Stories of The Moulin Rouge (Intrest Check: Brothel RP. Females needed)

Started by Ophan, April 09, 2011, 01:39:15 PM

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Forum Index:
The Moulin Rouge Manor (Coming Soon) *Might be more then Forum depending on players and post.
The Moulin Rouge Hotel and Spa (Coming Soon)*Might be more then Forum depending on players and post.
The Moulin Rouge Bar and Casino (Coming Soon)*Might be more then Forum depending on players and post.
The Moulin Rouge Streets (Coming Soon)
The Moulin Rouge: OOC (Coming Soon)
The Moulin Rouge: Characters (Coming Soon)

It is the year 2035, and with the world on the edge of a economic collapse and jobs on high demand many things that was once deemed unmoral such as sex and drugs have now provided those said jobs. Making things like prostitution legal has seemed to help not only provide needed jobs to the growing population of unemployed but also help control things like STDs and the growing number of homeless. Not that all people working this jobs are doing so willingly. With most governments being rules by the rich, ending with only three economic classes: The very rich, the very poor and those that profit from the rich, it has become easier for slavery and kidnapping to go unnoticed.

One such insulation works right of the Las Vegas strip.

The Moulin Rouge, named after the world famous brothel in Paris’ red-light district of Pigalle on Boulevard de Clichy in the 18th arrondissement. The large manor, hotel and casino ran by a mysterious manager that is never seen or heard. Not even by his “employees.”

Our story takes place at the Peek of The Moulin Rouge’s prosperity. Following the life of the girls and boys that make this place what it is along with some of its most loyal cliental. This is the stories of the Moulin Rouge.

Plots of The Moulin Rouge.

Plot One: A few of the Moulin Rouge’s new Recruits have gone missing, their collars and cuffs left on the sidewalk for the guards to find. Is the work of a “Freedom Fighter” trying to right the wrongs of the Moulin Rouge even if some of the workers don’t want it, or its it a new Brothel that is trying to take over the Moulin Rouge’s territory in the City of Sin or worse….is there a serial killer on the loose?

Plot Two: Two silver collar spots have come up for grabs…who will be the next in line to help take control of one of the Largest Brothels in Las Vegas?

Plot Three: A new million dollar client has set his/her eyes on Moulin Rouge. Will the “Workers” be enough to please the new client and make a new regular for Moulin Rouge?   

The Moulin Rouge Spa and Hotel

Traders: Some living on Moulin Rouge, others come and go. Traders normally bring the new slaves and/or helps the "Collars" train the other members of the house.

Slaves: (Shock Collar: Level of the shock depends on the level of the Slave.) The lowest of the low in teh Moulin Rouge. They are men and woman fresh of the streets or freshly kidnapped and must be trained into the lifestyle.

Prostitute: (Silver Cuff: Left Ankle *Shockable*) The second to lowest rank of men and women of the Moulin Rouge. They work the streets near and around the Manor, Hotel and Casino. They are normally the newest of the brothel and have to prove themselves before moving up the ranks.

Strippers: (Gold Cuff: Left Ankle *Shockable*) They are the step above Prostitutes, hired by the clubs in the Casino and local bars. After all strippers can only be hired threw a brothel now and days.

~Gold Collar (Brothel Mistress or Master)
~Silver Collar (Brothel Lady or Lord)
~Copper Collar (Escort)

Escorts are the prize jewels of any brothel. They are the top or the top and normally have proven there loyalty in one way or another. They work out of the Moulin Rouge itself with clients coming to them for ether a night on the town, a escort for a grand party or get together or just for a roll around in the sheet.

Guards: Guards are hired men that help protect the Moulin Rouge's investments. New guards normally start off watching the Prostitute around the area, while more high standing guards look after the Estate, Casino and Hotel.

Clients: Clients have been known to be very Loyal to the Moulin Rouge. Some have even taken permanent housing ether with in the hotel or near by estates. 

Others: Maids, Cooks, Bartenders, and other personal that work for the Moulin Rouge and near by areas.

