Izu's Endless Search [plots&ideas inside]! ~M/M~

Started by Izu, July 13, 2010, 10:59:57 AM

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If you want to contact me, please, PM me.

Short and Simple

Keep in mind that when someone I have not written with PMs me I take a look at their previous posts to check their writing style and make sure that we can write together - if for some reason I do not feel like your writing style will go well with mine, I will decline your request <3

  • Read my O/O thread
    • I do only M/M.
    • I want you to be a co-writer of this story - contribute and develop it together with me.
    • I prefer realistic stories.
    • I want long-term stories.
    • I love deep plots - they are a must.
    • Pointless smut is boring. I'm seeking stories where the sex is not the center of development.
    • I love talking with my partners, discussing the story, our characters, making sure we write the thing together..
    • I post 2-20 paragraphs - depends on my partner and on what I'm given to work with.
    • I aim to reply as often as I can - from once/a few times a day to once a week, depending on RL.
    • No posts under 2 paragraphs - these are my absolute minimum. And I don't like absolutes.
    • 3rd Person, Past tense - I do not, will not write in 1st Person or in Present tense.
    • Do not ditch our story without a notice. I won't do it.
    • I'm open to all ideas, so whatever your idea is - go ahead and PM me. Chances are I'll accept.

Pitch Me Your Ideas

If none of the below ideas catches your attention, please pitch me your ideas. My muse is waking up and is dying for new stories.

Some Pairings&Settings That I'd Like To Try

You can see some plots in the second post - I'm open to ideas about them, editing them, adding new stuff to them, etc, so that they would turn into stories that would be interested to both of us.
The following Pairings and Settings are those that I have more ideas about, but I haven't got to write them down yet.
I'm open to any other ideas as well - just pm them to me.

  • Something with spies, black-ops, agents, cops, undercover, mafia etc.
  • Sports - Soccer, Baseball, Swimming, Biking
  • Master/Pet I don't want non-stop pornography. Sex will be a big part of the story of course, however, I'm more interested in the characters, their relationship, the psychological side of this kind of relationship. Pointless smut doesn't do it for me.
  • Post Apocalyptic setting
  • Threesome Not about the smut. I want to explore a story with a couple that stumbles upon a third person that fits with them.
  • Bodyguard x protectee The protectee being someone high-level - president, prince, king.


More To Be Added

World Wars
The following two ideas are inspired on the TV series ’Downton Abbey’ and on Ken Follett’s ’Century’ trilogy. If you haven’t seen the series or you haven’t read the books, it’s not a problem. The historical period that they are covering is around the World Wars, following the story lines of noble English families, peasants, servants, and friends.

For the below two story lines, I’d like to create a full story, following our main and secondary characters through those horrible years of human history. I am looking for dedicated writing partners, who would like to tell a powerful, passionate story. And even though I’m not a big specialist on history, I do want us to make it as accurate as possible, so Google and Wiki will certainly be our great allies.

Another important thing I’d like to point out is that I’m not looking for smut. Sex will happen when it happens. But it is not going to be the main storyline. And as for positions – I’m seeking for writing partners who would be able to create realistic characters, who might switch, depending on the mood in the story.

The below are also two rather basic plot lines. I’d like to develop them with you. The turns of events, where the story will take us, what our characters are going to be… we have to figure all of this together in order to make this story truly Ours. So, of course I’m open to any ideas you might have.

I can play either of the main characters, so if you have preferences let me know.

If you are up to the challenge, drop me a PM, and let see if we would match.

At Your Service

A story following the lives of the Heir of an earldom and his Valet. Two men from two very different social circles, having a secret passionate relationship behind closed doors. We would see them struggle through everyday life, facing poverty, forced marriage, scandals. On the night of Britain declaring war to Germany, it is announced that the Heir would have to fulfill his duties to the king. There is no question about him going to war. Given a captain’s title, due to his heritage, soon after his initial training is over he leaves for France. He doesn’t know that not long after he left, the Valet volunteered to join the army, following him on the battlefield. It might take years before they are reunited, and once they’ve met again things might not be as simple as they had once been.


