Sweets is looking for some new stories.

Started by sweets, November 07, 2012, 10:59:31 PM

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Hi all I am looking for some new stories. I have been in a few good group stories but am looking to add some one on one into the mix.

Right now I am craving some rather dark non con stories. There are some lighter stories in the mix as well though.

In the stories below I would like to take the female character.

A few offs to keep in mind

Heavy Gore
Any toilet play

As far as ons I like towork with people so if it is not an off just ask.


The Hands of a Cult

Noncon, bondage, kidnapping, possible violence.

There was a man who could get just about anyone to follow him. Should he have been more sane, a little less twisted then he would have been a great man. He was not a great man though, some would even call him evil. Death seemed to follow him and his little group. Of course there was no way to tie him to anything, the orders always came from him but no one would speak a word against him. Anyone that tired to infiltrate the cult was picked out as a cop and kicked out.

Sophia Carter and her partner went to investigate a claim that a underage run away had been seen with the cult. Things went very wrong though, Sophia's partner as well as three members of the cult were killed and Sophia was badly wounded. She was taken hostage by the cult as they fled. Their leader taking quite an interest in the little red headed cop.


Whispers in the Dark

Historical setting, noncon, demon/other worldly creatures.

Claire was a lovely young woman, very bright and kind. To most she seemed perfectly normal, it was almost impossible to tell that she was blind. Her father was the local blacksmith who had more skill than anyone would ever think. It was shocking how a man who had never had a single formal lesson could shape the metal. His parents had practiced the dark arts and had taught him what they knew. No one ever knew that the man had made a deal with a demon for his skills.

He had never expected to have a child, his wife had lost three children in childbirth before the deal was made and he did not expect their luck to change. It did though and his beautiful daughter was brought into the world. He did all he could think of to try to break the deal, the demon never came when he called, no others would respond to his summons.

As the years passed the demon never came though. Claire grew, slightness but other than that healthy and happy. It was not until she had turned twenty one and had become engaged that one night she awoke felt a someone sitting beside her.


A lasting love

Vampires, love hate relationship

Maria had been a vampire since the late 1800's. She was not sure of the exact date. She had been an uneducated homeless woman at the time. One night she was attacked by a man an everything changed. For once in her life she was had power. For a number of years she was with the man, he taught her to read and write, social graces, everything she had never learned before.

As time passed she learned that he was cold though. He enjoyed killing the humans while it made Maria feel guilty. She did it to feed only, and was picky, she chose criminals if she could. So she left. From time they would run into each other it was a small world when you lived forever. Weakness won out from time to time and she would go back to him. It never lasted though.

In the year 2012 he came to her though, something he had never done except for the time he had turned her. He wanted her back.


I really love this image and would love to play a story based on it.


A Brother's Debt

Modern fantasy.

Angelica's brother had a problem. He was hooked on drugs. It would have been bad enough if it was normal drugs, however he was hooked on the drugs that the others used. Others being a term that applied to nonhumans. Vampires, any sort of fae, werewolves and the like. They had come out of hiding in late 2010, now they were a normal part of life. Their drugs were a rather large problem, humans got hooked hard.

Angelica's brother was one of those poor soul who ended up getting hooked. He ended up owing a lot of money to his dealer. That was why Angelica was where she was now, in a club that mostly others hung out in looking for the owner to try to work things out.


The dragon's blood.

The dragon in the Mountains was a shifter, like most he would take offerings from the village. Mostly women, most he killed. There was a special one though, one with whom he had a child. The woman and child could not stay with him, nor could they return to the town. So the dragon brought hem away.

The girl grew up a happy loved child. She had a fondness of snakes and lizards. As she grew so did her temper, she was known to fight the little boys who dared pick on her and her friends. She never knew of her father her mother simply said he was dead and left it at that.

A dragon had appeared in the area when she was young and she had always tried to catch a peak of the beast when he approached to claim his prize. It was when she was an adult that she finally had the chance to see the beast for she was his prize.

Instead of killing her after he took her away he brought her to his home. The beast could sense the blood of a dragon in her. This made her quite the prize, a half human like her was usually picked off by a hunter of the unnatural rather early on. After finally arriving at the dragons lair when she turned to look to the beast she found a man in his place.


The Brother's Debt is also avaliable in a nonfantasy setting.


The Hunter's Girl

I think that it would be a good story where a woman in a relationship  with a vampire hunter is captured by a vampire. He has tried to keep her away from his job, to make sure that she was safe. She was found though and took her. The leader of the coven was intent on breaking her and making her his, the hunter had killed his woman. The hunter drove a stake through her heart before the vampier's very eyes. So he would make the hunter suffer much like he had over the loss of his love.


The Ideal Woman

Women have been turning up dead leaving the city in a panic. The women as far as police could tell were abducted and kept alive for some time. The news warned young women to not go out at night, stick with someone when out, avoid strangers. Sophia found herself following the advice for the most part, until she forgot a important paper and had to go back to the office. She awoke in a well decorated room with a man there.

He was looking for a woman to meet his tastes. So far all had failed him though.

This is slightly based on an NCIS I saw where a man was holding women underground trying to get the perfect woman.



After a shipwreck Abigail found herself floating on some of the wreckage. She was picked up by a man who had managed to find a lifeboat. Together they found an island where they made shelter. They scavenged what they could from the wreckage and had a rather nice set up until the man decided that he needed a bit more from Abigail.


***Set in the Abraham Lincoln Vampire hunter universe. The book over the movie. May be slightly spoiler***
Non-Con OC
I would love to play a game where the vampires are not stopped. The vampires are in controll of the white house, the united states is once again united but under their rule. The supporters of the North were gathered up after the war, their families as well. A wealthy northern congressman and his daughter Abigail were one of those families caught when they were hiding, ready to flee the country once word reached them that the south was winning. Waiting for their fate to be decided Abigail happens to catch the eye of one of the vampires who decided a fair prize was her.


The muse

No-con, bondage, possibly to some extremes.

Senario: An imortal artist sees a young woman who resparks his passion. He had not painted in years but seeing her brought back everything to him. At first seeing her from a distance was good enough, quick sketches as she sat in her garden but then he wanted her to model for him and she said no. So he took her. He binds her to keep her still as he works, finding that the rope on her flesh brings more insperation she is less and less clothed in his paintings. As his passion for art was reawakened so was his passion for the flesh.

I did play this game for a short time with a great partner. Feel free to take a look for an idea of how I would like to see the game go, https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=122828.0


Fable based story

This plot I got the idea while I was watching my sister playing Fable 3 the other day. She was doing one of the side quests (Reaver's unmentionables) and was quite shocked at the hidden room she found. She laughed and said that Reaver really made her want to go shower when she thought about him.

So I got to thinking it would be interesting to do a story with someone playing someone like Reaver or  Reaver if they would rather play him.

For the story I was thinking a new maid accidentally finds  his hidden room after the hero leaves and he discovers her there and dose not plan on letting her leave.


The Highwayman

I love love love this poem. I have since I first heard it. I was thinking about a game with the reincarnations of Bess and the Highwayman in modern day? Maybe simly play out their story as written in the poem? We could work out a way to have Tim show up. Changing the whole thing up is an option as well.