The Moulin Rouge Bars and Casino

✥Gold Collar:
✥Silver Collar: Alexandria Roads (Ophan)
✥Silver Collar:





✥Gold Collar:
✥Silver Collar:
✥Silver Collar:



✥Escorts: Roxy Red (Syanyte)


✥Clients:Afanassii Abez'iana~male (Chaznia)



✥Traders: Marcus Flynn~Male (Red Doctor)
✥Traders: Ariel Lancaster~Futa (AndyZ)


Character Out Lines

First name Last Name



Its All About Me:

Not Going To Happen:
Personality:(At less two good Paragraphs)

History and Notes:

History: (At less Three good Paragraphs.)
Notes: (Anything you want to stand out about your character.)

[center][size=14pt]First name Last Name[/size][/center]



[center][size=14pt]Its All About Me:[/size][/center]

[b]Not Going To Happen:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b](At less two good Paragraphs)

[center][size=14pt]History and Notes:[/size][/center]

[b]History:[/b] (At less Three good Paragraphs.)
[b]Notes:[/b] (Anything you want to stand out about your character.)

Help Pass the Word

[url=][img width=71 height=100][/img][/url]


Alexandria Roads
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Escort (Silver Collar)


Eyes: Bright Hazel
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 135
Build: Athletic/Military

Its All About Me:

Likes: Food, Music, Handsome Men and Beautiful Women, being over powered though she will never admit it.
Dislikes: The scar on her left leg, cry babies, males and females that think there to good for anything or anyone.
Not Going To Happen: Scat, Vomit, Death.
Talents: A great taste of music and art, few have even told her she is a great singer and dancer though she dose not believe it. She has a number of hidden talents that very few people know about. (Talents that will be found out threw roleplay.)
Personality: “Closet Submissive”, that about describes this ex-military member. After all at one time in her life she was in a seat of control and power, its not easy trying to change such a mind set that had been drilled into her head for almost five years. Most that find themselves under her in the Moulin Rouge, find the young woman to be as cold hearted and withdrawn as they come. Well that is until they get to know her.

Alex has been know a number of times to be a kind and gentle lover to those she cares about. With a deep, deep secret of loving to be over powered…even if she dose not know it herself.  She enjoys the simple things in life like a good book or a calm relaxing chat about nothing.

History and Notes:

History: Alex, as a child, was always on the move. Her father had been in the Army so it seemed every few years her family was being moved somewhere else. But, she enjoyed the life style and became well educated because of it. She saw the world and everything in it, or so it seemed. It was no wonder why she joined after her last year of high school.

But her love would also be her down fall. The young soldier being wounded on duty only five years after joining. A injury that forced her out of the military and onto the streets. After all with the economy the way it was it was hard enough to find a job, even more so when you where a wounded vet. Not that it helped that most of the richy people that owned most of the job hated the military or anything or anyone that brought a little law into the world.

It was a lucky brake that a friend of her got the soldier a job in the Moulin Rouge. A world that was very new to her, and even harder because of the scar on her left leg. Not many men or women wanted something like her after all. But her life always taught her to work hard at anything she did, and because of it she made it to the spot of Silver Collar in the Moulin Rouge…though many people do believe she had more then a little bit of help doing so.

~Has a few secret romantics with in the home.
~Is rumored to be the “Gold Collars” little pet or hobby….depending on who you speak to.
~Hates the scar on her left leg…it at times causes her problems when it is cold out causing her to have to use a cane.   



Photos and Layouts have been added.
Plots: Three plot bunnies have been added to the game. More are welcome. Keep in mind however, each character is encouraged to have a Character Plot for there character.
Collars: Gold and Silver collar spots have been added for the males.
Races:: NO Anthros or Fantasy type characters please! Nekos will be allowed but only with a good story and have been cleared by the GM. 


I'd like to bring my character, Afanassii, in as a Client. This is his original version as a time and dimension traveler. If, however, you would rather he be more "normal" I do have two ways of dealing with that: 1 - his abilities tend to change based upon his environment. So due to this world's physics he could lose special abilities or 2 - I could recreate him as a native to this world.

Let me know if you would like me to change anything or you're all right with the way he is. Thanks!

Afanassii Abez'iana
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Role: Client


Eyes: Slate blue
Hair: Extremely long and red but with white bangs. (If I could photoshop it I would but otherwise this picture will suffice)
Other images of the character:
Height: 5'11
Weight: Around 170
Build: thin, slightly muscular

Its All About Me:

Large women - tall and/or plus-sized
Beautiful Men
Disrespect for Women
Taking by force
Not Going To Happen:
Bodily Waste
Plays many string instruments (prefers the guitar and violin) as well as the piano
Very seductive and skilled in the arts of love. (Comes to brothels for personal reasons, below)
Sews and designs clothing

Personality: Nassii is a curious boy. He loves to love and he loves to learn. He uses his travels in order to meet new people and become acquainted with fascinating new cultures. He takes bits and pieces of the new cultures and incorporates them into his music, clothing and vocabulary.

