Sex, new and creative methods she hasn’t approached before, toys, and so much more.
Offs: Toilet play, vomit, cunnilingus. Beyond this, Quintessa is very open to all new experiences. She isn’t shy about her sexuality and is very willing to try most everything once. Or three times.

Personality: Quintessa – Sometimes Quin, sometimes Tessa, sometimes just Tess, is the Queen of the Eccentric. Perhaps her behaviour is related to her former seamstress work and the brim of her hat. Perhaps she was driven to this. It all remains an uncertain unknown with the Hatter, and she lets it all disappear behind her broad smile. She is kind hearted, deep down, but manipulating and deceitful by nature. She cannot be trusted to give a straight answer, but somewhere in her roundabout statement will often be the truth that is sought. She tries to give her loyalties, but sometimes it wavers.

Background: Little is known surrounding the Mad Hatter herself. Some say she has been in Wonderland for as long as it has existed. Some claim that the Hatter created the world on a whim. Others claim she held loyalties to the White Queen. Yet others believe her allegiance to ally with the Red Queen.

The truth is, no one knows where Quintessa the Hatter emerged from, herself now included. She knows, only because her fingers remember the motions, that she may have done seamstress work at one time. Her clothing certainly gives no indication of this, considering the patches in places.

She seems to hold a healthy caution towards the Queen of Hearts, which is a wide decision on her part. Still, she sometimes will come around the Court and amuse the Queen, if only to flee for her life soon after for making a mockery of the entire display. She recognizes one day this will end badly for her, but now is not that day! In the meantime, she seems content to drink her tea, play with her hats, and give cryptic answers to any that come close to her. Perhaps she is playing both sides.

Perhaps even the Hatter herself has no idea what side she plays.
Misc.: Nothing at this moment?

“You may my glories and my state depose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.”

ON's and OFF's || Plots and Ideas || A/A's and Owed Posts [Updated 02/12! Please see.]


Both look fantastic! I'm hoping they draw in some more characters! :D


I hope you don't mind my posting a question here -

I'm wondering how much you want the characters to be like the original book or the re-interpretation used in that mini-series you watched? Do we have a lot of creative licence to change them quite a bit?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Excellent question Chaznia!

The answer is, have fun with them! Think of the originals as nothing more than a very rough template. Feel free to fill it in, or break it entirely, as you will. :D

Some basics of Wonderland won't change. Things like the Queen of Hearts being in charge, the Cards being her guards etc. But how you wish to envision each character is entirely up to those writing them.

Ember Star

Oh God, I shouldn't, especially since the Cheshire cat is already taken. But... *thinks*

Actually, would you be entirely apposed to a second Cheshire cat? Because I have a character I've had for years, all I'd have to do is give her a human form. She's really not much like Ches in any of the Wonderland carnations. She's my own unique character.

Otherwise I might try for the red Queen (or white Queen?) or a Card.

BTW, I know the mini series you speak of if it's the SyFy one
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


I'm working on a take at the Queen of Hearts. It is rather strange, though... so I'm not sure how well it will go over. ^.^'

I'll send it soon.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."

Ember Star

I think I'm gonna rewrite Jazz (my cat) and send her in as a original. I've been looking for a place I could play her.
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


I look forward to seeing both of them. :)

Ember, I am certainly open to there being more than one cat type character.

Now we need a way to lure some menfolk in here! lol


Definitely needing some testosterone to balance our lovely ladies out! We need to put out an alert~

“You may my glories and my state depose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.”

ON's and OFF's || Plots and Ideas || A/A's and Owed Posts [Updated 02/12! Please see.]


I'm interested, and will be having a character along shortly. One question, though: Would anyone have any objection to a deeply violent (but still civilized) character?
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Quote from: TheHangedMan on December 14, 2012, 03:50:08 PM
I'm interested, and will be having a character along shortly. One question, though: Would anyone have any objection to a deeply violent (but still civilized) character?

Violent in what way? I'm inclined to just say make him up as you like and as long as you work out an violence against another character with the writer, it's all good in my book.


Oh yesssssss, I like them both!!! Feel free to post your CS's Chaznia and TheHangedMan!!! Lovely twists on them. :D


Character sheet below! If any denizens of the realm want to work out a possible history with my character, just PM me.