Pre World War 2, Germany. They grew up together. It was wrong, but they loved each other. But things were changing. One was a German nobility, pure Aryan race by all standards. The other was Jewish. Neither of them thought that this would come upon them, but Hitler was coming quickly into power, his ideology going to tear them apart without either of them having the choice. They had even dreamed about running away to America, but it was only dreams. One night the Jewish family is taken away, never to be seen again. And the Aryan has no choice but to follow everyone’s example and join Hitler’s army. The years pass and they meet again, one a captain in the army, the other a prisoner… Is there any love left, or they are now enemies?

Love Letter

This is a story about two men, once deeply in love, separated by distance and life. They stay in touch by exchanging letters or emails. I want the story to begin with their first letters, following through the months and even years of separation. Until they stop. Until one of them breaks it off. Until the other one takes off to search for him, to find him. And from that point onward we move to writing about their “now”, when they meet, how they meet, will they be able to be together again.

It’s vague. I know, but as all my stories I want to develop this together with my partner. I want this to be a deep story, with substance.

Possible reasons why the two would stay separated:
-   They go to different colleges, maybe even different countries;
-   One of them joins the army and is deployed;
-   One of them is arrested and sentenced to a few years in prison;
-   Or something like a mix – one of the family moves, then one of them goes to war, then the other goes to prison, and so on;

Point is – I want characters to develop and grow through their letters, so that once they meet again they are different from what they had once been.

The Monsters Within Us
You are a monster.
How would you live if this was the last thing your father told you?
How would you live if you grew up without a family because of a monster?

Two men whose lives are linked forever meet again after nearly two decades. One a brilliant criminology professor, a profiler; and the other a newly made detective. 

Their lives now seem quite normal, but both of them have their dark stories.

The Professor lost his family to a monster - a serial killer who ran out of prison to kill his capturer – the professor’s father. That night the professor’s younger brother also disappeared, kidnapped and most probably killed by the monster. And while the little boy ran to save his younger sibling, he fell and lost his memories, all but one – his father keeping him locked in a room, calling him a monster.

The Detective grew up under the dark star of a son of a criminal. Or supposed criminal. His father disappeared the night of the serial killer’s escape, and his father was told to be his accomplice, having been a guard in the prison.

They meet again when the serial killer surfaces years later. Same odd murders, same odd MO. The Professor reads in the newspaper about it, and gets in touch with the police. The Detective is in the team that handles the case. And together they have to find the monster, avenge for their lost loved ones.

Note: I’d like to involve multiple characters in that story. The Professor and the Detective are going to be the main characters, but along them we would have the Serial killer, the younger brother, the rest of the team working the case and many others. Searching for the Serial killer would be the main focus, but they would get involved in other cases as well. I want this to be a complex, multi-level story, that will allow the characters to develop. The above is just the brief idea, so if anyone feels like discussing it with me – ping me.

The Sound of Silence

Setting: Modern days, USA and Iraq
My role: Either
Story elements: Romance, angst, action, relationship. We can begin with the farewell party, followed by exchanging letters, and then skip to 'nowadays'.

People joked with him when he told them that he intends on joining the army. He was such a sweet boy who had never got into a fight - not military material. But he was serious. He wanted to go to university and the only way he could afford it was through the army. It sounded simple - join, train, and four years later he would be released with a scholarship covering his tuition. When they parted they swore they would keep in touch exchange letters, see each other whenever they could, but those promises are easily broken.

His training ends quickly and just as quickly he is sent to the battlefield. And  this is when the letters stop. The years pass but he  doesn't come back home. The other goes through school and graduates as a doctor. In his final year he joins Doctors Without Borders and leaves for Iraq. And there in the base they meet again..



Added 2 more cravings. Too brain dead to write down my ideas as a plot.




Added Some Pairings&Settings That I'd Like To Try



Added some more to the pairings/settings that I want to try.


Added plots in the second post.


Added the Going Back Home and Recipe for Love plots.


Added 'The Gypsies' Prince'.


Added Extraordinary Love and Perfect Picture. I'm open to other ideas as well. PM me <3


Added Opposites Attract.


Added 'My Love Song'.
Finally free for the summer, so looking for new stories <3


Added 'When Wrong is Right'




I'm up for an X-men type RP. Sounds very interesting; mutant/mutant. The academy idea is what I like best though.


I'm not in the mood for an X-men story right now. And I do prefer people PMing me instead of posting here.