He is flirtatious but tries to remain a gentleman. He speaks formally almost all of the time and will address the lowest of the low as "sir" or "miss" even if they are grossly unworthy of a kind title. He holds the traditional belief that his people hold,  that females are naturally superior to males and so doesn't take it well when a man treats a woman badly. He is hopelessly romantic and dreams of wooing his true love. Due to the Jupag'nai (more on that in history) he is unable to love and so it is the most wondrous of concepts to him. He reads about it and puts his new knowledge to test often. Those girls that aren't put off by his feminine looks often fall for him because he is too good at romancing without really being able to feel in a romantic way.

While open to encounters with both sexes, he believes that only a woman could be his life partner. But, then again,he's not necessarily looking for his life partner here....
History and Notes:

History: Kirill Afanassii Abez'iana was born in a place called Freeland to a prominent family in the Sekassiret society. Due to his people's possession of magic and technology that allows them to travel through time and space and the fact that he had obtained his family's good graces, Nassii is free to travel as he wishes.

General information on Nassii's Race, if you want to read it:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Ostracized by the other races in their homeworld, the Sekassiret are deemed as either evil, unnatural or cursed. They have their own, rich history, although the further one goes back into it, the more squabbling there is over details. Their history is partially obscured by the fact that they have learned how to travel through time and space by a combination of magick and the technology of the age. Legend has it that they came to this knowledge when traveling with the Elan (the major knowledge-holding race in the world), once they settled into their territory a fight broke out and the Sekassiret elders were able to make off with this information and have kept it from the Elan ever since.

Their society is in some ways backwards from the others around them. Although they tend to dress the societal norms for their gender, and even keep most of the usual jobs, the females are the dominant gender. While the males may hunt and perform heavy labor, the women keep the household (though tend to do little of the actual housework) and are the main decision-makers in all things. They are matriarchal and a male would marry into his wife's family and take on her last name.

Their main religion is ancestor worship and it is a part of their daily lives even if other spiritual beliefs are held as well. Boys are deemed as imperfect and their spiritual upbringing is held to the highest importance. A male is not considered a full person until he has be granted a wife and has the ability to love. Because marital fidelity is so important to them, the Sekassiret males are brought up with the beliefs that being a father and a devoted husband are the most wonderful things in the world. As a rule, their sons partake in daily catechism and devotional classes and ritually cleanse themselves on a regular basis. the most controversial of all the ritual events, by far, is the use of the drug jupag to provide temporary sterilization and disallow the boys the ability to feel more than friendly and familial love.

They encourage the boys (who have grown accustomed to the exposure of jupag over time so that it provides no unwanted effects) to travel about and sow their wild oats at whim. Jupag negates the chance for unwanted pregnancy and the boys are able to enjoy sexual experiences. As odd as this practice may seem, the reasoning behind it is to teach the boys the difference between love and sex. And, once they are able to fall in love, they will appreciate it all the more in the end. The Jupag-nai (the term for the ritual use of the drug) is one of the most closely-guarded secrets of the Sekassiret and the males are generally not even aware of it (before becoming fathers of their own) unless they are given the chance to know by the elder women in the family. (Afanassii is aware of the drug and, in order to travel for long periods of time, he has a "breathing vial" which he wears as a pendant close to his chest. The vial keeps a steady flow of Jupag coming into his system)

Coming off of the drug is done differently depending upon the clan involved. Some restrict their sons' involvement with all females and introduce them to the woman they have chosen for him while weaning him from the drug or taking it away suddenly. The boy then has very little chance to fall in love on his own, making this very much an arranged marriage. Other clans slowly wean their boys from the jupag and may require a time of quiet contemplation, away from their friends. This allows them to look over their lives and current relationships, and to see if any new feelings of love toward women they already know have come about since they have the ability to love them differently then.

