The Devil's Island: A NC/Extreme Survival Game In Search Of Prey

Started by Urbanzorro, April 06, 2010, 07:41:41 PM

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It is early morning on a tropical island somewhere in the pacific. The waves can be heard crashing against the beach. A large and opulent yacht can be seen anchored off shore. Deep within the ship’s hold there are several cages, each one containing a single United States citizen, taken from their home, against their, will and transported here.  They have no way of knowing that they are all about to become part of a ‘game’ orchestrated by a slave trader looking to increase his profits by offering his clients something they have never seen before. A completion where the price of failure is a life of slavery, and the prize for success is freedom. As the sun rises, the trader’s men move down into the yacht’s hold. It is time to wake up the cargo and prepare them for the game. 


Alright, so this is an interest check for a game idea that I’ve thought up and hope will catch some interest. The basic premise is that a number of women have been kidnapped and transported to a tropical island, where they will take part in a competition for their freedom, which will be recorded and witnessed by several of the slave trader’s clients.  They will be tasked with surviving on the island, either alone or in a group, with few tools and no luxuries. Each person will remain on the island until they either quit or are for whatever reason unable to survive. Those who are removed from the island will be sold into slavery; the last two people remaining on the island will be given their freedom.

But they are not alone on the island, while all the dangerous animals have been removed; several humiliating and ‘entertaining’ traps have been set. And an number of the slave trader’s  male and female associates are on the island with instructions that they can use and abuse the girls in any way they see fit as long as they let them go afterwards, and do not permanently harm them.  And so our victims must try to survive the elements, the traps, the evil men and women on the island, and each other, in order to gain their freedom.

I’m looking for people who are interested in playing either one of the captives, or one of the hunters. This will be 100 percent free form. As ‘time’ went by the things done to encourage the girls to quit would grow more and more extreme. So that every day was harder than the last, with that in mind this will probably be going up in the ‘extreme’ section. The character sheet is as follows

Status: (captive or hunter)
Looks: (picture preferred)
Short Bio:
Player’s On/Offs:

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I am Interested.

Name: Alari
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Status: Captive
Short Bio: Canadian woman. Just returned from Military duty, her commission at an end she chose to step out of the military. For a quite life. It has been only a week since she got her discharge papers.  Most of her duties in the military are not something that was ever on the official books.
Player’s On/Offs: M/f, and fall withinteh server rules and toilet play, mutilations etc.. no thank you.

On's & Offs [/td][/tr][/table]
A/A - Updated Aug 22, 2011 [/td][/tr][/table]
Roleplay wants [/td][/tr][/table]

Untamed Skies

Name: Servos Araceli
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Status: (captive or hunter): Hunter
Short Bio: Servos is a very wealthy and successful business man with a ever growing company.  He has charm, charisma, but above all else brains. And while the brains are good financially, the reason he's so successful is the dirty things he's willing to do to get where he is. After all a company's leader is their image, make them fall from grace and there's only one way for them to follow. Though often most competitors will see a cold man, there is a lighter side in his wife whom me married to tie another major group to his own company. Her own ego and charisma the match of his own he finds himself quite content. Still it didn't stop him from growing interesting in slave trades and investing in them where the United States and other such leaders wouldn't see. Servos takes pleasure in breaking people, and to break their very will for freedom is something that he couldn't pass up.
Player’s On/Offs: my on's and offs change from character to character but for For Servos his
                                   On's: Breaking a strong will, (to be exact he loves it when someone isn't easy to break, and he has to work at it, everything involved in breaking someone he loves).
                           Off's wise: Weak Willed women
                                             Being dominated
                                             General Stupidity
                                             Women outside of his wife

He won't be enjoying them himself so much, just enjoying the thrill of making a slave.



Name: Mr. White
Sex: Male
Bio: The man behind it all, no one really knows much about Mr. White only that he is very powerful and very rich, he has set up this entire game, masterminded it from the start. And now is very intent on watching it and enjoying the show.

Name: Allelic Trevillian
Age: classified
Sex: Male
Status: Hunter
Bio: A former British operative,  Allelic specialized in jungle war fare and guerilla tactics. He was eventually discharged due to a number of charges that he had behaved ‘unfittingly’ while in the field. Specially he was charged with terrorizing a number of small villages within his deployment zone. He was quickly hired by Mr. Black taking the offer due to the promise of being allowed to do whatever he wished to those who would be taken to the island.
Players Ons=pretty much everything/ Offs=don't really have any
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Untamed Skies

And here I thought no one remembered Wesker....

Anyway so what kind of vegetation does this island have? And what types of animals come into play, if I'm getting the right impression of Mr. White the animals themselves are probably introduce personally by him so I'm interested in what types you had in mind?


As far as vegitation think tropical, I.E. palm trees, green bushes ect ect, flowers, would have coconuts, bananas, ect.

All preditory species on the island would have been removed before the game. There would still be some wild hogs ect, but nothing overtly dangerous, there would also be all manner of life in the ocean around the island(as a food source). As far as what may or may not be introduced into the island as time goes by.....well you can't expect me to give away the story before it begins can you?
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Untamed Skies

That's true, I'll just wait and see what I'll have too work with


Ok, so given that there has been some interest shown I’ll delve a bit deeper into this role play/try to make it less vague/murky. So with that in mind here are the things I’d like to hit up on.

