Star Wars RP: Behind the Scenes

Started by lex87author, October 30, 2010, 04:24:41 PM

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Behind the Scenes

   Stars flashed past the cockpit of the old YT-100 freighter named Secret Hope.  Sitting in the pilot seat of the creaky old ship was one of the Jedi, the protectors of the peace and defenders of the Republic.
   He snorted in dry irony, Some peace protectors we are, the whole galaxy is at war with itself and we didn’t even know the Separatists were planning to attack until Master Kenobi and his Padawan were captured by the Genosians.
   The veteran Jedi at the controls was named Justin Tera.  He wore his black hair short, trimmed closely to keep it out of his way; however, his once solid black hair now had streaks of gray in it, telling of his age.
   At forty-seven years old and still with no Padawan Learner, Justin was a bit old to be without an apprentice of his own, but he had been a slow learner in the Jedi Academy and had fallen behind the other’s who joined the Order at the same time as him.
   But he still reached the rank of Jedi Knight, a life-long goal for him, and if he remained a Jedi Knight until he joined the Force he would be satisfied.
   Around him the old bucket of rust known as the Secret Hope groaned as she flew through hyperspace.  A grim chuckle left Justin’s mouth, I may join the Force sooner than I may plan, why in the name of the Force did the Council even bother giving me this wreck?  I would have been better of being thrown into space in a cargo container with a small leak in it, at least then I would know when and how I would die.
   A rather sharp tremor ran through the ship as it dropped out of hyperspace.  A single barren planet hung in space before the freighter.  With a low moan coming from within the old freighter Justin powered up the Hope’s sublight engines, flying the bulky craft toward the surface of this forsaken planet, identified as Belance.

(Planning thread is located here:


On this barren island amongst the ruins , there was a single man sitting there. He had dreads and a long coat. He was balancing his lightsaber in his hand as he meditated. Derek Killian was not someone who really wanted to be here, life was difficult at the moment so he had no choice. He had been fightingfor his life before he received the rank of Sith Apprentice by his master. Derek did not really like his master so much, but at least the old man kept him alive and well looked after when he could. The harsh training was no fun either, but he did not really care , at least he had a decent lliving. He grinned at the thought of how simple it was to kidnap those senate children. It was too simple, and the jedi who amused Derek were no where to be seen. Suddenly there was a noise from his communicator, and a holograph appeared, it was a hooded figure . Derek did not need to look at his face to know who it was. "Good day, my master...."  Dereks master then spoke "You did your job well my apprentice, it was much better than i first anticipated, however your work has not been completed yet...." Derek then mocked sarcasm "Oh dear master, do you not have faith in my abilities? Im really hurt by that " His masters voice became more stricter "Do not get arrogant apprentice, you only recently became an apprentice, you are still not there yet"

Derek muttered under his breath, just hearing this old man talk about his skills enraged him. How dare he ? He had no right to comment on his abilities. However Derek knew how this worked, he knew he should not anger his master too much especially since his master trained him and first helped him out. His master then continued "Be wary apprentice, there is a jedi looking for those children, this is due to the fact that the jedi padawans have gone missing.... , i do know it is a jedi knight who is looking for them."

Derek chuckled as he remembered the Jedi Padawans, "Oh, them, right, i dont think they will want to fight anymore, dont worry about it master, and as for this jedi knight, i will crush him , its that simple, do not fear master" His master then said "I hope i will not have to fear my apprentice, you know how i handle failures....." The hologram shut off and Derek was left to brood. Hate made him stronger, and so he had to direct his hate towards the Jedi coming this way, he would dish pain of such magnitude, that he swore.