While there is variation in skin tone, the vast majority of the race are extremely pale because they have no exposure what so ever to direct sunlight. Their eye and hair colors vary, but are generally light in shade. Several distinct features mark a Sekassiret in their home world, these are: small horns, hollow fangs (they must consume the blood of a mammal on at least twice a month, they also have a mild venom that they can secrete, it acts as a hallucinogen and narcotic for most mammals) a grayed-out pupil area of the eye, upon close inspection one can see 4 smaller dots inside, each representing an individual pupil. (these unique eyes allow them to be very perceptive) and about 60% of the race have a set of Spinnerets, generally those who have them are female. The males who are born with them are considered intersexed and not always made to follow all of the rules other males do.

Abilities: Most of these were covered under their description. Such as: increased perception due to their eyes, their venom sac and blood-draining ability. Those who have spinnerets can make creations from their webbing. They have no other natural abilities, though they are generally tinkerers and seekers of knowledge in their own way - mostly through technology, though some do learn magick.

Quick notes for the TL/DR aspect:

  • Afanassii is very pale because he has an aversion to the sun. He burns easily and carries a parasol around with him everywhere he goes.
  • He has weird eyes that only look strange upon close inspection. His separated pupils allow him a certain amount of "spidey sense"
  • He has hollow fangs that he needs to drain blood of another being on a regular basis
  • His fangs also allow him to inject a hallucinogenic venom into his "victim" if he wishes
  • He is routinely drugged by his family. The drug keeps him infertile and unable to love.
  • His people are matriarchal and feel men are not considered complete until wed to a woman

In his home world, Nassii was trained formally as a gentleman. He reads and writes, mends and designs clothing. He is eloquent and accommodating, but also a bit on the effeminate side, if only for his love of romance. Because of his nature, he became his mother's "favorite" male child - not too much of a feat considering he has only one brother, who is strictly homosexual. He was granted the freedom to travel without escort. While he usually waits to meet outsiders in his own world before traveling to their own, he found out about a certain one and was moved to take a step there on his own.

Since the Freeland language is 80% similar to Russian, Nassii holds a special love for Earth. He often would come to Earth to spend time among the Russians. After filling in the blanks in the language differences, he moved on to conquering English. Because The US is such a diverse area, it quickly grew as his new love.

Recently, he has come to be touched by the effect he has on those who fall for him. While it's extremely easy for him to be caring and doting and romantic and sweet, the Jupag'nai keeps him from loving. He's had far too many people - ladies in particular - fall for him in a way he could not return. As a way to cut back on that unwanted predicament, he has begun to seek the companionship of people he knows won't expect his love in return. As such, brothels are a welcome solace on occasion.

It is for this need of people who understand his intentions that he comes to the new Moulin Rouge.

Notes: Because of his strong belief in female supremacy, he comes to the brothel for an arrangement on equal terms. He is more than willing to pay handsomely for the companionship of a woman who wants to be in such a position. However... he is unaware of any slavery that may be on the premises. If this were to come to his attention, he would certainly refuse to bring his business there in the future.

I have a role play idea concerning him:
After spending some time courting the willing ladies at the MR, it comes to his attention that things might not be as sweet as they seem. He asks those of authority about whether it is true that some people who work there are not doing so willingly. (If they told him the truth, he would loudly call them out on it and threaten to bring justice down on them any way possible; If they denied it he would look into it on his own and try to secretly free those held against their will.) After causing the brothel some major trouble, perhaps he is captured? If the reputation of his talents had spread too much, it's possible he could be forced to live as a slave. He might end up liking non-con against him since he enjoys all acts of love. A compassionate master/mistress would bring him closer to the ability to love, particularly if they managed to take the drug away....
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."





This should be a lot of fun. I should warn you that this is my first role play with such a caliber of intimacy. I shall do my best.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Hi, I'm interested in playing a slave merchant, who lives at the brothel and ventures out to collect new slaves in return for the services there. I will post the bio soon. If anyone is interested in playing a brand new slave, about to be sold/trained, feel free to PM me and I'm sure we can work something out.


Quote from: Red Doctor on April 10, 2011, 11:23:36 AM
Hi, I'm interested in playing a slave merchant, who lives at the brothel and ventures out to collect new slaves in return for the services there. I will post the bio soon. If anyone is interested in playing a brand new slave, about to be sold/trained, feel free to PM me and I'm sure we can work something out.