Name: Ripper
Age: 55/appears to be in his mid twenties
Species type: Altered Human
Appearance: Long, flowing scarlet hair with darker, crimson streaks goes down to middle of his shoulder blades, and is sometimes restrained by a band that forces it into a pony tail. Most well known, however, for his large, bushy, unkempt and uneven beard, also scarlet in color. He is six feet tall, and two hundred and fifty pounds in weight. Many scars adorn his body, and he keeps a dirty bandanna covering his left eye, which is absent. When he smiles, it's with the sharp teeth that one expects of a shark or wolf.
Orientation: Only aroused by dominant women
Ons: Being dominated, being beaten (major masochist)
Offs: Scat, water sports, mutilation, knife play
Personality: In a single word, multi-faceted. Their are some who believe that he may be in possession of more than one personality, however, that arises from a misunderstanding. He is a highly moralistic person, who holds very tightly to a code of conduct (though their are few who have ever heard of more than a few of his rules); it just so happens that unlike most moral people, he is not a pacifist, and his code makes violence not only tolerable, but acceptable; especially when it comes to vengeance.

He is an individualist and very independent, and somewhat mistrusting of others, do to things which have occurred to him.
Background: He fell into Wonderland many years ago; how many, he is not entirely sure. Shortly after his arrival, he met a woman who called herself Grayle, and whom sheltered him and taught him of the world they inhabited. She saved him; not just from the dangers of the realm, but from himself.

One day, after having been in Wonderland for nearly a year, Grayle was killed by a Jabberwock. Losing her was like losing what shreds of humanity he had salvaged and knit back together. Without Grayle to help keep him together, he started to slip, and change, consumed by his rage.

He used to be called Randolph. Their are none, save him, who remember that name, because now, he is Ripper, the monster killer. After Grayle's death, he spent a period of three years training himself, traveling, becoming stronger; all while his own overwhelming anger and hatred began to have a corrupting effect on him.

Randolph eventually became an abject lesson in the phrase "One must take care when fighting monsters, lest one thereby become a monster". He lost himself to the hunt, and spent many years gleefully killing any wild beast he came across, taking trophies and feasting on their meat.

It's only been in the past few years that he's managed to regain some semblance of sanity; this moderate restoration of humanity came about when he killed a Jabberwock, and devoured its heart, raw and bloody. It brought memories surging back to him, and provided a catharsis he had been denied for so very, very long; and yet, he could not go back to being who he was. His humanity might have returned in some form, but he was no longer the teenager he once was.
Misc.: Randolph's clothing is an amalgam of leathers, furs, and scales from various beasts, including a helmet made from the skull of a Jabberwock. When fighting, he dons thick leather gauntlets that have had various teeth and claws sewn into them, using these to rip and tear his opponents to bloody pieces.

He also carries a small set of tools (primarily made from bone, wood, and stone) in an old rucksack that's been messily patched and stitched together.

Ripper's physiological change has occurred do to exposure to high levels of negative emotions over long periods of time, and his own violent actions; not to mention the strange, perhaps unhealthy, diet he has. His aging has slowed considerably as a result of his transformation.

His "code of conduct" is only a recent thing he's invented (and still working on), as he struggles to reign in the part of him that is as much a monster as any of the creatures he's killed.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


As people will start to notice...crazy is not a bad thing here!  ;D

Ember Star

LOL. Speaking if which. I found a pic that inspired me. So I think I'll be submitting a Card instead of a Cat. But she'll be more of the Queen's shadowy assassin than a castle guard.
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see her Ember!


Name: Aloysius Lydio - The Queen of Hearts
Age: Appears in his mid-twenties. (Yes I said 'his')
Species type: Human
Appearance: (Still working on finding an appropriate image, sorry) The queen is a small package that somehow seems to gather much fear and attention without moving much more than a single finger. Aloysius was groomed for his position, though he had to fight for it. He knows how to carry himself in the many stations expected of him yet his unpredictable nature could throw all of that out the window should his mood be ruined.

He stands at Five foot 6 and weighs a mere 111 pounds. His sleight frame brings on the harried attentions of the court physicians - more of an annoyance than a help in his eyes. Being small is part of his allure, or so he would like to believe, though he does do as much as he can to dress up to grand excess - often in costume that makes him appear larger than life. When he dresses, it is more often than not in concordance with the part he is playing, though just how hard he tries to pass as a lady can vary from time to time. His hair is, in reality, a strawberry blonde. But he wears so many wigs and hats that this is rarely known. His eyes are a light, jade-like green that often look like they're looking right through you and everything else in the room, but when they focus on you it is intensely.