   With a heavy thud Justin’s ancient freighter landed near the only settlement on Belance, a small dreary settlement called Newn-Cape that scraped together a living by farming the sun-scorched land around the settlement, using the nearby fresh water lake for irrigation. A plump elderly man with a long white beard, elaborate robes, and a wrinkled face walked out to the old ship.
   Justin walked up to the ramp and waited for it to lower, but only a dull grinding noise greeted him and the ramp stayed up.  Justin growled and stomped his foot on one corner of the ramp, the grinding sound continued, but the ramp finally descended to the dry dirt below.
   Justin approached the elderly man as he waited patiently at the edge of the smooth dirt landing field, the man bowed deeply to Justin before speaking, “Greetings Master Jedi this is an unexpected honor, my name is Gerance, Mayor of Newn-Cape, what brings you to our humble settlement?  We are not accustomed to having Jedi visit us, especially with this great civil war that you are fighting.”
   Justin returned the bowed slightly, “My name in Justin Tera, I have received information that a band of pirates and other criminals have taken up hiding somewhere on your world, they may have something that I am looking for, do you know of them?”
   Gerance nodded, paling slightly, “Yes Master Justin, we at Newn-Cape know these beasts very well, they raid our outlying homes regularly, taking any food they find; they have threatened our very existence by cutting our food supplies so low that any new boom in our population would cause a famine throughout the settlement.”
   Justin nodded reluctantly, “Well, if you know of them do you know where they are based?”
   Gerance froze, “You mean to drive them from here?  Oh no Master Jedi I couldn’t ask you to do that, we of Newn-Cape can handle themselves, besides there are too many for one man, even a Jedi, to defeat.”
   Justin shook his head, “Don’t worry Mayor Gerance, just show me where these men are hiding and I promise you they will never bother you again.”
   Gerance visibly debated within himself what to do, he wanted to be rid of the pirates, but he was obviously afraid of the consequences of he sent Justin to them and the Jedi Knight was killed or captured.
   Justin did not want to use the Force to pull to knowledge from Gerance’s mind, he had never liked doing that, it felt like a misuse of the Force for personal gain he preferred to use old fashioned talking to get his information.
   Finally Gerance nodded, if with a bit of reluctance, “Follow me Master Jedi, I will take you to my home and will see about getting you directions the pirates’ fortress.”
   Justin nodded, “I appreciate your help Mayor Gerance.”
   The two men walked into Newn-Cape, toward the large stone building near the middle, the Mayor’s home, the same home that every Mayor had lived in since the founding of Newn-Cape, according to Gerance anyways.  To Justin it looked a little too new and clean compared to the rest of the town to be part of the original town, but maybe they took better care of their Mayor’s house than others, so Justin remained quiet about it.
   When they entered the building Justin was greeted by several sparsely dressed serving girls, wearing nothing but little scraps of clothing to cover their most private areas, everything else was exposed.
   Gerance shooed them away, apologizing to Justin, “Our customs are very different from that of the rest of the Republic; they require all guests into the Mayor’s home to be…” he brooded for the right word, “…pleasured before going on to business, so as to give them a favorable opinion of the ruling house.”
   Justin merely shook his head, “I’m not here to judge your people, but I must ask, those women are not slaves correct?”
   Gerance looked stricken, “No of course not Master Jedi, we follow all of the Republic’s laws, those women are employed by me and their jobs are among the most highly respected it Newn-Cape.”
   Justin gave a shudder after Gerance turned to lead them into his office, I will have to talk to Master Windu when this mission is over, I am curious to know how these people were able to establish a settlement here legally.
   Gerance shuffled through his papers on his desk and turned to face Justin, a thin leaflet of papers in his hands, “These contain all of our information on the pirates’ fortress.”
   Justin took the papers and looked through them; they contained several maps with a few different routes to the fortress, which was on the Island of Bronze, an island in the fresh water lake near Newn-Cape covered in ancient ruins form a civilization long dead. There was also a rough sketch of few signs the settlers had seen of possible habitation in the ruins as well as a few areas the pirates seemed to be using as a staging area for there equipment.
   Justin nodded gratefully to Gerance, “Thank you Mayor Gerance, this will help immensely, I will leave for the island tomorrow.”
   Gerance nodded and spread his hands before him, “Your welcome Master Tera, but if I may ask, how will you get to the island?  It is too far to walk and any ship that gets too close will be spotted immediately we found that out the hard way, one of our few airspeeders flew too close to the ruins and got blasted out of the sky, we didn’t even know what happened until the pirates dropped the wreckage in their next raid.”
   Justin nodded again, “Thank you for the warning Mayor Gerance, but I will manage just fine, and I am well prepared to reach the fortress.”
   Gerance nodded, “Of course, I should have known a Jedi would have brought all the supplies he would need to combat the forces of darkness, wherever he found them.”
   Justin smiled slightly, “Yes, well, if you’ll excuse me Mayor Gerance, I must return to my ship and make plans for tomorrow.”
   Gerance nodded and bowed again, “Of course Master Tera, I wish you good luck in you mission.”
   With that farewell and Gerance’s papers under his arm Justin left the Mayor’s home and returned to the Secret Hope for the night. As Justin ascended into his freighter he wondered to himself, By all accounts these pirates don't seem to have the resources to have pulled off a job as complicated as kidnapping the children of the Senators and two promising Jedi Apprentices, there must be more at work here than just your run of the mill pirate operation. I must be cautious.


"And you are sure we will paid? I mean we are risking alot here Derek.." Derek sighed, he was really sick and tired of listening to this insufferable whining. He was still however wasnt going to kill this man simply for being concerned for his and his crews life. Ronan Antoines was the captain of the pirates that had assisted him in kidnapping the children and transporting some other valuable cargo. It wasnt that hard to convince him to join his cause. All Derek had to do was wave some very high credits and other treasures and Ronan was on board. Derek could imagine life was tough, even for a bunch of pirates, what with the war going on and limiting their areas which they could loot from.