That sounds fine dear. I will help keep a look out for any new slaves for you to bring in.


Ariel Lancaster
Age: 24
Gender: Futa
Sexuality: Attracted to females
Role: Trader


Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Build: Slender/Athletic

Its All About Me:

Likes: Females of all kinds
Dislikes: Sex with males or other futas.
Not Going To Happen: Mutilation, Incest, Scat/Watersports
Talents: Cash flow, empathy and understanding of what her slaves need, able to keep herself from getting aroused unless she wants to
Personality:(At less two good Paragraphs)

People might wonder why she tends to dress like a boy, but not too many know her secret of her double nature.  Granted that a number of her slaves just can't help but find out one way or another, but each one knows that she uses the secret as a way to judge her new acquisitions.  Other slaves work for her to test out the loose tongues of slaves, and punishments work accordingly.  Prostitutes who can't keep their mouths shut about their clients just aren't going to last long, and if she can't tell which are which, it's only going to end bad for her.

She tends not to take life very seriously, considering it a pursuit of pleasure and little else.  Were life meant to be anything else, it would be much more inherent to its meaning and nature.

History and Notes:

History: (At less Three good Paragraphs.)

Ariel lives on site at the Moulin Rouge, trading girls the same way people used to trade horses.  Much of her business works on helping teach the new girls of the business and helping them to be everything they have the capability to become.

Although her family is already quite rich from the energy from Solar Satellite Microwave technology, they want someone on site for this place in the same way that a stock trader wants a broker ready at a moment's notice and watching the market.  They decided to let her somewhat hedonistic nature work in their favor for them.

Despite her usefulness, though, she's considered part of the black sheep of the family for her tastes in peddling flesh, leaving her to search for affection to some degree at her new home instead of accepting her own self-worth.

Notes: (Anything you want to stand out about your character.)  Nothing that I can think of right now.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Marcus Flynn
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Role: Slaver
Sexuality: Straight

Eyes: Deep Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 225Ib
Build: Tall, Muscular


Its All About Me:

Likes: History. Music (60’s rock). Classical Literature.  Training new slaves, the more defiant the better.
Dislikes: Being dominated. 
Not Going To Happen: Scat
Talents: Well versed in ancient history. Psychology. Slave Training. Speaks many common languages; as well as Latin and Ancient Egyptian 
Personality: Over the years Marcus has grown cynical of the world outside. He still wishes he could have his old career back, but he has resided himself to the knowledge it will probably never happen. Flynn is perfectly happy with his role as a prominent slave trader at the Rouge; his slightly sadistic personality being fed with every new slave, making it more and more enjoyable. Marcus will most commonly be found in relaxed khaki shirts, white vests, jeans and boots. He never enjoyed wearing anything to fancy, making him easily recognisable amongst the sharp suited clients and staff that usually inhabit the Rouge.

He has always had an assertive and dominant personality, which can rub some people up the wrong way. However when in one of his good moods he can be quite good company, Quick witted and joking, he seems to get people on his side quickly. Down in the bar of the Moulin Rouge where he is normally found, with a drink in hand, glimmers of the happy-go-lucky personality are still visible. The cynicism in his comments gives him a down to earth attitude; he cares little about what others think of him, and never tries to exude any sort of “professionalism” in his manner.

Howeer he is quick to anger. Flying into rages legendary amongst those slaves he has brought into the Rouge, most of whom faced it on more than one occasion. When in a bad mood he drinks to avoid his troubles, making him even more prone to rash actions.  He is extremely loyal, and will do his utmost to help his friends at the Rouge; no matter their class. Marcus rarely leaves the hotel grounds, except on business. He knows all the bar staff and girls at the Rouge well, and he enjoys the welcome he gets there.

Anyone who can catch him on a subject his old life, music, language and particularly history, will find the same excited, enthusiastic man who entered the Las Vegas strip some 12 years ago. And a huge part of him still yearns for that life. He also seeks someone to share his life with, although his professional position tends to shy away most people from becoming romantically involved. When he finds a slave he likes he keeps them as his own personal pet, rather than selling them on to the Rouge; but none have ever fulfilled what he was looking for.