Orientation: Confusion. (TL;DR version: mostly heterosexual, switch - mostly dominant) The queen's sexuality changes with his mood and can be influenced by how others respond to his presence and how they address him. For instance, an ambitious male courtier might treat him like a demure lady in hopes of scoring a submissive Queen in bed that evening and that might work. While he prefers women, such bed partners need to keep a mindful watch to their behavior and words around him and always refer to him as 'queen' in the company of others. Generally, BDSM - particularly the SM of it - will enter into all of the Queen's bedroom exchanges, and he is known to have a real dark, sadistic side.
Ons: flattery and deference, sexual control of others (unless he feels like giving up control once in a while) sensory play (experimenting with different textures, hot and cold, substances, deprivation...) giving pain, sapiosexuality (any bed partners must be sentient and at least somewhat intelligent) mild objectification and humiliation of others, the sight of blood
Offs: receiving pain or humiliation, waste products (garbage, bodily waste), gluttony, a lack of decorum, being referred to as 'King" (however, curiously enough, he is well aware he is male and does not mind male pronouns in the slightest)
Personality: Usually, an air of boredom surrounds him as he sees to his daily duties and he is quite dutiful in doing what he feels needs to be done, however twisted his mind becomes to such things. The real problem with Aloysius is that he is, indeed, mad (aren't we all here? No?) he lacks a real grip on reality and although he's able to get through many days without incident, he can be known to crack without warning. The queen will go from calm to completely enraged in at a moment's notice because of some small detail that had gone unchecked by his underlings. Thus, the more important the occasion, the more likely the courtiers will be writhing in anxiety, though he'd remain sweetly unaware of the cause of their distress all the while. He expects a certain amount of deference from his subjects, and assumes anyone in his presence to be his subject unless he randomly takes pity on them and believes their story that they are from elsewhere. Generosity and comfort abound when you are in the queen's good graces, but how long can you hope to stay there when his mind is so volatile? 
Background: Aloysius is true royalty, descending from a long line of prominent, well-loved queens. While men have just as much right to rule as their female counterparts do, it was a point of pride to him that he should be honored with the title of 'Queen' as a way to link himself to his successful recent ancestors, as such he also prefers to present himself the way that a Queen would traditionally be thought of. The boy was hardly the best choice for this position of authority, his younger brother and two female cousins were in the running long before they considered the obvious heir. Whether due to any action of his own, one could not say – but they were all removed in time.

It seems a rather lonely life for the Queen now, his mother and father having been gone for years and many of his close relatives have either passed on recently or mysteriously vanished. With the exception of mentioning his matriarchs (the thought of which has been known to send him into deep depression or a childlike tantrum) none of this seems to bother him as he has had no problem with surrounding himself with people who at least seem to enjoy his company.

He hopes to earn himself a honorary nickname as his mother and grandmother had. His Grandmother brought fruitful abundance to the land and so has been referred to as the Queen of Spades - since her rule the kingdom has prospered and no one need be in want of food. His mother found access to many mines that brought financial security to the kingdom and so, of course, has come to be known as the Queen of Diamonds. Aloysius thinks he can bring personal happiness to his subjects. He fancies himself sweet and loveable and a matchmaker as well. Those courtiers most aware of the inner happenings believe that he wants to earn the title the Queen of Hearts.
Misc.:He'll be a bit like the Marquiis De Sade, a tad like Calligula and quite chaotic. Should the queen prove to be too much for the other characters, I am not opposed to having him removed as a plot point (imprisoned? Killed?)
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Chaznia, I love your Queen! Oh, the Hatter Is going to have a lot of fun with him, I foresee... What with her habits of making a, pardon my pun, royal mess of things..

I must second what has previously been stated as well : should any want to have pre-established history with the Hatter, feel free to say so!

“You may my glories and my state depose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.”

ON's and OFF's || Plots and Ideas || A/A's and Owed Posts [Updated 02/12! Please see.]


Some inspirational and terrifying cutscenes from Alice: Madness Returns, a gem of a game by American McGee.


I'm interested!

In the next day or two, I'll try to write up one or more of the following, all of whom would be straight, dominant, sadistic characters:

White Rabbit - He lures Alice into the Rabbit Hole with the intention of giving her to the Queen.  If the RP starts off with a "regular" setting, he can lure Alice during her first party or rave.  He can be groveling to the Queen while insulting to those beneath him.

Card guard character(s) - They obey the Queen's sadistic wishes and come up with punishments of their own.  The suits follow themes - Clubs use penetration, Spades use biting and scratching.

Jabberwocky - Part man, part machine, all born and built for sex of the more painful variety.  He's a dominant male with the pieces of a dungeon.

Let me know if anyone is feeling any or all of the above characters more than the others.


Just so you know, Vin, the Jabberwock idea might not work so well with my own character,  who likely be driven to rip them apart and eat their organs. Just sayin'.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!