Derek then said  "Look Ronan, you are worrying over nothing, like i told you, you will be paid the remainder agreed fee once my employer contacts me, until then you are going to be a good little boy and sit yourself down. Besides, this wont be so hard, we have barely anything at all to worry about, hhahhahahaha" Ronan did not look too pleased with Dereks response, and Derek could sense tension all around, he could feel the stares of the pirate crew bearing down on him. This however did not faze Derek in the slightest, he was so used to it now, that he found it amusing. Ronan then spoke "Ok the kids were simple, but those two Jedi? That was not part of the plan Derek!!" Derek then said "Oh grow a pair you fool. I beat those two already,  it was amusing to watch those Jedi padawan dance around, but in the end they fell, as simple as that. You know full well that i can beat any Jedi with my eyes closed dont you Ronan?" Ronan then said with a look of frustration "What if they send a Jedi master? Or a Jedi knight? You wont be so lucky if one of those came, just the other day some guy called Kenobi handled a huge battle, i heard he nearly took out an entire army Derek!!"  Derek then with quick reflexes pointed his saber straight at Ronans face, if there was one thing he couldnt stand for, it was people doubting his strength "Are you saying im weak Ronan? Are you saying ill die like some dog? hmmm?" Ronan had a pure look of terror in his eyes, and he knew now he should not hae touched that button. "Ok im sorry, your certainly not weak Derek, I know it, im sorry i said that, can you please forgive me?!!" Derek considered it and then put his saber away, a dead captain would only cause him problems with the rest of the crew "Then stop whining and get back to work. Nothing will go wrong!! " Ronan bowed and ran off to organize the area. Derek massaged his head and looked into the sky. His master earlier told him that some jedi was coming after him? Bring it on, he had no problem with beating the Jedi to the ground, after all he relished a good fight. And he was certain that this would be a fight he would win.


Awkward was the nature of a man sitting by himself on the corner of the freighter's mess hall. His robes announced his devote faith of the Jedi order, dark tan robes with white that underlay it, however the boots, gauntlets and hood clearly were typical of a Sith. They were jet black, the hood depicted silver Sith like symmetrical designs. His ambiguous nature made those around him on edge, They could neither decide if he was an enemy likely to cut them down for amusement or if he was benevolent in mismatched wrappings. By the clear constant smile he held on his face it belied the wisdom that Sith seldom attain. The Freighter Yddrasil made its way across the stars which blinked by it during the light speed travel. This lone figure clothed in contradiction peered into the endless void that was space. Three days... Three days is all I need now.. I pray that it still remains where I buried it.. His pondering left him absent minded, his entanglement in the force causing the liquid within his glass to swirl slowly. His thoughts slipped slowly to the past.
Many years prior at the council; "Roma! Roma!" called a teenager, a young padawan clothed in the pale robes of youth greeted him running to him giving him a warm hug. "Tatiana!" he patted the girls back and stooped to her level, "How is your training going? good?" he asked her, she returned with a smile as she nodded, "Yes! very very well they say I might be able to be taken on by a Jedi Master in but a few months" she squeaked with excitement. A smile played across Roma's lips as he ruffled her ruffled her silvery blond hair. Tatiana bounced up on the balls of her feet, "I want you to be my Master Roma! please please!" she said biting her lip. "Alright! alright, no need to twist my arm" he said laughing holding her head to keep her from bouncing.
Roma fingers twisted underneath his robes gripping a thin pendent on a cord of hide. His fingers tracing the contours of the curvy pendent that was forged from a tooth of a beast. Again his Thoughts slipped back in time.
After a year into Tatiana's apprenticeship; "hah! got that pesky droid Master!" Tatiana spoke as she jabbed her purple colored lightsaber through the battle droid's CPU melting the mechanical soldier to solder. "Do not get ahead of yourself Tatiana" Roma spoke as his lifted two of the droids into the air crushing them into scrap before letting the heap fall on a third droid, "Get in the ship!" he ordered his Padawan as his saber flung about in a green haze sending the blasters in scattered direction. Tatiana obeyed him quickly pushing a droid away from her as she climbed aboard the Star Cruiser, Roma soon following as he closed the ramp flying the ship from the planet's surface. Once in space he swiveled in his chair walking to Tatiana, "That was reckless what you did... you could have been hurt and alerting all of those droids was more work than what we needed to do" he reprimanded her. Her eyes fell from his, "I am sorry my Master, it will not happen again" she said as he put his hand under her chin lifting it to look him in the eyes, "See that it doesn't" he told her. The two stared for a long minute before each lowered their heads and kissed, their lips pressed softly before parting. Their gaze knowing the devious nature of the relationship that the Council had banned.
The Freighter hit turbulence jostling him back to the here and now in reality, his eyes sullen from the dim light. He raise the cup to his lips and took a long drink of the contents of his cup, setting it back down. Roma breathed deeply as he tried to focus his mind. As he did the painful splinter raised to the surface; His fall from the Jedi Council.
2 years ago; He knelt over Tatiana's body as the Sith before him cackled manically trying to galvanize him into reckless action. It had worked, His rage grew deep within him. His light saber had been destroyed earlier in the scuffle. He gripped Tatiana's in his hand, closing his eyes he deactivated the blade on it. Although deep within the rage of himself over the loss of his Padawan and lover, he, in that instant understood why Jedi should not have relationships like theirs. He would not stain her blade with the blood of a Sith in anger. The Sith goaded him, but as most Sith clearly do, they overestimated themselves. With a sharp jerk the Sith's light saber was sent across the room, as he was lifted into the air. Roma proceeded to smash the flailing Sith, who was unable to match his mastery of the force movements. As the Sith weakened, Roma's rage took root, He pressed the Sith into the floor of the hanger, he could hear the Sith cry out. Each wet snap of the broken Sith's bones brought joy to his ears as Roma took his time crippling the man. With the Sith's dying breath he bellowed as Roma sent him head first into the idling star cruiser's engine, incinerating him to cinders. He felt a weak hand grab his ankle, he turned to see Tatiana gripping him. He quickly knelt by her side, as she pressed her necklace into his hands. The two met for a final kiss as her will surrendered to the Force and she was gone from his life. After collecting the Sith's Light saber and his own broken one he packed her body on the Star Cruiser and returned to the Council. In his lamenting he turned her body over for proper last respects and left after the funeral.    
The Freighter dropped from light speed, the shock jolted Roma, the cup imploded on itself as did the table leaving rusted fragments there with him shaking his head. A crewman approached, "Fella.. we don't really like your kind, no offense but we can't have you on our ship any more..." the crewman told him, Roma looked at him with his pale aqua colored eyes, " I understand and I take no offense.. I just ask you drop me on Belance.. I have business there and can get a ride from there.." Roma responded. The crewman nodded, "Thank ya kindly.." he said as he talked into his communicator. A muffled burst of static returned his orders, "We're over Belance in a few minutes, we'll getcha a drop pod.." He informed him as Roma stood following the Crewman through the halls of the freighter and into a pod. Roma sat in the pod as the hiss of hydraulics lowered him and fired him into the vacuum of space as he hurled towards the planet. His pod shot down skipping across the water with a heated sizzle before sinking to the murky depths. The door jettisoned and Roma made his way to the surface, the water's depth pressing down on his ear drums making them ache dully. He broke the surface of the water, feeling reborn coming back to this planet where he himself had scouted Tatiana many years ago. A small ache pulled on his heart as he pulled himself ashore as he saw the surrounding land. He smiled at the twist of irony of his landing zone. He paced three meters in front of him where a great oaken like tree stood, in the base, carved in his initials and Tatiana's. He crouched at the base in a hollow of the tree. Inside he pulled out what was two cloth wrapped Light sabers. Turning he sat down and started dismantling his light saber as he mediated setting to work to fix it. Long after Night fall it was repaired. Three Light sabers sat snugly inside his robes, I am sorry.. so very sorry. He rested his head back and fell asleep on the shore of the lake. His tormented mind finding what little peace it could.


