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Interested in an RP around this picture:

Started by Kalthus63, April 02, 2011, 01:45:31 PM

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I love fairy stories. I particularly love their darker elements. And I love modern comics.

er - thats all. Except - this picture makes me think there must be an ineresting and very dark story out there, and I'd really like to swap ideas about where that could lead...


Seems like a very dark story about wonderland eh? Having alice return as an adult and seeing that her world has changed too into this more sinister place.


I like that idea. Perhaps Wonderland has been taken over by the Grimms, and there's been a little 'seepage' from other places., such as Russian folk tales. I wonder how she would get on with Baba Yaga, for example.


Havent heared of Baba about a more sexual queen of hearts dominatrix?


Baba Yaga is a real joy: Russian cannibal witch with iron teeth and a hut with chicken legs:

She also has an attractive side, but usually looks like this - Gave Hellboy a seriously bad time, too:

The Red Queen idea sounds interesting though - maybe she's the one behind the whole thing? The Cheshire Cat is now some sort of hunting tiger? What about the mad hatter?

I was also wondering how it might be it its not the original Alice who drops through, but her great grand daughter? That gives a situation in which you have someone with very modern responses facing all this shit, who knows the story well and knows it shouldn't be like this...

"Please, would you tell me," said Alice, a little timidly, ... "why your cat grins like that?"

"It's a Cheshire cat," said the Duchess, "and that's why."

"But fuck! - I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "We're all mad here."

"No,"Alix insisted, "Haven't you guys ever heard of going to a shrink? Or maybe some Lithium would sort you out. I mean - there's no reason to be a bunch of mentalists any more!"

Another idea is drifting up - the original version was a lightweight, funny, surreal dip into the subconscious. Well - what if the subconscious has become a much more sordid place since then?


Hmm Alice's great grandaughter sounds good, definatly would be more feisty then the original. Yeah things would be darker I suppose, perhapse the darkness of reality effects wonderland making it more sinister like you said.
Not sure how I feel about Baba yaga still :/ the mad hatter well perhapse he is just even more bonkers and psyco but he could be an ally still, god knows she will need a friend down there. Aside from the cat of course. What about the march hair? he could have gone raving rabbid too :3


Maybe he's turned into something close to the Joker!



And I definatly think the cook could be looking on Alic as an ingerdient, rather than as a customer. By which I mean - a BIG cooking pot type scenario...

This is definately giving me some nasty thoughts...


hmm who could save her I wonder. The Jabberwockey?


Either him or the frumious Bandersnatch!

The Pool of Tears could be quite nasty as well, come to think of it.

And maybe Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum might be after an Alice sandwich!


Have you read alice in sexland by any chance?


No - I tend to read graphic novels etc when I can pick them up from my local library, and for some reason, that ones not appeared on the shelves!



I imagine it would be! Must check that out.

Likes this picture as well - don't see how it fits though...

CAN see this one working...

What if the Red Queen is actually not the original either - she's someone who has come through from our world, found that she's running this bizarre land full of wierdos and decided to have a little fun? Possibly, she's actually something like a porn star who escaped here after too many funny substances (in fact, I was wondering how it would work if Alice was actually Alice White, adult industry star - falls into Wonderland whilst making an adult version of the original. That, of course, leave Alice from the original stories in california, probably ending up as a fluffer!)


Cool pics.

Uhhh im not sure I followed that.


Clumsy muppet that I am, I posted the WRONG second picture...


lol, what did you mean by the porn star thing?


Just a thought I was playing with - may go nowhere, but -

"Alice White" is a well known adult actress. She's doing the film version of 'Alice in Sexland' but slips through into Wonderland. It turns out to be this hideous, bizarre place, run by a psycho red queen where many of the familiar Lewis Caroll characters have turned into sub-Batman villains. However, she's rather equipped to deal with them because they still expect her to be THEIR Alice, who is all prim and proper. She's quite happy to kneel down and give the mad hatter a blow-job if that will help her get home.

And occasionally, we cut back to the REAL Alice, who has ended up working in the adult industry in California (except of course, this all takes place a few years after the Lewis Carroll original, so she's 21, just - incredibly naive.)

Like i say - it might just be better to have Alice as a normal 21st century girl, but I can't help wondering how a total sex machine might make out in this world...


ah right, dont think I could jump back and forth that much but yeah the sex crazed girl seems a good place to about she enters a nieve virgin and leaves a much wiser, wily, cunning woman?




Hm... I usually write from the male perspective. Could be fun though, if you're OK with it.

How would you like to start?


Ok cool. Uhh start with Alice coming hme tired from her job and her friend offers her a 'cigarete' but it has some funny stuff in it. she goes to sleep, wakes up follows a seductive looking bunny girl into a hole.


I like it - do you want me to write that up a bit and start a thread, or would you like to do it?