History and Notes:

History: Born in Britain to a British father and Indian mother, he grew up in the British countryside in relative luxury. From a young age Marcus had a great interest in history, fond memories spent on day trips to the Imperial museum in the capital. He  was sent to a private boarding school, graduating top of his class and went on to study ancient history at Cambridge. When he graduated he travelled Europe and north Africa; Egypt, Germany, until he finally settled in Rome spending a few years working for the coliseum, building a picture of the lives of the gladiators and slave masters who once lived there.

Eventually he was asked to move to America to teach history at an Ivy league college. He thought he had made it. But then the crash happened, suddenly in a time when nearly everyone was unemployed, and the government had no funding, there was little need for an ancient historian. Marcus was lost and moved around searching for work, till he found himself on the Las Vegas strip. There he found what he had learnt from the coliseum to be invaluable to his new job; Slave Trader. Now he resides at the Moulin Rouge hotel, capturing girls from the streets and taking them to work there as his slaves, keeping his favourites as personal pets.

Notes: anyone looking for both romance or straight slavery scenes hit me up, in particular if you're playing an extremely submissive or extremely defiant personality.

I would be interested in two major arcs for the character at present, possibly involving the training of a new slave, or with another member/patron of the rouge where he takes ever two paths. One in which he finds what he is looking for in the new partner and has a redemption, or the opposite where he becomes even lower and more cynically detached. Both could be interesting avenues to explore


You can put a picture into your post by linking to a site like photobucket with an [ img ] kind of code.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."



Roxy Red
Role:Escort (Copper Collar)


Eyes:Chocolate brown
Hair: Brown/Black Short/Medium

Its All About Me:

Likes:Music,Coffee,Vodka, dominant women,Bad boys,Just about everything.
Dislikes:Scat,someone that doesn't know their place, disrespectful people.
Not Going To Happen:Scat,Vomit,Death,Bestiality and vore.
Talents:Most of his are sexual based never really been interested in much anything else to learn.
Personality:Roxy is a submissive/switch and has a very open attitude about everything, Loves to listen if someone wishes to talk and also loves to please. He has a big heart and at times if someone is feeling sad he will try to lighten the mood with a joke or a funny face. Most would say he is a interesting person to be around for he enjoys making others laugh and just having fun. Roxy tends to like things rough and spontaneous, The romantic stuff just isn't for him unless someone asks for it.

Pretty much he will do just about anything, having learned over the years the more open and accepting you are the more customers you get. There is very few things he wont do so it's best not to force him. Roxy is anything but a push over he might be a submissive/switch but he is a feisty one and will not just bow down to someone. If he gets pissed he had been called a loose cannon but then again there is not much that will piss him off.

History and Notes:

History: Roxy knew very little about his past as he had beed in a accident when he was 15 and could remember nothing past the day he had woken up in the hospital. When he had left the hospital to find his parent's he soon learned that they were both dead, they had died in the same accident that had put him in the hospital. For a few years until the age of 17 he was out on the streets that was until he found the  Moulin Rouge. Having applied there and actually getting in,Starting at the bottom and slowly working his way up.

Now he was 24 and a escort he had worked his way up the ladder learning all his weakness's and strengths along with his likes and dislikes to where not he had there pretty much down pat. Roxy loves to talk and flirt but most of all listen and try to help others. A bit of a romantic as well but never really showing it. If he ever got attached to someone he would give them the world if he could, loving what he did now he tried not to get too attached to others for the fact he would not want to risk getting hurt or even loosing a client.
~Is nice to everyone unless you get on his bad side.
~Love's to have fun and make others happy.
~Is a big flirt.
~Loves to read and draw.
~Has various nicknames that others give him.


hmmm... too many guys i think, you might not want a furry like me...
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.



I enjoy playing exotic characters, one of my characters Nova, was an android, he would certanly fit in here, but i'm not sure if it's against the rules too
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.



I'm very interested in this, most likely as a female client. I assume there are still spots open, given the list at the top?

Updated: 03/24/19
Updated: 06/24/12
Updated: 07/20/15
Posted: 11/24/14
Updated: 03/04/19



Wonderful! I'll work on a character profile and have something up by tomorrow. :)

Updated: 03/24/19
Updated: 06/24/12
Updated: 07/20/15
Posted: 11/24/14
Updated: 03/04/19


Just wanted to post to let you know that Afanassii is male. I saw you have him as female in the first post. ^.^'
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."

Le Immortelle

Oh this looks like a lot of fun, thanks for the invitation. I'll make a character as soon as I can, most likely for an escort or a client.