   Belance’s orange sun rose over Newn-Cape, casting long shadows over the Secret Hope as her captain readied his speeder, one equally as old as the freighter, for its long journey to rescue his charges.  In the morning light Justin loaded food, water, and other various supplies he would need to reach the pirates’ fortress.  With the last box loaded and everything strapped down for the journey Justin walked up the Secret's ramp and entered the small maintenance room adjacent to his quarters.
   Standing at the back of the room and held upright by old, rusty restraints were the two battered combat droids the Republic had graced him with to use on this mission.  Both droids were ancient, rusting hulks that wouldn’t last ten seconds even as bodyguards in the most peaceful place, yet they were all the help he had for now.
   He walked over to the first and typed in the start up sequence on the command console that was beside each droid, with a low hum and a slow sparking sound the droid’s photo receptors came to life, glowing a faint blue, “Com…Combat droid BG-105 online and awaiting orders.”
With every word the BG-105 spoke its voice recorder popped and cracked as the old unit worked itself to readiness.
Justin sighed, “Stand by 105.”  Then he reached over and powered up the other combat droid.
   This combat droid looked at Justin with pale yellow eyes, its chassis pitted and scarred from age, “Co…mbat droid…BG-215…onli…” Then with a pop and a puff of smoke the top of the droids head bounced opened and the droid itself went dead. Justin snarled impatiently as he fiddled with the droid’s circuitry until the other combat droid suddenly came back to life, “Combat droid BG-215 online and awaiting orders.”
Justin stepped back and faced both of the droids, “BG-105 and BG-215 I am leaving the ship, I am ordering you two to protect the ship until I return.” Both ancient droids’ processors hummed as they processed their orders then spoke with static filled voices, “Orders acknowledged, the Secret Hope will be defended until Master returns.”
   Justin nodded and walked out of the room, already unsure if these two droids would survive being active, let alone protect the freighter from anyone who would cause problems. Just to be sure he returned to the cockpit where an astromech droid, the only up-to-date technology he had, was plugged into serve as the Hope’s navigational computer.
   The red and white colored droid chirped cheerfully when Justin walked in, “R2-C1 I have an assignment for you, I want you to supervise the BG Combat Droids and keep them in operational shape; plus you are to screen anyone who approaches the ship, using the BGs and the ship’s defenses when necessary, with discretion of course.”
   R2-C1 beeped and warbled an affirmative and smoothly unplugged from the freighter’s navigation computer and rolled off to the maintenance room to service the two aging combat droids.
   Suitably satisfied that the ship would be here when he came back Justin descended the ramp and closed it with a call beacon programmed to control the ramp only.
   As the ramp clanked into place Justin climbed into the speeder, an aging class that had long ended its production, the wear of time had smudged any paint scheme that once covered the speeder, leaving only a dull gray tone of the scarred metal body. With a cloud of black smoke the speeder’s old engine came to life, shaking the poor craft and its driver roughly until it settled in its stand-by mode. Justin paused a second to make a final check of the speeder before accelerating out of Newn-Cape and off to the north, the direction of the fortress.
   Wind blew passed Justin’s face while his eyes tried to blink back the dust filling the air.  At least those lazy Republic technicians could have installed a windscreen, I know supplies have been tight ever since the start of the Clone Wars, but I don’t think one windscreen will break the Republic’s war efforts.
   Justin snarled as a clod of dirt hit him in the face, giving his head a shake Justin slowed to a halt at the top of a low hill overlooking the desert before him. The jagged horizon of Belance had long since been replaced by the flat surface of fresh water lake. No as he topped the hills that formed the southern edge of the lake he could see the Island of Bronze, where the ruins that the pirate used as their camp were located.
   He turned around and dug into his pack to pull out a pair of micro-binoculars and look at the island across the lake.
   Dark brown, ancient stone made up the walls of most of the ruins, long crumbled from the wear of time and the elements, at the highest point of the island the ruins had been cleared to form a basic landing pad for the pirates land their ships; though currently there wasn't a ship there.
   Justin lowered his micro-binoculars and looked over the nearby shoreline, looking for a place where he could observe the ruins undetected, years of experience had told him that watching the target before trying to infiltrate it was the best way to avoid any unnecessary complications. The approach to island was very exposed, though with some modifications he thought he could use his speeder to get him there.
   As he was planning his next course of action a loud roar split the air as a small object rocketed down through the atmosphere, Justin sat down rapidly in his speeder and raced down the island, not wanting to have his position silhouetted if the pirates looked out to see the source of the noise that he was sure they could have heard.
   The source of the noise was an arriving drop pod, Odd drop pods haven't been used regularly in years, either that is a insurgent being dropped off in a area thought to be abandoned or whoever dropped that pod wanted to be rid of its occupant quickly.
   Justin brought his speeder to stop in a cleft in the side of the hill near the shoreline and climbed out observe the impact site of the drop pod, the old pod sank with a hiss of steam and bubbling water. Maybe the passenger didn't survive, drop pods have been known to be very unreliable. Then a figure surfaced a short distance from the dissipating crash site, swimming toward the shoreline.
   Justin watched the figure until it reached the shore and disappeared in a small group of trees roughly 200 meters west of his position on the southern edge of the lake. Justin noted the location of the group of trees and then set-up the few items from his speeder he'd need to observe the island, deciding to handle his mission first before he investigated any new arrivals. After taking his observation position behind some rocks near the shoreline Justin settled in to watch the ruins and the pirate's landing zone.