Numbers: as far as numbers goes I’d be looking for 2-4 hunters and at least 3 captives with the catch that there would need to be more captives than hunters. I don’t have a problem with people playing more than one character though that having been said I won’t let anyone play more than 1 hunter due to the fact that the number of hunters will be limited
Island Layout:  The island is your stereotypical tropical island, with beaches all around, slowly giving way to thicker and thicker jungle style vegetation, and finally a small mountainous area in the center. There will be two fresh water sources. One is a small river that starts at the center of the island (fed by mountains) and ends in a waterfall/pond in the tropical area. The second is a much smaller pond that is fed by rainwater. (I’ll be posting up a homemade map of it once I’m done making it)
Vegetation: we are looking at trees, tall grass, vines, ect. As far as eatable vegetation goes there will be bananas, coconuts, and oranges.
Animals: birds, bugs, the occasional wild boar, as well as a large number of fish, crabs, and other bottom/shore dwellers that are in the ocean around the island.

If there are any other questions please feel free to ask.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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As promised here is the map. I appolgise for the roughness of it.

The grey would be the mountainous area, with the green being the vegetation, the brown being beaches, and the blue being water. The map is not really to scale it is more to give a rough idea of the layout of the island. Ect. Ect.

Also it should be notied I have no problem with men playing women or women playing men.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Thank you!

Details are helpful. ;)
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A/A - Updated Aug 22, 2011 [/td][/tr][/table]
Roleplay wants [/td][/tr][/table]


I might be create a character, I have not eaten so my mind is dulling XD. I will make up my mind once I have a clearer mind. But from what I have seen, this is interesting.


Thanks for the interest. what group are you looking at being a part of?
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Name: Eden
Age: 28
Sex: female
Status: Captive
Short Bio: Eden's an ex-green beret. She served two tours before retiring to help her parents. Her parents own a small restaurant and as they grow older need more and more help. Eden, despite being a career soldier, decided to help them. She's very uncomfortable with her own body and feminine side. She dresses in baggy clothes that make it impossible to tell her gender and often wears her fatigues. She's a very honorable person who cannot stand to let injustice go. She's protective of those weaker then her.


At this point I'd like to get at least 1 or 2 more captives before starting this off.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Name: Samantha
Age: 19
Sex: F
Status: Captive
Looks: (never mind... I fail at image hunting)
Physique: 5'10" not buff but very tough, green eyes, shiny blonde hair in a bun, smooth fair skin.
Tattoos: She has a full back tattoo of the Afterlife artwork (check my avatar). She has a tattoo somewhere for each of her favorite rock bands: Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Seether, Korn, Skillet, Metallica
Outfit: Black baggy pants, no panties, and black A7X T-shirt, no bra. Black boots.

Short Bio: A rock lover. Loves video games, specifically Left 4 Dead, and Modern Warfare 2. She is a green belt in Brazilian Jujitsu, and has used guns before. She is a huge Avenged Sevenfold fan, and digs practically any girl that shares interests with her. She is bisexual, but prefers girls.
Player’s On/Offs: (signature link)


Name: Mary Poe
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Status: Captive
Short Bio: Mary was picked up off the street, a fading junkie lost in the chaotic nightmare of her own addiction. The last dose nearly broke her porcelain frame in two, Mary's stability already teetering on the edge of madness. Her captors have kept her clean for the past three days, and already Mary can begin to feel the crawling sickness stirring inside her stomach and reaching out all across her body like a plague. Everyone's time runs out sooner or later.

Player’s On/Offs: Open to just about anything except for heavy gore/dismemberment/violence, and toilet play. Some of my favored greens include: Forced, multiple partners/penetration, humiliation, plenty of semen, etc. etc. Too many to list really, but let me know if you think it's particularly off the wall. Hehe, I'm pretty off the wall though myself so whadda ya know...xP


Lol as someon who hates 'the wall' an off the wall player/character is always welcome.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Quote from: Urbanzorro on April 09, 2010, 10:34:52 PM
Lol as someon who hates 'the wall' an off the wall player/character is always welcome.

I'm going to quote this some day



Lol. Just as a news bulliten Olufemi is going to create a second character. Once that is done I'll be posting up the thread and we can start playing!
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Ooo la la, can't wait. Just out of curiosity...are we all starting together in one thread, or separated throughout different threads, or...hmm...I guess I don't mind a surprise, but I was just curious if you had anything in particular in mind?


At this point one thread should do, seeing as it is one island. and therfore everything would be happening in the same place(granted maybe out of eyesight/earshot of the others but still on the same island)
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Mmhm, sounds good to me. Haha, sorry...I can be really curious at times.


Thats fine, from my perspective curiosity=interest which is a GOOD thing
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Quote from: TheLivingWonder on April 09, 2010, 10:51:36 PM
Mmhm, sounds good to me. Haha, sorry...I can be really curious at times.

True... but I meant in the future... elsewhere

cool... so we have enough people now right?