Evening everyone,

Just wanted to say I will be out until Friday. I have to tend to some family in another state.

Elven Sex Goddess

Wahida Jahar
Age: 23
Gender:  Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role:  Stripper (Gold cuff - left ankle)


Eyes: Light blue
Hair:  Black silk
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 108 lbs
Build: Curvaceous, buxom, pixie

Its All About Me:

Likes:  Exhibitionist,  strong rugged men (man's man),  To  be dominated and pampered.
Dislikes: Effeminate males,  butch women, futa, latex and electric toys. 
Not Going To Happen: Death,  scat, toilet (feces) and vomit
Talents: Dance; Ballroom, Latin, Jive, Hip hop, erotic dancing and belly dancing.   
Personality:(At less two good Paragraphs)

Wahida either rubs a person wrong or they become enamored with her.   It is the course of her duality of personality that results in such a wide spectrum of results.    From whence she is either despised  or loved by those around her.    Such is caused by the complexity of persona that Wahida shows the world around her.   

Despite her short stature Wahida is a forceful personality.  A strong will that gives off a bitch attitude.  That to others that endure this side of hers,  are left with the impression she has dismissed them as irrelevant.   Yet underneath that exterior of false bravado of a strong woman.  Is a woman that craves to be accepted.   To be made to feel special and loved.   For she is afraid to be vulnerable, to let go and belong to someone.   

History and Notes:

History: (At less Three good Paragraphs.)

Wahida is of Syrian descent.    Born into a Christian family of wealth and means within Damascus, Syria.   Into a family of seven.   Her parents,  four brothers and herself the only daughter.   Also the youngest of the family.  With being the only daughter,  Wahida was spoiled.   Her childhood is filled with not a wont for anything.   For her childhood would be the envy of many,  a fairy tale of one where she was a little princess.

That is until her eighteenth birthday.    Her family fearful of unrest,  for with the world economy still staggering.   The family Christians within a Muslim country.    They often are targets of bigotry.    Wahida is married off to a Jordanian business man.   Who is near forty years her senior.    A old fossil in her eyes.   They immigrated to America.   Where he opens a middle eastern  diner in Chicago.   To effect such a move and start the business it cost all of his assets.    Unfortunately two years later, due to the climate of economy.  The restaurant  closes down,  month after both achieve getting their American citizenship.

For the next couple of years,  Wahida works various jobs to support herself and husband.    Working low end jobs,  that often found her putting in long hours for little pay.   Her husband is unable to get a job, and is regulated to setting up small tables of wares at local flee markets.    He begins to talk about wanting a family.   Of having sons to help with him with.    Such a thought scares Wahida immensely.   She still has dreams of a fairy tale ending.    So finding the courage,  she becomes a runaway wife.   

With no ties of family in the States.   The decision to runaway was not a easy one.   Nor is the path set by fate easy for the middle eastern beauty.      Almost immediately she falls into the wrong crowd.    For she hoped on the speed express to St. Louis.   Within days she finds herself working at her first strip club.    Drugs,  booze and sex is her world suddenly.    But is her training in dance.   Training she had insisted up as a teenager.   When she had been enamored with becoming a dancer.   That makes her a big draw a the strip club.       So much she would be offered a lead dancer at a club in Denver.    Accepting the offer Wahida moves from St.Louis to Denver.     Now the move to Denver would last only a few weeks.  For a elite client of the Moulin Rouge in Las Vegas would open the door for her into the world of Moulin Rouge.     Her contract with the Denver Club is brought out by the Moulin Rouge.  So yet again  Wahida finds herself in another section of the States.    Now as one of the strippers of Moulin Rouge.     
Notes: (Anything you want to stand out about your character.)

Right now Wahida considers the Moulin Rouge as her place of work.   The sub plot to the erotic middle eastern dancer.  Is the realization that it is not her contract that was brought.  But she herself that was brought.    That she is not merely an employee but property of the casino and thus a slave.   

Does her estrange husband find her.   An when he does,  has she accepted her fate and role within the casino as her life.   

Finally if accepted her place.   Would she find her fairy tale ending.  The master that she craved to sweep her off her feet, to dominate her in way that no one ever has.   Not her parents,   extended family or husband.    Where she can finally let that false exterior fall away and reveal the softer side that craves to be let out.