Derek was now sitting comfortably and meditating. Then came Ronan with something to report. Derek grinned, the place had been quiet for a few hours, but now Ronan had something more to say. Derek then grinned "I sense great uneasiness with you Ronan, have you considered F-30 pills? I heard they do wonders for headaches" Ronan sighed "No sir, just that we found some pod landing not too far from here, near a tree somewhere. It could be trouble.."

Derek was thinking carefully now, he did not want to presume anything till he was utterly sure about the situation, but he was pretty confident that the person who had landed here was most likely someone the senators hired. Derek then looked to Ronan and noted that some of the crew was working on the ship and its circuitry systems. "Take a few of your men and go inspect the situation, find out what is in that pod and kill it if it even moves a muscle, make sure you find out what it is first, you got all that down Ronan?" Ronan nodded, he wasn't looking forward to this, but if an employer asks , you do it , no questions asked. He then signaled to his men and they slowly began walking towards the pod near that tree.

Derek then walked out to the front of the ruins onto at the entrance, just to take a little walk, he was really done meditating for the day and was really not too pleased about sitting down anymore. Just then he felt odd, there was someone here, someone who did not belong. Derek looked around, this sort of calmness and positioning. Derek grinned wildly, it was most likely the Jedi. There could be no other explanation for it. But where was he? Was he watching? Derek then waited out at the very front of the ruins. He could sense this jedi, but knew not exactly where he was. IT wasn't too far away. All Derek had to do is wait

Ronan and his two soldiers approached the pod. It was already opened to their surprise, but what was more surprising was the man who was asleep near the tree. They then pointed their blasters at him and Ronan spoke through his communicator to Derek. "Its a jedi!!! What do we do?!!" Derek on the other end was now wondering. 2 Jedi? This was not what was told, did the council send another one? Derek then sat on one of the ruins statues. ""Kill him, leave nothing unturned.." Derek was hoping this act would draw the other Jedi out of hiding. Ronan and his men prepared their blasters to fire at the sleeping Jedi.


Roma laid reclined in his position against the tree, the noise of the blaster's scraping as they were drew. His mind grew aware as he brought himself back to the land of the living. Roma had heard the chatter of the radio, not to his surprise he could hear the malice in the speakers voice from the other end, A Sith? perhaps... He spoke quietly, "You dare attack a sith?" he barked at them imitating the brash harshness of their voice as he had practiced several hundred times over. The force encircled one of his light sabers, flicking the crimson beam on as it landed in his hand, "What manner of insolence is this?" he barked at them again, the force lightning sparking at his finger tips. A man of words and not action, Roma had long since mastered the trades and wares of the Sith. A bit of force lightning had done its fair share of spooking of many of his would be attackers. As he barked at them straightening his posture, the force ensnared his other light sabers; Tatiana's and his newly repaired on. Their green and purple respective blades crackling into existence as they hovered by his shoulders on his flank. "Who is your master!" he spoke again as his body slid into a more combative stance. Confronted here his will moved out encircling like a sonar pinging to sense the master they belonged to as he remained idle.


Derek then only received static on the communicator and sensed the power the man was using. His ears pricked up as he looked up. Another sith? Derek then pondered in deep thought. He wondered how another fellow sith would be here of all places? Why would a sith so casually walk up here? Was this person trying to intimidate Derek? Perhaps he is here to eliminate the competition? Or perhaps his master has found a new apprentice to replace him? Derek chuckled, it mattered not who this man was. History has often shown that the sith masters were rather unkind to one another and this would be of little difference. Still this one had great anger just like he did, he could sense the ferocity within his attacks. He then sat still and did not move.

Derek knew the man would find him eventually, that was a good thing, exactly what he wanted. He wanted to converse with this fellow sith brother of his and see exactly what he wanted. From there, Derek would proceed.


   Justin started as he felt the presence of a Force wielder reach out over the shoreline of the lake, Another Jedi is here? The council didn't say anything about sending another Jedi. He briefly considered that it may have been a Sith, but dismissed it as there hadn't been a Sith for over a millennia. It was be another Jedi or if not a Force user who has managed to learn how to access the Force on their own, either way I have to investigate this.
   Justin grabbed his belongings and threw them into the speeder and powered up the ancient craft with a rattle and puff of smoke and set off, using the brilliant Force presence as his homing beacon. As he neared the trees he heard the telltale snap-hiss of a lightsaber followed by two more in quick succession, It has to be a Jedi or a fallen Jedi to have a lightsaber, but who else is here to have two more lightsabers too?
   Justin reached the edge of the group of trees and jumped from his speeder, already freeing his custom-made lightsaber from his belt as he landed softly in the undergrowth of the trees. He moved swiftly, but silently through the trees until he reached the edge of the tree line near the lake's edge where he saw a single figure holding a crimson lightsaber with green and purple blades floating beside him as he confronted three unsavory looking men holding blasters on him.
   Justin felt the strength of the Force following through the man holding the crimson lightsaber, using some of his power to hold the other two lightsabers upright. Justin focused on keeping himself hidden from the Force, a useful talent he developed that had allowed him to play practical jokes of his peers when they were still Apprentices.
   With a start from Justin the man spoke, "How dare you attack a Sith?" The crackling bolt of Force Lightning that left his finger tips further confirmed to Justin what he had dismissed at first, the man before him was a Sith. As the man continued his harsh words, "What manner of insolence is this?" Justin's thumb rested lightly on the activator of his lightsaber, waiting for the moment the reveal himself as the man barked a demand at the three blaster-wielding men, "Who is you master?"
   Whoever this is, he must have drawn the attention of the pirates with his drop pod arrival. If things are handled properly here this could work to my advantage, a prefect distraction that will allow me to infiltrate the ruins and free the senator's children and the two Jedi Apprentices. With a silent swallow Justin turned his attention back to the scene before him, waiting to the time to reveal himself.


As the pirates, not use to diplomacy Roma used the force to ensnare and cause them to violently bash into each other crushing their communicator. After a moment or two of the bashing Roma feeling the conscience slip away from them as they were blacking out he lowered them to the ground while simultaneously deactivating the light sabers, returning them to the inner folds of his robes. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes straightening up looking at the pirates, "Always the hard way with their kind" Roma spoke quietly as crouched next to the unconscious bodies and plucked their blasters hurling them into the surround bush. When they wake up that should stall them for a little bit... He turned his attention to the body of water glistening in the early light. Pulling the necklace from his neck he tilted the purple bladed light saber and lashed it to the hilt before storing it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw flickering, turning his head he peered to the source of it, seeing a flash of his dead love. Roma covered his eyes rubbing them, as he cursed using the force to hurl a large stone half way across the lake. Crouching down rubbing his head, he took a few breaths before standing again. Breathing deeply he tried to meditate, focus himself with the force and become whole again. This is why anger isn't the solution... once the dam is broken it flows freely and is difficult to harness and master without being consumed blindly by it After a few moments of collection he exhaled deeply, feeling renewed and alive again.


   Justing ducked as one of the blasters thrown by the man flew by his head, then watch in puzzlement as he seemed to almost longingly tie a necklace around the hilt of the purple lightsaber. Justin couldn't quite figure out who this man was, on moment he would lash out with violence that was most definitely of the Dark Side in attacking the three pirates, the next he seemed to be almost remorseful for doing it. I must be cautious here, there is no way to know who this man is and what he is capable of.
   After being sure to place his lightsaber back on his belt and holding his hands before him to show no ill intend Justin gently allowed his presence in the Force to be visible again and stepped clear of the underbrush toward the man as he looked toward the lake.
   He spoke calmly and gently, trying to bring across to the man that he was no enemy, "Greetings my friend, what brings you to the lakeside of Belance?" Justin did his best to ignore the unconscious bodies of the three pirates for the moment; making a mental note to himself to check them, if the opportunity presented itself, for anything that might help him better understand who was behind the kidnappings.


Roma turned around looking at him pushing his hood back as courteous to show his face to a fellow knight. "Greetings Jedi knight" he said giving a nod acknowledging him and his rank. "I came to retrieve my weapons, which I had stashed here long ago.." Roma said gesturing to his blades, he sensed the jedi's unease at his ambiguous nature and decided to assure him, "You are judging me as a threat, I was once a Jedi, but after an.... incident that went against the council laws, I found myself striking a Sith out of anger and torturing the poor soul.. I needed to calm myself and stowed my weapons here after leaving the Jedi order.." Roma said revealing a bit of himself to the stranger, "I have mastered basic Sith techniques... I much rather use guile and guise to avoid fighting if necessary." he finished.  "What about you Master Jedi what has called you to this jewel of nature?" gesturing to the pirates, "Something to do with their activities?" he asked him. Roma paced slightly his ambient force restraint was admirable, it was easily detectable that he was a man who had slipped into the Dark side and clawed his way back out and was hanging on for dear life, liable to fall forever or pull himself back up. An excruciating existence at best but he managed.


   Justin gave the exiled Jedi a courteous nod in response to his greeting and smiles sadly as the man recounted his fall from the ranks of the Jedi, "It saddens me to hear this, I can feel that you have been touched by the Dark Side. I know dealing with it must be difficult, but I'm glad to see you still adhere to some of the ways that used to guide you. I am called Justin Tera."
   He nods to the three pirates' unconscious forms in response to his, "I am indeed here because of these men and the rest of their crew, they have kidnapped several Senators' children and two promising Jedi Apprentices. The Jedi Council sent me to retrieve them and deal with the threat here on Belance is necessary."
   Justin realized he was trusting this man immensely, revealing his orders could potentially expose him if the pirates found out the Republic had sent a Jedi, but the fact that the man had exposed himself to him made him inclined to trust him. "Now that you have retrieved your lightsabers, what will you do now? I'm sorry, I didn't catch you name..." Part of Justin hoped that this man would be able to help him, as he let himself touch the Force more he was starting to notice a darkness that seemed to hang over the unconscious minds of the three pirates and from the ruin-covered island in the distance. There may be more to this kidnapping than just a ransom attempt by some desperate pirates.


Roma nodded as Justin spoke to him, pausing as he asked his name, "Roma Daluth, former Jedi Sentinel" he told him. "You sense the darkness of the Sith in the reaches of here?" he asked Justin. Roma pondered over what he had told him about his mission, Children and apprentices in trouble? this would be a chance to redeem myself and atone a bit... perhaps I could find some peace in this. "These children of the senators and two apprentices... I would like to help you find them." Roma spoke hesitantly, "I think I may be able to distract the Sith that lays in wait for you, giving you ample time to free those children and reclaim your apprentices.. " he continued on, pausing as he thought a moment, "However I would like a ride back to Coruscant.." he added. Roma took his time as he removed his gloves and folded them into his robes inner layers leaving his scarred hands open to the air. It had looked as if his hands had been pulled through a tub of glass leaving hundreds of tiny nicks and cuts. He felt tension as he awaited to see if the Jedi would accept his help, a bit of offering he felt inclined to lend to a member of his former brotherhood. A weight lifted in his chest as he focused himself on the task of centering himself.


   Justin nodded at Roma's question about the Sith presence, "Yes Roma I do, there may be more to this pirate kidnapping than just a simple ransom attempt."
   Justin gestured back toward Newn-Cape, "I have a freighter back at the colony, big enough to carry the children, Apprentices, and us back to Coruscant without any difficulty."
   Unfazed by the scars on his hands as Roma removed his gloves Justin extended his own hand to Roma, It is the will of the Force, perhaps Roma and I can both fine what is needed here, redemption for him and my destiny here."I would be honored to have your aid Roma Daluth, together perhaps we can see to it that these pirates and whoever their dark master is are dealt with."


Roma took Justin's hand firmly shaking it, "That I believe is for the best" Roma responded to the Jedi Master, "Do you already have an idea of the location of the Sith's location or the children and apprentices?" he asked as he released the grip. He crouched gathering a small handful of the smooth rounded river stones that were scattered about the shore around the lake, and rolled them around his hands enjoying the soft contact of the stone. Roma readied himself to follow the Jedi Master, tossing the handful of stones skipping across the lake before sinking to the murky depths. ((I will be Offline till Monday sometime then I'll post up a storm depending where you guys get to. Just consider my character following Justin.))


   Justin crouched beside Roma and looked over the surface of the lake as the ripples from the pebbles slowly spread, "I know that the pirates have a landing zone near the middle of the ruin on the island in the lake, but outside of that those are the only visible signs of life over there." Justin stood and moved over to the three unconscious pirates, "Perhaps these three will prove to have something that will help us discover where they are held; if nothing else it will help understand what type of pirates we are dealing with."
((Ok sounds good, have a good weekend Piester00))


((I guess this is where i come in, so its just me and you Lex for now))

Derek sensed the two powers moving together. A sith and a jedi working together? Or was it two sith working together? Derek smiled, what luck, more chances to kill skilled opponents instead of killing a padawan. He had killed one of the padawan  and spared the other to be kept prisoner with the children. That one simply did not give up, he was very brave till the very end but Derek had shown no mercy.

Derek sat still waiting, the powers were getting close and with Ronan not in contact, Derek was curious as to what the next action of these two random force users would be. Would they converge on him? Did they even sense his presence? He was sitting in plain sight now outside the ruin and yet no moves. Derek then looked to two of the pirates "You two,, go and patrol a bit, this might prove and interesting time for us all.." The two pirates with their blasters went to patrol around the ruin as Derek maintained his position at the front of the ruin near the landing zone.


   Justin searched through the bodies of each man laying in the heap that Roma had left them in, unfortunately his search only revealed the shattered remains of their communicators. He pulled out his micro-binoculars and studied the island across the lake, wanting to check if anything had changed since he rushed to investigated Roma's interaction with the pirates.
   His gazed scanned the battered ruins, starting at the shore to look for a possible path to approach the ruins, then he stopped for a moment, A patrol? Why would the pirates be sending out a patrol? Justin glanced over his shoulder at the three pirates lying behind him, "I think they are looking for them Roma, they've put out a patrol over there," Justin paused, "Or maybe they've detected us, either way we have to be careful."
   Roma nodded as he rose from his crouch, "Either way we need to move soon, those men could wake up soon and if we're still here when they do they will know that we're here for sure. Whatever we're going to so we must do it soon."
   Justin nodded, "Let me finish my observation sweep and then we'll head to my speeder and see if we can't modify it enough to cross the lake." He placed the micro-binoculars to his eyes again and moved over the rest of the island until he reached the Landing Zone, as he did he slowed, That figure, he's just sitting there. That's not a pirate... Justin felt a thin sheen of sweat appear on his forehead as he felt the darkness seeping from the man who sat in the pirate's Landing Zone, "The Sith..."
   Roma nodded, "Yes I've felt him as well, there is one trained in the ways of the Dark Side on that island."
   Justin nodded, "I nearly didn't want to believe it, the Sith have been extinct for so long, but there he is sitting over there. He's waiting for us to make the first move..." Justin sighed and centered himself as he put his micro-binoculars away, "Let's go Roma, my speeder isn't far and we'll need to make a few changes to the repulsor systems so if can ferry us across the lake to the island."
   Leaving the three pirates on the lake shoreline Justin and Roma headed back into the tree line, leaving the dark man to wait for them to strike. A Sith, I had hoped I would never have to face one of them in my lifetime, Justin suppressed a shiver and again had to center himself.


Nov'la would groan as she came to, looking about as she gasped.. "Koran?" She whispered.. trying to find the senient little Kushiban that always stayed with her as her constant companion.. He was her balance. She got her answer with him shivering hidden beneath her Lekku. "Koran.. I', glad your sitll here." "Think I'd leave you my friend?" Said the little creature to her mind. They two of them shared a bond that was as old as their friendship.

She looked around the place she was in.. trying to get her bearings.. Where was she? How did she come to be there? Her memory was faint.. and Koran little better.
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Derek sensed the padawan that remained in his captivity had awaken. Derek did not want to leave this place, not with the guests that were to arrive soon. However he did want to go and take a look at how the padawan was feeling. Derek walked into the storage area. The pirates were performing remedial tasks with the ship and Derek was more interested in the contents of the storage unit. In one room there were the children of the senate and in the other room was the Jedi padawan.

Derek pulled the lever and the room opened. Derek grinned as he then said to the Jedi Padawan "Did you have a good nap Jedi? I have to say the other padawan i faced did not last too long, he died nobly though..."


Nov'la Groaned a bit but stared at him, eyes void of many emotions. Of course Anger at the sith had been a struggle of hers from the beginging, Sith killed her father when she was very young, but she never sought refvenge because that was against what her father had taught her of the jedi code. "I will not let you bait me into emotions that will cloud my juedement, Whoever you are. Nov'la just stood there, hands empty.
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Derek began clapping his hands in a mocking fashion. He was simply too amused by these jedi, the things they say just made him crack up inside. "Bravo, such brave and nobles word, much like the other Padawan. Except he was stupid enough to attack me from the front. Dont you Jedi learn anything? Attack your foes from the back in order to seize the battle.. tsk tsk. Still i have to say, i was debating whether to kill that creature of yours, but i decided to spare it.... tell me, do you fell no hate towards me?" Derek then released a wave of Sith lightning upon Nov'la, with the intention of causing pain upon her. "Do you hate me now Jedi, HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"


Nov'la growled, Koran staying hidden in her Lekku. "You won't touch my friend." She cried out and sank to her knees when she was hit by the lightning. "I.." She glared at him.. "Easy Nov'la.. Mind your anger..  Master it.. don't let it rule you.." Said Koran into her mind as she stood up. "I could never hate someone like you. You've let your emotions cloud your mind so much.. You let them rule you. but I am not like you." She said as Se and Koran let loose Two Force Pushes, tryign to push him into a wall.
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